--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-bionic-updates-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/bionic-updates Priority: 10 Time: 20250303T135216 --- Type: desktop-application ID: lyx.desktop Package: lyx Name: C: LyX Summary: C: High level LaTeX frontend Description: pl: >-
LyX jest prawie WYSIWYG-owym interfejsem do LaTeX-a. Udostępnia możliwości działania i jakość typograficzną LaTeX-a ludziom, którzy używają procesory tekstu. Ponieważ LyX obsługuje ideę LaTeX-owych znaczników, tworzenie dokumentów o profesjonalnej jakości jest znacznie łatwiejsze i szybsze niż za pomocą zwyczajnych procesorów tekstu. Istnieje również możliwość używania LaTeX-owych komend wewnątrz LyX-a, więc nie traci się nic z możliwości LaTeX-a.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
de: >-LyX ist beinahe eine WYSIWYG-Oberfläche für LaTeX. Sie macht die Stärken und Satzqualitäten von LaTeX für Menschen verfügbar, die an Textverarbeitungsprogramme gewöhnt sind. Da LyX das LaTeX-Konzept allgemeiner Textauszeichnung unterstützt, ist es sogar einfacher und schneller, professionelle Dokumente mit LyX anstatt mit Textverarbeitungsprogrammen zu erstellen. Außerdem ist es möglich, LaTeX- Befehle innerhalb von LyX zu verwenden, sodass keine der Stärken von LaTeX verloren geht.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
zh_CN: >-LyX 是 LaTeX 的一个所见即所得的前端。有了它,习惯使用文字处理软件的用户就能 够使用 LaTeX 的强大功能和高质量的类型设置。因为 LyX 支持 LaTex 的通用标记概 念,创建专业质量的文档比普通的文字处理器更加快捷和简单。还可以在 LyX 中使用 LaTex 的命令,所以可以使用 LaTeX 的全部功能。
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
sk: >-LyX je takmer WYSIWIG rozhranie pre LaTeX. Sprístupňuje sadzačské možnosti a kvality LaTeXu ľuďom, ktorí sú zvyknutí na textové procesory. Pretože LyX podporuje koncept všeobecného značkovania z LaTeXu, umožňuje ešte jednoduchšie a rýchlejšie vytvárať dokumenty v profesionálnej kvalite v porovnaní s bežnými textovými procesormi. Tiež je možné v rámci LyXu používať príkazy LaTeXu, taže nič zo schopností LaTeXu sa nestráca.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
sl: >-LyX je skoraj začelje WYSIWYG za LaTeX. Moč in kakovost stavljenja LaTeX naredi na voljo za ljudi, ki so navajeni urejevalnikov besedila. Ker LyX podpira LaTeXov koncept splošnih označevanj, je ustvarjanje dokumentov profesionalne kakovosti še hitreje in lažje kot z običajnimi urejevalniki besedila. Ukaze LaTeX je mogoče uporabiti v LyX zato moč LaTeX-a ni izgubljena.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
pt_BR: >-LyX é uma interface quase WYSIWYG para LaTeX. Ele torna o poder e qualidade tipográfica do LaTeX disponível para pessoas que estão acostumadas a processadores de texto. Como o LyX suporta o conceito do LaTeX de marcadores genéricos, é até mais fácil e rápido criar documentos de qualidade profissional com ele do que com processadores de texto usuais. É também possível usar comandos LaTeX dentro do Lyx, assim nada do poder do LaTeX é perdido.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
pt: >-O LyX é quase uma interface gráfica WYSIWYG para o LaTeX. Torna o potencial e qualidade tipográfica do LaTeX disponíveis para quem está habituado a processadores de texto. Desde que o LyX suporta o conceito de marcações gerais do LaTeX, é ainda mais fácil e rápido criar documentos de qualidade profissional com ele, do que com os processadores de texto comuns. É também possível usar os comandos LaTeX com o LyX, portanto as potencialidades do LaTeX não são perdidas.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
C: >-LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
uk: >-LyX — це візуальний редактор, що дозволяє створювати файли LaTeX. Завдяки йому міць та якість типографської системи LaTeX стають доступними людям, що звикли до „текстових процесорів“. Оскільки LyX підтримує концепцію загальної розмітки LaTeX, то він дозволяє навіть легше та швидше створювати документи професійної якості чим звичайні текстові редактори. Також можливе використання низькорівневих команд LaTeX в LyX, що гарантує доступність всієї потужності LaTeX при використанні LyX.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
en: >-LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
ru: >-LyX - это визуальный редактор, позволяющий создавать файлы LaTeX. Благодаря ему мощь и качество типографской системы LaTeX становятся доступными людям, привыкшим к «текстовым процессорам». LyX изначально поддерживает концепцию разделения разметки и оформления LaTeX. Также возможно использование низкоуровневых команд LaTeX в LyX, что гарантирует доступность всей мощи LaTeX при использовании LyX.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
gl: >-LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
es: >-LyX es casi un interfaz «WYSIWYG» (WYSIWYG significa «lo que ves es lo que obtienes») de LaTeX. Hace que la potencia y calidad tipográfica de LaTeX esté disponible para la gente que usa procesadores de texto. Dado que LyX permite usar el concepto de etiquetado de LaTeX, es incluso más fácil y rápido crear documentos de calidad profesional con él que con los procesadores de texto normales. También se puede usar órdenes de LaTeX en X, así que no se pierde nada de la potencia de LaTeX.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
sv: >-Lyx är ett nästan WYSIWYG-gränssnitt för LaTeX. Den gör LaTeX kraftfullhet och typsättningskvalitet tillgänglig för de som är vana vid ordbehandlare. Eftersom Lyx stöder LaTeX koncept av allmängiltiga märken går det till och med lättare och snabbare att skapa dokument av professionell kvalitet än med vanliga ordbehandlare. Det är också möjligt att använda LaTeX- kommandon inifrån LyX så ingen av LaTeX kraftfullhet går förlorad.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
fi: >-LyX on lähes WYSIWYG-käyttöliittymä LaTeXille. LyX tuo LaTeXin voiman ja laadukkaan ladontajäljen myös tekstinkäsittelyohjelmiin tottuneiden käyttäjien ulottuville. Koska LyX tukee LaTeXin ideaa tekstin merkitsemisestä, on sen avulla helpompaa ja nopeampaa tuottaa ammattitasoa olevia asiakirjoja kuin tavallisia tekstinkäsittelyohjelmia käyttäen. Lisäksi on mahdollista käyttää LaTeX-komentoja LyX-asiakirjan sisällä. Näin mitään LaTeXin voimasta ei menetetä.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
en_CA: >-LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
fr: >-LyX est une interface presque WYSIWYG pour LaTeX qui s'exécute dans le système X Window. Il rend disponible la puissance et la qualité de composition de LaTeX aux utilisateurs habitués aux traitements de texte. Étant donné que LyX gère le concept de « mark-ups » généraux de LaTeX, il est même plus facile et rapide de créer des documents de qualité professionnelle avec lui qu'avec d'autres traitements de texte. Il est aussi possible d'utiliser des commandes LaTeX dans LyX, ainsi rien n'est perdu de la puissance de LaTeX.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
en_GB: >-LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
ja: >-LyX は LaTeX 用のほぼ WYSISYG なフロントエンドです。LaTeX の能力と組版 品質を、ワードプロセッサに馴れた人が利用できるようにしてくれます。LyX は LaTeX の汎用マークアップに対応しているので、プロ並の品質の文書を通常の ワードプロセッサよりも容易かつ迅速に作成できます。LyX 内で LaTeX コマン ドも使用できるので、LaTeX の能力が損なわれることは皆無です。
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
ko: >-LyX는 LaTeX을 위한 WYSIWYG 프론트엔드입니다. 워드 프로세서에 익숙한 사람도 LaTeX의 강력함과 조판 품질을 사용할 수 있게 됩니다. LyX에서 LaTeX의 일반적인 마크업 개념을 지원하기 때문에 보통 워드 프로세서보다 더 쉽고 빠르게 전문 품질의 문서를 만들 수 있습니다. LyX에서 LeTeX 명령을 사용할 수도 있으므로 LaTeX의 강력함 중 잃는 것은 전혀 없습니다.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
it: >-LyX è un'interfaccia grafica per LaTeX quasi WYSIWYG. Rende la potenza e la qualità del LaTeX accessibili anche alle persone abituate a usare programmi di videoscrittura. Sfruttando il concetto di markup generico proprio del LaTeX, creare documenti di qualità professionale è persino più facile e veloce che usando i programmi di videoscrittura tradizionali. È anche possibile usare comandi LaTeX all'interno di LyX, in modo da non perdere alcuna delle potenzialità del LaTeX.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
nl: >-LyX is een WYSIWYG-frontend voor LaTEX. Het maakt de kwaliteit van laTEX typesetting beschikbaar voor mensen die tekstverwerkers gewoon zijn. Sinds LyX het LaTEX concept van mark-up ondersteunde is het nog sneller en makkelijker om documenten van professionele kwaliteit af te leveren met LyX, dan met een standaard tekstverwerker. Het is ook mogelijk om LaTEX commands te integreren in LyX, zodat de kracht van LaTEX niet verloren gaat.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
da: >-LyX er en næsten WYSIWYG-brugerflade til LaTeX. Det gør LaTeX's stærke tekstopsætningskvalitet tilgængelige for menigmand, der er vant til almindelig tekstbehandling. Da LyX understøtter LaTeX's koncept med generel tekstmarkering, er det endnu lettere og hurtigere at lave dokumenter af professionel kvalitet end med almindelige tekstbehandlere. Det er også muligt at benytte LaTeX-kommandoer i Lyx, så man går ikke glip af nogen af LaTeX's mange muligheder.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
en_AU: >-LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost.
You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * latex-xcolor: for coloured change tracking * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex, etoolbox: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents
Categories: - Office - WordProcessor Keywords: C: - WYSIWYG - WYSIWYM - TeX - LaTeX - GUI - frontend - editor Icon: cached: - name: lyx_lyx.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lyx_lyx.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - text/x-lyx - application/x-lyx --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Geary.desktop Package: geary Name: he: Geary zh_CN: Geary 邮件 sk: Geary sl: Geary C: Geary fr: Geary sr: Гери uk: Geary nb: Geary sv: Geary ca: Geary hu: Geary nl: Geary zh_TW: Geary lt: Geary pl: Geary el: Geary cs: Geary id: Geary ro: Geary gl: Geary es: Geary pt: Geary eu: Geary ru: Geary tr: Geary kk: Geary oc: Geary da: Geary it: Geary de: Geary pt_BR: Geary sr@latin: Geri fi: Geary bs: Geary Summary: he: שליחה וקבלה של דוא״ל ja: 送受信 pt_BR: Envie e receba e-mail sk: Odosiela a prijíma emaily sl: Pošlji in prejmi sporočila zh_CN: 发送并接收邮件 C: Send and receive email fr: Envoyer et recevoir des courriels sr: Шаље и прима е-пошту uk: Надіслати та одержати пошту nb: Send og motta e-post hr: Primanje i slanje pošte ca: Envieu i rebeu correus electrònics sv: Skicka och ta emot e-post hu: E-mailek küldése és fogadása nl: E-mail verzenden en ontvangen zh_TW: 寄送與收受郵件 lt: Siųsti ir gauti paštą ar: ارسال و استقبال البريد الالكتروني pl: Wysyłanie i odbieranie poczty el: Αποστολή και λήψη ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου cs: Odesílejte a přijímejte e-maily eo: Sendi kaj ricevi retpoŝton gl: Enviar e recibir correo pt: Enviar e receber mensagens es: Envíe y reciba mensajes de correo electrónico et: Send and receive email eu: Bidali eta jaso mezuak ro: Trimite și primește emailuri id: Kirim dan terima surel en_CA: Send and receive e-mail kk: Эл. поштаны жіберу және қабылдау km: ផ្ញើនិងទទួលអ៊ីមែល da: Send og modtag e-mail it: Invia e riceve email oc: Mandar e recebre de corrièrs electronics de: Senden und empfangen fa: ارسال و دریافت ایمیلها tr: E-posta gönder ve al en_GB: Send and receive e-mail ru: Отправка и получение электронной почты ms: Hantar dan terima emel sr@latin: Šalje i prima e-poštu fi: Lähetä ja vastaanota sähköpostia bs: Šaljite i primajte e-poštu Description: pl: >-Geary to nowoczesny klient poczty dla środowiska GNOME 3 zbudowany wokół wątków. Umożliwia czytanie, wyszukiwanie i wysyłanie wiadomości za pomocą prostego, nowoczesnego interfejsu.
Wątki umożliwiają czytanie pełnych dyskusji bez potrzeby wyszukiwania i klikania poszczególnych wiadomości.
Funkcje programu Geary:
Geary yra el. pašto programa GNOME 3 darbalaukiui, sukurta pokalbių pagrindu. Ji leidžia skaityti, surasti bei išsiųsti el. laiškus naudojant paprastą bei šiuolaikišką sąsają.
Pokalbiai leidžia skaityti pilnas diskusijas be laiškų ieškojimo ir spaudinėjimo ant jų.
Geary ist ein E-Mail-Programm für GNOME 3 mit Fokus auf Konversationen. Es ermöglicht das einfache Lesen, Finden und Schreiben von E-Mails in einer übersichtlichen und modernen Benutzeroberfläche.
Konversationen ermöglichen das Lesen eines gesamten Diskussionsstrangs, ohne Nachrichten einzeln suchen zu müssen.
Funktionen von Geary umfassen:
Geary é um aplicativo de e-mail construído em conversas, para o ambiente do GNOME 3. Ele permite que você leia, localize e envie e-mail com uma interface simples e moderna.
As conversas permitem que você leia uma discussão completa sem ter que procurar e clicar de mensagem em mensagem.
Os recursos do Geary incluem:
Geary je emailová aplikácia postavená na rozhovoroch pre prostredie GNOME 3. Umožňuje vám prečítať, hľadať a odosielať emaily s jasným a moderným rozhraním.
Rozhovory vám umožňujú prečítať kompletnú diskusiu bez nutnosti vyhľadania a klikania zo správy na správu.
Funkcie aplikácie Geary zahŕňajú:
Program Geary je odjemalec elektronske pošte za GNOME, ki temelji na logiki pogovorov. Omogoča branje, iskanje in pošiljanje sporočil prek preglednega modernega vmesnika.
Sistem pogovorov omogoča branje nizov sporočil brez nepotrebnega klikanja med sporočilo.
Program Geary omogoča:
Geary on sähköpostisovellus Gnome-työpöydälle, joka keskittyy keskusteluihin. Sen avulla voit lukea, etsiä ja lähettää sähköpostia modernin käyttöliittymän kautta.
Keskusteluiden avulla voit lukea koko viestiketjun ilman, että joudut napsauttamaan viestistä toiseen itse.
Gearyn ominaisuuksiin kuuluu muun muassa:
Geary is an email application built around conversations, for the GNOME 3 desktop. It allows you to read, find and send email with a straightforward, modern interface.
Conversations allow you to read a complete discussion without having to find and click from message to message.
Geary’s features include:
Geary adalah aplikasi surel yang dibangun di sekitar percakapan, bagi desktop GNOME 3. Memungkinkan Anda membaca, mencari, dan mengirim surel dengan antar muka yang modern, mudah.
Percakapan memungkinkan Anda membaca diskusi lengkap tanpa perlu mencari dan mengklik dari pesan ke pesan.
Fitur Geary termasuk:
Geary je poštovní aplikace pro uživatelské prostředí GNOME 3, která se soustředí na konverzace jako celek. Umožňuje číst, vyhledávat a odesílat e-maily v přímočarém a moderním prostředí.
Díky zaměření na konverzace můžete číst ucelené diskuze bez nutnosti vyhledávat jednotlivé navazující zprávy a klikat na ně.
Mezi funkcemi aplikace Geary najdete:
Geary — приложение электронной почты для рабочего стола GNOME 3, построенное по принципу обмена сообщениями — беседами. Позволяет читать, находить и отправлять электронную почту с простым, современным интерфейсом.
Беседы позволяют читать переписку целиком без необходимости искать и переходить от сообщения к сообщению.
К функциям Geary относятся:
Geary, GNOME 3 masaüstü için konuşmalar etrafında inşa edilmiş bir e-posta uygulamasıdır. Dolambaçsız çağdaş bir arayüzle e-posta okumanızı, bulmanızı ve göndermenizi sağlar.
Konuşmalar, arayıp bulmanızı ve iletiden iletiye tıklamanızı gerektirmeden tüm tartışmayı okumanızı sağlar.
Geary’nin özellikleri şunlardır:
Гери је програм за е-пошту изграђен око разговора, за радну површ Гнома 3. Омогућује вам да читате, нађете и шаљете е-пошту са јасним, савременим сучељем.
Разговори вам омогућавају да прочитате читав разговор а да не морате да тражите и кликате од поруке до поруке.
У Геријеве функције спадају:
Geary es una aplicación de correo-e pensada para las conversaciones, para el escritorio GNOME 3. Le permite leer, buscar y enviar correos con una interfaz sencilla y moderna.
Las conversaciones le permiten leer un hilo completo si tener que buscar y pulsa cada mensaje individual.
Entre las características de Geary se incluyen:
Geary er et samtaleorientert e-postprogram for skrivebordsmiljøet GNOME 3. Det lar deg lese, finne og sende e-post med et enkelt og moderne grensesnitt.
Samtaler lar deg lese en hel diskusjon uten å måtte trykke deg videre fra melding til melding.
Her er noen av Gearys funksjoner:
Geary är ett e-postprogram byggt kring konversationer för GNOME 3-skrivbordet. Det låter dig läsa, söka och sända e-post med ett enkelt modernt gränssnitt.
Konversationer låter dig läsa en fullständig diskussion utan att behöva hitta och klicka från meddelande till meddelande.
Gearys egenskaper omfattar:
Geary - бұл сөйлесулер негізінде жасалған эл. пошта қолданбасы, GNOME 3 жұмыс үстелі үшін арналған. Оның көмегімен тура, замануи интерфейсін қолданып, эл. поштаны оқу, табу және жіберуге болады.
Сөйлесулер көмегімен сіз талқылауды толығымен оқи аласыз, бір хаттан екінші хатқа іздеп, шертуді орындамай-ақ.
Geary мүмкіндіктерінің ішінде:
A Geary egy e-mail alkalmazás, amely a társalgások köré szerveződik, és a GNOME 3 asztalhoz készült. Segítségével e-maileket olvashat, kereshet és küldhet egy lényegre törő és modern felületen.
A társalgások segítségével teljes beszélgetéseket olvashat el anélkül, hogy egyesével végig kellene kattintania a leveleken.
A Geary néhány funkciója:
Geary és una aplicació de correu electrònic al voltant de les converses, per a l'escriptori GNOME 3. Permet llegir, trobar i enviar correu electrònic amb una interfície senzilla i moderna.
Les converses li permeten llegir una discussió completa sense haver de buscar i fer clic de missatge en missatge.
Les característiques de Geary inclouen:
Geary è un'applicazione di posta elettronica basata sulle conversazioni, per l'ambiente desktop GNOME 3. Permette di leggere, trovare e inviare email con un'interfaccia semplice e moderna.
Le conversazioni permettono di leggere un'intera discussione senza dover cercare e fare clic su ogni messaggio.
Le funzionalità di Geary comprendono:
Geary er et lille e-mailprogram til GNOME 3-skrivebordet som er bygget op omkring samtaler. Det lader dig læse, finde og sende e-mail via en enkel, moderne brugerflade.
Samtaler lader dig læse en hel samtale uden at skulle finde hver enkelt meddelelse frem én ad gangen.
Geary tilbyder:
Geary is een e-mailtoepassing die draait om gesprekken, voor de Gnome 3-desktop. Via de duidelijke, moderne interface kunt u e-mails lezen, zoeken en verzenden..
Met gesprekken kunt u een volledige discussie lezen zonder te hoeven zoeken of van bericht naar bericht te hoeven klikken.
Functies van Geary zijn:
Geri je program za e-poštu izgrađen oko razgovora, za radnu površ Gnoma 3. Omogućuje vam da čitate, nađete i šaljete e-poštu sa jasnim, savremenim sučeljem.
Razgovori vam omogućavaju da pročitate čitav razgovor a da ne morate da tražite i klikate od poruke do poruke.
U Gerijeve funkcije spadaju:
Bug fixes included in this release:
Bug fixes included in this release:
Bug fixes included in this release:
Bug fixes included in this release:
Enhancements included in this release:
KF5 用 Plasma Workspace です。Workspace は KDE Plasma ウィジェット、 組み込み検索、ハードウェア管理および高度なカスタマイズ性のサポートを 提供します。
*これをインストールするとご利用中の KDE Plasma 4 を削除します*。
C: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
en: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
en_CA: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
gl: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
en_GB: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
it: >-Spazio di lavoro Plasma per KF5. Gli spazi di lavoro permettono di gestire i widget di KDE Plasma, la ricerca integrata, la gestione dell'hardware e un elevato livello di personalizzazione.
da: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Arbejdsrum tilbyder understøttelse for KDE Plasma-kontroller, integreret søgning, håndtering af udstyr og en høj grad af tilpasninger.
en_AU: >-Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability.
Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: plasma-workspace_klipper.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-workspace_klipper.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-workspace_klipper.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: klipper remote: - url: org/kde/klipper/20067F94614B728F9F9725D1D3D1DB5E/icons/128x128/plasma-workspace_klipper.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.klipper.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: virt-manager.desktop Package: virt-manager Name: or: ଆଭାସୀ ମେସିନ ପରିଚାଳକ ja: 仮想マシンマネージャー zh_CN: 虚拟系统管理器 sk: Správca virtuálnych počítačov hi: वर्चुअल मशीन प्रबंधक C: Virtual Machine Manager fr: Gestionnaire de machines virtuelles sr: Управник виртуелне машине bn_IN: ভার্চুয়াল মেশিন ম্যানেজার hr: Upravljač virtualnog računala ca: Eina de gestió de màquines virtuals sv: Administrerare av virtuella maskiner pa: ਵਰਚੁਅਲ ਮਸ਼ੀਨ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ hu: Virtuális Gép vezérlőpult uk: Інструмент керування віртуальними машинами nl: Virtuele machine beheerder zh_TW: 虛擬機管理員 ta: மெய்நிகர் கணினி மேலாளர் pl: Menedżer maszyn wirtualnych as: ভাৰ্চুৱেল ডিভাইচ ব্যৱস্থাপক te: వర్చ్యువల్ కంప్యూటరు నిర్వహణాధికారి cs: Správce virtuálních strojů ro: Manager maşină virtuală pt: Gestor de Máquinas Virtuais es: Gestor de máquinas virtuales ru: Менеджер виртуальных машин tr: Sanal Makine Yöneticisi gu: વર્ચ્યુઅલ મશીન વ્યવસ્થાપક kn: ವರ್ಚುವಲ್ ಗಣಕ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕ ko: 가상 머신 관리자 it: Virtual Machine Manager da: Administration for virtuel maskine de: Virtuelle Maschinenverwaltung pt_BR: Gerenciador de Máquinas Virtuais ml: വിര്ച്ച്വല് മഷീന് മാനേജര് en_GB: Virtual Machine Manager mr: वर्च्युअल मशीन व्यवस्थापक ms: Pengurus Mesin Maya bg: Мениджър на виртуални машини sr@latin: Upravnik virtuelne mašine bs: Upravljač virtualnog računala fi: Virtuaalikoneiden hallitsin Summary: de: Virtuellen Maschinen verwalten pl: Zarządzanie maszynami wirtualnymi pt_BR: Gerenciar máquinas virtuais fi: Hallitse virtuaalikoneita C: Manage virtual machines uk: Керування віртуальними машинами ja: 仮想マシンの管理 pt: Gerir máquinas virtuais es: Administrar maquinas virtuales sv: Hantera virtuella maskiner en_GB: Manage virtual machines it: Gestisce macchine virtuali ca: Gestioneu les màquines virtuals Description: pl: >-Prezentuje podsumowanie działających domen oraz ich aktualną wydajność i statystyki zarządzania zasobami. Widok szczegółowy pokazuje wykresy wydajności i wykorzystania zasobów w pewnym okresie czasu. Ostatecznie będzie pozwalał na tworzenie nowych domen, a także konfigurację i dopasowanie alokacji zasobów domen oraz wirtualnego sprzętu. Wbudowany podgląd klienta VNC dostarcza graficzną konsolę obsługującą domenę gościa.
UWAGA: GUI wciąż jest traktowane jako eksperymentalne.
de: >-Dieses Programm zeigt eine zusammenfassende Statistik über laufende virtuelle Maschinen, ihre Leistung und Betriebsmittelnutzung. Eine detaillierte Ansicht zeigt Leistung und Nutzung der Ressourcen in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit. Letztendlich wird es das Einrichten neuer virtueller Maschinen (Konfiguration, Anpassung der Betriebsmittelzuordnung und der virtuellen Hardware) ermöglichen. Abschließend ist ein eingebetteter VNC-Clientbetrachter geplant, der für die virtuellen Maschinen eine vollständige grafische Oberfläche zur Verfügung stellt.
ACHTUNG: Die grafische Oberfläche wird noch als experimentell angesehen.
pt_BR: >-Apresenta uma vista resumida dos domínios em execução e estatísticas de performance e utilização de recursos. Uma vista detalhada apresenta gráficos de performance e utilização de recursos ao longo do tempo. No futuro irá permitir a criação de novos domínios e configuração e ajuste da alocação de recursos e hardware virtual de um domínio. Por fim, um cliente VNC incluído permite o uso de um ambiente gráfico na máquina virtual.
NOTA: a GUI ainda é considerada experimental.
sk: >-Prezentuje sumárny prehľad bežiacich domén, ich aktuálneho výkonu a štatistiky využitia zdrojov. Podrobné zobrazenie ukazuje grafy výkonu a využitia v čase. Nakoniec umožní tvorbu nových domén a konfiguráciu pridelenia zdrojov doménam a virtuálnemu hardvéru. Vstavaný VNC klient predstavuje úplnú grafickú konzolu hosťovskej domény.
Pozn.: grafické rozhranie sa stále považuje za experimentálne.
ja: >-起動中のドメインおよびそれらのライブパフォーマンスおよびリソース利用状況の サマリを表示します。詳細ビューでは、性能と利用状況の時間経過グラフを表示します。 究極的には、新規ドメイン作成やドメインのリソース割り当てや仮想ハードウェアの設定や調整 も可能となる予定です。最後に、組み込み VNC クライアントビューアにより、 ゲストドメインに完全なグラフィカルコンソールを表示できます。
注意: GUI は依然開発中とみなされています。
pt: >-Apresenta uma vista resumida dos domínios em execução e estatísticas de performance e utilização de recursos. Uma vista detalhada apresenta gráficos de performance e utilização de recursos ao longo do tempo. No futuro irá permitir a criação de novos domínios e configuração e ajuste da alocação de recursos e hardware virtual de um domínio. Por fim, um cliente VNC incluído permite o uso de um ambiente gráfico na máquina virtual.
NOTA: a GUI ainda é considerada experimental.
C: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
en: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
en_CA: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
gl: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
es: >-Presenta un resumen de los dominios en ejecución, de las estadísticas de su rendimiento en vivo y su uso de recursos. Una vista detallada presenta gráficos mostrando el rendimiento y uso a lo largo del tiempo. Finalmente, permitirá la creación de nuevos dominios, y la configuración y ajuste de la reserva de un recurso de dominio y hardware virtual. Para acabar, un visor de un cliente VNC empotrado presenta una consola totalmente gráfica del dominio invitado.
NOTA: la interfaz gráfica de usuario todavía es experimental.
fr: >-Il présente une vue synthétique des domaines en cours d'exécution et de leurs performances en direct et des statistiques d'utilisation des ressources. Une vue détaillée présente des graphiques montrant les performances et l'utilisation au fil du temps. En définitive, il permettra la création de nouveaux domaines, et la configuration et le réglage de l'allocation des ressources d'un domaine et du matériel virtuel. Enfin, un client afficheur VNC embarqué présente une console graphique complète pour le domaine invité.
REMARQUE : l'interface graphique est encore considérée comme expérimentale.
en_GB: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
it: >-Presenta una vista riassuntiva dei domini in uso e statistiche sulle loro prestazioni e risorse in tempo reale. Una vista dettagliata mostra grafici con le prestazioni e l'utilizzo nel corso del tempo. Inoltre permette la creazione di nuovi domini e la configurazione e la regolazione delle risorse allocate e dell'hardware virtuale per ogni dominio. Da ultimo un client VNC incorporato presenta al dominio ospite una console grafica completa.
NOTA BENE: l'interfaccia utente grafica è tuttora considerata come sperimentale.
nl: >-Het toont een overzicht van actieve domeinen en de huidige prestaties en gebruik. Een gedetailleerd overzicht toont grafieken met de prestaties en gebruik over tijd. Uiteindelijk zal het mogelijk zijn nieuwe domeinen aan te maken en de gebruikte hulpmiddelen en virtuele hardware van een domein aan te passen. Een ingebouwde VNC-client-viewer toont een volledig grafische console aan het gast-domein.
LET OP: de GUI is nog experimenteel.
da: >-Programmet præsenterer en summeret visning af kørende domæner og statistik over deres liveydelse og ressourceudnyttelse. En detaljeret visning præsenterer grafer, der viser ydelse og udnyttelse over tid. Ultimativt vil programmet tillade oprettelse af nye domæner og konfiguration og justering af et domænes ressourceallokering og virtuel maskinel. Endelig præsenterer en indlejret VNC-klient en fuld grafisk konsol for gæstedomænet.
BEMÆRK: Den grafiske brugerflade anses stadig for at være eksperimentel.
en_AU: >-It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.
NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental.
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: virt-manager_virt-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: virt-manager_virt-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - virt-manager.desktop --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Checksum Package: hexchat-plugins Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Checksum Plugin Summary: C: Calculates a checksum for all sent and recieved DCC files ProjectLicense: MIT Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Sysinfo Package: hexchat-plugins Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Sysinfo Plugin Summary: C: Adds command to display system information ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Fishlim Package: hexchat-plugins Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Fishlim Plugin Summary: C: Allows setting a key for encrypted conversations ProjectLicense: MIT AND GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: desktop-application ID: wesnoth-1.12_editor.desktop Package: wesnoth-1.12-core Name: de: Battle for Wesnoth Karteneditor (1.12) lt: Mūšio dėl Vesnoto žemėlapių redaktorius (1.12) fi: Taistelu Wesnothista Kenttäeditori (1.12) C: Battle for Wesnoth Map Editor (1.12) vi: Chỉnh sửa bản đồ Trận chiến vì Wesnoth (1.12) pt: Editor de mapas de Wesnoth (1.12) cs: Editor map Bitvy o Wesnoth (1.12) gl: Editor de mapas do Noroeste (1.12) sr@ijekavianlatin: Uređivač mapa Boja za Vesnot (1.12) sr: Уређивач мапа Боја за Веснот (1.12) es: Editor de mapas de Wesnoth (1.12) fr: Éditeur de cartes Wesnoth (1.12) tr: Wesnoth Savaşı Harita Düzenleyici (1.12) hu: Harc Wesnothért pályaszerkesztő (1.12) it: Editor delle mappe per Battle for Wesnoth (1.12) sr@latin: Uređivač mapa Boja za Vesnot (1.12) sr@ijekavian: Уређивач мапа Боја за Веснот (1.12) Summary: de: Ein Karteneditor für Battle for Wesnoth lt: Žemėlapių redaktorius Mūšio dėl Vesnoto žemėlapiams fi: Kenttäeditori Wesnothin kenttiä varten C: A map editor for Battle for Wesnoth maps vi: Một chương trình chỉnh sửa bản đồ cho Trận chiến vì Wesnoth pt: Um editor para criar mapas para o jogo de Wesnoth cs: Editor map pro Bitvu o Wesnoth gl: Editor de mapas de “A batalla polo Noroeste”. tr: Wesnoth savaşı haritaları için harita düzenleyici sr: Уређивач за мапе намењене Боју за Веснот es: 'Un editor de mapas para: La batalla por Wesnoth' fr: Un éditeur de cartes pour La Bataille pour Wesnoth hu: A Harc Wesnothért játék pályaszerkesztője it: Un tool per creare e modificare mappe di Battle for Wesnoth sr@latin: Uređivač za mape namenjene Boju za Vesnot Description: pl: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Walka o kontrolę nad wioskami przy użyciu różnych jednostek, posiadających wady i zalety w zależności od typu terenu i przeciwko różnego typu atakom. Jednostki mogą zbierać doświadczenie i zyskiwać poziomy oraz są przenoszone między kolejnymi scenariuszami w kampanii.
de: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Kämpfen Sie um die Kontrolle von Dörfern, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Einheiten benutzen, die Vor- und Nachteile in verschiedenen Geländearten und gegen verschiedene Angriffsarten besitzen. Einheiten erlangen Erfahrung, gelangen auf höhere Stufen und werden in einer Kampagne von einem Szenario ins nächste übernommen.
pt_BR: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Batalhe pelo controle de aldeias, usando várias unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. Unidades ganham experiência e avançam de nível e são levadas de um cenário a um seguinte em uma campanha.
sk: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Bitka o ovládnutie dedín pomocou rozličných jednotiek, ktoré majú výhody a nevýhody v rozličných typoch terénov a voči rozličným typom útokov. Jednotky získavajú skúsenosti a postupujú o úrovne a prenášajú sa v rámci kampane medzi mapami.
pt: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Lute pelo controle das aldeias, utilizando uma variedade de unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades ganham experiência e avançam níveis, e são transportadas de um cenário para o próximo numa campanha.
C: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
uk: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Битва за поселення, використовуючи різноманітні бойові одиниці, які мають свої переваги та недоліки у різних місцевостях і при різних типах атак. Одиниці набирають певний досвід та підвищують свій рівень, й можуть переходити із одного сценарію до наступного протягом кампанії.
en: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
ru: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Сражайтесь за контроль над поселениями с помощью различных военных подразделений, каждое из которых имеет свои плюсы и минусы на разных типах ландшафта и против различных типов атак. Подразделения набирают опыт и получают новые уровни, их можно использовать в последующих кампаниях.
gl: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
tr: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Farklı saldırılara ve farklı yeryüzü türlerine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları olan çok sayıda birimi kullanarak köylerin fethi için savaşın. Birimler git gide deneyim kazanır ve bölümlere atlayarak, sonraki görevde tekrar kullanılabilirler.
en_CA: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
fr: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Wesnoth propose un affrontement pour le contrôle de villages en utilisant diverses unités qui ont des avantages ou désavantages suivant le type de terrain ou contre différents types d'attaques. Les unités peuvent gagner de l'expérience et progresser en niveau et peuvent être rappelées depuis le scénario précédent dans les campagnes.
fi: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Taistele kylien herruudesta käyttäen erilaisia yksiköitä, joilla on heikkoutensa ja vahvuutensa erilaisissa maastoissa ja erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Joukot saavat kokemusta ja saavuttavat edistymistasoja. Joukkosi jatkavat skenaariosta toiseen kampanjan edetessä.
en_GB: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
ja: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
村々の支配権を巡り、さまざまな種類の地形や攻撃方法に対して利点や弱点を持つ 多種多様な部隊を使って戦闘を繰り広げます。部隊は経験値を得てレベルを上昇で き、ある作戦中のあるシナリオから次のシナリオに経験値やレベルを持ち越せます。
it: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battaglia per il controllo di villaggi che usa una gamma di unità con vantaggi e svantaggi in tipi di terreno differenti e contro diversi tipi di attacchi. Le unità acquisiscono esperienza e avanzano di livello; in una campagna vengono mantenute da uno scenario al successivo.
da: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Kæmp om kontrol over landsbyer med brug af et væld af enheder, der har fordele og ulemper i forskellige typer terræn og mod forskellige typer angreb. Enheder samler erfaring og stiger i grader, der overføres fra et scenarie til det næste i en kampagne.
en_AU: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Icon: cached: - name: wesnoth-1.12-core_wesnoth-1.12_editor-icon.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: wesnoth-1.12_editor-icon --- Type: desktop-application ID: wesnoth-1.12.desktop Package: wesnoth-1.12-core Name: de: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12) lt: Mūšis dėl Vesnoto (1.12) sk: Bitka o Wesnoth (1.12) dk: Kampen om Wesnoth (1.12) fi: Taistelu Wesnothista (1.12) C: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12) vi: Trận chiến vì Wesnoth (1.12) he: הקרב על ווסנות' (1.12) cs: Bitva o Wesnoth (1.12) gl: A batalla polo Noroeste (1.12) pt: A Batalha por Wesnoth (1.12) sr: Бој за Веснот (1.12) es: La batalla por Wesnoth (1.12) fr: La Bataille pour Wesnoth (1.12) eu: Wesnotheko Guda (1.12) ru: Битва за Веснот (1.12) tr: Wesnoth Savaşı (1.12) sr@ijekavianlatin: Boj za Vesnot (1.12) hu: Harc Wesnothért (1.12) ca: Batalla per Wesnoth (1.12) af: Die Stryd vir Wesnoth (1.12) sr@ijekavian: Бој за Веснот (1.12) it: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12) sr@latin: Boj za Vesnot (1.12) Summary: de: Rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel im Fantasyszenario lt: Fantastinis ėjimais pagrįstas strateginis žaidimas sk: Ťahová strategická hra z prostredia fantasy dk: Et fantasy træk-baseret strategi-spil fi: Vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategiapeli C: A fantasy turn-based strategy game vi: Một trò chơi chiến lược dựa trên lượt đi theo phong cách thần thoại he: משחק אסטרטגיה ופנטסיה מבוסס מהלכים cs: Tahová strategická hra ve fantastickém prostředí gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas ambientado nun mundo fantástico. pt: Um jogo de fantasia estratégico em turnos sr: Фантазијска стратешка игра на потезе es: Un juego de estrategia basado en turnos con un tema de fantasía fr: Un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour dans un univers fantastique eu: Giro fantastikoan eta txandetan oinarritutako estrategia jokoa ru: Фантастическая пошаговая стратегия tr: Fantastik, sırayla oynanan bir strateji oyunu hu: Fantasy stílusú, körökre osztott, stratégiai játék ca: Un joc fantàstic d'estrategia per torns af: '''n Fantasie beurt-basis strategie-spel' sr@latin: Fantazijska strateška igra na poteze it: Un gioco strategico a turni con ambientazione fantasy Description: pl: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Walka o kontrolę nad wioskami przy użyciu różnych jednostek, posiadających wady i zalety w zależności od typu terenu i przeciwko różnego typu atakom. Jednostki mogą zbierać doświadczenie i zyskiwać poziomy oraz są przenoszone między kolejnymi scenariuszami w kampanii.
de: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Kämpfen Sie um die Kontrolle von Dörfern, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Einheiten benutzen, die Vor- und Nachteile in verschiedenen Geländearten und gegen verschiedene Angriffsarten besitzen. Einheiten erlangen Erfahrung, gelangen auf höhere Stufen und werden in einer Kampagne von einem Szenario ins nächste übernommen.
pt_BR: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Batalhe pelo controle de aldeias, usando várias unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. Unidades ganham experiência e avançam de nível e são levadas de um cenário a um seguinte em uma campanha.
sk: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Bitka o ovládnutie dedín pomocou rozličných jednotiek, ktoré majú výhody a nevýhody v rozličných typoch terénov a voči rozličným typom útokov. Jednotky získavajú skúsenosti a postupujú o úrovne a prenášajú sa v rámci kampane medzi mapami.
pt: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Lute pelo controle das aldeias, utilizando uma variedade de unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades ganham experiência e avançam níveis, e são transportadas de um cenário para o próximo numa campanha.
C: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
uk: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Битва за поселення, використовуючи різноманітні бойові одиниці, які мають свої переваги та недоліки у різних місцевостях і при різних типах атак. Одиниці набирають певний досвід та підвищують свій рівень, й можуть переходити із одного сценарію до наступного протягом кампанії.
en: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
ru: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Сражайтесь за контроль над поселениями с помощью различных военных подразделений, каждое из которых имеет свои плюсы и минусы на разных типах ландшафта и против различных типов атак. Подразделения набирают опыт и получают новые уровни, их можно использовать в последующих кампаниях.
gl: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña.
tr: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Farklı saldırılara ve farklı yeryüzü türlerine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları olan çok sayıda birimi kullanarak köylerin fethi için savaşın. Birimler git gide deneyim kazanır ve bölümlere atlayarak, sonraki görevde tekrar kullanılabilirler.
en_CA: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
fr: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Wesnoth propose un affrontement pour le contrôle de villages en utilisant diverses unités qui ont des avantages ou désavantages suivant le type de terrain ou contre différents types d'attaques. Les unités peuvent gagner de l'expérience et progresser en niveau et peuvent être rappelées depuis le scénario précédent dans les campagnes.
fi: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Taistele kylien herruudesta käyttäen erilaisia yksiköitä, joilla on heikkoutensa ja vahvuutensa erilaisissa maastoissa ja erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Joukot saavat kokemusta ja saavuttavat edistymistasoja. Joukkosi jatkavat skenaariosta toiseen kampanjan edetessä.
en_GB: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
ja: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
村々の支配権を巡り、さまざまな種類の地形や攻撃方法に対して利点や弱点を持つ 多種多様な部隊を使って戦闘を繰り広げます。部隊は経験値を得てレベルを上昇で き、ある作戦中のあるシナリオから次のシナリオに経験値やレベルを持ち越せます。
it: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battaglia per il controllo di villaggi che usa una gamma di unità con vantaggi e svantaggi in tipi di terreno differenti e contro diversi tipi di attacchi. Le unità acquisiscono esperienza e avanzano di livello; in una campagna vengono mantenute da uno scenario al successivo.
da: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Kæmp om kontrol over landsbyer med brug af et væld af enheder, der har fordele og ulemper i forskellige typer terræn og mod forskellige typer angreb. Enheder samler erfaring og stiger i grader, der overføres fra et scenarie til det næste i en kampagne.
en_AU: >-This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.
Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign.
Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Icon: cached: - name: wesnoth-1.12-core_wesnoth-1.12-icon.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: wesnoth-1.12-icon --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.volume Package: plasma-pa Name: he: עוצמת שמע ca@valencia: Volum de l'àudio zh_CN: 音频音量 sk: Hlasitosť zvuku sl: Glasnost zvoka C: Audio Volume fr: Volume audio sr: Јачина звука uk: Гучність ca: Volum de l'àudio sv: Ljudvolym pa: ਆਡੀਓ ਵਾਲੀਅਮ hu: Hangerő nl: Geluidsvolume zh_TW: 音效音量 nn: Lydstyrke lt: Garsumas ar: مستوى الصّوت pl: Głośność dźwięku el: Ένταση ήχου ast: Volume d'audiu cs: Hlasitost zvuku id: Volume Audio gl: Volume do son pt: Volume do Áudio es: Volumen del sonido et: Helitugevus eu: Audioaren bolumena ru: Громкость sr@ijekavianlatin: Jačina zvuka tr: Ses Seviyesi da: Lydstyrke ko: 오디오 음량 it: Volume audio sr@ijekavian: Јачина звука de: Lautstärke pt_BR: Volume do áudio en_GB: Audio Volume sr@latin: Jačina zvuka fi: Äänenvoimakkuus Summary: he: התאמת עוצמת שמע להתקנים ויישומים ca@valencia: Ajusta el volum dels dispositius i les aplicacions zh_CN: 调整设备和程序的音量 sk: Upraviť hlasitosť zariadení a aplikácií sl: Prilagodi glasnost naprav in programov C: Adjust the volume of devices and applications fr: Ajuster le volume des périphériques et des applications sr: Подешавање јачине звука уређаја и програма uk: Коригування гучності пристроїв і звуків програм ca: Ajusta el volum dels dispositius i les aplicacions sv: Justera enhets- och programvolym pa: ਡਿਵਾਈਸ ਅਤੇ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਵਾਲੀਅਮ ਨੂੰ ਢੁਕਵਾਂ ਬਣਾਓ hu: Beállítja az eszközök és alkalmazások hangerejét nl: Geluidsniveau van apparaten en toepassingen aanpassen zh_TW: 調整裝置與應用程式的音量 nn: Juster lydstyrken til einingar og program ar: اضبط مستوى صوت الأجهزة والتّطبيقات pl: Dostosuj głośność urządzeń i aplikacji el: Προσαρμογή της έντασης των συσκευών και εφαρμογών cs: Upravit hlasitost zařízení a aplikací id: Setel volume perangkat dan aplikasi gl: Axustar o volume de dispositivos e aplicativos pt: Ajustar o volume dos dispositivos e aplicações es: Ajustar el volumen de dispositivos y aplicaciones et: Seadmete ja rakenduste helitugevuse kohendamine eu: Doitu gailuen eta aplikazioen bolumena ru: Настройка громкости устройств и звука в приложениях sr@ijekavianlatin: Podešavanje jačine zvuka uređaja i programa tr: Cihazların ve uygulamaların ses düzeyini ayarla sr@ijekavian: Подешавање јачине звука уређаја и програма it: Regola il volume dei dispositivi e delle applicazioni ko: 장치와 프로그램의 음량 조정 da: Justér lydstyrke for enheder og programmer de: Anpassung der Lautstärke von Geräten und Anwendungen pt_BR: Ajuste o volume dos dispositivos e aplicativos en_GB: Adjust the volume of devices and applications sr@latin: Podešavanje jačine zvuka uređaja i programa fi: Laitteiden ja sovellusten äänenvoimakkuuden säätö DeveloperName: C: Harald SitterDie Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) ist eine Software-Plattform für verteiltes Rechnen auf freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellten Computerressourcen.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Für eine aktive Teilnahme an irgendeinem BOINC-Projekt ist das empfohlene Paket boinc-client, nicht der boinc-manager, auf jedem teilnehmenden Rechner erforderlich.
zh_CN: >-BOINC (Berkeley 网络运算开放性基础设施) 是一个使用志愿者提供的计算机 资源进行分布式计算的软件平台。
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
如果志愿者想要积极参与 BOINC 项目,必须给每台贡献的机器安装 boinc-client 软件包,而 BOINC 管理器则不是必需的。
sk: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) je softvérová platforma na distribuované výpočty pomocou výpočtových zdrojov dobrovoľníkov.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Na aktívnu účasť v ľubovoľnom projekte BOINC sa vyžaduje odporúčaný balík boinc-client, nie boinc-manager.
sl: >-Odprta infrastruktura Berkeley za omrežno računalništvo (BOINC) je programski sistem za distribuirano računalništvo, ki uporablja prostovoljne računalniške vire.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Za dejavno sodelovanje v kateremukoli projektu BOINC je priporočeni paket boinc-client, ki je zahtevan za vsako napravo, ki prispeva svoje vire.
pt_BR: >-O Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC -- Infraestrutura Aberta Berkeley para Redes de Computadores) é uma plataforma de software para computação distribuída usando recursos de computadores voluntários.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Para participar activamente em qualquer projecto BOINC o pacote recomendado boinc-client, não o boinc-manager, é necessário em todas as máquinas que contribuem.
pt: >-A Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computinc (BOINC) é uma plataforma de software para computação distribuída usando recursos de computador voluntariados.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Para participar activamente em qualquer projecto BOINC o pacote recomendado boinc-client, não o boinc-manager, é necessário em todas as máquinas que contribuem.
C: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
uk: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) — програмна платформа для розподілених обчислень з використанням комп’ютерних ресурсів волонтерів.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Для активної участі у будь-якому проекті BOINC необхідно встановити пакунок boinc-client (а не boinc-manager) на кожному комп’ютері, що планується використати.
en: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
ru: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) -- программная платформа для распределённых вычислений с использованием компьютерных ресурсов волонтёров.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Для активного участия в каком-либо проекте BOINC необходимо установить пакет boinc-client (а не boinc-manager) на каждом компьютере планируемом к использованию.
ja: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) は、ボ ランティアのコンピュータリソースを使った分散処理用ソフトウェアプラット フォームです。
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
あらゆる BOINC プロジェクトに積極的に参加するには、分散処理を行なう各 マシン毎に、boinc-manager ではなく、推奨パッケージである boinc-client が必要です。
es: >-La Infraestructura Abierta de Berkeley para computación distribuida («Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing», BOINC) es una plataforma de «software» para la computación distribuida utilizando recursos informáticos de voluntarios.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Si desea participar activamente en cualquier proyecto de BOINC el paquete recomendado necesario es boinc-client, no boinc-manager, en cada máquina que contribuya.
fr: >-BOINC (pour Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) est une plateforme logicielle pour l'informatique distribuée utilisant des ressources informatiques de façon volontaire.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
Pour participer activement à tout projet BOINC, le paquet recommandé boinc-client est nécessaire pour toute machine voulant contribuer et non pas le paquet boinc-manager.
en_CA: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
en_GB: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
ko: >-Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC)는 지원자들의 컴퓨터 리소스를 사용하는 분산 컴퓨팅용 소프트웨어 플랫폼입니다.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
특정 BOINC 프로젝트에 참여하기 위해서는 boinc-manager가 아닌, boinc-client 패키지를 설치하십시오. boinc-client는 기여하는 모든 컴퓨터에서 요구됩니다.
it: >-BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) è una piattaforma software per il calcolo distribuito che usa risorse dei computer di volontari.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
A differenza del pacchetto raccomandato boinc-client, che è da installare su ogni macchina che contribuisce alla computazione, boinc-manager non è indispensabile per partecipare attivamente ad un progetto BOINC.
nl: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
da: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) er en programplatform for distribueret beregning der bruger frivillige computerressourcer.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For aktiv deltagelse i ethvert BOINC-projekt er den anbefalede pakke boinc- client, ikke boinc-manager, krævet for alle maskinbidrag.
en_AU: >-The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources.
This package contains the BOINC Manager, a graphical monitor and control utility for the BOINC core client. It gives a detailed overview of the state of the client it is monitoring, as there are * attached projects * running tasks * file transfers between the client and project servers * statistics about granted credits and disk usage for every project * constraints on CPU usage The BOINC Manager has two modes of operation, the "Simple View" in which it only displays the most important information and the "Advanced View" in which all information and all control elements are available.
For active participation in any BOINC project the recommended boinc-client package, not the boinc-manager, is required for every machine contributing.
Categories: - System - Monitor Keywords: C: - computation - science Icon: cached: - name: boinc-manager_boincmgr.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: boinc-manager_boincmgr.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: addon ID: evolution-bogofilter Package: evolution-plugin-bogofilter Extends: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Name: lv: Bogofilter pt: Bogofilter tr: Bogofilter ast: Bogofilter an: Bogofilter id: Bogofilter pt_BR: Bogofilter el: Bogofilter ca@valencia: Bogofilter as: Bogofilter es: Bogofilter et: Bogofilter eu: Bogofilter mk: Bogofilter ml: ബോഗോഫില്റ്റര് it: Bogofilter ug: Bogofilter mr: बोगोफिल्टर uk: Bogofilter be: Bogofilter sr@latin: Bogofilter bg: Bogofilter zh_CN: Bogofilter ja: Bogofilter fi: Bogofilter nb: Bogofilter bs: Bogofilter fr: Bogofilter nl: Bogofilter fur: Bogofilter ca: Bogofilter ro: Bogofiltru vi: Bogofilter ru: Bogofilter zh_HK: Bogofilter bn_IN: Bogofilter oc: Bogofilter cs: Bogofilter gl: Bogofilter kn: ಬೊಗೊಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ko: 보고필터 gu: Bogofilter C: Bogofilter sl: Bogofilter or: Bogofilter sk: Bogofilter da: Bogofilter sr: Богофилтер zh_TW: Bogofilter de: Bogofilter sv: Bogofilter hi: बोगोफिल्टर pa: ਬੋਗੋਲਫਿਲਟਰ en_GB: Bogofilter ta: போகோவடிகட்டி hr: Bogofilter te: Bogofilter hu: Bogofilter pl: Bogofilter th: Bogofilter lt: Bogofilter Summary: ca@valencia: Filtra la brossa amb Bogofilter zh_CN: 使用 Bogofilter 过滤垃圾 sk: Filtrovanie nevyžiadanej pošty pomocou programu Bogofilter sl: Filter neželene pošte, ki uporablja Bogofilter C: Junk filter using Bogofilter fr: Filtre de pourriel utilisant Bogofilter sr: Бого-филтер непожељних порука uk: Фільтрувати спам через Bogofilter nb: Søppelfilter bruker Bogofilter ca: Filtra la brossa amb Bogofilter sv: Skräppostfilter som använder Bogofilter hu: Levélszemétszűrő szoftver Bogofilter használatával nl: Spamfilter gebruikmakend van Bogofilter zh_TW: 使用 Bogofilter 垃圾郵件過濾器 lt: Šlamšto filtravimas naudojant Bogofilter ta: Bogofilter பயன்படுத்தி குப்பை வடிகட்டி lv: Mēstuļu filtrēšanas, izmantojot Bogofilter pl: Filtrowanie niechcianych wiadomości za pomocą Bogofilter el: Φίλτρο ανεπιθύμητων χρησιμοποιώντας το Bogofilter cs: Filtr nevyžádané pošty používá Bogofilter id: Penyaring sampah memakai Bogofilter pt: Filtrar não solicitado usando Bogofilter gl: Filtro de correo lixo usando Bogofilter es: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter eu: Baztergarriak iragazteko Bogofilter erabiltzen ru: Фильтр спама с помощью Bogofilter tr: Bogofilter kullanarak gereksiz iletileri filtrele oc: Filtre de corrièr indesirable qu'utiliza Bogofilter kn: ಬೊಗೊಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ರದ್ಧಿಯನ್ನು ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿ ko: 보고필터를 사용한 정크메일 필터링 it: Filtra indesiderata usando Bogofilter fur: Filtri malvolûts doprant Bogofilter de: Filter für unerwünschte Nachrichten, der den Bogofilter verwendet pt_BR: Filtro de spam usando Bogofilter da: Spamfilter med Bogofilter en_GB: Junk filter using Bogofilter be: Фільтрацыя спаму з выкарыстаннем Bogofilter bg: Програма за защита от спам чрез Bogofilter sr@latin: Bogo-filter nepoželjnih poruka bs: Filter za smeće koristeći Bogofilter ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.desktop.emptyPanel Package: plasma-desktop-data Name: he: לוח ריק ja: 空のパネル zh_CN: 空面板 ca@valencia: Plafó buit sk: Prázdny panel sl: Prazen pult C: Empty Panel fr: Tableau de bord vide sr: празан панел uk: Порожня панель nb: Tomt panel hr: Prazan panel ca: Plafó buit sv: Tom panel hu: Üres panel pa: ਖਾਲੀ ਪੈਨਲ nl: Leeg paneel zh_TW: 空白面板 ga: Painéal Folamh lt: Tuščias skydelis ar: لوحة فارغة nn: Tomt panel nds: Leddig Paneel ia: Pannello vacue el: Κενός πίνακας cs: Prázdný panel id: Panel Kosong gl: Panel baleiro pt: Painel Vazio es: Panel vacío et: Tühi paneel eu: Panel hutsa vi: Thanh điều khiển trống ro: Panou gol pl: Pusty panel sr@ijekavianlatin: prazan panel ru: Пустая панель tr: Boş Panel kn: ಖಾಲಿ ಪುಟೀಪು (ಪ್ಯಾನಲ್) ko: 빈 패널 it: Pannello vuoto da: Tomt panel de: Leere Kontrollleiste pt_BR: Painel vazio is: Autt spjald en_GB: Empty Panel mr: रिकामे पटल sr@ijekavian: празан панел sr@latin: prazan panel fi: Tyhjä paneeli bs: Prazan panel Summary: ca@valencia: Plafó buit zh_CN: 空面板 sl: Prazen pult uk: Порожня панель C: Empty panel sr: Празан панел fr: Tableau de bord vide sv: Tom panel ca: Plafó buit pa: ਖਾਲੀ ਪੈਨਲ nl: Leeg paneel zh_TW: 空白的面板 nn: Tomt panel ar: لوحة فارغة pl: Pusty panel id: Panel kosong cs: Prázdný panel pt: Painel vazio gl: Panel baleiro es: Panel vacío eu: Panel hutsa ru: Пустая панель sr@ijekavianlatin: Prazan panel da: Tomt panel ko: 빈 패널 it: Pannello vuoto sr@ijekavian: Празан панел de: Leere Kontrollleiste pt_BR: Painel vazio en_GB: Empty panel sr@latin: Prazan panel fi: Tyhjä paneeli DeveloperName: C: David Edmundsonxterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.
This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.
A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.
The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.
Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.
en: >-xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.
This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.
A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.
The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.
Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline - cmd Icon: cached: - name: xterm_xterm-color.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xterm_xterm-color.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xterm_xterm-color.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/de/debian-uxterm.desktop/996843EEF56DB0237ECF4B7E619E6285/icons/128x128/xterm_xterm-color.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - debian-uxterm.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: debian-xterm.desktop Package: xterm Name: C: XTerm Summary: C: standard terminal emulator for the X window system Description: C: >-xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.
This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.
A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.
The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.
Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.
en: >-xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals.
This package provides four commands: xterm, which is the traditional terminal emulator; uxterm, which is a wrapper around xterm that is intelligent about locale settings (especially those which use the UTF-8 character encoding), but which requires the luit program from the x11-utils package; koi8rxterm, a wrapper similar to uxterm for locales that use the KOI8-R character set; and lxterm, a simple wrapper that chooses which of the previous commands to execute based on the user's locale settings.
A complete list of control sequences supported by the X terminal emulator is provided in /usr/share/doc/xterm.
The xterm program uses bitmap images provided by the xbitmaps package.
Those interested in using koi8rxterm will likely want to install the xfonts-cyrillic package as well.
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline - cmd Icon: cached: - name: xterm_xterm-color.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xterm_xterm-color.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xterm_xterm-color.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/de/debian-xterm.desktop/F0F1843EEA8E830CF0D53437D174C5DA/icons/128x128/xterm_xterm-color.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - debian-xterm.desktop --- Type: addon ID: evolution-ews Package: evolution-ews Extends: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Name: or: ଏକ୍ସଚେଞ୍ଜ ୱେବ ସର୍ଭିସଗୁଡ଼ିକ ja: Exchange Web Services zh_CN: Exchange 网络服务 sk: Služby Exchange cez web hi: वेब सेवा विनिमय करें sl: Spletna storitev Exchange C: Exchange Web Services fr: Exchange Web Services sr: Веб услуге размене bn_IN: Exchange ওয়েব পরিষেবাদি sv: Exchange Web Services hu: Exchange webszolgáltatások lt: Exchange Web Services ta: Exchange வலை சேவைகள் lv: Exchange Web Services as: ৱেব সেৱাসমূহ অদল বদল কৰক el: Υπηρεσίες ιστού Exchange te: వినిమయ వెబ్ సేవలు cs: Webové služby Exchange id: Layanan Web Exchange gl: Servizos web Exchange pt: Serviços web do Exchange es: Servicios web Exchange eu: Exchange web-zerbitzuak pl: Exchange Web Services tr: Exchange Web Servisleri gu: ઍક્સચેન્જ વેબ સેવાઓ oc: Exchange Web Services kn: ಎಕ್ಸ್ಚೇಂಜ್ ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವಿಸಸ್ da: Exchange Web-tjenester de: Exchange-Webdienste pt_BR: Web services do Exchange en_GB: Exchange Web Services mr: एक्सचेंज वेब सर्व्हिसेस् sr@latin: Veb usluge razmene bs: Exchange Web usluge Summary: or: ୱେବ ସର୍ଭିସଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ଏକ୍ସଚେଞ୍ଜ ସର୍ଭରଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଅଭିଗମ୍ୟ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ja: Web サービスを使用して Exchange サーバーにアクセスする hi: वेब सेवा के उपयोग से विनिमय सर्वर की पहुँच के लिए sl: Za dostop do strežnikov Exchange preko spletnih storitev C: For accessing Exchange servers using Web Services fr: Pour accéder aux serveurs Exchange en utilisant Web Services sr: За приступ серверима размене помоћу веб услуга bn_IN: ওয়েব পরিষেবাদির সাহায্যে Exchange সার্ভার অ্যাক্সেস করার ক্ষেত্রে sv: För att nå Exchange-servrar som använder Web Services hu: Exchange kiszolgálók eléréséhez webszolgáltatások használatával lt: Exchange serverių pasiekimui naudojant internetines tarnybas ta: வலை சேவைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி Exchange சேவையகங்களை அணுகுவதற்கு lv: Lai piekļūtu Exchange serveriem, izmantojot Web Services as: ৱেব সেৱাসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি অদল বদল চাৰ্ভাৰসমূহ অভিগম কৰিবলে el: Για πρόσβαση διακομιστών Exchange χρησιμοποιώντας υπηρεσίες ιστού te: ఇచ్చిపుచ్చుకొనే సేవికలను వెబ్ సేవలను వుపయోగించి వాడుకొనుటకు cs: Pro přístup k serverům Exchange pomocí webových služeb id: Untuk mengakses server Exchange memakai Layanan Web gl: Para acceder a servidor Exchange usando servizos web pt: Para aceder a servidores Exchange usando serviços web es: Para acceder a servidores Exchange usando servicios web eu: Exchange zerbitzarietara atzitzea, web-zerbitzuak erabiliz pl: Dostęp do serwerów Exchange za pomocą Web Services tr: Web Servisleri kullanarak Exchange sunucularına ulaşmak için gu: વેબ સેવાઓની મદદથી ઍક્સચેન્જ સર્વરોને વાપરવા માટે oc: Per accedir als servidors Exchange en utilizant Web Services kn: ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವಿಸಸ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಎಕ್ಸ್ಚೇಂಜ್ ಪೂರೈಕೆಗಣಕಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಲುಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು da: For adgang til Exchangeservere der bruger internettjenester de: Für den Zugriff auf Exchange-Server über Webdienste pt_BR: Para acessar servidores Exchange usando Web services en_GB: For accessing Exchange servers using Web Services mr: वेब सर्व्हिसेसचा वापर करून एक्सचेंज सर्व्हर्सकरीता प्रवेश प्राप्त करण्यासाठी sr@latin: Za pristup serverima razmene pomoću veb usluga bs: Za pristup Exchange serverima koristeći Web usluge ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: desktop-application ID: quassel.desktop Package: quassel Name: de: Quassel IRC pl: Quassel IRC pt_BR: Quassel IRC zh_CN: Quassel IRC fi: Quassel IRC C: Quassel IRC ast: Quassel IRC sq: Quassel IRC uk: Quassel IRC gl: IRC Quassel ru: Quassel IRC tr: Quassel IRC es: IRC Quassel et: Quassel IRC fr: Quassel IRC sv: Quassel IRC nb: Quassel IRC oc: Quassel IRC en_GB: Quassel IRC hu: Quassel IRC ca: Xat IRC Quassel it: Quassel IRC ko: Quassel IRC nl: Quassel IRC Summary: de: Dezentralisierter IRC-Client mit einem zentralen Kern pt_BR: Cliente IRC distribuido com o compotente central core zh_CN: 带有中央核心组件的分布式 IRC 客户端 fi: Hajautettu IRC-asiakas, jolla keskitetty ydinkomponentti C: Distributed IRC client with central core component ast: Veceru IRC distribuyíu con un componente central sq: Klient i shpërndarë IRC me përbërës qendror uk: Клієнт IRC з центральним ядром gl: Cliente de IRC distribuído cun compoñente principal central ru: Распределённый клиент IRC с центральным ядром es: Cliente IRC distribuido con un componente central et: Hajus IRC klient koos keskse tuumkomponendiga fr: Client IRC distribué avec composant essentiel centralisé sv: Distribuerad IRC-klient med central kärnkomponent oc: Client IRC distribuit amb component essencial centralizat en_GB: Distributed IRC client with central core component hu: Elosztott IRC-kliens központi alapkomponenssel ca: Client d'IRC distribuït amb un component de nucli central it: Client IRC distribuito con componente centrale nl: IRC-client met centraal kerncomponent Description: fr: >-This is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client. One (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
Ce paquet fournit un client IRC traditionnel complet (client et cœur) dans un seul paquet.
tr: >-This is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client. One (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
Bu paket, geleneksel IRC istemcisinin tamamını (istemci ve çekirdek) tek bütünleştirilmiş bir pakette sağlar
C: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides the monolithic client. It contains both core and client and can be used like a traditional IRC client, without requiring an external core.
en: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides the monolithic client. It contains both core and client and can be used like a traditional IRC client, without requiring an external core.
de: >-This is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client. One (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
Dieses Software-Paketen stellt eine komplette, traditionelle IRC-Anwendung (Client und Kern) in einem einzelnen, integrierten Software-Paket bereit.
Categories: - Network - Chat - IRCClient Icon: cached: - name: quassel_quassel.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quassel_quassel.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quassel --- Type: desktop-application ID: gnome-split.desktop Package: gnome-split Name: C: GNOME Split Summary: fr: Découpage et assemblage de fichiers C: Split and assemble files easily Description: de: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
uk: >-Інструмент, який дозволяє розділяти файли та об’єднувати їх назад. Він написаний на Java та використовує інтерфейс користувача на GTK+ (завдяки проекту „java-gnome“). Мета — запропонувати власну реалізацію подібних проектів, які можуть працювати з декількома форматами файлів (наприклад, Xtremsplit).
C: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
en: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
en_CA: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
ru: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
fr: >-Cet outil permet de fractionner des fichiers, puis de les fusionner à nouveau. Il est écrit en Java et utilise une interface utilisateur GTK+ (grâce au projet java-gnome). Le but est d'offrir une implémentation native de projets similaires, manipulant plusieurs formats de fichier (par ex. Xtremsplit).
en_GB: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
it: >-Strumento che permette di dividere file e di riunirli. È scritto in Java e usa l'interfaccia utente GTK+ (grazie al progetto java-gnome). Lo scopo è di offrire un'implementazione nativa di progetti simili che possono gestire formati di file multipli (es.: Xtremsplit).
da: >-Værktøjet som gør det muligt at opdele filer og sammenføje dem igen. Værktøjet er skrevet i Java og bruger en GTK+-brugerflade (tak til projektet java-gnome). Målet er at tilbyde en standardimplementering som i lignende projekter, som kan håndtere flere filformater (f.eks. Xtremsplit).
en_AU: >-Tool that allows you to split files and merge them back. It is written in Java and uses a GTK+ user interface (thanks to the java-gnome project). The goal is to offer a native implementation of similar projects which can handle multiple file formats (e.g. Xtremsplit).
Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: gnome-split_gnome-split.png width: 64 height: 64 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-extension-xtm - application/x-extension-gsp - application/x-extension-kk - application/x-extension-yct - application/x-generic-chunk --- Type: desktop-application ID: modem-manager-gui.desktop Package: modem-manager-gui Name: de: Modem Manager GUI uz-latn: Modem Manager GUI ar: واجهة مستخدم البرنامج C: Modem Manager GUI id: Modem Manager GUI pl-PL: Modem Manager GUI uk: Менеджер модемів ru: Modem Manager GUI bn-BD: মডেম ম্যানেজার গুই tr: Modem Manager GUI fr: Modem Manager GUI zh-CN: Modem Manager GUI sk-SK: Modem Manager GUI Summary: de: Modemspezifische Funktionen eines EDGE/3G/4G-Breitbandmodems steuern uz-latn: EDGE/3G/4G keng tezlikdagi modem maxsus funksiyalarini boshqarish ar: التحكم بوظيفة EDGE/3G/4G والبرودباند والمودم المحددة C: Control EDGE/3G/4G broadband modem specific functions id: Mengendalikan fungsi khusus modem broadband EDGE/3G/4G pl-PL: Kontrola EDGE / 3G / 4G - specyficznych funkcji modemu szerokopasmowego uk: Контроль за EDGE/3G/4G специфічними функціями модему ru: Управление специфическими функциями модемов EDGE/3G/4G bn-BD: EDGE/3G/4G ব্রডব্যান্ড মডেমের কার্যকারিতা নিয়ন্ত্রণ করুন tr: Belirli EDGE/3G/4G geniş bant modem işlevlerini denetleyin fr: Contrôle des fonctions spécifiques au modem haut débit EDGE / 3G / 4G zh-CN: 控制EDGE/3G/4G宽带调制解调器的特定功能 sk-SK: Riadenie špecifických funkcií širokopásmového modemu EDGE/3G/4G Description: pl: >-EDGE/3G/4G keng tezlikdagi modem maxsus funksiyalarini boshqarish imkoniyatiga ega Modem manager, Wader va oFono tizim xizmatlariga mos keladigan oddiy grafik interfeysi.
Modem Manager GUI dasturidan foydalanib siz SIM-kartaning balansini tekshirish, SMS xabarlarini qabul qilish va yuborish, mobil trafik xarajatlarini boshqarish va boshqa imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lasiz.
Joriy xossalar:
Einfache grafische Oberfläche, die zu den Systemdiensten Modemmanager, Wader und oFono kompatibel ist und modemspezifische Funktionen eines EDGE/3G/4G-Breitbandmodems steuern kann.
Sie können mit Modem Manager GUI das Guthaben Ihrer SIM-Karte überprüfen, SMS-Nachrichten senden oder empfangen, den Netzwerkverkehr überwachen und vieles mehr.
Derzeitige Funktionsmerkmale:
Bitte beachten Sie, dass einige Funktionsmerkmale aufgrund von Einschränkungen verschiedener Systemdienste oder selbst unterschiedlicher Versionen der laufenden Systemdienste nicht verfügbar sein könnten.
ar: >-الواجهة البسيطة متوافقة مع البرنامج ,خدمات نظام Wader و oFono قادرة على التحكم بوظيفة EDGE/3G/4G والبرودباند والمودم المحددة
بإمكانك التحقق من الرصيد في هاتفك ,ارسال واستقبال الرسائل القصيرة ,التحكم باستهلاك البيانات والمزيد باستخدام واجهة المستحدم للبرنامج
الميزات الحالية
بعض الميزات قد لا تكون متوفرة بسبب قيود الأنظمة المختلفة أو حتى الإصدارات المختلفة من خدمات النظام التي تعمل حاليا
C: >-Simple graphical interface compatible with Modem manager, Wader and oFono system services able to control EDGE/3G/4G broadband modem specific functions.
You can check balance of your SIM card, send or receive SMS messages, control mobile traffic consuption and more using Modem Manager GUI.
Current features:
Please note that some features may be not available due to limitations of different system services or even different versions of system service in use.
pl-PL: >-Możesz sprawdzić saldo karty SIM, wysyłać i odbierać wiadomości SMS, bez jakichkolwiek ograniczeń kontrolować ruch mobilny i więcej za pomocą prorgamu Modem Manager GUI.
Aktualne funkcje:
Należy pamiętać, że niektóre funkcje mogą być niedostępne ze względu na ograniczenia różnych usług systemowych, a nawet różne wersje usługi systemowej w użyciu.
id: >-Antarmuka grafis simpel dan kompatibel dengan Modem manager, layanan sistem Wader dan oFono dapat mengendalikan fungsi khusus modem broadband EDGE/3G/4G.
Anda bisa mengecek saldo kartu SIM anda, mengirim atau menerima pesan SMS, mengendalikan konsumsi trafik mobile, dan lainnya menggunakan Modem Manager GUI.
Fitur saat ini:
Harap dicatat bahwa ada beberapa fitur yang tidak tersedia karena keterbatasan dari layanan sistem yang berbeda atau versi layanan sistem yang digunakan.
ru: >-Простой графический интерфейс для управления специфическими функциями модемов EDGE/3G/4G, совместимый с системными службами Modem manager, Wader и oFono.
С помощью Modem Manager GUI вы можете проверять баланс своей SIM-карты, отправлять и принимать сообщения SMS, контролировать расход мобильного трафика, а также выполнять другие действия.
Текущие возможности
Помните о том, что некоторые возможности могут быть недоступны из-за ограничений или особенностей установленной версии системной службы.
bn-BD: >-সহজ গ্রাফিক্যাল ইন্টারফেস যা মডেম ম্যানেজার, ওয়েডার, এবং ওফোনও সিস্টেম ব্যবহার করে EDGE/3G/4G ব্রডব্যান্ড মডেমের নির্দিষ্ট ফাংশন নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে সক্ষম।
মডেম ম্যানেজার গ্রাফিক্যাল ইউজার ইন্টারফেস ব্যবহার করে আপনি আপনার সিম কার্ডের ব্যালেন্স চেক করতে, এসএমএস পাঠানো বা গ্রহণ, মোবাইল ট্রাফিক ব্যবহার এবং আরো অনেক কিছু নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পারবেন.
বর্তমান সুবিধাসমূহ:
অনুগ্রহ করে লক্ষ্য করুন যে কিছু সুবিধা বিভিন্ন সিস্টেম পরিষেবার সীমাবদ্ধতা বা সিস্টেমে সেবা এমনকি বিভিন্ন সংস্করণ কারণে উপলব্ধ নাও হতে পারে.
uk: >-Простий графічний інтерфейс, узгоджений з Менеджером модемів, Wader і oFono системними сервісами, для контролю специфічними EDGE/3G/4G функціями модемів.
Ви можете перевірити баланс Вашої карти SIM, вислати або отримати повідомлення SMS, контролювати використання мобільного трафіку і багато іншого, використовуючи Менеджер модемів.
Поточні можливості:
Зауважте, що деякі можливості можуть бути недоступними завдяки обмеженням на різні системні сервіси, або навіть використанням різних версій системних сервісів.
tr: >-Modem yöneticisi ile uyumlu basit görsel arabirim, Wader ve oFono sistem hizmetleri kullanarak belirli EDGE/3G/4G geniş bant modem işlevlerini denetlemenizi sağlar.
SIM kart bakiyenizi denetleyebilir, SMS mesajları gönderip alabilir, mobil trafik tüketimini ve daha fazla kullanım denetimini Modem Manager GUI ile gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Kullanılabilecek özellikler:
Bazı özelliklerin farklı sistem hizmetlerinin sınırlandırmaları nedeniyle ya da farklı sistem hizmeti sürümlerinde kullanılamayabileceğini lütfen unutmayın.
fr: >-Interface graphique simple compatible avec Modem manager, les services système Wader et oFono capable de contrôler les fonctions spécifiques aux modems à large bande EDGE/3G/4G.
Vous pouvez vérifier l'équilibre de votre carte SIM, envoyer ou recevoir des messages SMS, contrôler la consommation du trafic mobile et plus, en utilisantModem Manager GUI.
Fonctionnalités actuelles :
Notez que certaines fonctionnalités peuvent ne pas être disponibles en raison des limitations des différents services système ou même des versions différentes du service système en cours d'utilisation.
zh-CN: >-兼容Modem管理器,Wader和oFono系统服务的简单的图形界面,并能够控制EDGE/3G/4G宽带调制解调器的特定功能。
您可以使用Modem Manager GUI检查您的SIM卡的余额,发送或接收短信,控制移动流量使用情况和更多功能。
DeveloperName: ru: Alex C: Alex id: Alex sk-SK: Alex uk: Алекс tr: Alex zh-CN: Alex ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ and CC0-1.0 Categories: - GTK - System - Utility - Network - TelephonyTools Keywords: C: - modem - manager - sms - ussd Url: homepage: http://linuxonly.ru/page/modem-manager-gui bugtracker: https://linuxonly.ru/forum/modem-manager-gui donation: https://linuxonly.ru/page/donate translate: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/modem-manager-gui Icon: cached: - name: modem-manager-gui_modem-manager-gui.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: modem-manager-gui_modem-manager-gui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: modem-manager-gui_modem-manager-gui.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/icons/128x128/modem-manager-gui_modem-manager-gui.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - modem-manager-gui.desktop Provides: binaries: - modem-manager-gui Screenshots: - default: true caption: ru: Список устройств C: Broadband devices overview id: Ikhtisar perangkat broadband tr: Geniş band cihazlara genel bakış de: Breitbandgeräteübersicht uk: Огляд широкосмугових пристроїв zh-CN: 宽带设备概述 thumbnails: - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1024 height: 576 - caption: ru: SMS-сообщения C: SMS messages list id: Daftar pesan SMS tr: SMS mesajları listesi uk: Список SMS повідомлень zh-CN: 短信列表 thumbnails: - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1024 height: 576 - caption: ru: Управление трафиком C: Traffic control id: Kontrol trafik tr: Trafik kontrolü uk: Обмеження трафіку zh-CN: 传输控制 thumbnails: - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-3_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-3_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-3_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: m/mo/modem-manager-gui.desktop/31969F4DA0F0BABFC628AC105FA08E31/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1024 height: 576 --- Type: desktop-application ID: nestopia.desktop Package: nestopia Name: C: Nestopia Summary: C: Accurate NES emulator Description: C: >-Nestopia is a cycle-accurate NES/Famicom emulator. It has a high compatibility rate and support for many peripherals and input devices.
Scilab es un paquete de software científico basado en matrices. Scilab contiene cientos de funciones matemáticas incorporadas, ricas estructuras de datos (incluyendo polinomios, racionales, sistemas lineales, listas, etc....) y viene con una cantidad de cajas de herramientas específicas para control, procesamiento de señal, ....
Este paquete también proporciona Xcos, un editor gráfico para diseñar modelos de sistemas dinámicos híbridos. Los modelos pueden ser diseñados, cargados, guardados, compilados y simulados. Solución estable y eficiente para necesidades industriales y académicas, Xcos proporciona funcionalidades para el modelado de sistemas mecánicos (automoción, aeronáutica...), circuitos hidráulicos (modelado de presas, tuberías...), sistemas de control, etc. También proporciona capacidades de Modelica.
Para una versión mínima de scilab, instale el paquete «scilab-cli».
sk: >-Scilab je balík maticového vedeckého softvéru. Scilab obsahuje stovky zabudovaných matematických funkcií, bohaté údajové štruktúry (vrátane polynómov, racionálnych funkcií, lineárnych systémov, zoznamov atď.) a dodáva sa s množstvom konkrétnych sád nástrojov na riadenie, spracovanie signálov atď.
Tento balík poskytuje Xcos, grafický editor na návrh hybridných modelov dynamických systémov.Modely možno navrhovať, načítať, ukladať, kompilovať a simulovať. Xcos je stabilné a výkonné riešenie priemyselných a akademických potrieb, poskytujúce funkcie na modelovanie mechanických systémov (automobilový a letecký priemysel, ...), hydraulických okruhov (priehrady, modelovanie rúr, ...), riadiacich systémov atď. Tiež obsahuje možnosti Modelica.
Minimálnu verziu Scilabu môžete nainštalovať z balíka „scilab-cli“.
ja: >-Scilab は行列ベースの科学ソフトウェアパッケージです。 Scilab には何百もの組み込み数学関数、豊富なデータ構造 (多項式、有理数、線形 系、リストなど) が含まれ、制御、信号処理など向けに特有のツールボックスが付 属します。
本パッケージは、ハイブリッドダイナミカルシステムのモデルを設計するためのグ ラフィカルなエディタ Xcos も提供します。モデルの設計、読み込み、保存、コン パイル、シミュレーションができます。 産業および学術における安定で効率の良い解を求める需要に応えるため、Xcos は機 械システム (自動車、航空など)、流体回路 (ダム、パイプのモデリングなど)、制 御システムなどのモデリングのための機能を提供します。Modelica の機能も提供し ます。
最小版の scilab を入手するには、パッケージ "scilab-cli" をインストールして ください。
it: >-Scilab è un pacchetto software scientifico basato su matrici. Scilab contiene centinaia di funzioni matematiche incorporate, ricche strutture di dati (inclusi polinomi, razionali, sistemi lineari, elenchi, ecc.) e viene fornito con diversi toolbox specifici per controlli, elaborazione di segnali, ...
Questo pacchetto fornisce anche Xcos, un editor grafico per progettare modelli di sistemi ibrido-dinamici. I modelli possono essere progettati, caricati, salvati, compilati e simulati. Soluzione stabile ed efficiente per necessità industriali e accademiche, Xcos fornisce funzionalità per la modellazione di sistemi meccanici (automobilistici, aeronautici, ...), circuiti idraulici (dighe, modelli di tubazioni, ...), sistemi di controllo, ecc. Sono anche fornite funzionalità di Modelica.
Installare il pacchetto "scilab-cli" per avere una versione minima di scilab.
en: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
pl: >-Scilab to oparty na macierzach pakiet oprogramowania naukowego. Scilab zawiera setki wbudowanych funkcji matematycznych, bogate struktury danych (w tym: wielomiany, wymierne, systemy liniowe, listy itp.) oraz szereg specjalistycznych zestawów narzędzi do sterowania, przetwarzania sygnałów, itd.
Ten pakiet zawiera również Xcos, edytor graficzny do projektowania hybrydowych modeli układów dynamicznych. Modele można projektować, ładować, zapisywać, kompilować i symulować. Xcos stanowi stabilne i wydajne rozwiązanie dla potrzeb przemysłu i środowiska akademickiego. Xcos zapewnia funkcje do modelowania układów mechanicznych (motoryzacja, aeronautyka ...), obwodów hydraulicznych (modelowanie zapór, rur ...), układów sterowania itp.
Aby korzystać z minimalnej wersji scilab należy zainstalować pakiet "scilab-cli".
fr: >-Scilab est paquet logiciel scientifique basé sur le calcul matriciel. Scilab fournit en interne des centaines de fonctions mathématiques, des structures puissantes (incluant les polynômes, les fonctions rationnelles, les systèmes linéaires, les listes…), ainsi qu’un certain nombre de boîtes à outils spécifiques au contrôle, traitement de signal…
Ce paquet fournit aussi Xcos, un éditeur graphique pour concevoir des modèles de système dynamique hybride. Ces modèles peuvent être conçus, chargés, enregistrés, compilés ou simulés. Solution stable et efficiente pour les besoins industriels et académiques, Xcos fournit des fonctions pour la modélisation de système mécanique (automobile, aéronautique…), de circuit hydraulique (modélisation de barrage, canalisation…), etc. Des fonctions Modelica sont aussi fournies.
Pour une version minimale de scilab, le paquet « scilab-cli » est à installer.
de: >-Scilab ist ein matrixorientiertes, wissenschaftliches Softwarepaket. Es enthält hunderte integrierte mathematische Funktionen und reichhaltige Datenstrukturen (einschließlich Polynome, Brüche, lineare Systeme, Listen usw.). Beigelegt sind auch diverse spezifische Werkzeugsätze für Steuerung, Signalverarbeitung, …
Dieses Paket enthält außerdem Xcos, einen grafischen Editor zur Erstellung von Modellen für dynamische Hybridsysteme. Modelle können erstellt, geladen, abgespeichert, kompiliert und simuliert werden. Als stabile und effiziente Lösung für industrielle und akademische Anforderungen stellt Xcos Funktionalitäten zum Modellieren von mechanischen Systemen (Fahrzeug-, Flugtechnik, …), Hydraulikkreisläufen (Damm-, Rohrmodelle, …), Steuerungssystemen usw. bereit. Die Verwendung von Modelica ist möglich.
Das Paket »scilab-cli« installiert eine Minimalversion von Scilab.
sl: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica.
Za najmanjšo različico scilab namestite paket "scilab-cli".
uk: >-Scilab — пакет наукового ПЗ, в основі якого лежить робота з матрицями. Scilab містить сотні вбудованих математичних функцій, різноманітні структури даних (зокрема поліноми, раціональні дроби, лінійні системи, списки тощо) та поставляється з блоками для керування, обробки сигналів тощо.
Цей пакунок також надає Xcos — графічний редактор для розробки моделей гібридних динамічних систем. Моделі можуть бути спроектовані, завантажені, збережені, скомпільовані та змодельовані. Стабільне й ефективне рішення для промислових й наукових потреб — Xcos надає функціональні можливості для моделювання механічних систем (автомобільна, авіаційна галузі, …), гідравлічних ланцюгів (моделювання гребель, труб …), систем керування і т.д. Можливості мови моделювання Modelica також надаються.
Для мінімальної версії Scilab, встановіть пакунок „scilab-cli“.
C: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
zh_CN: >-Scilab 是一款基于矩阵的科学软件包。Scilab 包含数百个内建数学函数,诸多数据 结构(如多项式、有理数、线性系统、列表等),并有众多特别工具箱,可用于控 制、信号处理、……
本包同时提供 Xcos,一个用于设计混合动态系统模型的图形编辑器。可进行模型的设 计、载入、保存、编译和模拟。作为工业和学术应用的稳定和高效的解决方案,Xcos 可提供如下的建模功能:动力系统(自动化、航空)、液压回路(水坝、管道建 模……)、控制系统等。同时还提供数学建模功能。
如需要最小化版本的 scilab,请安装“scilab-cli”包。
pt_BR: >-Scilab é um pacote de software científico baseado em matriz. Ele contém centenas de funções matemáticas embutidas, estruturas de dados ricas (incluindo polinômios, racionais, sistemas lineares, listas etc) e conta com uma série de caixas de ferramentas específicas para controle, processamento de sinal etc.
Este pacote também fornece o Xcos, um editor gráfico para projetar modelos de sistemas dinâmicos híbridos. Os modelos podem ser projetados, carregados, salvos, compilados e simulados. Solução estável e eficiente para as necessidades acadêmicas e industriais, Xcos fornece funcionalidades para a modelagem de sistemas mecânicos (automóvel, aeronáutica etc), circuitos hidráulicos (barragem, modelagem de tubo etc), sistemas de controle e outros. A capacidade Modelica também é fornecida.
Para uma versão mínima do scilab, instale o pacote "scilab-cli".
ko: >-Scilab은 매트릭스 기반의 과학 소프트웨어 패키지입니다. Scilab은 수백의 내장 수학 함수, 다양한 데이타 구조(다항식, 유리수, 선형 시스템, 배열, 등등...)를 포함하며 그리고 제어, 신호 처리, 등등을 위한 다수의 특정 툴박스가 부속합니다.
이 패키지는 또한 하이브리드 동적 시스템 모델을 설계할 수 있는 그래픽 편집기 인, Xcos를 제공합니다. 모델을 설계, 로드, 저장, 컴파일 및 시뮬레이트 할 수 있습니다. 기업과 학교의 요구에 대한 안정적이고 효과적인 솔루션, Xcos는 기계 시스템(자동차, 항공기..), 유압 회로(댐, 파이프 모델링...), 제어 시스템등의 모델링 기능을 제공합니다.
Scilab의 최소 사양을 원한다면, "scilab-cli" 패키지를 설치하십시요.
da: >-Scilab er en matricebaseret videnskabelig softwarepakke. Scilab indeholder hundreder af indbyggede matematiske funktioner, rige datastrukturer (inklusive polynomier, rationelle lineære systemer, lister etc...) og der medfølger et antal videnskabelige værktøjsbokse for kontrol, signalprocessering...
Denne pakke tilbyder også Xcos, et grafisk redigeringsprogram til at designe hybride dynamiske systemmodeller. Modeller kan designes, indlæses, gemmes, kompileres og simuleres. Stabil og effektiv løsning for industribehov og akademiske behov, Xcos tilbyder funktionaliteter for modellering af mekaniske systemer (bilproduktion, flyproduktion...), hydrauliske kredsløb (dæmning, datakanalmodeller...), kontrolsystemer etc. Mulighed for Modelica tilbydes også.
Installer pakken »scilab-cli« for en minimal version af scilab.
gl: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
ru: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
Для установки минимальной версии scilab используйте пакет "scilab-cli".
Categories: - Science - Math Keywords: C: - Science - Math - Numerical Icon: cached: - name: scilab_scilab.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: scilab_scilab.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: scilab_scilab.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: s/sc/scilab-adv-cli.desktop/7dc1d82940e13c9c46cc1b2430cfc379/icons/128x128/scilab_scilab.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: scilab Launchable: desktop-id: - scilab-adv-cli.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: scilab.desktop Package: scilab Name: C: Scilab Summary: fr: Logiciel scientifique de calcul numérique ru: Научная программа для численных расчётов C: Scientific software package for numerical computations de: eine Wissenschaftssoftware für numerische Berechnungen Description: es: >-Scilab es un paquete de software científico basado en matrices. Scilab contiene cientos de funciones matemáticas incorporadas, ricas estructuras de datos (incluyendo polinomios, racionales, sistemas lineales, listas, etc....) y viene con una cantidad de cajas de herramientas específicas para control, procesamiento de señal, ....
Este paquete también proporciona Xcos, un editor gráfico para diseñar modelos de sistemas dinámicos híbridos. Los modelos pueden ser diseñados, cargados, guardados, compilados y simulados. Solución estable y eficiente para necesidades industriales y académicas, Xcos proporciona funcionalidades para el modelado de sistemas mecánicos (automoción, aeronáutica...), circuitos hidráulicos (modelado de presas, tuberías...), sistemas de control, etc. También proporciona capacidades de Modelica.
Para una versión mínima de scilab, instale el paquete «scilab-cli».
sk: >-Scilab je balík maticového vedeckého softvéru. Scilab obsahuje stovky zabudovaných matematických funkcií, bohaté údajové štruktúry (vrátane polynómov, racionálnych funkcií, lineárnych systémov, zoznamov atď.) a dodáva sa s množstvom konkrétnych sád nástrojov na riadenie, spracovanie signálov atď.
Tento balík poskytuje Xcos, grafický editor na návrh hybridných modelov dynamických systémov.Modely možno navrhovať, načítať, ukladať, kompilovať a simulovať. Xcos je stabilné a výkonné riešenie priemyselných a akademických potrieb, poskytujúce funkcie na modelovanie mechanických systémov (automobilový a letecký priemysel, ...), hydraulických okruhov (priehrady, modelovanie rúr, ...), riadiacich systémov atď. Tiež obsahuje možnosti Modelica.
Minimálnu verziu Scilabu môžete nainštalovať z balíka „scilab-cli“.
ja: >-Scilab は行列ベースの科学ソフトウェアパッケージです。 Scilab には何百もの組み込み数学関数、豊富なデータ構造 (多項式、有理数、線形 系、リストなど) が含まれ、制御、信号処理など向けに特有のツールボックスが付 属します。
本パッケージは、ハイブリッドダイナミカルシステムのモデルを設計するためのグ ラフィカルなエディタ Xcos も提供します。モデルの設計、読み込み、保存、コン パイル、シミュレーションができます。 産業および学術における安定で効率の良い解を求める需要に応えるため、Xcos は機 械システム (自動車、航空など)、流体回路 (ダム、パイプのモデリングなど)、制 御システムなどのモデリングのための機能を提供します。Modelica の機能も提供し ます。
最小版の scilab を入手するには、パッケージ "scilab-cli" をインストールして ください。
it: >-Scilab è un pacchetto software scientifico basato su matrici. Scilab contiene centinaia di funzioni matematiche incorporate, ricche strutture di dati (inclusi polinomi, razionali, sistemi lineari, elenchi, ecc.) e viene fornito con diversi toolbox specifici per controlli, elaborazione di segnali, ...
Questo pacchetto fornisce anche Xcos, un editor grafico per progettare modelli di sistemi ibrido-dinamici. I modelli possono essere progettati, caricati, salvati, compilati e simulati. Soluzione stabile ed efficiente per necessità industriali e accademiche, Xcos fornisce funzionalità per la modellazione di sistemi meccanici (automobilistici, aeronautici, ...), circuiti idraulici (dighe, modelli di tubazioni, ...), sistemi di controllo, ecc. Sono anche fornite funzionalità di Modelica.
Installare il pacchetto "scilab-cli" per avere una versione minima di scilab.
en: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
pl: >-Scilab to oparty na macierzach pakiet oprogramowania naukowego. Scilab zawiera setki wbudowanych funkcji matematycznych, bogate struktury danych (w tym: wielomiany, wymierne, systemy liniowe, listy itp.) oraz szereg specjalistycznych zestawów narzędzi do sterowania, przetwarzania sygnałów, itd.
Ten pakiet zawiera również Xcos, edytor graficzny do projektowania hybrydowych modeli układów dynamicznych. Modele można projektować, ładować, zapisywać, kompilować i symulować. Xcos stanowi stabilne i wydajne rozwiązanie dla potrzeb przemysłu i środowiska akademickiego. Xcos zapewnia funkcje do modelowania układów mechanicznych (motoryzacja, aeronautyka ...), obwodów hydraulicznych (modelowanie zapór, rur ...), układów sterowania itp.
Aby korzystać z minimalnej wersji scilab należy zainstalować pakiet "scilab-cli".
fr: >-Scilab est paquet logiciel scientifique basé sur le calcul matriciel. Scilab fournit en interne des centaines de fonctions mathématiques, des structures puissantes (incluant les polynômes, les fonctions rationnelles, les systèmes linéaires, les listes…), ainsi qu’un certain nombre de boîtes à outils spécifiques au contrôle, traitement de signal…
Ce paquet fournit aussi Xcos, un éditeur graphique pour concevoir des modèles de système dynamique hybride. Ces modèles peuvent être conçus, chargés, enregistrés, compilés ou simulés. Solution stable et efficiente pour les besoins industriels et académiques, Xcos fournit des fonctions pour la modélisation de système mécanique (automobile, aéronautique…), de circuit hydraulique (modélisation de barrage, canalisation…), etc. Des fonctions Modelica sont aussi fournies.
Pour une version minimale de scilab, le paquet « scilab-cli » est à installer.
de: >-Scilab ist ein matrixorientiertes, wissenschaftliches Softwarepaket. Es enthält hunderte integrierte mathematische Funktionen und reichhaltige Datenstrukturen (einschließlich Polynome, Brüche, lineare Systeme, Listen usw.). Beigelegt sind auch diverse spezifische Werkzeugsätze für Steuerung, Signalverarbeitung, …
Dieses Paket enthält außerdem Xcos, einen grafischen Editor zur Erstellung von Modellen für dynamische Hybridsysteme. Modelle können erstellt, geladen, abgespeichert, kompiliert und simuliert werden. Als stabile und effiziente Lösung für industrielle und akademische Anforderungen stellt Xcos Funktionalitäten zum Modellieren von mechanischen Systemen (Fahrzeug-, Flugtechnik, …), Hydraulikkreisläufen (Damm-, Rohrmodelle, …), Steuerungssystemen usw. bereit. Die Verwendung von Modelica ist möglich.
Das Paket »scilab-cli« installiert eine Minimalversion von Scilab.
sl: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
Ta paket vsebuje tudi Xcos, grafični urejevalnik za zasnovno hibridnih modelov dinamičnih sistemov. Modele je mogoče zasnovati, naložiti, shraniti, kodno prevesti in simulirati. Xcos je stabilna in učinkovita rešitev za industrijske in akademske potreba in zagotavlja zmožnosti za modeliranje mehaničnih sistemov (avtomobili, aerodinamika ...), hidravličnih krogov (jez, modeliranje cevi ...), nadzornih sistemov, itd. Na voljo so tudi zmožnosti modelica.
Za najmanjšo različico scilab namestite paket "scilab-cli".
uk: >-Scilab — пакет наукового ПЗ, в основі якого лежить робота з матрицями. Scilab містить сотні вбудованих математичних функцій, різноманітні структури даних (зокрема поліноми, раціональні дроби, лінійні системи, списки тощо) та поставляється з блоками для керування, обробки сигналів тощо.
Цей пакунок також надає Xcos — графічний редактор для розробки моделей гібридних динамічних систем. Моделі можуть бути спроектовані, завантажені, збережені, скомпільовані та змодельовані. Стабільне й ефективне рішення для промислових й наукових потреб — Xcos надає функціональні можливості для моделювання механічних систем (автомобільна, авіаційна галузі, …), гідравлічних ланцюгів (моделювання гребель, труб …), систем керування і т.д. Можливості мови моделювання Modelica також надаються.
Для мінімальної версії Scilab, встановіть пакунок „scilab-cli“.
C: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
zh_CN: >-Scilab 是一款基于矩阵的科学软件包。Scilab 包含数百个内建数学函数,诸多数据 结构(如多项式、有理数、线性系统、列表等),并有众多特别工具箱,可用于控 制、信号处理、……
本包同时提供 Xcos,一个用于设计混合动态系统模型的图形编辑器。可进行模型的设 计、载入、保存、编译和模拟。作为工业和学术应用的稳定和高效的解决方案,Xcos 可提供如下的建模功能:动力系统(自动化、航空)、液压回路(水坝、管道建 模……)、控制系统等。同时还提供数学建模功能。
如需要最小化版本的 scilab,请安装“scilab-cli”包。
pt_BR: >-Scilab é um pacote de software científico baseado em matriz. Ele contém centenas de funções matemáticas embutidas, estruturas de dados ricas (incluindo polinômios, racionais, sistemas lineares, listas etc) e conta com uma série de caixas de ferramentas específicas para controle, processamento de sinal etc.
Este pacote também fornece o Xcos, um editor gráfico para projetar modelos de sistemas dinâmicos híbridos. Os modelos podem ser projetados, carregados, salvos, compilados e simulados. Solução estável e eficiente para as necessidades acadêmicas e industriais, Xcos fornece funcionalidades para a modelagem de sistemas mecânicos (automóvel, aeronáutica etc), circuitos hidráulicos (barragem, modelagem de tubo etc), sistemas de controle e outros. A capacidade Modelica também é fornecida.
Para uma versão mínima do scilab, instale o pacote "scilab-cli".
ko: >-Scilab은 매트릭스 기반의 과학 소프트웨어 패키지입니다. Scilab은 수백의 내장 수학 함수, 다양한 데이타 구조(다항식, 유리수, 선형 시스템, 배열, 등등...)를 포함하며 그리고 제어, 신호 처리, 등등을 위한 다수의 특정 툴박스가 부속합니다.
이 패키지는 또한 하이브리드 동적 시스템 모델을 설계할 수 있는 그래픽 편집기 인, Xcos를 제공합니다. 모델을 설계, 로드, 저장, 컴파일 및 시뮬레이트 할 수 있습니다. 기업과 학교의 요구에 대한 안정적이고 효과적인 솔루션, Xcos는 기계 시스템(자동차, 항공기..), 유압 회로(댐, 파이프 모델링...), 제어 시스템등의 모델링 기능을 제공합니다.
Scilab의 최소 사양을 원한다면, "scilab-cli" 패키지를 설치하십시요.
da: >-Scilab er en matricebaseret videnskabelig softwarepakke. Scilab indeholder hundreder af indbyggede matematiske funktioner, rige datastrukturer (inklusive polynomier, rationelle lineære systemer, lister etc...) og der medfølger et antal videnskabelige værktøjsbokse for kontrol, signalprocessering...
Denne pakke tilbyder også Xcos, et grafisk redigeringsprogram til at designe hybride dynamiske systemmodeller. Modeller kan designes, indlæses, gemmes, kompileres og simuleres. Stabil og effektiv løsning for industribehov og akademiske behov, Xcos tilbyder funktionaliteter for modellering af mekaniske systemer (bilproduktion, flyproduktion...), hydrauliske kredsløb (dæmning, datakanalmodeller...), kontrolsystemer etc. Mulighed for Modelica tilbydes også.
Installer pakken »scilab-cli« for en minimal version af scilab.
gl: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli".
ru: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.
Для установки минимальной версии scilab используйте пакет "scilab-cli".
Categories: - Science - Math Keywords: C: - Science - Math - Numerical - Simulation Icon: cached: - name: scilab_scilab.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: scilab_scilab.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: scilab_scilab.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: s/sc/scilab.desktop/28fbeda76ba4ab79888e14d7f6093b2a/icons/128x128/scilab_scilab.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: scilab Launchable: desktop-id: - scilab.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-scilab-sci - application/x-scilab-sce - application/x-scilab-tst - application/x-scilab-dem - application/x-scilab-sod - application/x-scilab-xcos - application/x-scilab-zcos - application/x-scilab-bin - application/x-scilab-cosf - application/x-scilab-cos --- Type: desktop-application ID: sweethome3d.desktop Package: sweethome3d Name: C: Sweet Home 3D Summary: C: Interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user with a 3D preview de: Innenraumplaner zum Auswählen und Platzieren von Möbeln auf einem 2D-Hausplan mit 3D-Vorschau Description: de: >-Sweet Home 3D ist eine Java-Anwendung zur schnellen Auswahl und Platzierung von Mobilar in einer 2D-Hausansicht, die vom Benutzer erstellt wurde, mit 3D-Ansichtsfunktion.
sl: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
uk: >-Sweet Home 3D — Java-застосунок дизайну інтер’єру кінцевим користувачем з швидким вибором та розміщенням меблів у 2D-плані будинку з можливістю 3D- перегляду.
C: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
en: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
ru: >-Sweet Home 3D — это программа для дизайна интерьера, позволяющая выбирать элементы мебели и помещать их на план дома, нарисованный пользователем, с возможностью просмотра результата в 3D.
tr: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
es: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
fr: >-Sweet Home 3D est une application de design intérieur en Java qui permet de choisir et de placer rapidement des meubles sur un plan de maison en 2D dessiné par l'utilisateur, et d'afficher une vue en 3D du plan.
gl: >-Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D.
en_GB: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
en_CA: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
it: >-Sweet Home 3D è un'applicazione Java per disegno di interni per permettere all'utente finale di scegliere e collocare velocemente mobili in una planimetria 2D di una casa, con un'anteprima 3D.
da: >-Sweet Home 3D er et indretningsprogram for hurtig valg og placering af møbler i et hus på 2D-niveau tegnet af slutbrugeren med en 3D- forhåndsvisning.
en_AU: >-Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.
Categories: - Graphics - 2DGraphics - 3DGraphics Keywords: C: - interior - design - 2D - 3D - home - house - furniture - java Icon: cached: - name: sweethome3d_sweethome3d.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: sweethome3d_sweethome3d.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - sweethome3d.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/sweethome3d --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kdeconnect.kcm.desktop Package: kdeconnect Name: he: KDE Connect sk: KDE Connect sr-ijekavian: КДЕ‑конекција C: KDE Connect fr: KDE Connect sr: КДЕ‑конекција uk: KDE Connect pt-BR: KDE Connect ca: KDE Connect sv: KDE-anslut en-GB: KDE Connect nl: KDE Connect nn: KDE Connect ca-valencia: KDE Connect ar: كدي المتّصل pl: KDE Connect sr-ijekavianlatin: KDE‑konekcija el: KDE Connect ast: KDE Connect cs: KDE Connect zh-CN: KDE Connect pt: KDE Connect gl: KDE Connect es: KDE Connect et: KDE Connect eu: KDE Connect ru: KDE Connect tr: KDE Connect zh-TW: KDE Connect sr-Latn: KDE‑konekcija ko: KDE Connect it: KDE Connect da: KDE Connect de: KDE-Connect fi: KDE Connect Summary: he: חיבור מהיר בין ההתקנים שלך sk: Jednoduché prepojenie vašich zariadení sr-ijekavian: Једноставно повезивање ваших уређаја C: Seamless connection of your devices fr: Connecter vos périphériques avec facilité sr: Једноставно повезивање ваших уређаја uk: Безшовне з’єднання для усіх ваших пристроїв pt-BR: Conexão transparente com seus dispositivos ca: Connexió transparent amb els vostres dispositius sv: Sömlös anslutning av dina apparater en-GB: Seamless connection of your devices nl: Naadloze verbinding met uw apparaten nn: Saumlaus integrering med andre einingar ca-valencia: Connexió transparent amb els vostres dispositius ar: اتّصال سلس بين أجهزتك pl: Zintegrowane połączenia do twoich urządzeń sr-ijekavianlatin: Jednostavno povezivanje vaših uređaja el: Απρόσκοπτη σύνδεση των συσκευών σας ast: Conexón ensin torgues de los tos preseos cs: Snadné propojení vašich zařízení zh-CN: 无缝连接您的设备 pt: Ligação transparente aos seus dispositivos gl: Conexión constante entre dispositivos es: Conexión sin interrupciones de sus dispositivos et: Sujuv ühendus oma seadmetega eu: Zure gailuen etengabeko konexioa ru: Интеграция с мобильными устройствами tr: Aygıtlarınızı sorunsuz bağlayın zh-TW: 與您的裝置無縫連線 sr-Latn: Jednostavno povezivanje vaših uređaja ko: 장치와 항상 연결하기 it: Connessione trasparente dei tuoi dispositivi da: Umærkbar forbindelse mellem dine enheder de: Nahtlose Verbindung zu Ihren Geräten fi: Saumaton yhteys laitteisiisi Description: pl: >-KDE Connect zapewnia kilka możliwości integracji twojego telefonu z twoim komputerem: Musisz mieć wgrane KDE Connect na swoim komputerze, aby ta aplikacja zadziałała, a także aktualną wersję zgodną z wersją Androida, aby wszystkie najnowsze funkcje działały.
de: >-KDE-Connect bietet mehrere Funktionen zur Integration Ihres Telefons und Ihres Rechners: Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie KDE-Connect auf Ihrem Rechner installieren müssen, damit diese App funktioniert. Halten Sie die Arbeitsflächen-Version und Android-Version auf dem neusten Stand, damit Sie die neuesten Funktionen nutzen können
sr-ijekavian: >-КДЕ‑конекција поседује вишеструке могућности интеграције вашег телефона и рачунара. Морате да инсталирате КДЕ‑конекцију на ваш рачунар да би ова апликација радила. Такође, нека вам обе апликације буду ажурне како бисте уживали у најновијим могућностима.
uk: >-У KDE Connect передбачено декілька можливостей для інтеграції вашого телефону з вашим комп’ютером. Будь ласка, зауважте, що вам доведеться встановити KDE Connect на ваш комп’ютер, щоб скористатися цією програмою, а також підтримувати актуальність версії на комп’ютері та версії для Android, щоб мати змогу скористатися найсвіжішими можливостями.
en-GB: >-KDE Connect provides several features to integrate your phone and your computer: Please note you will need to install KDE Connect on your computer for this app to work, and keep the desktop version up-to-date with the Android version for the latest features to work.
C: "KDE Connect provides several features to integrate your phone and your computer:\n\n \n\n Please note you will need to install KDE Connect on your computer for this app to work, and keep the desktop version up-to-date with the Android version for the latest features to work.
" el: >-Το KDE Connect παρέχει πολλές λειτουργίες ενσωμάτωσης μεταξύ τηλεφωνικής συσκευής και υπολογιστή: Σημειώστε ότι για την εφαρμογή αυτή θα χρειαστεί να εγκαταστήσετε το KDE Connect στον υπολογιστή σας και να διατηρείτε την επιφάνεια εργασίας ενημερωμένη με την έκδοση του Android για τις πιο πρόσφατες λειτουργίες.
pt: >-O KDE Connect oferece diversas funcionalidades para integrar o seu telefone com o seu computador: Lembre-se por favor que terá de instalar o KDE Connect com o seu computador para esta aplicação funcionar e deverá manter a versão no ambiente de trabalho actualizada com a versão para Android, para que as últimas funcionalidades funcionem.
cs: >-KDE Connect poskytuje několik vlastností pro vzájemnou integraci vašeho telefonu a počítače: Prosím pamatujte, že pro správnou funkci této aplikace potřebujete nainstalovat KDE Connect na váš počítač a pro správnou funkci nejnovějších vlastností udržovat aplikaci na telefonu i počítači aktuální.
ca-valencia: >-El KDE Connect proporciona diverses característiques per integrar el telèfon amb l'ordinador: Recordeu que haureu d'instal·lar el KDE Connect a l'ordinador perquè aquesta aplicació funcione, i mantindre actualitzada la versió de l'escriptori amb la versió d'Android perquè funcionen les últimes característiques.
sr: >-КДЕ‑конекција поседује вишеструке могућности интеграције вашег телефона и рачунара. Морате да инсталирате КДЕ‑конекцију на ваш рачунар да би ова апликација радила. Такође, нека вам обе апликације буду ажурне како бисте уживали у најновијим могућностима.
gl: >-KDE Connect fornece varias funcionalidades para integrar teléfonos con computadores. Teña en conta que terá que instalar KDE Connect no seu computador para que este aplicativo funcione, e manter a versión de escritorio sincronizada coa de Android para que as últimas funcionalidades funcionen.
es: >-KDE Connect proporciona varias funcionalidades para integrar su teléfono y su equipo: Por favor, tenga en cuenta que deberá instalar KDE Connect en su equipo para que esta aplicación funcione. Además, deberá mantener la versión de escritorio actualizada con su versión de Android para beneficiarse de las últimas funcionalidades.
fr: >-KDE Connect fournit un ensemble de fonctionnalités pour intégrer votre téléphone et votre ordinateur : veuillez noter qu'il est nécessaire d'installer KDE Connect sur votre ordinateur pour faire fonctionner cette application, ainsi que de maintenir le logiciel à jour pour profiter des dernières fonctionnalités.
eu: >-KDE Connect-ek eginbide ugari ditu zure telefonoa eta ordenagailua integratzeko: KDE Connect instalatu beharko duzu zure ordenagailuan aplikazioa hau ibili dadin, eta mahaigaineko bertsioa Androiden bertsioarekin eguneratuta izan beharko duzu eginbide berrienak ibili daitezen.
tr: >-KDE Connect, telefonunuzu ve bilgisayarınızı bütünleştirmek için çeşitli özellikler sunar: Bu uygulamanın çalışabilmesi için bilgisayarınıza KDE Connect'i yüklemeniz ve en son özelliklerin çalışabilmesi için masaüstü sürümünün Android sürümü ile güncel tutulması gereklidir.
zh-CN: >-KDE Connect 提供了很多整合手机和电脑的功能特性:请注意您需要在电脑上安装 KDE Connect 应用才能使其工作,为了使最新特性能够生效,您必须更新桌面应用和 Android 应用到最新版本。
sv: >-KDE-anslut tillhandahåller flera funktioner för att integrera telefon och dator. Observera att KDE-anslut måste installeras på datorn för att appen ska fungera, och att skrivbordsdatorns version måste hållas uppdaterad tillsammans med Androidversionen för att de senaste funktionerna ska fungera.
ru: >-KDE Connect предоставляет несколько функций для интеграции телефона и компьютера. Обратите внимание, что для работы этого приложения необходимо установить KDE Connect на свой компьютер и, для работы новейших функций, держать версию обновлённой в соответствии с версией для Android.
sr-Latn: >-KDE‑konekcija poseduje višestruke mogućnosti integracije vašeg telefona i računara. Morate da instalirate KDE‑konekciju na vaš računar da bi ova aplikacija radila. Takođe, neka vam obe aplikacije budu ažurne kako biste uživali u najnovijim mogućnostima.
ca: >-El KDE Connect proporciona diverses característiques per integrar el telèfon amb l'ordinador: Recordeu que haureu d'instal·lar el KDE Connect a l'ordinador perquè aquesta aplicació funcioni, i mantenir actualitzada la versió de l'escriptori amb la versió d'Android perquè funcionin les últimes característiques.
it: >-KDE Connect fornisce diverse funzioni per integrare il tuo telefono e il tuo computer: affinché questa applicazione funzioni, dovrai installare KDE Connect sul tuo computer e mantenere la versione desktop aggiornata alla versione Android, in modo che le funzioni più recenti siano attive.
da: >-KDE Connect tilbyder adskillige funktioner, der integrerer din telefon og din computer: Bemærk at du vil skulle installere KDE Connect på din computer for at denne app virker, samt holde desktop-versionen opdateret sammen med Android-versionen, for at de nyeste funktioner vil virke.
sr-ijekavianlatin: >-KDE‑konekcija poseduje višestruke mogućnosti integracije vašeg telefona i računara. Morate da instalirate KDE‑konekciju na vaš računar da bi ova aplikacija radila. Takođe, neka vam obe aplikacije budu ažurne kako biste uživali u najnovijim mogućnostima.
nn: >-KDE Connect har fleire funksjonar for integrering av telefonen og datamaskina di. Merk at du må installera KDE Connect på datamaskina for at denne appen skal fungera. Viss du vil bruka dei nyaste funksjonane, må du òg hugsa på å halda datamaskinversjonen oppdatert når du oppdaterer appen.
nl: >-KDE Connect biedt verschillende functies om uw telefoon en uw computer: merk op dat het nodig is om KDE Connect op uw computer te installeren om deze app te laten werken en de bureabladversie up-to-date te houden met de Android-versie om de laatste functies te laten werken.
ProjectGroup: KDE ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Url: homepage: https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=kdeconnect help: https://docs.kde.org/index.php?application=kdeconnect-kde&language=en Icon: cached: - name: kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/kdeconnect.kcm.desktop/AE293D67AB37AE277295BA591766B9D7/icons/128x128/kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kdeconnect.kcm.desktop Provides: binaries: - kdeconnectd - kdeconnect-cli Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/kde/kdeconnect.kcm.desktop/AE293D67AB37AE277295BA591766B9D7/screenshots/image-1_224x167.png width: 224 height: 167 source-image: url: org/kde/kdeconnect.kcm.desktop/AE293D67AB37AE277295BA591766B9D7/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 545 height: 407 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kdeconnect.nonplasma Package: kdeconnect Name: de: KDE-Connect-Anzeige pl: Wskaźnik KDE Connect sr: КДЕ‑конекцијин показатељ sr@latin: KDE‑konekcijin pokazatelj zh_CN: KDE Connect 指示器 pt: Indicador do KDE Connect C: KDE Connect Indicator el: Εφαρμογή ένδειξης KDE Connect sr@ijekavianlatin: KDE‑konekcijin pokazatelj cs: Indikátor KDE Connect gl: Indicador de KDE Connect ru: Индикатор KDE Connect ca@valencia: Indicador del KDE Connect es: Indicador de KDE Connect fr: Indicateur de KDE Connect eu: KDE Connect adierazlea sv: KDE-anslut indikator tr: KDE Connect Göstergesi en_GB: KDE Connect Indicator sr@ijekavian: КДЕ‑конекцијин показатељ ca: Indicador del KDE Connect it: Indicatore di KDE Connect da: KDE Connect-indikator nl: KDE-Connect indicator nn: KDE Connect-indikator uk: Індикатор KDE Connect Summary: he: הצג מידע עך ההתקנים שלך ca@valencia: Mostra la informació dels vostres dispositius zh_CN: 显示您设备的信息 sk: Zobraziť informácie o vašich zariadeniach C: Display information about your devices fr: Afficher les informations de vos périphériques sr: Приказује податке о вашем телефону uk: Показати дані щодо ваших пристроїв ca: Mostra la informació dels vostres dispositius sv: Visa information om enheter hu: Információk megjelenítése az eszközeiről nl: Toon informatie over uw apparaten zh_TW: 顯示關於您的裝置資訊 nn: Vis informasjon om einingane dine ar: اعرض معلومات عن أجهزتك pl: Wyświetl informacje o twoich urządzeniach el: Προβολή πληροφοριών σχετικά με τις συσκευές σας ast: Amuesa información tocante a los tos preseos cs: Zobrazit informace o vašich zařízeních gl: Mostrar información sobre os dispositivos pt: Mostrar informações sobre os seus dispositivos es: Mostrar información sobre sus dispositivos et: Teabe kuvamine seadmete kohta eu: Bistaratu zure gailuei buruzko informazioa ru: Просмотр информации о мобильных устройствах sr@ijekavianlatin: Prikazuje podatke o vašem telefonu tr: Aygıtlarınız hakkında bilgi görüntüleyin sr@ijekavian: Приказује податке о вашем телефону it: Visualizza informazioni sui tuoi dispositivi ko: 장치 정보 표시 da: Vis information om dine enheder de: Anzeige von Informationen über Ihre Geräte pt_BR: Mostra informações sobre seus dispositivos en_GB: Display information about your devices sr@latin: Prikazuje podatke o vašem telefonu fi: Näyttää tietoa laitteistasi Description: de: >-Werkzeug zur Verbindung des KDE Plasma Workspace mit Ihren Smartphones und ähnlichen Geräten. Es fügt dem KDE Plasma Workspace eine Reihe von Plasmoiden, Plugins und Diensten hinzu. Momentan unterstützt es nur Android-Geräte.
C: >-Tool to integrate the KDE Plasma Workspace with your smartphones and similar devices. It adds a set of plasmoid, plugins and services to the KDE Plasma Workspace. At the moment it only supports Android based devices.
en: >-Tool to integrate the KDE Plasma Workspace with your smartphones and similar devices. It adds a set of plasmoid, plugins and services to the KDE Plasma Workspace. At the moment it only supports Android based devices.
en_CA: >-Tool to integrate the KDE Plasma Workspace with your smartphones and similar devices. It adds a set of plasmoid, plugins and services to the KDE Plasma Workspace. At the moment it only supports Android based devices.
fr: >-Outil pour intégrer l'espace de travail Plasma KDE et vos smartphones ou appareils similaires. Il ajoute un ensemble de plasmoïdes, greffons et services à l'espace de travail Plasma KDE. Pour l'instant, il prend en charge uniquement les appareils basés sur Android.
en_GB: >-Tool to integrate the KDE Plasma Workspace with your smartphones and similar devices. It adds a set of plasmoid, plugins and services to the KDE Plasma Workspace. At the moment it only supports Android based devices.
it: >-Strumento per integrare lo spazio di lavoro KDE Plasma con i propri smartphone e dispositivi simili. Aggiunge un insieme di plasmoid, plugin e servizi allo spazio di lavoro KDE Plasma. Al momento gestisce solo i dispositivi basati su Android.
da: >-Værktøj til at integrere KDE Plasma-arbejdsrummet med dine smarttelefoner og lignende enheder. Værktøjet tilføjer et sæt af plasmoid, udvidelsesmoduler og tjenester til KDE Plasma-arbejdsrummet. I øjeblikket understøtter det kun Android-baserede enheder.
en_AU: >-Tool to integrate the KDE Plasma Workspace with your smartphones and similar devices. It adds a set of plasmoid, plugins and services to the KDE Plasma Workspace. At the moment it only supports Android based devices.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/kde/kdeconnect.nonplasma/88000357402420FDE823C511DEE0A2F8/icons/128x128/kdeconnect_kdeconnect.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kdeconnect.nonplasma.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: netbeans.desktop Package: netbeans Name: C: NetBeans Summary: C: Integrated Development Environment de: Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung Description: de: >-Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) für Software-Entwickler. Sie unterstützt die Entwicklung von Arbeitsplatz-, Firmen- und Web-Anwendungen sowie von Anwendungen für mobile Geräte. Das Paket enthält die Basis-IDE, »Java Development Tools« und »Plug-in Development Tools«. Es ist möglich, die Unterstützung für PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE und andere Programmiersprachen später hinzuzufügen.
sk: >-Integrované vývojové prostredie pre vývojárov softvéru. Podporuje vývoj aplikácií pre pracovné prostredie, podnikovú sféru, web a mobilné zariadenia. Balík obsahuje Základ IDE, vývojové nástroje Javy a vývojové nástroje vo forme zásuvných modulov. Je možné pridať podporu PHP, Ruby, C/C+ +, Java EE a ďalších.
sl: >-Enovito razvojno okolje za programske razvijalce. Podpira razvoj namiznih, podjetniških, spletnih in mobilnih programov. Ta paket vključuje osnovni IDE, razvojna orodja java in razvojna orodja vstavkov. Mogoče je dodati podporo za PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE in druge.
ja: >-ソフトウェア開発者向けの統合開発環境です。デスクトップ、エンタープライズ、 ウェブ、モバイルアプリケーションの開発をサポートしています。パッケージは基 本 IDE、Java 開発ツール、プラグイン開発ツールを同梱しています。PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE などのサポートも追加できます。
uk: >-Інтегроване середовище розробки (IDE) для розробників програмного забезпечення. Воно підтримує розробку стільничних, корпоративних, веб- та мобільних застосунків. Пакунок містить Основне IDE, Інструменти розробки на Java та засоби розробки втулків. Підтримується PHP, Ruby, Сі/Сі++, Java EE, а інші можуть бути додані.
C: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
en: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
en_CA: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
ru: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
es: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
fr: >-Environnement de développement intégré (IDE) pour les développeurs de logiciels. Il permet le développement d’applications pour le bureau, l’entreprise, le web et les équipements mobiles. Le paquet inclut l’IDE de base, les outils de développement de Java et des greffons. La prise en charge de PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java Entreprise Edition et autres peut être ajoutée.
en_GB: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
hu: >-Integrált fejlesztői környezet szoftverfejlesztőknek. Támogatja az asztali, a vállalati, a webes, és a mobil alkalmazások fejlesztését. A csomag tartalmazza az alap IDE-t, Java fejlesztő eszközöket és a bővítményfejlesztő eszközöket. A PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE és egyéb nyelvek támogatásával is kiegészíthető.
it: >-IDE (Integrated Development Environment, ambiente di sviluppo integrato) per sviluppatori software. Gestisce lo sviluppo di applicazioni per il desktop, professionali, per il web e per dispositivi mobili. Il pacchetto include l'IDE di base, gli strumenti per sviluppo Java e gli strumenti per sviluppo di plugin. Può essere aggiunta la gestione di PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE e altri.
nl: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
da: >-Integrated Development Environment for programudviklere. Pakken understøtter udvikling af skrivebords-, firma-, net- og mobile programmer. Pakken inkluderer Base IDE, Java Development Tools og Plug-in Development Tools. Understøttelse for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE og andre kan tilføjes.
en_AU: >-Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.
Categories: - Development - IDE - Java Keywords: C: - development - Java - IDE - platform - javafx - javase Icon: cached: - name: netbeans_netbeans.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: netbeans_netbeans.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: n/ne/netbeans.desktop/3B71AF6B1DC2F8189862B763D2D90B5B/icons/128x128/netbeans_netbeans.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - netbeans.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: sigil.desktop Package: sigil Name: C: Sigil Summary: C: ePUB file editor Description: pl: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
de: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
pt_BR: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
sk: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
sl: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
ja: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
uk: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
C: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
fi: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
en: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
ru: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
tr: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
es: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
fr: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
Fonctionnalités :
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
pt: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
gl: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
ko: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
is: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
it: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
da: >-Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.
* Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned.
Categories: - Office Icon: cached: - name: sigil_sigil.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: sigil_sigil.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: sigil Provides: mimetypes: - application/epub+zip --- Type: desktop-application ID: wireshark.desktop Package: wireshark-qt Name: C: Wireshark vi: Wireshark Summary: ja: ネットワークトラフィックアナライザー sk: Analyzátor sieťovej premávky sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa C: Network traffic analyzer sq: Analizues i trafikut të rrjetit fr: Analyseur de trafic réseau nb: Nettverkstrafikk-analysator sv: Nätverkstrafikanalysator af: Netwerkverkeer analiseerder hu: Hálózatiforgalom-elemző uk: Аналізатор мережевого трафіку nl: Netwerkverkeer analyseren lt: Tinklo duomenų srauto analizatorius pl: Analizator ruchu sieciowego el: Ανάλυση κίνησης δικτύου ast: Analizador de tráficu de rede cs: Analyzátor síťového přenosu pt: Analisador de tráfego da rede ro: Analizator trafic de rețea es: Analizador de tráfico de red gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede et: Võrguliikluse analüüsija vi: Trình phân tích giao thông mạng ru: Анализ сетевого трафика tr: Ağ trafiği çözümleyicisi oc: Analisador de tramas de ret da: Netværkstrafikanalyse it: Analizzatore del traffico di rete bg: Анализатор на мрежовия трафик de: Netzwerkverkehr-Analyseprogramm pt_BR: Analisador de tráfego de rede ko: 네트워크 트래픽 분석기 bn: নেটওয়ার্ক ট্রাফিক বিশ্লেষক ms: Penganalisa trafik rangkaian ky: Тармактык трафикти анализдөө fi: Verkkoliikenne analysaattori bs: Analizator mrežnoga prometa Description: pl: >-Wireshark jest narzędziem typu sniffer, służącym do przechwytywania i analizowania pakietów sieciowych. Wireshark potrafi dekodować zbyt wiele protokołów, aby je tutaj wymieniać.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
de: >-Wireshark ist ein Netzwerk-»Sniffer« - ein Werkzeug, das Pakete auf der Leitung erfasst und analysiert. Wireshark kann so viele Protokolle dekodieren, dass sie hier nicht aufgelistet werden können.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
zh_CN: >-Wireshark 是一个网络嗅探器 - 一个用于抓取和分析网络数据包的工具。 Wireshark 可以解码的协议数量巨大,不胜枚举。
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
sk: >-Wireshark je analyzátor premávky na sieti alebo „sniffer“ pre unixové systémy. Wireshark dokáže dekódovať množstvo protokolov (príliš mnoho aby sa dal uviesť zoznam).
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
sl: >-Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
pt_BR: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
pt: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
C: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
uk: >-Wireshark — аналізатор мережевого трафіку, т.зв. „сніфер“, — це утиліта для захоплення пакетів, які проходять мережевим каналом. Wireshark підтримує формати декількох протоколів (дуже великий перелік).
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
ru: >-Wireshark — это анализатор сетевого трафика («снифер») для захвата пакетов, которые передаются по сетевому каналу. Wireshark поддерживает так много протоколов, что их невозможно перечислить в данном описании.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
ja: >-Wireshark は、回線上を流れるパケットをキャプチャし、解析するツールであ るネットワーク「スニファ」です。 Wireshark はここで一覧を示すことがで きない程多くのプロトコルを解析することができます。
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en_CA: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
fr: >-Wireshark est un analyseur de trafic réseau ou «⋅sniffer⋅», utilisé pour capturer et examiner les paquets transitant sur un réseau. Wireshark décode de nombreux protocoles (trop nombreux pour être listés).
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en_GB: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
hu: >-A Wireshark egy hálózatfigyelő eszköz, amely elkapja és elemzi a hálózati csomagokat. A Wireshark rengeteg protokollt támogat.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
it: >-Wireshark è uno "sniffer" della rete, uno strumento che cattura e analizza pacchetti dal cavo. Wireshark può decodificare troppi protocolli per elencarli qui.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
nl: >-Wireshark is een netwerk-"sniffer" - een hulpmiddel dat pakketten van de draad kan opvangen en analyseren. Wireshark kan te veel protocols decoderen om hier op te noemen.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
da: >-Wireshark er en »netværkssniffer« - et værktøj som fanger og analyserer pakker fra nettet. Wireshark kan afkode en masse protokoller; for mange til at nævne her.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
en_AU: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.
Categories: - Network - Monitor Icon: cached: - name: wireshark-qt_wireshark.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wireshark-qt_wireshark.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wireshark Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-tektronix-rf5 - application/x-micropross-mplog - application/x-iptrace - application/x-ixia-vwr - application/x-etherpeek - application/x-lanalyzer - application/x-radcom - application/x-netinstobserver - application/x-5view - application/x-nettl - application/x-snoop - application/x-endace-erf - application/ipfix - application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap - application/x-pcapng - application/x-visualnetworks - application/x-apple-packetlogger --- Type: addon ID: org.gnome.Software.Plugin.Limba Package: gnome-software-plugin-limba Extends: - org.gnome.Software.desktop Name: ca@valencia: Compatibilitat amb Limba zh_CN: Limba 支持 ja: Limba サポート sk: Podpora nástroja Limba sl: Podpora Limba C: Limba Support fr: Prise en charge de Limba nb: Støtte for Limba hr: Limba podrška sv: Limba-stöd ca: Compatibilitat amb Limba pa: ਲੀਮਬਾ ਸਹਿਯੋਗ hu: Limba támogatás af: Limba ondersteuning nl: Limba-ondersteuning lt: Limba palaikymas pl: Obsługa Limba lv: Limba atbalsts gd: Taic ri Limba el: Υποστήριξη Limba id: Dukungan Limba cs: Podpora pro Limba ro: Support pentru Limba gl: Compatibilidade de Limba es: Soporte de Limbba eu: Limba euskarria tr: Limba Desteği kk: Limba қолдауы oc: Presa en carga de Limba da: Understøttelse af Limba ko: Limba 지원 it: Supporto Limba fur: Supuart Limba pt_BR: Suporte limba de: Unterstützung von Limba en_GB: Limba Support bg: Поддръжка на „Limba“ sr@latin: Podrška za Limbu fi: Limba-tuki Summary: ca@valencia: Limba proveeix als desenvolupadors una manera senzilla de fer paquets de programari zh_CN: Limba 提供给开发者一个轻松创建软件组合包的方法 ja: Limba は開発者がソフトウェアバンドルを簡単に作成できる方法を提供します sk: Limba umožňuje vývojárom jednoduché vytvárania softvérových balíkov sl: Sistem Limba omogoča razvijalcem enostavno ustvarjanje paketov programske opreme C: Limba provides developers a way to easily create software bundles fr: Limba donne aux développeurs un moyen de créer facilement des paquets logiciels nb: Limba gir utviklere en enkel måte å lage programvarepakker hr: Limba omogućuje razvijateljima lagan način stvaranja softverskih paketa sv: Limba tillhandahåller ett sätt för utvecklare att lätt skapa programvarubuntar ca: Limba proveeix als desenvolupadors una manera senzilla de fer paquets de programari pa: ਲੀਮਬਾ ਡਿਵੈਲਪਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੌਖੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਬੰਡਲ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਦਾ ਢੰਗ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ hu: A Limba lehetőséget biztosít a fejlesztőknek, hogy könnyedén készítsenek szoftvercsomagokat nl: Limba biedt ontwikkelaars een eenvoudige manier om softwarepakketten te maken lt: Limba pateikia kūrėjams būdą lengvai kurti programinės įrangos rinkinius pl: Limba dostarcza programistom łatwy sposób na tworzenie pakietów oprogramowania lv: Limba sniedz izstrādātājiem veidu, kādā viegli izveidot programmatūras komplektus gd: Bheir Limba dòigh furasta dhan luchd-leasachaidh gus trusgain bathair-bhog a chruthachadh el: Το Limba παρέχει στους προγραμματιστές έναν εύκολο τρόπο να δημιουργήσουν πακέτα λογισμικού id: Limba memberikan pengembang cara untuk membuat bundel perangkat lunak dengan mudah cs: Limba poskytuje vývojářům způsob, jak snadno vytvářet softwarové balíčky ro: Limba oferă dezvotatorilor un mod de a creea ușor pachete de programe gl: Limba fornece aos desenvolvedores unha maneira doada de crear paquetes de software es: Limba proporciona a desarrolladores una manera sencilla de crear paquetes de software eu: Limba-k softwareen paketeak erraz sortzeko modu bat eskaintzen die garatzaileei tr: Limba geliştiricilerin kolayca yazılım yığınları oluşturması sağlar kk: Limba өңдірушілерге БҚ пакеттерін жасау мүмкіндігін береді oc: Limba permet als desvolopaires de crear aisidament d'aplicacions autonòmas da: Limba giver udviklere en mulighed for at oprette software-pakker på en enkel måde ko: Limba는 개발자에게 프로그램 번들을 쉽게 만들 수 있는 수단을 제공합니다 it: Limba fornisce agli sviluppatori un modo semplice per creare raccolte di software fur: Limba al furnìs ai svilupadôrs une maniere semplice par creâ racueltis di software pt_BR: Limba permite aos desenvolvedores uma forma fácil de criar pacotes de softwares de: Limba stellt Entwicklern eine einfache Möglichkeit bereit, Software-Pakete zu erstellen en_GB: Limba provides developers a way to easily create software bundles bg: „Limba“ осигурява на разработчиците начин за лесно създаване на софтуерни пакети sr@latin: Limba pruža programerima jednostavan način za pravljenje programskih paketa fi: Limba tarjoaa kehittäjille helpon tavan luoda ohjelmistopaketteja ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: https://people.freedesktop.org/~mak/limba/ --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: pl: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set de: GStreamer-Erweiterungen aus der »bad«-Sammlung zh_CN: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set pt_BR: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set sl: Vstavki GStreamer iz zbirke "bad" ja: GStreamer プラグインの「不良な」セット uk: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set C: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set fi: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set en: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set gl: Engadidos de GStreamer do conxunto «malo» en_CA: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set sk: zásuvné moduly pre GStreamer zo sady „bad“ es: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set fr: greffons GStreamer de l'ensemble « bad » pt: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set ru: Набор "плохих" модулей GStreamer en_GB: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set hu: GStreamer bővítmények a „bad” készletből ko: '"bad" 세트에 있는 GStreamer 플러그인들' it: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set nl: GStreamer-plug-ins uit de "bad"-set da: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set en_AU: GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set --- Type: desktop-application ID: SciTE.desktop Package: scite Name: fr: Éditeur de texte SciTE C: SciTE Text Editor es: Editor de textos SciTE ru: Текстовый редактор SciTE Summary: fr: Éditer des fichiers sources C: Edit your source files es: Edita especializado para programación ru: Редактор исходных кодов Description: de: >-GTK-basierter Editor für Programmierer mit Syntax-Hervorhebung für viele Sprachen. Unterstützt das Einfalten von Textteilen und den Export des Textes mit Syntaxhervorhebungen in farbiges HTML und RTF.
pt_BR: >-Programação baseada em GTK com suporte a realce de sintaxe para muitas linguagens. Também suporta dobra de seções, exportação de texto realçado em HTML e RTF coloridos.
sk: >-Programátorský editor založený na GTK s podporou zvýrazňovania syntaxe mnohých jazykov. Tiež podporuje skladanie blokov, exportovanie zvýrazneného textu do farebného HTML a RTF.
sl: >-Na GTK osnovano programiranje s podporo poudarjanje skladnje za več jezikov. Podpira tudi zgibanje odsekov, izvažanje poudarjenega besedila v obarvan HTML in RTF.
ja: >-多くの言語に対する構文強調機能をサポートした GTK ベースのプログラム です。セクションの折り畳み、構文強調されたテキストの色つき HTML および RTF へのエクスポートもサポートします。
uk: >-У програму вбудовано підсвічування синтаксису для великої кількості мов програмування. Також є можливість згортання секцій та експорт текстів у формати HTML й RTF із збереженням підсвічування.
C: >-GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF.
en: >-GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF.
en_CA: >-GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF.
ru: >-В программу встроена подсветка синтаксиса для большого числа языков программирования. Также есть возможность свёртывания секций и экспорт текстов в форматы HTML и RTF с сохранением подсветки.
gl: >-GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF.
fr: >-Éditeur de programmation basé sur GTK avec coloration syntaxique pour de nombreux langages. Supporte également le pliage de sections, l'export du texte coloré en HTML et RTF.
en_GB: >-GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF.
it: >-Editor per la programmazione basato su GTK con possibilità di evidenziazione della sintassi per molti linguaggi. Gestisce anche sezioni "ripiegate" e l'esportazione del testo evidenziato in HTML colorato e RTF.
nl: >-GTK-gebaseerd programmeren met syntaxiskleuring-ondersteuning voor vele talen. Ondersteunt ook het inklappen van secties en exporteren van gekleurde tekst in HTML en RTF.
da: >-GTK-baseret programmering, der kan lave syntaksfremhævning af mange sprog. Understøtter også sammenfoldning af afsnit samt eksport af fremhævet tekst i farvet HTML og RTF
en_AU: >-GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF.
Categories: - TextEditor - Development Icon: cached: - name: scite_Sci48M.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - SciTE.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - text/plain --- Type: desktop-application ID: budgie-plank-prefs.desktop Package: budgie-desktop-environment Name: C: Plank Preferences Summary: C: Stupidly simple. Description: C: >-Installs all Ubuntu Budgie packages, both essential dependencies as well as recommended packages and applications. Installs: Ubuntu Budgie panel configuration plank dock customisation gsettings overrides
en: >-Installs all Ubuntu Budgie packages, both essential dependencies as well as recommended packages and applications. Installs: Ubuntu Budgie panel configuration plank dock customisation gsettings overrides
Categories: - DesktopSettings - Utility Icon: cached: - name: budgie-desktop-environment_plank.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: budgie-desktop-environment_plank.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: plank --- Type: desktop-application ID: usbview.desktop Package: usbview Name: C: USBView Summary: C: View USB devices attached to system Description: C: >-USBView is a small GTK+ application to show what the device tree of the USB bus looks like. It shows a graphical representation of the devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB bus. It also displays information on each individual device on the bus.
en: >-USBView is a small GTK+ application to show what the device tree of the USB bus looks like. It shows a graphical representation of the devices that are currently plugged in, showing the topology of the USB bus. It also displays information on each individual device on the bus.
Categories: - HardwareSettings - Settings Keywords: C: - USB - devices - connected - removable Icon: cached: - name: usbview_usbview.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: usbview_usbview.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: usbview_usbview.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: u/us/usbview.desktop/487742c8872fcac8e87e4d5f38c5df8d/icons/128x128/usbview_usbview.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: usbview Launchable: desktop-id: - usbview.desktop --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Lua Package: hexchat-lua Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Lua Plugin Summary: C: Provides a scripting interface in Lua ProjectLicense: MIT Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: desktop-application ID: blender.desktop Package: blender Name: C: Blender Summary: ca@valencia: Modelat 3D, animació, renderització i post-producció ja: 3Dモデリング、アニメーション、レンダリング、ポストプロダクションのツール pt_BR: Modelagem 3D, animação, renderização e pós-produção wa: Modelaedje 3D, animåcion, rindou eyet après-produccion sl: 3D modeliranje, animacija, izrisovanje in nadaljnje obdelovanje zh_CN: 3D 建模、动画、渲染和后期制作 C: 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production fr: Modélisation 3D, animation, rendu et post-production sq: Animacion i modeleve 3D, rregullim dhe më pas prodhim sr: 3Д моделовање, анимација, исцртавање и постпродукција nb: 3D-modellering, animasjon, rendering og postproduksjon ca: Modelat 3D, animació, renderització i post-producció sv: 3d-modellering, animering, rendering och efterbehandling hu: 3D modellek és animációk létrehozása és szerkesztése uk: Програма просторового моделювання, анімації, обробки відео та доведення відеопродуктів nl: 3d-modelleren, animeren, renderen en post-productie zh_TW: 3D 模型、動畫、算圖和後製 lt: 3D modeliavimas, animacijų kūrimas, atvaizdavimas ir tobulinimas ar: 3D النمذجة، الرسوم المتحركة، والتجسيد، وما بعد الإنتاج lv: 3D modelēšana, animācija, renderēšana un pēcapstrāde pl: Modelowanie 3D, animacja, renderowanie i postprodukcja crh: 3B modelleme, animasyon, işleme ve son üretim el: Μοντελοποίηση 3D, κινούμενα σχέδια, αποτύπωση και οργάνωση διαδικασίας μετά-την-παραγωγή ast: Modeláu 3D, animación, renderizáu y postproducción cs: 3D modelování, animace, rederování a postprodukce eo: 3D-modelado, animacio, renderado kaj postproduktado fr_CA: Modélisation 3D, animation, rendu et post-production gl: Modelado 3D, animación, renderizado e postprodución pt: Modelação 3D, animação, renderização e pós-produção es: Modelado 3D, animación, renderizado y post-producción et: Kolmemõõtmeline modelleerimine, animeerimine, esitlemine ja järeltöötlemine eu: 3D modelatzea, animazioa, errendatzea eta post-produkzioa vi: Tạo hình mẫu 3D, hoạt họa, dựng hình và các công việc hậu kỳ ro: Modelare, animare, afișare și post-producție 3D ru: 3D-моделирование, анимация, рендеринг и компоновка tr: 3B modelleme, animasyon, işleme ve son üretim zh_HK: 3D 模型、動畫、算圖和後製 be: Праграма прасторавага мадэлявання, анімацыі, апрацоўкі відэа і давядзення відэапрадукцыі is: Þrívíddarmódel, hreyfimyndir, myndgerð og frágangur myndskeiða ko: 3D 모델링, 애니메이션, 렌더링과 포스트 프로덕션 it: Modellazione 3D, animazione, rendering e post-produzione da: 3D-modellering, animation, rendering og efterbehandling de: 3D-Modellierung, Animation, Rendering und Nachbearbeitung oc: Modelizacion 3D, animacion, rendut e post-produccion tg: Моделсозии 3D, аниматсия, пешниҳод ва истеҳсоли баъдӣ bg: 3D моделиране, анимиране, рендиране и пост-продукция bn: ত্রিমাত্রিক মডেল, অ্যানিমেশন, রেন্ডারিং এবং পোস্ট-উৎপাদন ms: Pemodelan, animasi, penerapan dan post-produksi 3D fi: 3D-mallinnus, -animaatiot, -renderöinti ja -tuotanto bs: 3D modeliranje, animacija, obrada i postprodukcija ta: முப்பரிமாண ஒப்புருவாக்கம், அசைவூட்டம், காட்சியாக்கம் மற்றும் உருவாக்கத்துக்கு பிந்தைய செயல்பாடுகள் Description: pl: >-Blender jest zintegrowanym pakietem narzędziowym służącym do trójwymiarowego modelowania, animacji, renderingu, postprodukcji, interaktywnego tworzenia i odtwarzania (gier). Blender dysponuje własnym, wyjątkowym interfejsem użytkownika, stworzonym w całości w oparciu o OpenGL i zaprojektowanym z myślą o szybkości. Wiązania Pythona dostępne są do obsługi skryptów; funkcje importu/eksportu popularnych formatów plików jak 3D Studio i Wavefront OBJ zostały zaimplementowane przez społeczność jako skrypty. Fotosy, animacje, modele dla gier, silniki spoza projektu oraz interaktywne treści w postaci niezależnych plików binarnych są powszechnymi produktami używania Blendera.
de: >-Blender ist eine integrierte 3D-Suite für die Modellierung, Animation, Rendering, Postproduktion sowie interaktive Erstellung und Wiedergabe (z.B. Spiele). Blender hat seine eigene, spezielle Benutzeroberfläche, die vollständing in OpenGL implementiert ist, wobei Wert auf Geschwindigkeit gelegt wurde. Zur Steuerung durch Skripte sind Anbindungen an Python verfügbar; Import/Export-Fähigkeiten für gängige Dateiformate wie 3D Studio und Wavefront-Obj sind als Skripte von der Community implementiert. Unbewegte Szenen, Animationen, Modelle für Spiele und andere Engines, sowie interaktive Inhalte in Form von eigenen Programmen sind gängige Ergebnisse der Arbeit mit Blender.
zh_CN: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
sk: >-Blender je integrovaná sada 3D nástrojov na modelovanie, animáciu, vykresľovanie, postprodukciu, interaktívnu tvorbu a prehrávanie (hry). Blender má vlastné špecifické používateľské rozhranie, ktoré je kompletne implementované v OpenGL a navrhnuté s ohľadom na rýchlosť. Na skriptovanie sú dostupné väzby pre Python. Vo forme skriptov sú implementované možnosti importu/exportu populárnych formátov súborov ako 3D Studio a Wavefront Obj. Bežnými výsledkami použitia Blendera sú statické scény, animácie, modely pre hry alebo iné jadrá tretích strán a interaktívny obsah v samostatnej binárnej forme.
sl: >-Blender je enovita 3d zbirka za modeliranje, animacijo, izrisovanje, poobdelavo, interaktivno ustvarjanje in predvajanje (igre). Blender vsebuje svoj lasten uporabniški vmesnik, ki je izveden popolnoma v OpenGL in zasnovan s hitrostjo v mislih. Za skriptanje so na voljo vezave Python. Zmožnosti uvoza/izvoza iz priljubljenih vrst datotek, kot sta 3D studio in Wavefront Obj je kot skripte napisala skupnost. Pogosti izdelki, ustvarjeni z Blenderjem so slike, animacije, modeli za igre ali druge programnike tretjih oseb in interaktivna vsebina v obliki samostojnih binarnih datotek.
pt_BR: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
pt: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
C: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
uk: >-Blender це комплекс для 3-D моделювання, анімації, візуалізації, після- обробки, інтерактивного створення та відтворення (ігри). Blender має свій, особливий інтерфейс, повністю реалізований на OpenGL, при його створенні особлива увага приділялася швидкості. Можлива автоматизація роботи програми за допомогою сценаріїв на Python. Зокрема, у вигляді сценаріїв реалізовані імпорт та експорт в популярні формати файлів такі як 3D Studio і Wavefront Obj. За допомогою пакету зазвичай створюються статичні малюнки, анімація, моделі для ігор, а також інтерактивне інформаційне наповнення у вигляді самостійних програм.
en: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
ru: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
fi: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
tr: >-Blender; modelleme, animasyon, hazırlama, üretim sonrası işlemleri, etkileşimli oluşturma ve oynama (oyunlar) için tümleşik bir 3B setidir. Blender, tamamen OpenGL ile geliştirilen ve akıllardaki hız ile tasarlanmış kendine has kullanıcı arayüzü barındırır. Betik yazımı için Python atamaları kullanılabilir. 3D Studio ve WaveFront Obj benzeri yaygın dosya biçimleri için içe ve dışa aktarma özellikleri, topluluk tarafından betikler halinde sunulmaktadır. Sabit resimler, animasyonlar, oyunlar için modeller veya diğer üçüncü parti motorlar ve kendi başına çalışabilir ikili biçimindeki etkileşimli içerik, Blender kullanımındaki ortak ürünlerdir.
es: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
fr: >-Blender est une suite logicielle intégrée pour la modélisation, l'animation, le rendu, la post-production, la création et le rendu interactif (jeux). Blender a sa propre interface utilisateur implémentée entièrement avec OpenGL et conçue pour la vitesse. Une interface Python est disponible pour les scripts (les fonctions d'import/export pour les formats de fichiers 3D populaires comme 3D Studio et Wavefront Obj sont implémentés par des scripts par la communauté). Les images fixes, les animations, les modèles pour des jeux ou autre moteurs tiers et le contenu interactif sous forme de binaire portable sont fréquents dans l'utilisation de Blender.
ja: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
en_CA: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
en_GB: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
ko: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
it: >-Blender è una suite 3D integrata per: modellazione, animazione, rendering, post-produzione, creazione interattiva e riproduzione (giochi). Blender possiede un'interfaccia particolare che è implementata interamente con le OpenGL e progettata per ottimizzare la velocità. I collegamenti per Python sono disponibili per la creazione di script. La comunità ha implementato con degli script le funzionalità di importazione/esportazione per i formati principali dei file come 3D Studio e Wavefront Obj. I seguenti sono dei prodotti comuni per l'uso con Blender: immagini fisse, animazioni, modelli per giochi o per altri motori di terze parti e contenuti interattivi nella forma di un binario indipendente.
nl: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
da: >-Blender er en integreret 3D-programpakke for modelopbygning, animation, optegning, efterbehandling, interaktiv oprettelse og afspilning (spil). Blender har sin egen specifikke brugergrænseflade, som er fuldstændig implementeret i OpenGL og designet med tanke på hastighed. Pythonbindinger er tilgængelige for skripter; import- og eksportfunktioner for populære filformater såsom 3D Studio og Wavefront Obj er implementeret som skripter af fællesskabet. Billeder, animationer, modeller for spil eller andre tredjepartsmotorer og interaktivt indhold i form af en uafhængig binær fil er gænge produkter fremstillet i Blender.
en_AU: >-Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
Categories: - Graphics - 3DGraphics Keywords: C: - 3d - cg - modeling - animation - painting - sculpting - texturing - video editing - video tracking - rendering - render engine - cycles - game engine - python Icon: cached: - name: blender_blender.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blender_blender.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: blender Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-blender --- Type: desktop-application ID: scilab-cli.desktop Package: scilab-cli Name: C: Scilab CLI de: Scilab CLI Summary: fr: Logiciel scientifique de calcul numérique ru: Научная программа для численных расчётов C: Scientific software package for numerical computations de: eine Wissenschaftssoftware für numerische Berechnungen Description: en: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
es: >-Scilab es un paquete de software científico basado en matrices. Scilab contiene cientos de funciones matemáticas incorporadas, ricas estructuras de datos (incluyendo polinomios, racionales, sistemas lineales, listas, etc....) y viene con una cantidad de cajas de herramientas específicas para control, procesamiento de señal, ....
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
fr: >-Scilab est paquet logiciel scientifique basé sur le calcul matriciel. Scilab fournit en interne des centaines de fonctions mathématiques, des structures puissantes (incluant les polynômes, les fonctions rationnelles, les systèmes linéaires, les listes…), ainsi qu’un certain nombre de boîtes à outils spécifiques au contrôle, traitement de signal…
Ce paquet fournit l’interpréteur en ligne de commande (CLI). Ce paquet fournit Scilab en tant que moteur de calculs ou interpréteur de script. Veuillez installer le paquet « scilab » pour obtenir toutes les fonctionnalités.
ko: >-Scilab은 매트릭스 기반의 과학 소프트웨어 패키지입니다. Scilab은 수백의 내장 수학 함수, 다양한 데이타 구조(다항식, 유리수, 선형 시스템, 배열, 등등...)를 포함하며 그리고 제어, 신호 처리, 등등을 위한 다수의 특정 툴박스가 부속합니다.
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
zh_CN: >-Scilab 是一款基于矩阵的科学软件包。Scilab 包含数百个内建数学函数,诸多数据 结构(如多项式、有理数、线性系统、列表等),并有众多特别工具箱,可用于控 制、信号处理、……
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
de: >-Scilab ist ein matrixorientiertes, wissenschaftliches Softwarepaket. Es enthält hunderte integrierte mathematische Funktionen und reichhaltige Datenstrukturen (einschließlich Polynome, Brüche, lineare Systeme, Listen usw.). Beigelegt sind auch diverse spezifische Werkzeugsätze für Steuerung, Signalverarbeitung, …
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
ja: >-Scilab は行列ベースの科学ソフトウェアパッケージです。 Scilab には何百もの組み込み数学関数、豊富なデータ構造 (多項式、有理数、線形 系、リストなど) が含まれ、制御、信号処理など向けに特有のツールボックスが付 属します。
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
uk: >-Scilab — пакет наукового ПЗ, в основі якого лежить робота з матрицями. Scilab містить сотні вбудованих математичних функцій, різноманітні структури даних (зокрема поліноми, раціональні дроби, лінійні системи, списки тощо) та поставляється з блоками для керування, обробки сигналів тощо.
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
pt_BR: >-Scilab é um pacote de software científico baseado em matriz. Ele contém centenas de funções matemáticas embutidas, estruturas de dados ricas (incluindo polinômios, racionais, sistemas lineares, listas etc) e conta com uma série de caixas de ferramentas específicas para controle, processamento de sinal etc.
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
sk: >-Scilab je balík maticového vedeckého softvéru. Scilab obsahuje stovky zabudovaných matematických funkcií, bohaté údajové štruktúry (vrátane polynómov, racionálnych funkcií, lineárnych systémov, zoznamov atď.) a dodáva sa s množstvom konkrétnych sád nástrojov na riadenie, spracovanie signálov atď.
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
C: >-Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
it: >-Scilab è un pacchetto software scientifico basato su matrici. Scilab contiene centinaia di funzioni matematiche incorporate, ricche strutture di dati (inclusi polinomi, razionali, sistemi lineari, elenchi, ecc.) e viene fornito con diversi toolbox specifici per controlli, elaborazione di segnali, ...
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
da: >-Scilab er en matricebaseret videnskabelig softwarepakke. Scilab indeholder hundreder af indbyggede matematiske funktioner, rige datastrukturer (inklusive polynomier, rationelle lineære systemer, lister etc...) og der medfølger et antal videnskabelige værktøjsbokse for kontrol, signalprocessering...
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
pl: >-Scilab to oparty na macierzach pakiet oprogramowania naukowego. Scilab zawiera setki wbudowanych funkcji matematycznych, bogate struktury danych (w tym: wielomiany, wymierne, systemy liniowe, listy itp.) oraz szereg specjalistycznych zestawów narzędzi do sterowania, przetwarzania sygnałów, itd.
This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine or script interpreter. Please install the package "scilab" to have all features.
Categories: - Science - Math Keywords: C: - Science - Math - Numerical Icon: cached: - name: scilab-cli_scilab.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: scilab-cli_scilab.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: scilab-cli_scilab.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: s/sc/scilab-cli.desktop/99ab73960c3f40fa10e8c5c54516d514/icons/128x128/scilab-cli_scilab.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: scilab Launchable: desktop-id: - scilab-cli.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ardour.desktop Package: ardour Name: C: Ardour5 Summary: fr: Enregistrer, mixer et mastériser de l'audio multi-piste C: Record, mix and master multi-track audio Description: C: >-Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It can be used to control, record, edit and run complex audio setups.
Ardour supports pro-audio interfaces through the ALSA project, which provides high quality, well designed device drivers and API's for audio I/O under Linux. Any interface supported by ALSA can be used with Ardour. This includes the all-digital 26 channel RME Hammerfall, the Midiman Delta 1010 and many others.
Ardour has support for 24 bit samples using floating point internally, non-linear editing with unlimited undo, a user-configurable mixer, MTC master/slave capabilities, MIDI hardware control surface compatibility.
It supports MIDI Machine Control, and so can be controlled from any MMC controller and many modern digital mixers.
Ardour contains a powerful multitrack audio editor/arranger that is completely non-destructive and capable of all standard non-linear editing operations (insert, replace, delete, move, trim, select, cut/copy/paste). The editor has unlimited undo/redo capabilities and can save independent "versions" of a track or an entire piece
Ardour's editor supports the community-developed LADSPA plugin standard. Arbitrary chains of plugins can be attached to any portion of a track. Every mixer strip can have any number of inputs and outputs, not just mono, stereo or 5.1. An N-way panner is included, with support for various panning models. Pre- and post-fader sends exist, each with their own gain and pan controls. Every mixer strip acts as its own bus, and thus the bus count in Ardour is unlimited. You can submix any number of strips into another strip.
Ardour's channel capacity is limited only by the number on your audio interface and the ability of your disk subsystem to stream the data back and forth.
JACK (the JACK Audio Connection Kit) is used for all audio I/O, permitting data to be exchanged in perfect samplesync with other applications and/or hardware audio interfaces.
Ardour is sample rate and size neutral - any hardware formats from 8 to 32 bits, and rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. Internal processing in 32/64 bit IEEE floating point format.
Further information can be found at <http://ardour.org/>.
en: >-Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It can be used to control, record, edit and run complex audio setups.
Ardour supports pro-audio interfaces through the ALSA project, which provides high quality, well designed device drivers and API's for audio I/O under Linux. Any interface supported by ALSA can be used with Ardour. This includes the all-digital 26 channel RME Hammerfall, the Midiman Delta 1010 and many others.
Ardour has support for 24 bit samples using floating point internally, non-linear editing with unlimited undo, a user-configurable mixer, MTC master/slave capabilities, MIDI hardware control surface compatibility.
It supports MIDI Machine Control, and so can be controlled from any MMC controller and many modern digital mixers.
Ardour contains a powerful multitrack audio editor/arranger that is completely non-destructive and capable of all standard non-linear editing operations (insert, replace, delete, move, trim, select, cut/copy/paste). The editor has unlimited undo/redo capabilities and can save independent "versions" of a track or an entire piece
Ardour's editor supports the community-developed LADSPA plugin standard. Arbitrary chains of plugins can be attached to any portion of a track. Every mixer strip can have any number of inputs and outputs, not just mono, stereo or 5.1. An N-way panner is included, with support for various panning models. Pre- and post-fader sends exist, each with their own gain and pan controls. Every mixer strip acts as its own bus, and thus the bus count in Ardour is unlimited. You can submix any number of strips into another strip.
Ardour's channel capacity is limited only by the number on your audio interface and the ability of your disk subsystem to stream the data back and forth.
JACK (the JACK Audio Connection Kit) is used for all audio I/O, permitting data to be exchanged in perfect samplesync with other applications and/or hardware audio interfaces.
Ardour is sample rate and size neutral - any hardware formats from 8 to 32 bits, and rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. Internal processing in 32/64 bit IEEE floating point format.
Further information can be found at <http://ardour.org/>.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio Keywords: C: - audio - sound - jackd,DAW,multitrack,ladspa,lv2,midi Icon: cached: - name: ardour_ardour.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: ardour Launchable: desktop-id: - ardour.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: itweb-settings.desktop Package: icedtea-netx Name: cs: Ovládací panel IcedTea Web C: IcedTea Web Control Panel pl: Panel sterowania IcedTea Web de: IcedTea Web Systemsteuerung Summary: cs: Konfigurace aplikace IcedTea Web (javaws a zásuvný modul) C: Configure IcedTea Web (javaws) pl: Konfiguruj IcedTea Web (javaws i wtyczkę) de: Konfiguriert IcedTea Web (javaws und Plug-in) Description: de: >-NetX ist ein vollwertiger Ersatz für javaws (Java Web Start). Da die NetX- Entwicklung ruht, hält IcedTea die Quelldateien im Archiv von IcedTea-Web vor und ändert sie auch dort.
NetX von IcedTea unterstützt zur Zeit die Überprüfung von signierten jar- Dateien, das Speichern von vertrauenswürdigen Zertifikaten, das Überprüfen des System-Zertifikatsspeichers und bietet alle Dienste, die in der jnlp- API spezifiziert sind.
pt_BR: >-NetX do IcedTea fornece uma alternativa de substituição do javaws (Java Web Start). Como o autor original está ausente do projeto, Icedtea está suportando e modificando os fontes do diretório IcedTea-Web.
IcedTea atualmente suporta verificação de jars assinados, armazena certificados confiáveis, verifica certificados armazenados no sistema e fornece serviços especificados pela API jnlp.
sk: >-NetX poskytuje okamžitú náhradu za javaws (Java Web Start). Keďže upstream projekt NetX nie je momentálne aktívny, IcedTea hostuje a modifikuje zdrojový kód v adresári IcedTea-Web.
NetX od IcedTea momentálne podporuje overovanie podpísaných súborov jar, ukladanie dôveryhodných certifikátov, kontrolu systémového úložiska certifikátov a poskytuje služby, ktoré špecifikuje API jnlp.
uk: >-NetX надає заміну для „javaws“ (Java Web Start). Оскільки авторська версія NetX не розвивається, IcedTea має хостинг та розвиває джерельні коди у теці IcedTea-Web.
NetX IcedTea на даний час підтримує перевірку підписаних jar-файлів, зберігання підписаних сертифікатів, перевірку сховища системних сертифікатів, а також надає служби, зазначені в API JNLP.
C: >-NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.
IcedTea's NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.
en: >-NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.
IcedTea's NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.
en_CA: >-NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.
IcedTea's NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.
en_GB: >-NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.
IcedTea's NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.
it: >-NetX fornisce un rimpiazzo perfetto per javaws (Java Web Start). Dato che il progetto NetX originale è dormiente, IcedTea fa da host e modifica i sorgenti nella directory IcedTea-Web.
NetX di IcedTea attualmente gestisce la verifica di jar firmati, archiviazione di certificati fidati, verifica l'archiviazione dei certificati di sistema e fornisce i servizi specificati nell'API JNLP.
da: >-NetX tilbyder en direkte erstatning for javaws (Java Web Start). Da NetX ikke vedligeholdes opstrøms, så er IcedTea vært for og ændrer kilderne i mappen IcedTea-Web.
IcedTea's NetX understøtter aktuelt verificering af underskrevne jar'er, troværdig certifikatlagring, lagerkontrol for systemcertifikat og tilbyder tjenesterne angivet af jnlp API'en.
en_AU: >-NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.
IcedTea's NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.
Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - IcedTea - IcedTea-Web - java - javaws - web - start - webstart - jnlp Icon: cached: - name: icedtea-netx_javaws.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: icedtea-netx_javaws.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - itweb-settings.desktop --- Type: addon ID: org.kde.discover.flatpak Package: plasma-discover-flatpak-backend Extends: - org.kde.discover.desktop Name: zh-CN: Flatpak 后端 de: Flatpak-Backend pl: Silnik Flatpak sk: Backend Flatpak sl: Zaledje Flatpak ar: سَند فلاتپاك en-GB: Flatpak backend C: Flatpak backend id: Backend Flatpak fi: Flatpak-taustaosa cs: Podpůrná vrstva Flatpak ca-valencia: Dorsal del Flatpak gl: Infraestrutura de Flatpak uk: Модуль Flatpak es: Motor Flatpak fr: Moteur Flatpak eu: Flatpak bizkarraldeakoa ru: Модуль для работы с форматом Flatpak nb: Flatpak-motor pt-BR: Infraestrutura Flatpak sv: Gränssnitt för Flatpak pt: Infra-estrutura do Flatpak ko: Flatpak 백엔드 ca: Dorsal del Flatpak it: Motore Flatpak nl: Flatpak-backend nn: Flatpak-motor Summary: zh-CN: 将 Flatpak 应用程序集成到发现者中 de: Integriert Flatpak-Anwendungen in Discover pl: Integruje aplikacje Flatpak w Odkrywcy sk: Integruje aplikácie Flatpad do Discoveru sl: V Discover vgradi programe Flatpack ar: يُكامل تطبيقات ”فلاتپاك“ في «استكشف» en-GB: Integrates Flatpak applications into Discover C: Integrates Flatpak applications into Discover id: Aplikasi Flatpak terintegrasi ke dalam Discover fi: Yhdistää Flatpak-sovellukset Discoveriin uk: Інтеграція програм Flatpak з Discover ca-valencia: Integra aplicacions del Flatpak al Discover gl: Integra aplicativos de Flatpak con Discover es: Integra aplicaciones Flatpak en Discover fr: Intègre les applications Flatpak au sein de Discover eu: Flatpak aplikazioak Discover-ren integratzen ditu ru: Добавление поддержки формата Flatpak в центр программ Discover nb: Integrerer Flatpak-programmer i Discover pt-BR: Integra aplicativos Flatpak no Discover sv: Integrerar Flatpak-program i Discover pt: Integra as aplicações do Flatpak no Discover ko: Flatpak 프로그램을 발견에 통합 ca: Integra aplicacions del Flatpak al Discover it: Integra le applicazioni Flatpak in Discover nl: Integreert Flatpak-toepassingen in Discover nn: Integrerer Flatpak-program i Discover DeveloperName: zh-CN: Aleix Pol Gonzalez de: Aleix Pol Gonzalez pl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez sk: Aleix Pol Gonzalez sl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ar: Aleix Pol Gonzalez en-GB: Aleix Pol Gonzalez C: Aleix Pol Gonzalez id: Aleix Pol Gonzalez fi: Aleix Pol Gonzalez cs: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ca-valencia: Aleix Pol Gonzalez gl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez uk: Aleix Pol Gonzalez es: Aleix Pol Gonzalez fr: Aleix Pol Gonzalez eu: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ru: Aleix Pol Gonzalez nb: Aleix Pol Gonzalez pt-BR: Aleix Pol Gonzalez sv: Aleix Pol Gonzalez pt: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ko: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ca: Aleix Pol Gonzalez it: Aleix Pol Gonzalez nl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez nn: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Icon: cached: - name: plasma-discover-flatpak-backend_system-software-install.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-discover-flatpak-backend_system-software-install.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-discover-flatpak-backend_system-software-install.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-software-install remote: - url: org/kde/discover.flatpak/97E369CCF04B49727ECE643F6435EA37/icons/128x128/plasma-discover-flatpak-backend_system-software-install.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: mumble.desktop Package: mumble Name: fr: Mumble tr: Mumble C: Mumble Summary: fr: Un logiciel de chat vocal de haute qualité et de faible latence pour les jeux tr: Oyunlar için yüksek kaliteli ve düşük gecikmeli sesle sohbet programı C: A low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming Description: C: >-Mumble is a low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming. It features noise suppression, encrypted connections for both voice and instant messaging, automatic gain control and low latency audio with support for multiple audio standards. Mumble includes an in-game overlay compatible with most open-source and commercial 3D applications. Mumble is just a client and uses a non-standard protocol. You will need a dedicated server to talk to other users. Server functionality is provided by the package "mumble-server".
en: >-Mumble is a low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming. It features noise suppression, encrypted connections for both voice and instant messaging, automatic gain control and low latency audio with support for multiple audio standards. Mumble includes an in-game overlay compatible with most open-source and commercial 3D applications. Mumble is just a client and uses a non-standard protocol. You will need a dedicated server to talk to other users. Server functionality is provided by the package "mumble-server".
Categories: - Network - Chat Keywords: C: - VoIP - Messaging - Voice Chat - Secure Communication Icon: cached: - name: mumble_mumble.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: mumble_mumble.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: mumble_mumble.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: m/mu/mumble.desktop/721edfe8f7d58c85073ae007d8b9e24d/icons/128x128/mumble_mumble.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: mumble Launchable: desktop-id: - mumble.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - x-scheme-handler/mumble --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Games.desktop Package: gnome-games-app Name: de: Spiele fur: Zûcs pl: Gry pt_BR: Jogos sk: Hry sl: Igre zh_CN: 游戏 fi: Pelit C: Games el: Παιχνίδια pt: Jogos cs: Hry sr: Игре id: Permainan es: Juegos fr: Jeux nb: Spill sv: Spel hr: Igre hu: Játékok ca: Jocs it: Giochi ko: 게임 sr@latin: Igre Summary: de: Einfacher Starter für Spiele unter GNOME fur: Sempliç inviadôr di zûcs par GNOME pl: Proste uruchamianie gier w środowisku GNOME pt_BR: Um simples lançador de jogos para o GNOME sk: Jednoduchý spúšťač hier prostredia GNOME zh_CN: GNOME 简易游戏启动器 fi: Yksinkertainen pelikäynnistin Gnomelle C: Simple game launcher for GNOME el: Απλός εκκινητής παιχνιδιού για το GNOME pt: Um simples lançador de jogos para o GNOME cs: Snadné spouštění her v GNOME sr: Једноставан покретач игара за Гном id: Peluncur permainan yang ringkas untuk GNOME es: Lanzador de videojuegos sencillo para GNOME fr: Lanceur de jeux simple pour GNOME nb: Enkel spillstarter for GNOME sv: Enkel spelstartare för GNOME hr: Jednostavan pokretač igara za GNOME hu: Egyszerű játékindító a GNOME-hoz ca: Llançador de jocs simple per al GNOME it: Un'applicazione per lanciare giochi per GNOME ko: 간단한 그놈용 게임 실행 프로그램 sr@latin: Jednostavan pokretač igara za Gnom Description: pl: >-To program dla środowiska GNOME 3 umożliwiający przeglądanie kolekcji gier i szybkie ich uruchamianie — podobnie jak Odtwarzacz muzyki GNOME umożliwia przeglądanie i odtwarzanie kolekcji muzyki.
Warto zainstalować Gry GNOME, jeśli potrzebny jest prosty i wygodny sposób na uruchamianie gier bez specjalnych wodotrysków, takich jak narzędzia wspomagające speedrunning lub narzędzia dla programistów gier.
Zûcs e je une aplicazion di GNOME 3 par navigâ te tô librarie di videozûcs e facilmentri cjoli e zuiâ a un zûc di chei. Al à la finalitât di fâ ce che Musiche e fâs pe tô librarie di musichis.
Tu vûs instalâ Zûcs se tu âs pardabon voie di vê une semplice e pratiche maniere par zuiâ ai tiei zûcs e no ti coventin funzionalitâts avanzadis come un strument di acelerazion o struments di svilup par videozûcs.
»Spiele« ist eine Anwendung für GNOME 3, mit der Sie Ihre Videospiel-Bibliothek durchsuchen und einfach ein Spiel wählen können, das Sie spielen wollen. Es verfolgt den gleichen Zweck für Spiele wie eine Musikverwaltung für Musik.
Sie sollten »Spiele« installieren, wenn Sie einen einfachen und komfortablen Weg suchen, Ihre Spiele zu spielen und keine speziellen Werkzeuge wie Software für Geschwindigkeitstests oder Entwicklungswerkzeuge benötigen.
游戏为一款 GNOME 3 应用程序,可浏览您的电子游戏库,并从中轻松挑选和玩游戏。致力于像音乐管理您的乐库一样管理游戏库。
Hry je aplikácia prostredia GNOME 3 na prehliadanie vašej knižnice video hier, z ktorej sa dá jednoducho vybrať a hrať hru. Jej cieľom je spravovať hry, tak ako to robí aplikácia Hudba s vašou hudobnou zbierkou.
O GNOME Jogos é um aplicativo do GNOME 3 para que você navegue por sua biblioteca de vídeo games, facilmente escolhendo e rodando um jogo a partir de lá. O objetivo é o de fazer do GNOME Jogos o que o GNOME Música já faz por sua biblioteca de músicas.
Você deve instalar o GNOME Jogos apenas se você deseja uma forma muito simples e confortável de rodar seus jogos, sendo que você não precisa de recursos avançados como ferramentas de speedrunning ou ferramentas de desenvolvimento de vídeo games.
Pelit on Gnome 3 -sovellus, jolla on mahdollista selata omaa videopelikokoelmaa ja valita sieltä pelattava peli. Sen tavoite on sama, mihin Gnomen musiikkisovellus tähtää musiikkikirjaston suhteen.
Tämän sovelluksen avulla pääset nauttimaan peleistäsi vaivatta, mutta toisaalta se ei tarjoa edistyneitä ominaisuuksia kuten speedrunning-työkaluja tai pelikehitykseen tarvittavia työkaluja.
Games is a GNOME 3 application to browse your video games library and to easily pick and play a game from it. It aims to do for games what Music already does for your music library.
You want to install Games if you just want a very simple and comfortable way to play your games and you don’t need advanced features such as speedrunning tools or video game development tools.
Τα Παιχνίδια είναι μια εφαρμογή του GNOME 3 που σας βοηθά να εντοπίζετε εύκολα και να παίζετε ένα παιχνίδι της συλλογής σας. Έχει ως στόχο να κάνει για τα παιχνίδια αυτό που κάνει ήδη η εφαρμογή «Μουσική» για τη μουσική σας βιβλιοθήκη.
O GNOME Jogos é um aplicativo do GNOME 3 para que navegue por sua biblioteca de jogos, escolhendo e executando facilmente jogos a partir de lá. O objetivo é o de fazer do GNOME Jogos o que o GNOME Música já faz pela sua biblioteca de músicas.
Hry je aplikace pro GNOME 3, ve které můžete procházet svoji sbírku videoher a jednoduše je v ní spouštět a hrát. Funguje to podobně jako aplikace Hudba pro vaši hudební sbírku nebo Fotky pro vaše fotografie.
Aplikaci Hry si určitě budete chtít nainstalovat, pokud chcete snadno a pohodlně hrát své hry a nepotřebujete při tom žádné pokročilé věci, jako jsou urychlování běhu her nebo vývojářské nástroje pro hry.
Игре је програм Гнома 3 за разгледање библиотеке са видео играма и за лако бирање и играње истих из ње. Циљ му је да за игре одрађује оно што Музика већ одрађује за вашу музичку библиотеку.
Инсталирајте Игре ако желите врло једноставан и удобан начин за играње игара а нису вам потребне напредне функције као што су алати брзинског покретања или алати за развој видео игара.
Permainan adalah aplikasi GNOME 3 untuk melihat pustaka permainan video Anda dan untuk mempermudah memilih dan bermain dari aplikasi ini. Ditujukan untuk permainan seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh aplikasi Musik untuk pustaka musik Anda.
Anda ingin memasang permainan jika Anda hanya ingin cara bermain yang sangat ringkas dan nyaman dan Anda tidak perlu fitur lanjutan seperti alat percepatan atau alat pengembangan video game.
Juegos es una aplicación de GNOME 3 que le permite explorar su colección de videojuegos y seleccionar y jugar a uno fácilmente. El objetivo es crear una experiencia similar a la que Música proporciona para su colección musical.
Querrá instalar Juegos si quiere obtener tan solo una forma sencilla y cómoda de gestionar sus juegos y no necesita funciones avanzadas, tales como herramientas para «speedrunning» o para desarrollar videojuegos.
Jeux est une application GNOME 3 pour parcourir votre ludothèque et aisément y chosir un jeu à jouer. Il vise à appliquer aux jeux ce que Musique fait déjà pour votre musithèque.
Vous souhaitez installer Jeux si vous voulez juste un moyen très simple et confortable de jouer à vos jeux et vous n’avez pas besoin de fonctionnalités avancées comme des outils de speedrunning ou de développement de jeux vidéo.
Fonctionnalités :
Spel är ett GNOME 3-program för att bläddra genom ditt spelbibliotek och enkelt välja och spela ett spel från det. Dess mål är att göra för spel vad Musik redan gör för ditt musikbibliotek.
Du vill installera Spel om du helt enkelt vill ha ett väldigt enkelt och bekvämt sätt att spela dina spel och du inte behöver avancerade funktioner som ”speedrun”-verktyg eller verktyg för spelutveckling.
Igre je GNOME 3 aplikacija za pregled vaše video igroteke i jednostavan odabir i igranje igre iz nje. Nastoji postići ono za igre što Glazba već obavlja za vašu fonoteku.
Instalirajte Igre samo ako želite vrlo jednostavan i udoban način za igranje vaših igara i nisu vam potrebne napredne značajke poput alata za brzinu izvođenja ili razvojnih alata za igru.
A Játékok egy GNOME 3 alkalmazás a videojáték könyvtárának böngészéséhez, és hogy egyszerűen kiválaszthassa és elindíthassa a játékot onnan. Célja, hogy ugyanazt tegye a játékokkal, amit a Zene már elvégzett a zenekönyvtárral.
Akkor kell telepítenie a Játékokat, ha nagyon egyszerű és kényelmes módszert szeretne a játékok elindításához, és nincs szüksége olyan speciális funkciókra, mint például gyors végigjátszást segítő eszközök vagy videojáték fejlesztői eszközök.
El Jocs és una aplicació del GNOME 3 per a navegar dins la vostra biblioteca de videojocs i triar i jugar fàcilment a un joc. El seu objectiu és fer per als jocs el que l'aplicació Música ja fa per la vostra biblioteca musical.
Instal·leu l'aplicació Jocs si només voleu una manera simple i còmode de jugar a videojocs, i no necessiteu característiques avançades com eines de «speedrunning» o de desenvolupament de videojocs.
Giochi è un'applicazione di GNOME 3 per esaminare la libreria dei videogiochi e per avviarli facilmente. L'obiettivo è quello di fare ciò che l'applicazione Musica fa con la libreria musicale.
Installa Giochi solamente se vuoi un modo semplice e confortevole per giocare ai tuoi giochi e non hai bisogno di caratteristiche avanzate come strumenti per l'aumento della velocità o per lo sviluppo di videogiochi.
게임은 영상 게임 라이브러리를 탐색하고 게임을 쉽게 고른 후 게임을 즐기는 그놈 3 프로그램입니다. 음악이 음악 라이브러리로 하는 기능과 비슷하게 게임 라이브러리에 대해 동일하게 동작하고자 합니다.
게임하는데 간단하고 편리한 수단만을 원하고, 가속 기능 도구나 영상 게임 개발 도구 같은 고급 기능이 필요하지 않을 때 그놈 게임을 설치하시는게 좋습니다.
Igre je program Gnoma 3 za razgledanje biblioteke sa video igrama i za lako biranje i igranje istih iz nje. Cilj mu je da za igre odrađuje ono što Muzika već odrađuje za vašu muzičku biblioteku.
Instalirajte Igre ako želite vrlo jednostavan i udoban način za igranje igara a nisu vam potrebne napredne funkcije kao što su alati brzinskog pokretanja ili alati za razvoj video igara.
Stoisz na czele małego plemiona. Twoim zadaniem jest zbudować prosperującą osadę. Każdy członek plemiona pomagać ci będzie w produkcji surowców niezbędnych do tego celu.
Widelands posiada tryb dla jednego gracza z kampaniami zawierającymi historię plemion i wyzwań, przed jakimi stają w uniwersum Widelands. Prawdziwa gra zaczyna się jednak, gdy razem z przyjaciółmi, poprzez internet lub LAN, budujecie wspólnie królestwa lub obracacie je w pył we wzajemnych wojnach. Spragnionym wyzwania Widelands oferuje także potyczki z SI.
de: >-Du bist der Anführer eines kleinen Stammes. Deine Aufgabe ist es, eine blühende Siedlung zu errichten. Jedes Stammesmitglied wird seinen Teil dazu beitragen, das Wachstum dieser Siedlung zu sichern.
Widelands bietet einen Einzelspielermodus mit Kampagnen, die Geschichten der Stämme und ihren Schwierigkeiten im Widelands-Universum erzählen. Dennoch beginnt das eigentliche Siedeln erst, wenn du dich mit Freunden über Internet oder LAN verbindest, um gemeinsam neue Imperien zu errichten – oder um euch gegenseitig zu vernichten. Widelands bietet zusätzlich eine künstliche Intelligenz, um dich herauszufordern.
sk: >-Stojíte na čele malého klanu. Vašou úlohou je budovať neustále rastúcu osadu. Každý člen vášho klanu prispeje svojim dielom práce k získaniu zdrojov na podporu tohto rastu.
Widelands ponúka režim jedného hráča s kampaňami, ktoré rozprávajú príbehy o kmeňoch a ich boji vo svete Widelands. Skutočné usádzanie začne však až vtedy, keď sa spojíte s priateľmi po internete alebo lokálnej sieti a spoločne vybudujete nové ríše alebo, naopak, navzájom sa rozdrvíte v prachu vojny. Okrem toho Widelands poskytuje možnosť hry proti umelej inteligencii.
gd: >-Tha thu ’nad cheannard cinnidh bhig. ’S e an dleastanas agad a th’ ann gun tog thu tuineachadh a dh’fhàsas. Nì do mhuinntir obair gus barrachd stòrasan a dhèanamh ach an cuir iad ris an fhàs seo.
Bheir Widelands modh aon-chluicheadair chut le iomairtean a dh’innseas sgeulachdan nan treubhan agus an còmhstri aca air saoghal Widelands. Co-dhiù, cha tòisich an tuineachadh ann an dà-rìribh ach nuair a bhios tu ’s do charaidean cruinn còmhla air an eadar-lìn no air lìonra ionadail gus impireachdan ùra a thogail còmhla – no gus càch a chèile a cheannsachadh air a’ bhlàr. Tha inntinn fhuadain aig Widelands cuideachd a bheir dùbhlan dhut.
fi: >-Ohjaat pientä heimoa. Tehtävänäsi luoda laajentua, sekä luoda toimiva talous jotta heimosi pärjäisi naapureiden puristuksessa.
Widelandsissa on yksinpelimoodi, jossa voit aloittelijana kohdata haasteita WL-maailmassa. Todellinen hupi alkaa LAN- tai verkkopelissä kavereiden kanssa.
C: >-You are the regent of a small clan. Your task is to build an ever growing settlement. Every member of your clan will do his or her part to produce more resources to further this growth.
Widelands offers a single-player mode with campaigns that tell stories of the tribes and their struggle in the Widelands universe. However, settling really starts when you unite with friends over the Internet or LAN to build up new empires together – or to crush each other in the dusts of war. Widelands also offers an artificial intelligence to challenge you.
uk: >-Ви є регентом маленького клану. Ваше завдання полягає у створенні постійно зростаючого поселення. Кожен член вашого клану буде робити свою частину, щоб виробити більше ресурсів для подальшого росту.
Widelands пропонує режим одиночної гри в кампанію, яка розповідає історії племен і їх боротьбу у всесвіті Widelands. Однак, реальне розселення починається тоді, коли ви об’єднуєтеся з друзями через інтернет або локальну мережу, будувати нові імперії разом, або розбити один одного в пилу війни. Widelands також пропонує штучний інтелект, щоб кинути виклик вам.
pt: >-Tu és o chefe dum pequeno clã. A tua tarefa é de construir um campo que se está sempre a desenvolver. Cada membro do clã vai fazer a sua parte para produzir o necessário para continuar o desenvolvimento.
Widelands propõe um modo de jogo solitário com campanhas que contam as histórias das tribus e as suas interações no universo do Widelands. No entanto, a verdadeira dificuldade começa quando se une com amigos através da rede para construir novos impérios juntos - ou para se afrontar nas poeiras da guerra. Widelands também propõe uma inteligencia artificial para o desafiar.
cs: >-Stanete se vůdcem malého klanu. Vašim úkolem je vybudovat prosperující osídlení. Každý člen Vašeho klanu přispěje svým dílem k vytváření zdrojů a dalšímu růstu.
Widelands nabízí mód jednoho hráče a kampaněmi, které vyprávějí příběhy klanů a jejich zápasu ve vesmíru Widelands. Opravdová zábava ale začíná až po spojení s přáteli přes internet nebo LAN a budování společných říší - nebo při vzájemném zápasu a rozdrcení nepřátel v prach. Ve Widelands můžete také k zápasu vyzvat umělou inteligenci.
la: >-Tu es princeps de parva gens. Pensum tuum est coloniam excolere. Unusquisque homines gentis tuis opes augere auxilient.
Widelands offers a single-player mode with campaigns that tell stories of the tribes and their struggle in the Widelands universe. However, settling really starts when you unite with friends over the Internet or LAN to build up new empires together – or to crush each other in the dusts of war. Widelands also offers an artificial intelligence to challenge you.
sr: >-Namesnik si malog klana. Tvoj zadatak je da sagradiš stalno rastuće naselje. Svaki član tvog klana će učiniti svoj deo posla da proizvede više resursa da pomogne širenje.
Widelands (Širozemlje) nudi mod za jednog igrača sa kampanjama koje pričaju priče plemena i njihovih borbi u Widelands univerzumu. Ipak, naseljavanje zaista počinje kada se ujediniš sa prijateljima preko interneta ili LAN-a da sagradite svoja carstva zajedno - ili da se rušite medjusobno u pepelu rata. Widelands takođe u ponudi ima i AI da te izazove.
es: >-Eres el regente de un pequeño clan. Tu tarea es construir un asentamiento cada vez mayor. Todos los miembros de tu clan va a hacer su parte para producir más recursos para promover este crecimiento.
Widelands ofrece un modo de un solo jugador con campañas que cuentan historias de las tribus y su lucha en el universo Widelands. Sin embargo, el asentamiento comienza realmente cuando te unes con amigos a través de Internet o LAN para construir nuevos imperios juntos - o para aplastarse entre sí en los polvos de guerra. Widelands también ofrece una inteligencia artificial para desafiarte.
fr: >-Vous êtes le régent d'un petit clan. Votre tâche est de construire une colonie toujours en expansion. Chaque membre de votre clan fera de son mieux pour produire plus de ressources et soutenir cette croissance.
Widelands offre un mode de jeu solo avec des campagnes qui vous raconteront l'histoire des tribus et leur lutte dans l'univers de Widelands. Ceci dit, le jeu commence vraiment quand vous vous unissez avec vos amis par internet ou en réseau pour bâtir de nouveaux empires ensemble - ou pour vous détruire les uns les autres dans les poussières de la guerre. Widelands offre aussi une intelligence artificielle pour vous mettre au défi.
eu: >-Herri txiki baten buruzagia zara. Zure betebeharra bizileku gero eta handiagoa eraikitzea da. Zure herritar guztiek bere lana beteko dute baliabide gehiago ekoizteko herriaren hazkuntza bultzatzeko.
Widelands-ek jokalari bakarreko aukera eskeintzen du tribuen historiak kontatzen dituen kanpainekin eta Widelands unibertsoan dituzten tirabirekin. Hala ere, zure lagunekin Internet edo LAN bidez elkartzen zarenean hasten da benetako jokoa, bai inperio berriak elkarrekin eraikitzeko edo elkar erasotzeko gerraren hautsen artean. Widelans-ek adimen artifizialeko etsaiak ere eskeintzen dizkizu erronka bezala.
hu: >-Egy kis klán régense vagy. A feladatod az, hogy felépíts egy folyamatosan növekvő települést. A klánod minden tagja kiveszi a részét a nyersanyagok termeléséből, hogy tovább segítse ezt a növekedést.
A Widelands tartalmaz egy egyjátékos módot, hadjáratokkal, amik törzsekről és az ő viszontagságaikról mesélnek a Widelands univerzumában. Azonban a móka akkor kezdődik csak el igazán, mikor összejössz barátaiddal az Interneten vagy LAN-on keresztül, hogy közösen építsetek fel új birodalmakat - vagy háborúban porig romboljátok egymást. A Widelands mesterséges intelligencia formájában is kihívást kínál.
ca: >-Sou el cap d'una petita tribu. La vostra tasca és construir un assentament i expandir-lo. Cada membre de la vostra tribu farà la seva feina per produir més i més recursos per ajudar-vos.
El Widelands ofereix un mode d'un sol jugador amb campanyes que narren les històries de les tribus i la seva lluita en l'univers del Widelands. No obstant, els modes multijugador, a través d'Internet o xarxa LAN, són més interessants: permeten construir imperis junts o enfrontar-vos fins que només quedi pols. El Widelands també disposa d'una intel·ligència artificial que fa les partides més interessants.
it: >-Sei il reggente di un piccolo clan. Il tuo compito è costruire un insediamento in continua crescita. Ogni componente del tuo clan del tuo clan farà la sua parte per produrre più risorse per favorire questa crescita.
Widelands è giocabile in modalità giocatore singolo, con campagne che raccontano storie delle tribù e la loro lotta nell'universo Widelands . Oppure, l'insediamento in realtà inizia quando vi unite con gli amici su Internet o in LAN per costruire nuovi imperi insieme – o per schiacciare gli altri nella polvere in una guerra. In Widelands è presente anche una intelligenza artificiale per metterti alla prova.
da: >-Du er leder af en lille klan. Din opgave er at opbygge en stadig voksende bebyggelse. Hvert medlem af din klan vil udføre sin del for at fremstille flere ressourcer til understøttelse af denne vækst.
Widelands tilbyder en tilstand for en spiller med kampagner med historier om stammer og deres kamp i universet Widelands. Det bliver dog først rigtig spændende når du bliver forenet med venner over internettet eller LAN for sammen at bygge nye imperier sammen -- eller knuse hinanden i krigens støv. Widelands tilbyder også en kunstig intelligens, som kan udfordre dig.
nl: >-Je bent de leider van een kleine stam. Het is jouw taak een bloeiende nederzetting uit te bouwen. Elk stamlid zal daarbij haar of zijn steentje bijdragen door het produceren van meer grondstoffen.
Widelands biedt een modus om alleen te spelen met campagnes die de verhalen vertellen van de stammen en hun wedervaren in het Widelandsuniversum. Maar je kunt je echt nederzetten, met je vrienden verbonden over internet of een lokaal netwerk, om samen een nieuw rijk op te bouwen – of elkaar in het stof van de oorlog te doen bijten. Widelands biedt ook een artificiële intelligentie waarop je kan oefenen.
bg: >-Вие сте водачът на малък клан. Задачата Ви е да изградите развиващо се селище. Всеки член на клана Ви ще върши своята работа, за да произвеждате все повече ресурси и да продължавате да разраствате селището си.
Widelands предлага режим на самостоятелна игра, с кампании, разказващи историите на племената и тяхната борба в света на Widelands. Истинското заселване започва когато се обедините с приятелите по Интернет или локална мрежа, за да създавате нови империи заедно, или да се побеждавате взаимно. Widelands предлага и изкуствен интелект, срещу който може да играете.
DeveloperName: C: The Widelands Development Team ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Url: homepage: https://wl.widelands.org/ bugtracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/widelands help: https://wl.widelands.org/wiki/Game%20Manual/ donation: https://wl.widelands.org/wiki/The%20Widelands%20Project/ Icon: cached: - name: widelands_widelands.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: widelands_widelands.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: widelands_widelands.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/icons/128x128/widelands_widelands.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.widelands.widelands.desktop Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: Fleet of Ships thumbnails: - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-1_1248x750.png width: 1248 height: 750 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-1_752x452.png width: 752 height: 452 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-1_624x375.png width: 624 height: 375 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-1_224x134.png width: 224 height: 134 source-image: url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1364 height: 820 - caption: C: Dolomites Map thumbnails: - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-2_1248x701.png width: 1248 height: 701 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-2_752x422.png width: 752 height: 422 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-2_624x350.png width: 624 height: 350 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-2_224x125.png width: 224 height: 125 source-image: url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1308 height: 735 - caption: C: Last Survivors Map thumbnails: - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-3_1248x701.png width: 1248 height: 701 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-3_752x422.png width: 752 height: 422 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-3_624x350.png width: 624 height: 350 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-3_224x125.png width: 224 height: 125 source-image: url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1305 height: 734 - caption: C: Editor Help thumbnails: - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-4_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-4_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-4_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 1200 height: 675 - caption: C: Map Selection Screen thumbnails: - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-5_1248x701.png width: 1248 height: 701 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-5_752x422.png width: 752 height: 422 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-5_624x350.png width: 624 height: 350 - url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-5_224x125.png width: 224 height: 125 source-image: url: org/widelands/widelands.desktop/0FA42FBAE2C227CDA530B63F94F371B9/screenshots/image-5_orig.png width: 1366 height: 768 Releases: - version: Build 19 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1478822400 - version: Build 18 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1393027200 - version: Build 17 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1335139200 - version: Build 16 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1302825600 - version: Build 15 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1271376000 - version: Build 14 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1260489600 - version: Build 13 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1228089600 - version: Build 12 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1207440000 - version: Build 11 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1189555200 - version: Build 10 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1174348800 - version: Build 9half type: stable unix-timestamp: 1133740800 - version: Build 9 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1105315200 - version: Build 8 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1095465600 - version: Build 7 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1091750400 - version: Build 6 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1066435200 - version: Build 5 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1062720000 - version: Build 4 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1042070400 - version: Build 3 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1031356800 - version: Build 2 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1031011200 - version: Build 1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1030406400 --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.vault Package: plasma-vault Name: ca@valencia: Caixes fortes zh_CN: 保险库 sk: Klenby sl: Shrambe C: Vaults fr: Coffres-forts sr: Трезори uk: Сховища ca: Caixes fortes sv: Valv pa: ਵਾਲਟ hu: Tárak nl: Kluizen nn: Datakvelv ar: الخزنات pl: Sejfy el: Θησαυροφυλάκια cs: Sejfy id: Vaults pt: Cofres gl: Caixas fortes es: Cajas fuertes eu: Kutxa gotorrak ru: Зашифрованные папки sr@ijekavianlatin: Trezori tr: Kasalar sr@ijekavian: Трезори it: Caveau ko: 비밀 공간 da: Sikkerhedsbokse de: Vaults pt_BR: Cofres en_GB: Vaults sr@latin: Trezori fi: Holvit Summary: ca@valencia: Crea caixes fortes encriptades zh_CN: 创建加密的保险库 sk: Vytvoriť šifrované klenby sl: Ustvari šifrirane shrambe C: Create encrypted vaults fr: Créer des coffres-forts chiffrés sr: Правите шифроване трезоре uk: Створення шифрованих сховищ ca: Crea caixes fortes encriptades sv: Skapa krypterade valv pa: ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਕੀਤੇ ਵਾਲਟ ਬਣਾਓ hu: Titkosított tárak létrehozása nl: Versleutelde kluizen aanmaken nn: Lag krypterte datakvelv ar: أنشئ خزنات معمّاة pl: Tworzy zaszyfrowane sejfy el: Δημιουργία κρυπτογραφημένων θησαυροφυλακίων cs: Vytvářejte šifrované sejfy id: Ciptakan vault yang dienkripsi pt: Criar cofres encriptados gl: Crear caixas fortes cifradas es: Crear cajas fuertes cifradas eu: Sortu zifratutako kutxa gotorrak ru: Создание зашифрованных папок sr@ijekavianlatin: Pravite šifrovane trezore tr: Şifrelenmiş kasa oluştur sr@ijekavian: Правите шифроване трезоре it: Crea caveau criptati ko: 암호화된 비밀 공간 생성 da: Opret krypterede sikkerhedsbokse de: Verschlüsselte Vaults erstellen pt_BR: Cria cofres criptografados en_GB: Create encrypted vaults sr@latin: Pravite šifrovane trezore fi: Luo salattuja holveja DeveloperName: C: Ivan ČukićSystem Guard allows you to monitor various statistics about your system.
In addition to monitoring the local system, it can connect to remote systems running the System Guard Daemon, which is in the 'ksysguardd' package.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
en: >-System Guard allows you to monitor various statistics about your system.
In addition to monitoring the local system, it can connect to remote systems running the System Guard Daemon, which is in the 'ksysguardd' package.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: ksysguard_utilities-system-monitor.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ksysguard_utilities-system-monitor.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ksysguard_utilities-system-monitor.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: utilities-system-monitor remote: - url: org/kde/ksysguard/512CDB32A5E2D27508DA5C153539D52A/icons/128x128/ksysguard_utilities-system-monitor.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.ksysguard.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-ksysguard --- Type: desktop-application ID: italc-master.desktop Package: italc-master Name: C: iTALC Summary: C: Intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers Description: de: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Dieses Paket beinhaltet die notwendige Software, um iTALC-Clients (aus dem »italc-client«-Paket) zu beobachten und zu steuern.
sl: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Ta paket vsebuje program, ki je zahtevan za opazovanje in nadzor odjemalcev iTALC, ki so v paketu italc-client.
C: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the software necessary to observe and control iTALC clients provided by the italc-client package.
en: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the software necessary to observe and control iTALC clients provided by the italc-client package.
ru: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Этот пакет содержит программу, необходимую для наблюдения и управления клиентами iTALC, предоставляемыми пакетом italc-client.
gl: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Este paquete contén o software preciso para observar e controlar clientes de iTALC fornecidos polo paquete italc-client.
es: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
Este paquete contiene el software necesario para observar y controlar clientes iTALC proporcionado por el paquete italc-client.
fr: >-iTALC permet d'accéder et guider les activités des étudiants depuis l'ordinateur de l'enseignant. Par exemple, avec l'aide de iTALC un enseignant peut afficher le contenu des écrans des élèves et voir si l'un d'entre eux a besoin d'aide. Si c'est le cas, l'enseignant peut accéder à l'ordinateur de l'étudiant et fournir un soutien ; l'étudiant peut observer les actions de l'enseignant et apprendre d'elles. L'enseignant peut également basculer en mode « démo », où les écrans de tous les élèves affichent le contenu de l'écran de l'enseignant. En outre, des actions telles que verrouiller les écrans des étudiants, tuer les jeux, allumer ou éteindre des postes, et plus encore peuvent être effectuées via iTALC.
Ce paquet contient le logiciel nécessaire pour suivre et contrôler les clients iTALC (e-learning) fournis par le paquet italc-client.
Categories: - Education - RemoteAccess Keywords: C: - education - classroom - teachers - students - remote control - computer-labs Icon: cached: - name: italc-master_italc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: italc-master_italc.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-terminal.desktop Package: xfce4-terminal Name: he: Xfce Terminal ja: Xfce Terminal zh_CN: Xfce 终端 sk: Terminál Xfce sl: Xfce terminal ug: Xfce تېرمىنالى C: Xfce Terminal fr: Terminal Xfce sq: Terminal Xfce sr: Терминал ИксФЦЕ-а nb: Xfce-terminal hr: Xfce terminal ca: Terminal de Xfce sv: Xfce terminal hu: Xfce terminál uk: Термінал XFCE nl: Xfce-terminalvenster zh_TW: Xfce 終端機 lt: Xfce terminalas ar: طرفية إكسفس pl: Terminal Xfce el: Τερματικό Xfce ast: Terminal Xfce cs: Terminál Xfce eo: Xfce-terminalo th: เทอร์มินัลของ Xfce id: Terminal Xfce pt: Terminal Xfce es: Terminal de Xfce ro: Terminal Xfce eu: Xfce terminala ru: Терминал Xfce tr: Xfce Terminal kk: Xfce Terminal oc: Terminal Xfce is: Xfce skjáhermir ko: Xfce 터미널 it: Terminale di Xfce da: Xfce-terminal de: Xfce-Terminal be: Тэрмінал Xfce en_GB: Xfce Terminal ms: Terminal Xfce bg: Xfce Терминал en_AU: Xfce Terminal fi: Xfce-pääte pt_BR: Xfce terminal Summary: he: מדמה מסוף ja: ターミナルエミュレーター si: අග්ර අනුකාරක sk: Terminál Emulátor sl: Posnemovalnik terminala ug: تېرمىنال Emulator zh_CN: 终端模拟器 C: Terminal Emulator fr: Émulateur de terminal sq: Emulues Terminali sr: Опонашач терминала nb: Teminalemulator hr: Emulator terminala ca: Emulador de terminal sv: Terminalemulator hu: Terminálemulátor pa: ਟਰਮੀਨਲ ਈਮੂਲੇਟਰ uk: Емулятор терміналу ur: ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر nl: Terminalvenster zh_TW: 終端機程式 lt: Terminalo emuliatorius ar: محاكي طرفية lv: Termināļa emulators pl: Emuluje działanie terminala X el: Προσομοίωση τερματικού ast: Emulador de terminal cs: Emulátor terminálu eo: Terminala Simulilo th: โปรแกรมจำลองเทอร์มินัล gl: Emulador de terminal pt: Emulador de terminal es: Emulador de terminal et: Terminaliemulaator eu: Terminal emuladorea te: టెర్మినల్ ఎమ్యులేటర్ ro: Emulator de terminal id: Emulator Terminal tr: Uçbirim Öykünücüsü kk: Терминал эмуляторы vi: Trình giả lập Terminal be: Эмулятар тэрмінала is: Skjáhermir ko: 터미널 에뮬레이터 it: Emulatore di Terminale da: Terminalemulator de: Terminal-Programm oc: Emulator de terminal en_GB: Terminal Emulator ru: Эмулятор терминала ms: Emulator Terminal bg: Терминален Емулатор en_AU: Terminal Emulator fi: Pääte-emulaattori pt_BR: Emulador de terminal ur_PK: ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر Description: pl: >-Pakiet udostępnia lekki i łatwy w użyciu emulator terminala do X11. Został tak stworzony, by był dopasowany do środowiska graficznego Xfce, ale równie dobrze dopasowywał się do innych środowisk.
Emulator terminala Xfce może być odpowiednim rozwiązaniem dla osób, które już znają terminal GNOME 2 i szukają lżejszego ale porównywalnego zamiennika.
de: >-Dieses Paket enthält Terminal, einen leichtgewichtigen und einfach zu bedienenden Terminalemulator für X11. Er wurde erstellt, um gut in die Arbeitsumgebung Xfce zu passen, lässt sich allerdings auch gut in andere Arbeitsumgebungen integrieren.
Für Leute, die bereits das GNOME-2-Terminal kennen und nach einem einfacheren, aber vergleichbaren Ersatz suchen, könnte Terminal die Antwort sein.
zh_CN: >-本软件包包含 Terminal,一个用于 X11 的轻量、易用的终端模拟器。设计为与 Xfce 桌面环境完全整合,但同样适合其他环境。
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
pt_BR: >-Este pacote contém o Terminal, que é um emulador de terminal para o X11 leve e fácil de usar. Ele foi criado para ajustar-se agradavelmente dentro do ambiente de área de trabalho Xfce, mas também pode ajustar-se em outros ambientes gráficos.
Para as pessoas que conhecem o terminal do GNOME 2 e estão à procura de um substituto mais leve porém comparável, Terminal pode ser a resposta.
sl: >-Ta paket vsebuje Terminal, lahek posnemovalnik terminala za X11, ki je enostaven za uporabo. Ustvarjen je bil, da bi se lepo prilegal v namizno okolje Xfce, vendar se lepo prilega tudi v druga okolja.
Za ljudi, ki že poznajo terminal GNOME 2 in iščejo lažjo, a primerljivo zamenjavo, bi Terminal bil lahko odgovor.
ja: >-本パッケージには Terminal が含まれています。X11 用の軽快で使いやすい端末エ ミュレータです。Xfce デスクトップ環境によく合うよう作成されましたが、他の環 境ともよく合います。
GNOME 2 端末は既にご存知で、より軽量でありながら同じような代替品を探してい る方には、Terminal がその答えとなるかもしれません。
uk: >-Цей пакунок містить Terminal, який є легким та простим у використанні емулятором терміналу для X11. Він був створений, щоб чудово увійти у оточення Xfce, але він також гарно працює і в інших графічних середовищах.
Для людей, які вже знають термінал GNOME 2 та шукають легшу, але відповідну заміну, — цей термінал може бути відповіддю.
C: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
en: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
gl: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
en_CA: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
sk: >-Tento balík obsahuje Terminal, čo je odľahčený a jednoducho použiteľný emulátor terminálu pre X11. Bol vytvorený pre peknú integráciu do pracovného prostredia Xfce, ale hodí sa aj na použitie s inými prostrediami.
Pre ľudí, ktorí už poznajú terminál GNOME 2 a hľadajú odľahčenú alternatívu s porovnateľnými možnosťami môže byť Terminal tým pravým.
es: >-Este paquete contiene a Terminal, un emulador de terminal para X11 ligero y fácil de usar. Se creó para encajar bien en el entorno de escritorio Xfce, pero también encaja bien en otros entornos.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
zh_TW: >-這個套件包含終端機,這是個 X11 環境下輕量級而且容易使用的終端機模擬器。 原先這是為了 Xfce 桌面環境所打造的,但在其他桌面環境下一樣可以運作得很好。
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
fr: >-Ce paquet contient « Terminal », un émulateur de terminal pour X11, léger et facile à utiliser. Il a été créé pour bien s'intégrer dans l'environnement de bureau Xfce, mais il convient bien à d'autres environnements.
« Terminal » conviendra aux utilisateurs qui connaissent déjà le terminal de GNOME 2 et qui cherchent une alternative comparable et plus légère.
ru: >-Пакет содержит программу Terminal — лёгкий и простой в использовании эмулятор терминала для X11. Он был создан чтобы полностью соответствовать графической среде Xfcе, но может работать и в других средах.
Terminal может подойти тем, кто уже знаком с эмулятором терминала GNOME 2 и тем, кто ищет более легковесную, но похожую замену.
en_GB: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
pt: >-Este pacote contém o Terminal, que é um emulador de terminais leve e fácil de usar para o X11. Foi criado para se adaptar perfeitamente ao ambiente de desktop Xfce, mas também se adapta bem a outros ambientes.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
ko: >-이 패키지에는 "Terminal"이라는 이름의 가볍고 쓰기 쉬운 X11용 터미널 에뮬레이터가 들어있습니다. 이 프로그램은 Xfce 데스크탑 환경에 꼭 맞게 만들어졌지만 다른 환경에도 잘 맞습니다.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
it: >-Questo pacchetto contiene Terminal, che è un emulatore di terminale per X11 leggero e facile da usare. È stato creato per inserirsi bene nell'ambiente desktop Xfce, ma lo fa anche in altri ambienti.
Per coloro che conoscono il terminale di GNOME 2 e stanno cercando un rimpiazzo simile ma più leggero, Terminal potrebbe essere la giusta soluzione.
sv: >-Detta paket innehåller Terminal, en lättvikktig och lättanvänd terminalemulator för X11. Den skapades för att passa in i Xfce:s skrivbordsmiljö, men passar också bra i andra miljöer.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
da: >-Denne pakke indeholder Terminal, som er en letvægts og nem at bruge terminalemulator til X11. Den blev skabt for at passe til Xfce- skrivebordsmiljøet, men den passer også fint til andre miljøer.
For folk som allerede kender GNOME 2 terminal og leder efter en lettere men lignende erstatning, er Terminal måske svaret.
en_AU: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: utilities-terminal remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-terminal.desktop/C1EF6F0D575EF1D83F7FAF6927B7C1AB/icons/128x128/xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-terminal.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-terminal-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-terminal Name: he: Xfce Terminal ja: Xfce Terminal zh_CN: Xfce 终端 sk: Terminál Xfce sl: Xfce terminal ug: Xfce تېرمىنالى C: Xfce Terminal fr: Terminal Xfce sq: Terminal Xfce sr: Терминал ИксФЦЕ-а nb: Xfce-terminal hr: Xfce terminal ca: Terminal de Xfce sv: Xfce terminal hu: Xfce terminál uk: Термінал XFCE nl: Xfce-terminalvenster zh_TW: Xfce 終端機 lt: Xfce terminalas ar: طرفية إكسفس pl: Terminal Xfce el: Τερματικό Xfce ast: Terminal Xfce cs: Terminál Xfce eo: Xfce-terminalo th: เทอร์มินัลของ Xfce id: Terminal Xfce pt: Terminal Xfce es: Terminal de Xfce ro: Terminal Xfce eu: Xfce terminala ru: Терминал Xfce tr: Xfce Terminal kk: Xfce Terminal oc: Terminal Xfce is: Xfce skjáhermir ko: Xfce 터미널 it: Terminale di Xfce da: Xfce-terminal de: Xfce-Terminal be: Тэрмінал Xfce en_GB: Xfce Terminal ms: Terminal Xfce bg: Xfce Терминал en_AU: Xfce Terminal fi: Xfce-pääte pt_BR: Xfce terminal Summary: he: מדמה מסוף ja: ターミナルエミュレーター si: අග්ර අනුකාරක sk: Terminál Emulátor sl: Posnemovalnik terminala ug: تېرمىنال Emulator zh_CN: 终端模拟器 C: Terminal Emulator fr: Émulateur de terminal sq: Emulues Terminali sr: Опонашач терминала nb: Teminalemulator hr: Emulator terminala ca: Emulador de terminal sv: Terminalemulator hu: Terminálemulátor pa: ਟਰਮੀਨਲ ਈਮੂਲੇਟਰ uk: Емулятор терміналу ur: ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر nl: Terminalvenster zh_TW: 終端機程式 lt: Terminalo emuliatorius ar: محاكي طرفية lv: Termināļa emulators pl: Emuluje działanie terminala X el: Προσομοίωση τερματικού ast: Emulador de terminal cs: Emulátor terminálu eo: Terminala Simulilo th: โปรแกรมจำลองเทอร์มินัล gl: Emulador de terminal pt: Emulador de terminal es: Emulador de terminal et: Terminaliemulaator eu: Terminal emuladorea te: టెర్మినల్ ఎమ్యులేటర్ ro: Emulator de terminal id: Emulator Terminal tr: Uçbirim Öykünücüsü kk: Терминал эмуляторы vi: Trình giả lập Terminal be: Эмулятар тэрмінала is: Skjáhermir ko: 터미널 에뮬레이터 it: Emulatore di Terminale da: Terminalemulator de: Terminal-Programm oc: Emulator de terminal en_GB: Terminal Emulator ru: Эмулятор терминала ms: Emulator Terminal bg: Терминален Емулатор en_AU: Terminal Emulator fi: Pääte-emulaattori pt_BR: Emulador de terminal ur_PK: ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر Description: C: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
en: >-This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments.
For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: utilities-terminal remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-terminal-settings.desktop/FB6CA79531F8B1E8D724E682A14D31C6/icons/128x128/xfce4-terminal_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-terminal-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: librecad.desktop Package: librecad Name: C: LibreCAD Summary: ca@valencia: Un sistema CAD professional nb: Et profesjonelt CAD-system zh_CN: 一个专业的 CAD 系统 pt_BR: Um sistema CAD profissional de: Ein professionelles CAD-System crh: Profesyonel CAD Sistemi ja: プロフェッショナル CAD システム be: Прафэсійная CAD-сыстэма gl: Un sistema de CAD profesional ms: Sistem CAD profesional oc: Un sistèma de CAO professional pt: Um sistema CAD profissional zh_HK: 專業 CAD 系統 ru: Профессиональная CAD система el: Ένα επαγγελματικό σύστημα σχεδίασης CAD fr: Un système de CAO professionnel C: A professional CAD System da: Et professionelt CAD-system is: Hágæða teiknikerfi (CAD) ky: Кесиптик CAD - тутуму ca: Un sistema CAD professional sv: Professionellt CAD-system ro: Un sistem profesional CAD ast: Un sistema CAD profesional uk: Професійна САПР sq: Një sistem profesional CAD it: Un sistema CAD professionale es: Un sistema CAD profesional bg: Професионална CAD система sl: Profesionalni sistem CAD tr: Profesyonel CAD Sistemi cs: Profesionální CAD systém tg: Системаи касбии CAD fi: Ammattimainen CAD-järjestelmä bs: Profesionalni sistem CAD pl: Profesjonalny system CAD hu: Professzionális CAD-rendszer bn: পেশাদারী CAD পদ্ধতি zh_TW: 專業 CAD 系統 nl: Een professioneel CAD-systeem Description: C: >-LibreCAD is an application for computer aided design (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With LibreCAD you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams.
en: >-LibreCAD is an application for computer aided design (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With LibreCAD you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams.
Categories: - Graphics - Engineering Icon: cached: - name: librecad_librecad.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: librecad_librecad.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: librecad_librecad.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/li/librecad.desktop/ec83c007871a0ddbbee30a0d31724906/icons/128x128/librecad_librecad.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: librecad Launchable: desktop-id: - librecad.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - image/vnd.dxf --- Type: desktop-application ID: wpa_gui.desktop Package: wpagui Name: C: wpa_gui Summary: C: Graphical user interface for wpa_supplicant Description: C: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
en: >-wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: w/wp/wpa_gui.desktop/dcb0f50684b73d30584ff9a20ab65dcb/icons/128x128/wpagui_wpa_gui.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wpa_gui Launchable: desktop-id: - wpa_gui.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop Package: xfwm4 Name: he: התאמות מנגנון מנהל חלונות ja: ウィンドウマネージャー (詳細) zh_CN: 窗口管理器微调 sk: Pokročilé nastavenie správcu okien sl: Prilagoditve upravljalnika oken ug: كۆزنەك باشقۇرغۇ Tweaks ur: ونڈو منیجر کار کردگی C: Window Manager Tweaks fr: Peaufinage des fenêtres sq: Rregullime të Imta për Përgjegjës Dritaresh sr: Лицкање управника прозора nb: Vindusbehandler Tweaks hr: Ugađanja upravitelja prozora ca: Ajustaments avançats del gestor de finestres sv: Justeringar för fönsterhanterare hu: Ablakkezelő hangolása pa: ਵਿੰਡੋ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਟਵੀਕ uk: Налаштування менеджера вікон zh_HK: 視窗管理員調校 am: የመስኮት አስተዳዳሪ ማሰማመር nl: Vensterbeheerder bijstellen zh_TW: 視窗管理程式調校 nn: Finstill vindaugshandsamaraen lt: Langų tvarkyklės patobulinimai ar: تضبيطات لمدير النوافذ lv: Logu pārvaldnieka piedares pl: Usprawnienia menedżera okien el: Προσαρμογή διαχειριστή παραθύρων ast: Axustes del Xestor de ventanes cs: Vyladění správce oken eo: Rafina Agordo de la Administradilo de Fenestroj th: ปรับละเอียดโปรแกรมจัดการหน้าต่าง gl: Axustes do xestor de xanelas pt: Ajustes do gestor de janelas es: Ajustes del gestor de ventanas et: Aknahalduri ülehäälestamine eu: Leiho kudeatzaile ezarpenak vi: Tinh chỉnh của trình quản lí cửa sổ ro: Manager de ferestre (ajustări) id: Pengaturan Lanjut Manajer Jendela tr: Pencere Yöneticisi İnce Ayarları kk: Терезелер басқарушысының қу баптаулары be: Наладкі Кіраўніка вокнаў is: Sérstakar breytingar gluggastjóra it: Regolazioni del gestore delle finestre ko: 창 관리자 기능향상 da: Vindueshåndtering tweaks de: Feineinstellungen der Fensterverwaltung oc: Afinatge de las fenèstras en_GB: Window Manager Tweaks bn: উইন্ডো ব্যবস্থাপক টুইক ru: Диспетчер окон (дополнительно) ms: Ubahsuai Pengurus Tetingkap bg: Мениджър на прозорците (допълнителен) en_AU: Window Manager Tweaks fi: Ikkunointiohjelman viritys pt_BR: Ajustes do gerenciador de janelas ur_PK: ونڈو منیجر کار کردگی Summary: he: לטש התנהגות ואפקט חלון ja: ウィンドウの振る舞いと効果を微調整します si: Fine-tune window behaviour and effects sk: Doladenie správania okna a efektov sl: Natančno nastavite obnašanje oken in efektov ug: كۆزنەك ھەرىكىتى ۋە ئۈنۈمىنى ئىنچىكە تەڭشەش zh_CN: 微调窗口行为和效果 C: Fine-tune window behaviour and effects fr: Ajuster le comportement des fenêtres et leurs effets sq: Rregulloni më imët efekte dhe sjellje dritaresh sr: Фино подесите понашање прозора и дејства nb: Finjuster vindusoppførsel og effekter hr: Detaljno postavljanje ponašanja prozora i efekata ca: Ajusta el comportament i els efectes de les finestres sv: Finjustera fönsterbeteende och effekter hu: Ablakviselkedés és -effektusok finomhangolása uk: Тонке налаштування заголовку вікна і ефектів ur: ونڈو کا سلوک اور ایفیکٹ مرتب کریں nl: Fijnregeling venstergedrag en -effecten zh_TW: 微調視窗視窗行為與特效 nn: Finstill korleis vindaugo og effektar verkar lt: Konfigūruokite langų elgseną ir efektus ar: تهذيب سلوك و تأتيرات النافذة lv: Noskaņot logu uzvedību un efektus pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia menedżera okien oraz efekty wizualne el: Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς παραθύρων και φαινόμενων ast: Axuste finu de comportamientu y efeutos de ventanes cs: Doladění chování okna a efektů id: Atur perilaku jendela dan efek th: ปรับแต่งพฤติกรรมและเอฟเฟ็กต์หน้าต่างอย่างละเอียด gl: Afinar o comportamento e os efectos das xanelas pt: Configurar comportamento e efeitos das janelas es: Ajuste fino de comportamiento y efectos de ventanas ro: Optimizați efectele și comportamentul ferestrelor eu: Leiho portaera eta efektuak doitu ru: Дополнительная настройка поведения окна и эффектов ur_PK: ونڈو کا سلوک اور ایفیکٹ مرتب کریں tr: Pencere davranışı ve olaylarını ayarla kk: Терезе әрекеттерін мен жарлықтарды туралау be: Дэтальныя наладкі паводзін акна і эфектаў is: Fínstilla gluggahegðun og brellur ko: 창 동작 및 효과 최적화 it: Regolazione del comportamento della finestra e delle scorciatoie da: Fin-indstil vindueopførsel og effekter de: Feineinstellungen des Fensterverhaltens und der Fenstereffekte oc: Ajustar lo comportament de las fenèstras e lors efièches en_GB: Fine-tune window behaviour and effects bn: ফাইন-টিউন উইন্ডো আচরণ ও প্রভাব zh_HK: 微調視窗視窗行為與特效 ms: Sempurnakan tingkah laku dan kesan tetingkap bg: Допълнителна настройка на мениджъра на прозорците и ефектите en_AU: Fine-tune window behaviour and effects fi: Hienosäädä ikkunoiden käytöstä ja tehosteita pt_BR: Ajustes finos do comportamento e efeitos das janelas Description: pl: >-Pakiet zawiera xfwm4, który jest menedżerem okiem do Xfce4. Jest on zaprojektowany do uruchamiania z resztą środowiska Xfce4, ale można go wykorzystać również ze środowiskiem GNOME lub KDE.
Xfwm4 jest małym, oszczędnym w wykorzystaniu zasobów menedżerem okien, zgodnym ze standardami zdefiniowanymi na http://www.freedesktop.org/. Nie mając zainstalowanego xfce4, można otrzymać jedynie sam menedżer okien, a nie pełne środowisko.
de: >-Dieses Paket enthält xfwm4, den Fenstermanager für »xfce4«. Er wurde dafür entwickelt, zusammen mit dem Rest von »xfce4« zu laufen, aber er gibt auch einen fähigen Fenstermanager für GNOME oder KDE ab.
Installieren Sie xfwm4, wenn sie einen kleinen, ressourcen-schonenden Fenstermanager wollen, der den auf http://www.freedesktop.org/ definierten Standards entspricht. Ohne installiertes »xfce4« bietet dieses Paket nur einen Fenstermanager und nicht die volle Umgebung.
pt_BR: >-Este pacote contém o xfwm4 que é o gerenciador de janelas do Xfce4. Ele é projetado para ser executado com o resto do Xfce4 mas tem um gerenciador de janelas para o GNOME ou KDE.
Instale o xfwm4 se você quer um gerenciador de janelas pequeno, com economia de recursos, compatível com os padrões definidos em http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sem o xfce4 instalado ele fornece apenas um gerenciador de tarefas e não o ambiente completo.
sk: >-Tento balík obsahuje xfwm4, správcu okien Xfce4. Je navrhnutý na fungovanie so zvyškom Xfce4, ale možno ho použiť ako správcu okien i pre GNOME alebo KDE.
Nainštalujte xfwm4, ak chcete malého, na zdroje nenáročného správcu okien, ktorý je kompatibilný so štandardmi, definovanými n http://www.freedesktop.org/. Bez nainštalovaného prostredia xfce4, získate len správcu okien, nie úplné pracovné prostredie.
sl: >-Ta paket vsebuje xfwm4, okenski upravljalnik za Xfce4. Zasnovan je za izvajanje s preostankom Xfce4, vendar je tudi zmogljiv upravljalnik oken za GNOME ali KDE.
xfmw4 namestite, če želite majhen, z viri varčen upravljalnik oken, ki upošteva standarde, definirane na http://www.freedesktop.org/. Brez nameščenega xfce4 boste dobili le okenski upravljalnik, ne polnega okolja.
pt: >-Este pacote contém xfwm4 que é o gestor de janelas para xfce4. É concebido para funcionar com o resto do xfce4, mas é um gestor de janelas capaz para GNOME ou KDE.
Instale o xfwm4 se você quiser um pequeno gestor de janelas que economiza recursos e que cumpre as normas definidas em http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sem o xfce4 instalado, este pacote apenas disponibiliza-lhe um gestor de janelas e não o ambiente completo.
C: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
uk: >-Пакунок містить xfwm4, віконний менеджер для Xfce4. Він служить для запуску решту частин Xfce4, але може працювати менеджером вікон для GNOME або KDE.
Встановіть xfwm4, якщо хочете отримати маленький, невимогливий до ресурсів віконний менеджер, який відповідає стандартам, описаним на сторінці http://www.freedesktop.org/. Без встановленого xfce4, Ви отримаєте лише віконний менеджер, а не повне робоче оточення.
en: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
ru: >-Пакет содержит xfwm4, оконный менеджер для Xfce4. Он служит для запуска остальной части Xfce4, но может работать оконным менеджером для GNOME или KDE.
Установите xfwm4, если хотите получить маленький, нетребовательный к ресурсам оконный менеджер, соответствующий стандартам, описанным на странице http://www.freedesktop.org/. Без установленного xfce4, вы получите только оконный менеджер, а не полное рабочее окружение.
ja: >-本パッケージには、Xfce4 向けウィンドウマネージャである xfwm4 が 含まれます。Xfce4 の残りの要素と組み合わせて起動するように設計されていますが、 GNOME や KDE 用のウィンドウマネージャとしての利用も可能です。
http://www.freedesktop.org/ で定義された標準に準拠した小さく、リソースを節約する ウィンドウマネージャが欲しい場合、xfwm4 をインストールしてください。 xfce4 無しでは、本パッケージは完全な環境を持たないウィンドウマネージャしか もたらしません。
en_CA: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
fr: >-Ce paquet contient xfwm4, le gestionnaire de fenêtre de Xfce4. Il est conçu pour fonctionner avec le reste d'Xfce4, mais peut servir de gestionnaire de fenêtre pour GNOME ou KDE.
Installez xfwm4 si vous voulez un petit gestionnaire de fenêtre économe en ressources qui respecte les normes définies sur http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sans xfce4, ce paquet ne vous donne que le gestionnaire de fenêtre, pas l'environnement complet.
en_GB: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
hu: >-E csomag tartalmazza az xfwm4 ablakkezelőt, az Xfce4 környezethez. Az Xfce4 számára készült, de a gnome-mal és kde-vel is rendkívül jól működik.
Telepítsd az xfwm4-et, ha egy kicsi, igen kis erőforrást igénylő ablakkezelőre vágysz, amely teljesíti a http://www.freedesktop.org/ által meghatározott szabványokat. Az xfce4 telepítése nélkül csak egy ablakkezelőt ad, nem a teljes környezetet.
it: >-Questo pacchetto contiene xfwm4, il gestore di finestre di Xfce4. È progettato per essere usato insieme al resto di Xfce4 ma può essere usato come gestore di finestre anche con GNOME o KDE.
Installare xfwm4 se si vuole un gestore di finestre piccolo, che richiede poche risorse e conforme agli standard definiti in http://www.freedesktop.org/. Quando xfce4 non è installato, questo pacchetto fornisce solo il gestore di finestre, non l'ambiente completo.
da: >-Denne pakke indeholder xfwm4, som er vindueshåndteringen for Xfce4. Programmet er designet til at køre med resten af Xfce4 men er en god vindueshåndtering for GNOME eller KDE.
Installer xfwm4 hvis du ønsker en lille, ressourcebesparende vindueshåndtering som overholder standarderne defineret på http://www.freedesktop.org/. Uden xfc4 installeret får du her kun en vindueshåndtering og ikke det fulde miljø.
en_AU: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfwm4_wmtweaks.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfwm4_wmtweaks.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-wm-settings.desktop Package: xfwm4 Name: he: מנהל חלונות ja: ウィンドウマネージャー si: කවුළු කළමනාකරු sk: Správca okien sl: Upravljalnik oken ug: كۆزنەك باشقۇرغۇ ur: ونڈو منیجر zh_CN: 窗口管理器 C: Window Manager fr: Gestionnaire de fenêtres sq: Përgjegjës Dritaresh sr: Управник прозора nb: Vindusbehandler hr: Upravitelj prozora ca: Gestor de finestres sv: Fönsterhanterare hu: Ablakkezelő pa: ਵਿੰਡੋ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ uk: Менеджер вікон zh_HK: 視窗管理員 am: ማስኮት አስተዳዳሪ nl: Vensterbeheerder zh_TW: 視窗管理程式 nn: Vindaugshandsamar lt: Langų tvarkyklė ar: مدير النوافذ lv: Logu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer okien el: Διαχειριστής παραθύρων ast: Xestor de ventanes cs: Správce oken eo: Administradilo de Fenestroj th: โปรแกรมจัดการหน้าต่าง gl: Xestor de xanelas pt: Gestor de janelas es: Gestor de ventanas et: Aknahaldur eu: Leiho kudeatzailea te: విండో నిర్వాహకం ro: Manager de ferestre id: Manajer Jendela tr: Pencere Yöneticisi kk: Терезелер басқарушысы vi: Trình quản lí cửa sổ be: Кіраўнік вокнаў is: Gluggastjóri it: Gestore delle finestre ko: 창 관리자 da: Vindueshåndtering de: Fensterverwaltung oc: Gestionari de fenèstras en_GB: Window Manager bn: উইন্ডো ব্যবস্থাপক ru: Диспетчер окон ms: Pengurus Tetingkap bg: Мениджър на прозорците en_AU: Window Manager fi: Ikkunointiohjelma pt_BR: Gerenciador de janelas ur_PK: ونڈو منیجر Summary: he: הגדר התנהגות, נגיעות וקיצורי דרך חלון ja: ウィンドウの振る舞いとショートカットキーを設定します si: කවුළු හැසිරීම් හා කෙටිමං වින්යාස කරන්න sk: Konfigurácia správania okna a klávesových skratiek sl: Nastavite obnašanje oken in bližnjic ug: كۆزنەك ھەرىكىتى ۋە تېزلەتمىنى سەپلەش zh_CN: 配置窗口行为和快捷键 C: Configure window behavior and shortcuts fr: Configurer le comportement et les raccourcis des fenêtres sq: Formësoni sjellje dhe shkurtore dritareje sr: Подесите понашање прозора и пречице nb: Sett opp vindusoppførsel og hurtigtaster hr: Konfiguriraj ponašanje prozora i prečace ca: Configura el comportament de les finestres i de les dreceres sv: Konfigurera fönsterbeteende och genvägar hu: Ablakviselkedés és gyorsbillentyűk beállítása uk: Налаштувати заголовок вікна і запускачів ur: ونڈو کا سلوک اور شارٹ کٹ وضع کریں nl: Configureer venstergedrag en sneltoetsen zh_TW: 調整視窗行為與捷徑 nn: Set opp åtferda og utsjånaden for vindaugo lt: Konfigūruoti lango elgseną ir susiejimus ar: إعداد سلوك و إختصارات النافذة lv: Konfigurēt loga uzvedību un īsceļus pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia okien i skróty klawiszowe el: Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς παραθύρων και συντομεύσεων ast: Configura'l comportamientu de ventanes y atayos cs: Konfigurace chování okna a klávesových zkratek id: Atur perilaku jendela dan jalan pintas th: ตั้งค่าพฤติกรรมและปุ่มลัดของหน้าต่าง gl: Configurar o comportamento e os atallos das xanelas pt: Configurar comportamento e atalhos das janelas es: Configure el comportamiento de ventanas y atajos ro: Schimbați comportamentul ferestrelor și combinațiile de taste eu: Leiho portaera eta lastre-teklak konfiguratu ru: Настройка поведения окна и комбинаций клавиш ur_PK: ونڈو کا سلوک اور شارٹ کٹ وضع کریں tr: Pencere davranışı ve kısayollarını yapılandır kk: Терезе әрекеттерін мен жарлықтарды баптау be: Наладзіць паводзіны акна і іконак is: Stilla hegðun glugga og flýtilykla ko: 창 동작 및 바로 가기를 설정합니다 it: Configurazione del comportamento della finestra e delle scorciatoie da: Indstil vindueopførsel og genveje de: Das Fensterverhalten und die Tastenkombinationen konfigurieren oc: Configurar lo comportament e los acorchis de las fenèstras en_GB: Configure window behaviour and shortcuts bn: উইন্ডোর আচরণ ও শর্টকাট কনফিগার zh_HK: 調整視窗行為與捷徑 ms: Selaraskan kelakuan dan pintasan tetingkap bg: Настройка на поведението на прозорците и клавишните комбинации en_AU: Configure window behaviour and shortcuts fi: Muokkaa ikkunoiden käytöstä ja pikanäppäimiä pt_BR: Configure o comportamento e atalhos das janelas Description: pl: >-Pakiet zawiera xfwm4, który jest menedżerem okiem do Xfce4. Jest on zaprojektowany do uruchamiania z resztą środowiska Xfce4, ale można go wykorzystać również ze środowiskiem GNOME lub KDE.
Xfwm4 jest małym, oszczędnym w wykorzystaniu zasobów menedżerem okien, zgodnym ze standardami zdefiniowanymi na http://www.freedesktop.org/. Nie mając zainstalowanego xfce4, można otrzymać jedynie sam menedżer okien, a nie pełne środowisko.
de: >-Dieses Paket enthält xfwm4, den Fenstermanager für »xfce4«. Er wurde dafür entwickelt, zusammen mit dem Rest von »xfce4« zu laufen, aber er gibt auch einen fähigen Fenstermanager für GNOME oder KDE ab.
Installieren Sie xfwm4, wenn sie einen kleinen, ressourcen-schonenden Fenstermanager wollen, der den auf http://www.freedesktop.org/ definierten Standards entspricht. Ohne installiertes »xfce4« bietet dieses Paket nur einen Fenstermanager und nicht die volle Umgebung.
pt_BR: >-Este pacote contém o xfwm4 que é o gerenciador de janelas do Xfce4. Ele é projetado para ser executado com o resto do Xfce4 mas tem um gerenciador de janelas para o GNOME ou KDE.
Instale o xfwm4 se você quer um gerenciador de janelas pequeno, com economia de recursos, compatível com os padrões definidos em http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sem o xfce4 instalado ele fornece apenas um gerenciador de tarefas e não o ambiente completo.
sk: >-Tento balík obsahuje xfwm4, správcu okien Xfce4. Je navrhnutý na fungovanie so zvyškom Xfce4, ale možno ho použiť ako správcu okien i pre GNOME alebo KDE.
Nainštalujte xfwm4, ak chcete malého, na zdroje nenáročného správcu okien, ktorý je kompatibilný so štandardmi, definovanými n http://www.freedesktop.org/. Bez nainštalovaného prostredia xfce4, získate len správcu okien, nie úplné pracovné prostredie.
sl: >-Ta paket vsebuje xfwm4, okenski upravljalnik za Xfce4. Zasnovan je za izvajanje s preostankom Xfce4, vendar je tudi zmogljiv upravljalnik oken za GNOME ali KDE.
xfmw4 namestite, če želite majhen, z viri varčen upravljalnik oken, ki upošteva standarde, definirane na http://www.freedesktop.org/. Brez nameščenega xfce4 boste dobili le okenski upravljalnik, ne polnega okolja.
pt: >-Este pacote contém xfwm4 que é o gestor de janelas para xfce4. É concebido para funcionar com o resto do xfce4, mas é um gestor de janelas capaz para GNOME ou KDE.
Instale o xfwm4 se você quiser um pequeno gestor de janelas que economiza recursos e que cumpre as normas definidas em http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sem o xfce4 instalado, este pacote apenas disponibiliza-lhe um gestor de janelas e não o ambiente completo.
C: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
uk: >-Пакунок містить xfwm4, віконний менеджер для Xfce4. Він служить для запуску решту частин Xfce4, але може працювати менеджером вікон для GNOME або KDE.
Встановіть xfwm4, якщо хочете отримати маленький, невимогливий до ресурсів віконний менеджер, який відповідає стандартам, описаним на сторінці http://www.freedesktop.org/. Без встановленого xfce4, Ви отримаєте лише віконний менеджер, а не повне робоче оточення.
en: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
ru: >-Пакет содержит xfwm4, оконный менеджер для Xfce4. Он служит для запуска остальной части Xfce4, но может работать оконным менеджером для GNOME или KDE.
Установите xfwm4, если хотите получить маленький, нетребовательный к ресурсам оконный менеджер, соответствующий стандартам, описанным на странице http://www.freedesktop.org/. Без установленного xfce4, вы получите только оконный менеджер, а не полное рабочее окружение.
ja: >-本パッケージには、Xfce4 向けウィンドウマネージャである xfwm4 が 含まれます。Xfce4 の残りの要素と組み合わせて起動するように設計されていますが、 GNOME や KDE 用のウィンドウマネージャとしての利用も可能です。
http://www.freedesktop.org/ で定義された標準に準拠した小さく、リソースを節約する ウィンドウマネージャが欲しい場合、xfwm4 をインストールしてください。 xfce4 無しでは、本パッケージは完全な環境を持たないウィンドウマネージャしか もたらしません。
en_CA: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
fr: >-Ce paquet contient xfwm4, le gestionnaire de fenêtre de Xfce4. Il est conçu pour fonctionner avec le reste d'Xfce4, mais peut servir de gestionnaire de fenêtre pour GNOME ou KDE.
Installez xfwm4 si vous voulez un petit gestionnaire de fenêtre économe en ressources qui respecte les normes définies sur http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sans xfce4, ce paquet ne vous donne que le gestionnaire de fenêtre, pas l'environnement complet.
en_GB: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
hu: >-E csomag tartalmazza az xfwm4 ablakkezelőt, az Xfce4 környezethez. Az Xfce4 számára készült, de a gnome-mal és kde-vel is rendkívül jól működik.
Telepítsd az xfwm4-et, ha egy kicsi, igen kis erőforrást igénylő ablakkezelőre vágysz, amely teljesíti a http://www.freedesktop.org/ által meghatározott szabványokat. Az xfce4 telepítése nélkül csak egy ablakkezelőt ad, nem a teljes környezetet.
it: >-Questo pacchetto contiene xfwm4, il gestore di finestre di Xfce4. È progettato per essere usato insieme al resto di Xfce4 ma può essere usato come gestore di finestre anche con GNOME o KDE.
Installare xfwm4 se si vuole un gestore di finestre piccolo, che richiede poche risorse e conforme agli standard definiti in http://www.freedesktop.org/. Quando xfce4 non è installato, questo pacchetto fornisce solo il gestore di finestre, non l'ambiente completo.
da: >-Denne pakke indeholder xfwm4, som er vindueshåndteringen for Xfce4. Programmet er designet til at køre med resten af Xfce4 men er en god vindueshåndtering for GNOME eller KDE.
Installer xfwm4 hvis du ønsker en lille, ressourcebesparende vindueshåndtering som overholder standarderne defineret på http://www.freedesktop.org/. Uden xfc4 installeret får du her kun en vindueshåndtering og ikke det fulde miljø.
en_AU: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfwm4_xfwm4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfwm4_xfwm4.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop Package: xfwm4 Name: he: משטחי עבודה ja: ワークスペース si: වැඩ අවකාශ sk: Pracovné plochy sl: Delovne površine ug: خىزمەت رايونلىرى ur: مقام کار zh_CN: 工作区 C: Workspaces fr: Espaces de travail sq: Hapësira pune sr: Радни простори nb: Arbeidsområde hr: Radni prostori ca: Espais de treball sv: Arbetsytor hu: Munkaterületek pa: ਵਰਕਸਪੇਸ uk: Робочі області zh_HK: 工作區 am: የስራ ገበታ nl: Werkbladen zh_TW: 工作區 nn: Arbeidsområde lt: Darbalaukiai ar: مساحات العمل lv: Darbavietas pl: Obszary robocze el: Χώροι εργασίας ast: Estayes de trabayu cs: Pracovní plochy eo: Laborspacoj th: พื้นที่ทำงาน gl: Espazos de traballo pt: Áreas de trabalho es: Áreas de trabajo et: Tööruumid eu: Idazmahaiak te: కార్యక్షేత్రాలు ro: Spații de lucru id: Ruang Kerja tr: Çalışma Alanları kk: Жұмыс орындары vi: Vùng làm việc be: Працоўныя прасторы is: Vinnusvæði it: Spazi di lavoro ko: 작업 공간 da: Arbejdsområder de: Arbeitsflächen oc: Espacis de trabalh en_GB: Workspaces bn: কর্মপরিসর ru: Рабочие места ms: Ruang kerja bg: Работни места en_AU: Workspaces fi: Työtilat pt_BR: Espaços de trabalho ur_PK: مقام کار Summary: he: הגדר מערך, שמות ושוליים ja: レイアウト、名前、および余白を設定します zh_CN: 配置布局、名称和边缘 sk: Nastavenie rozloženia, názvov a okrajov sl: Nastavite razpored, imena in odmike ug: جايلاشتۇرۇلۇشى، ئاتلىرى ۋە گىرۋەكلىرىنى سەپلەش C: Configure layout, names and margins fr: Configurer la disposition, les noms et les marges sr: Подесите распоред, називе и ивице uk: Конфігурація розкладки, назв та полів nb: Konfigurer utforming, navn, og marginer hr: Konfiguriraj raspored, imena i margine ca: Configura la disposició, els noms i els marges sv: Konfigurera layout, namn och marginaler hu: Elrendezés, nevek és margók beállítása nl: Vormgeving, namen en marges instellen zh_TW: 設定配置、名稱與邊緣 nn: Set opp utforming, namn og margar lt: Konfigūruokite išdėstymus, pavadinimus ir paraštes ar: إعداد تصميم, أسماء والهوامش pl: Konfiguruje układ, nazwy i marginesy obszarów roboczych el: Ρύθμιση διάταξης, ονόματα και περιθώρια ast: Configurar distribución del tecláu, nome y márxenes cs: Konfiguruje rozvržení, názvy a okraje id: Atur tata letak, nama, dan jarak th: ปรับแต่งการจัดวาง ชื่อ และแนวขอบของพื้นที่ทำงาน gl: Configurar a disposición, os nomes e as marxes pt: Configurar esquema, nomes e margens es: Configurar distribución, nombres y márgenes ro: Personalizați-le numele, aspectul și marginile eu: Konfiguratu diseinua, izenak eta ertzak ru: Настроить поведение окон и комбинаций клавиш zh_HK: 設定配置、名稱與邊緣 tr: Yerleşim, isim ve boşlukları yapılandır kk: Жайма, атауларды мен өрістерді баптау be: Наладзіць змяшчэнне, назвы і бакавыя межы is: Stilla framsetningu, nöfn og spássíur ko: 배치, 이름, 여백을 설정합니다 it: Configurazione della disposizione, dei nomi e dei margini da: Indstil layout, navne og marginer de: Anordnung, Namen und Ränder konfigurieren oc: Configurar l'agençament, los noms e los marges en_GB: Configure layout, names and margins ms: Selaraskan susunatur, nama dan margin bg: Настройване на поведението, имената и допустимите граници en_AU: Configure layout, names and margins fi: Muokkaa asettelua, nimiä ja reunuksia pt_BR: Configure layout, nomes e margens Description: pl: >-Pakiet zawiera xfwm4, który jest menedżerem okiem do Xfce4. Jest on zaprojektowany do uruchamiania z resztą środowiska Xfce4, ale można go wykorzystać również ze środowiskiem GNOME lub KDE.
Xfwm4 jest małym, oszczędnym w wykorzystaniu zasobów menedżerem okien, zgodnym ze standardami zdefiniowanymi na http://www.freedesktop.org/. Nie mając zainstalowanego xfce4, można otrzymać jedynie sam menedżer okien, a nie pełne środowisko.
de: >-Dieses Paket enthält xfwm4, den Fenstermanager für »xfce4«. Er wurde dafür entwickelt, zusammen mit dem Rest von »xfce4« zu laufen, aber er gibt auch einen fähigen Fenstermanager für GNOME oder KDE ab.
Installieren Sie xfwm4, wenn sie einen kleinen, ressourcen-schonenden Fenstermanager wollen, der den auf http://www.freedesktop.org/ definierten Standards entspricht. Ohne installiertes »xfce4« bietet dieses Paket nur einen Fenstermanager und nicht die volle Umgebung.
pt_BR: >-Este pacote contém o xfwm4 que é o gerenciador de janelas do Xfce4. Ele é projetado para ser executado com o resto do Xfce4 mas tem um gerenciador de janelas para o GNOME ou KDE.
Instale o xfwm4 se você quer um gerenciador de janelas pequeno, com economia de recursos, compatível com os padrões definidos em http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sem o xfce4 instalado ele fornece apenas um gerenciador de tarefas e não o ambiente completo.
sk: >-Tento balík obsahuje xfwm4, správcu okien Xfce4. Je navrhnutý na fungovanie so zvyškom Xfce4, ale možno ho použiť ako správcu okien i pre GNOME alebo KDE.
Nainštalujte xfwm4, ak chcete malého, na zdroje nenáročného správcu okien, ktorý je kompatibilný so štandardmi, definovanými n http://www.freedesktop.org/. Bez nainštalovaného prostredia xfce4, získate len správcu okien, nie úplné pracovné prostredie.
sl: >-Ta paket vsebuje xfwm4, okenski upravljalnik za Xfce4. Zasnovan je za izvajanje s preostankom Xfce4, vendar je tudi zmogljiv upravljalnik oken za GNOME ali KDE.
xfmw4 namestite, če želite majhen, z viri varčen upravljalnik oken, ki upošteva standarde, definirane na http://www.freedesktop.org/. Brez nameščenega xfce4 boste dobili le okenski upravljalnik, ne polnega okolja.
pt: >-Este pacote contém xfwm4 que é o gestor de janelas para xfce4. É concebido para funcionar com o resto do xfce4, mas é um gestor de janelas capaz para GNOME ou KDE.
Instale o xfwm4 se você quiser um pequeno gestor de janelas que economiza recursos e que cumpre as normas definidas em http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sem o xfce4 instalado, este pacote apenas disponibiliza-lhe um gestor de janelas e não o ambiente completo.
C: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
uk: >-Пакунок містить xfwm4, віконний менеджер для Xfce4. Він служить для запуску решту частин Xfce4, але може працювати менеджером вікон для GNOME або KDE.
Встановіть xfwm4, якщо хочете отримати маленький, невимогливий до ресурсів віконний менеджер, який відповідає стандартам, описаним на сторінці http://www.freedesktop.org/. Без встановленого xfce4, Ви отримаєте лише віконний менеджер, а не повне робоче оточення.
en: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
ru: >-Пакет содержит xfwm4, оконный менеджер для Xfce4. Он служит для запуска остальной части Xfce4, но может работать оконным менеджером для GNOME или KDE.
Установите xfwm4, если хотите получить маленький, нетребовательный к ресурсам оконный менеджер, соответствующий стандартам, описанным на странице http://www.freedesktop.org/. Без установленного xfce4, вы получите только оконный менеджер, а не полное рабочее окружение.
ja: >-本パッケージには、Xfce4 向けウィンドウマネージャである xfwm4 が 含まれます。Xfce4 の残りの要素と組み合わせて起動するように設計されていますが、 GNOME や KDE 用のウィンドウマネージャとしての利用も可能です。
http://www.freedesktop.org/ で定義された標準に準拠した小さく、リソースを節約する ウィンドウマネージャが欲しい場合、xfwm4 をインストールしてください。 xfce4 無しでは、本パッケージは完全な環境を持たないウィンドウマネージャしか もたらしません。
en_CA: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
fr: >-Ce paquet contient xfwm4, le gestionnaire de fenêtre de Xfce4. Il est conçu pour fonctionner avec le reste d'Xfce4, mais peut servir de gestionnaire de fenêtre pour GNOME ou KDE.
Installez xfwm4 si vous voulez un petit gestionnaire de fenêtre économe en ressources qui respecte les normes définies sur http://www.freedesktop.org/. Sans xfce4, ce paquet ne vous donne que le gestionnaire de fenêtre, pas l'environnement complet.
en_GB: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
hu: >-E csomag tartalmazza az xfwm4 ablakkezelőt, az Xfce4 környezethez. Az Xfce4 számára készült, de a gnome-mal és kde-vel is rendkívül jól működik.
Telepítsd az xfwm4-et, ha egy kicsi, igen kis erőforrást igénylő ablakkezelőre vágysz, amely teljesíti a http://www.freedesktop.org/ által meghatározott szabványokat. Az xfce4 telepítése nélkül csak egy ablakkezelőt ad, nem a teljes környezetet.
it: >-Questo pacchetto contiene xfwm4, il gestore di finestre di Xfce4. È progettato per essere usato insieme al resto di Xfce4 ma può essere usato come gestore di finestre anche con GNOME o KDE.
Installare xfwm4 se si vuole un gestore di finestre piccolo, che richiede poche risorse e conforme agli standard definiti in http://www.freedesktop.org/. Quando xfce4 non è installato, questo pacchetto fornisce solo il gestore di finestre, non l'ambiente completo.
da: >-Denne pakke indeholder xfwm4, som er vindueshåndteringen for Xfce4. Programmet er designet til at køre med resten af Xfce4 men er en god vindueshåndtering for GNOME eller KDE.
Installer xfwm4 hvis du ønsker en lille, ressourcebesparende vindueshåndtering som overholder standarderne defineret på http://www.freedesktop.org/. Uden xfc4 installeret får du her kun en vindueshåndtering og ikke det fulde miljø.
en_AU: >-This package contains xfwm4 which is the window manager for Xfce4. It is designed to run with the rest of Xfce4 but makes a capable window manager for GNOME or KDE.
Install xfwm4 if you want a small, resource saving window manager which complies to the standards defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/. Without xfce4 installed this only gives you a window manager not the full environment.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfwm4_xfce4-workspaces.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfwm4_xfce4-workspaces.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Perl Package: hexchat-perl Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Perl Plugin Summary: C: Provides a scripting interface in Perl ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Python3 Package: hexchat-python3 Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Python3 Plugin Summary: C: Provides a scripting interface in Python3 ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: addon ID: evolution-pst Package: evolution-plugin-pstimport Extends: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Name: lv: Outlook PST imports pt: Importador de PST do Outlook tr: Outlook PST aktar ast: Importador PST d'Outlook an: Importador PST d'Outlook id: Impor PST Outlook pt_BR: Importador de arquivos PST do Outlook el: Εισαγωγή Outlook PST ca@valencia: Importador de PST de l'Outlook as: Outlook PST ইমপোৰ্ট ব্যবস্থা es: Importador PST de Outlook et: Outlooki PST-importija eu: Outlook PST inportatzailea mk: Увезување на Outlook PST ml: Outlook PST ഇംപോര്ട്ട് it: Importazione Outlook PST ug: Outlook PST نى ئېلىپ كىرىدۇ mr: Outlook PST आयात करा uk: Імпорту Outlook PST be: Імпартаванне Outlook PST sr@latin: Autluk PST uvoz bg: Внасяне на файлове PST от Outlook zh_CN: Outlook PST 导入 ja: Outlook PST のインポート bn: Outlook PST ইম্পোর্ট ব্যবস্থা fi: Outlookin PST-tuoja nb: Outlook PST-import bs: Outlook PST uvoz fr: Importation Outlook PST nl: Outlook PST-import fur: Importazion Outlook PST ca: Importador de PST de l'Outlook ro: Import Outlook PST vi: Nhập PST Outlook ru: Импортирование из файлов PST zh_HK: Outlook PST 匯入 bn_IN: Outlook PST ইম্পোর্ট ব্যবস্থা oc: Importacion Outlook PST cs: Import pro Outlook PST gl: Importación do PST do Outlook kn: Outlook PST ಆಮದು ko: 아웃룩 PST 가져오기 gu: આઉટલુક PST આયાત C: Outlook PST import sl: Uvoz Outlook PST or: ଆଉଟଲୁକ PST ଆମଦାନି sk: Import Outlook PST da: Outlook PST-import be@latin: Imparter PST z Outlooka sr: Аутлук ПСТ увоз de: Outlook PST-Importeur zh_TW: Outlook PST 匯入 sv: Outlooks PST-importör he: ייבוא מקבצי PST של Outlook hi: आउटलुक पीएसटी आयात pa: Outlook PST ਇੰਪੋਰਟ en_GB: Outlook PST import ta: அவுட்லுக் பிஎஸ்டி இறக்குமதி hr: Uvoženje Outlookova PST-a te: Outlook PST దిగుమతి hu: Outlook PST importáló pl: Importer danych PST programu Outlook th: นำเข้า Outlook PST lt: Outlook PST importavimas Summary: lv: Importēt Outlook vēstules no PST datnes pt: Importar mensagens Outlook de um ficheiro PST tr: Outlook iletilerini PST dosyasından içe aktar ast: Importar mensaxes d'Outlook dende un ficheru PST an: Importar os mensaches de l'Outlook dende un fichero PST id: Mengimpor pesan Outlook dari berkas PST pt_BR: Importar mensagens do Outlook a partir de um arquivo PST el: Εισαγωγή των μηνυμάτων του Outlook από αρχείο PST ca@valencia: Importa els missatges de l'Outlook a partir del fitxer PST ar: استيراد رسائل Outlook من ملف PST as: PST ফাইল পৰা Outlook বাৰ্তা ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক es: Importar mensajes de Outlook desde un archivo PST et: Outlooki kirjade importimine PST-failist eu: Inportatu Outlook posta PST fitxategitik mk: Увези пораки од Outlook од PST датотека ml: PST ഫയലില് നിന്നും മെയില് ഇംപോര്ട്ട് ചെയ്യുക. it: Importa messaggi di Outlook da un file PST ug: PST ھۆججىتىدىن Outlook Express ئۇچۇرلىرىنى ئېلىپ كىرىدۇ mr: PST फाइल पासून Outlook संदेश आयात करा uk: Імпорт повідомлень Outlook з PST файлу be: Імпартаванне паведамленняў Outlook з файла PST sr@latin: Uvozi Autluk poruke iz PST datoteke bg: Внасяне на поща от Outlook чрез файл във формат PST. zh_CN: 从 PST 文件中导入 Outlook 邮件 ja: PST ファイルから Outlook のメッセージをインポートするプラグインです。 bn: PST ফাইল থেকে Outlook বার্তা ইম্পোর্ট করুন fi: Tuo Outlook-viestejä PST-tiedostosta nb: Importer Outlook-meldinger fra PST-fil bs: Uvozi Outlook poruke iz datoteke PST fr: Importation de messages Outlook à partir d’un fichier PST nl: Outlook-berichten importeren uit PST-bestand fur: Impuarte messaçs di Outlook di un file PST ca: Importa els missatges de l'Outlook a partir del fitxer PST ro: Import mesaje Outlook din fișier PST vi: Nhập các thư Outlook từ tập tin PST ru: Импорт сообщений Outlook из файла PST zh_HK: 從 PST 檔案匯入 Outlook 郵件 bn_IN: PST ফাইল থেকে Outlook বার্তা ইম্পোর্ট করুন oc: Importacion de messatges Outlook a partir d'un fichièr PST cs: Importuje zprávy aplikace Outlook ze souboru PST gl: Importar as mensaxes do Outlook desde un ficheiro PST kn: PST ಕಡತವನ್ನು Outlook ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊ ko: PST 파일의 아웃룩 메시지를 가져옵니다 gu: PST ફાઇલ માંથી આઉટલુક સંદેશાઓ ને આયાત કરો C: Import Outlook messages from PST file sl: Uvozi pošto iz datoteke Outlook PST or: Outlook ସନ୍ଦେଶଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ PST ଫାଇଲରୁ ଆମଦାନୀ କରନ୍ତୁ sk: Importovať Outlook správy z PST súboru da: Importer Outlook-breve fra PST-fil be@latin: Impartuj listy Outlook z fajłu PST sr: Увози Аутлук поруке из ПСТ датотеке de: Outlook-Nachrichten aus einer PST-Datei importieren zh_TW: 從 PST 檔案匯入 Outlook 郵件 sv: Importera Outlook-meddelanden från PST-fil hi: PST फ़ाइल से आउटलुक संदेश आयात करें pa: PST ਫਾਇਲ ਤੋਂ ਆਉਟਲੁੱਕ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਇੰਪੋਰਟ en_GB: Import Outlook messages from PST file ta: பிஎஸ்டி கோப்பிலிருந்து அவுட்லுக் அஞ்சல்களை இறக்குமதி செய்க hr: Uvezi Outlook poruke iz PST datoteke te: PST ఫైలు నుండి Outlook సందేశములను దిగుమతిచేయుము hu: Outlook levelek importálása PST fájlból pl: Importowanie wiadomości z programu Outlook z pliku PST th: นำเข้าเมล Outlook จากแฟ้ม PST lt: Importuoti Outlook laiškus iš PST failo ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: addon ID: network-manager-fortisslvpn Package: network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome Extends: - nm-connection-editor.desktop - gnome-control-center.desktop Name: de: Fortinet-SSLVPN-Client fur: Client SSLVPN Fortinet lt: Fortinet SSLVPN klientas pt_BR: Cliente para SSLVPN da Fortinet pl: Klient SSLVPN Fortinet fi: Fortinet SSLVPN -asiakasohjelmisto C: Fortinet SSLVPN client id: Klien SSLVPN Fortinet cs: Klient Fortinet SSLVPN sr: Фортинет ССЛВПН клијент es: Cliente de Fortinet SSLVPN sv: Fortinet SSLVPN-klient hu: Fortinet SSLVPN kliens ca: Client Fortinet SSLVPN it: Client SSLVPN Fortinet da: Fortinet SSLVPN-klient sr@latin: Fortinet SSLVPN klijent Summary: de: Client für virtuelle private Netze des Typs Fortinet-SSLVPN fur: Client par rêts privadis virtuâls SSLVPN Fortinet lt: Klientas Fortinet SSLVPN virtualiems privatiems tinklams pt_BR: Cliente para redes particulares virtuais SSLVPN da Fortinet pl: Klient wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSLVPN Fortinet fi: Asiakasohjelmisto Fortinet SSLVPN -erillisverkkoihin C: Client for Fortinet SSLVPN virtual private networks id: Klien untuk virtual private network SSLVPN Fortinet cs: Klient pro Fortinet SSLVPN sítě sr: Клијент за Фортинет ССЛВПН виртуелне приватне мреже es: Cliente para redes privadas virtuales Fortinet SSLVPN sv: Klient för Fortinet SSLVPN virtuella privata nätverk hu: Kliens a Fortinet SSLVPN virtuális magánhálózatokhoz ca: Client per a xarxes privades virtuals Fortinet SSLVPN it: Client per le reti private virtuali SSLVPN Fortinet da: Klient til Fortinets virtuelle private SSLVPN-netværk sr@latin: Klijent za Fortinet SSLVPN virtuelne privatne mreže Description: pl: >-Obsługa konfigurowania połączeń wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSLVPN Fortinet.
fur: >-Supuart par configurâ lis conessions di rêts privadis virtuâls SSLVPN Fortinet
lt: >-Fortinet SSLVPN virtualių privačių tinklo ryšių konfigūracijos palaikymas.
pt_BR: >-Suporte à configuração de conexões de rede privada virtual SSLVPN da Fortinet.
de: >-Unterstützung für die Konfiguration von Fortinet-SSLVPN virtuellen privaten Netz-Verbindungen
fi: >-Tuki Fortinet SSLVPN -erillisverkkoyhteyksien määrittämiseen.
C: >-Support for configuring Fortinet SSLVPN virtual private network connections.
id: >-Dukungan bagi penataan koneksi virtual private network SSLVPN Fortinet.
cs: >-Podpora konfigurace připojení Fortinet SSLVPN.
sr: >-Подршка за подешавање веза Фортинет ССЛВПН виртуелне приватне мреже.
es: >-Soporte para configurar conexiones a redes privadas virtuales Fortinet SSLVPN.
sv: >-Stöd för att konfigurera Fortinet SSLVPN virtuella privata nätverksanslutningar.
hu: >-A Fortinet SSLVPN virtuális magánhálózati kapcsolatok beállításának támogatása.
ca: >-Suport per a la configuració de connexions de xarxes privades virtuals Fortinet SSLVPN.
it: >-Supporta la configurazione di connessioni a reti private virtuali SSLVNP Fortinet.
da: >-Understøttelse af konfigurering af virtuelle private SSLVPN-netværksforbindelser.
sr@latin: >-Podrška za podešavanje veza Fortinet SSLVPN virtuelne privatne mreže.
DeveloperName: de: Die Entwickler von NetworkManager fur: I svilupadôrs di NetworkManager lt: NetworkManager kūrėjai pt_BR: Os desenvolvedores do NetworkManager pl: Programiści projektu NetworkManager fi: NetworkManagerin kehittäjät C: The NetworkManager Developers id: Para Pengembang NetworkManager cs: Vývojáři aplikace NetworkManager sr: Програмери Управника мреже es: Los desarrolladores de NetworkManager sv: Utvecklarna av Nätverkshanteraren hu: A Hálózatkezelő fejlesztői ca: Els desenvolupadors del NewtorkManager it: Gli sviluppatori di NetworkManager da: Udviklerne af Netværkshåndtering sr@latin: Programeri Upravnika mreže ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Keywords: C: - network - manager - NetworkManager - connection - VPN - Fortinet - openfortivpn - SSLVPN Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/VPN bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=NetworkManager Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-1_752x543.png width: 752 height: 543 - url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-1_624x450.png width: 624 height: 450 - url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-1_224x161.png width: 224 height: 161 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 800 height: 578 - caption: C: The advanced options dialog thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-2_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-2_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-2_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-fortisslvpn/BD08438D2094BD83FCB07219D0502756/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 800 height: 450 --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.vinszent.GnomeTwitch.desktop Package: gnome-twitch Name: pl: GNOME Twitch de: GNOME Twitch pt: GNOME Twitch C: GNOME Twitch sr: Гном Твич ru: GNOME Twitch cs: GNOME Twitch sv: GNOME Twitch fr: GNOME Twitch es: GNOME Twitch hu: GNOME Twitch nl: GNOME Twitch Summary: pl: Klient serwisu Twitch na komputery de: Twitch Desktop-Anwendung pt: Cliente Twitch para ambiente de trabalho C: Twitch desktop client sr: Стони Твич клијент ru: Клиент Twitch es: Cliente de escritorio para Twitch nl: Twitch desktop client Description: pl: >-Umożliwia wyszukiwanie i oglądanie streamów w serwisie Twitch na komputerze.
Główne funkcje:
Erlaubt das Suchen und Schauen von Twitch Streams vom Desktop
Wichtigste Funktionen:
Permite procurar e assistir a transmissões do Twitch a partir do ambiente de trabalho.
Características notáveis:
Allows searching for and watching Twitch streams from the desktop.
Notable Features:
Омогућава претрагу и гледање стримова на Твичу, на вашем рачунару.
Истакнуте могућности:
Позволяет искать и просматривать трянсляции Twitch прямо на рабочем столе
Отличительные особенности:
Permite buscar y ver transmisiones de Twitch en el escritorio
Características Notables:
Zoek en bekijk Twitch streams vanaf u bureaublad.
This release is focused on improving stability and having better error handling. Some key features have also been implemented. These include better chat moving and resizing, language selection, various UI additions, and more.
- version: 0.3.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1476489600 description: C: >-This is a minor release to fix an error getting follows.
--- Type: desktop-application ID: dosbox.desktop Package: dosbox Name: ca: Emulador DOSBox es: Emulador DOSBox de: DOSBox Emulator nl: DOSBox Simulator ua: Емулятор DOSBox it: DOSBox emulatore ru: Эмулятор DOSBox C: DOSBox Emulator Summary: ca: Executeu antigues aplicacions DOS es: Un emulador para ejecutar antiguas aplicaciones DOS de: Ein Emulator für alte DOS Programme nl: Een simulator om oude DOS-spellen te spelen ua: Запуск старих DOS-застосувань it: Un emulatore per far girare vecchi giochi DOS ru: Запуск старых DOS-приложений C: Run old DOS applications Description: C: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
en: >-DOSBox is a x86 emulator with Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. It's been designed to run old DOS games under platforms that don't support it. (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X)
The following legacy sound devices are emulated: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource and a Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 is forwarded to the host.
Categories: - Game - Emulator Keywords: C: - DOS Emulator Icon: cached: - name: dosbox_dosbox.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: dosbox_dosbox.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: dosbox_dosbox.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/do/dosbox.desktop/595b44dfc44b468b4e8a0007a30c0da5/icons/128x128/dosbox_dosbox.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: dosbox Launchable: desktop-id: - dosbox.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: visualvm.desktop Package: visualvm Name: C: VisualVM Summary: C: All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool Description: C: >-VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the Java SE platform.
VisualVM is designed for - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps, browse heap dumps. - System Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications across the entire network. - Java Application Users: Create bug reports containing all the necessary information.
en: >-VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the Java SE platform.
VisualVM is designed for - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps, browse heap dumps. - System Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications across the entire network. - Java Application Users: Create bug reports containing all the necessary information.
Categories: - Development - Java Keywords: C: - java - jvm - profiler - monitoring Icon: cached: - name: visualvm_visualvm.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: visualvm_visualvm.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: visualvm_visualvm.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: v/vi/visualvm.desktop/A5F34924E0573134BC59C1319F51FDC8/icons/128x128/visualvm_visualvm.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - visualvm.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-libav Package: gstreamer1.0-libav Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: libav plugin for GStreamer en: libav plugin for GStreamer en_CA: libav plugin for GStreamer fr: greffon libav pour GStreamer en_GB: libav plugin for GStreamer it: plugin libav per GStreamer da: Libav-udvidelsesmodul for GStreamer en_AU: libav plugin for GStreamer --- Type: addon ID: network-manager-openconnect Package: network-manager-openconnect-gnome Extends: - nm-connection-editor.desktop - gnome-control-center.desktop Name: de: OpenConnect VPN-Client lt: OpenConnect VPN klientas pl: Klient VPN OpenConnect pt_BR: Cliente VPN OpenConnect C: OpenConnect VPN client id: Klien VPN OpenConnect cs: VPN klient OpenConnect sr: ВПН клијент Отореног повезивања es: Cliente de VPN OpenConnect sv: OpenConnect VPN-klient hu: OpenConnect VPN kliens ca: Client VPN OpenConnect sr@latin: VPN klijent Otorenog povezivanja Summary: de: Client für SSL VPN virtuelle private Netze mit Cisco AnyConnect lt: Klientas Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN virtualiems privatiems tinklams pl: Klient dla wirtualnych sieci prywatnych Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN pt_BR: Cliente para redes privadas virtuais Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN C: Client for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN virtual private networks id: Klien bagi virtual private network VPN SSL AnyConnect Cisco cs: Klient pro virtuální privátní sítě Cisco AnyConnect SLL VPN sr: Клијент за Цискове Ени конект ССЛ ВПН виртуелне приватне мреже es: Cliente para redes privadas virtuales de Cisco VPN AnyConnect SSL sv: Klient för Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN virtuella privata nätverk hu: Kliens a Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN virtuális magánhálózatokhoz ca: Client per a xarxes privades virtuals Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN sr@latin: Klijent za Ciskove Eni konekt SSL VPN virtuelne privatne mreže Description: pl: >-Obsługa konfigurowania wirtualnych sieci prywatnych SSL VPN za pomocą OpenConnect.
Zgodne z sieciami opartymi na Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper i ocserv.
lt: >-SSL VPN virtualių privačių tinklų ryšių naudojant OpenConnect konfigūravimo palaikymas.
Suderinamas su Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper ir ocserv pagrindo tinklais.
de: >-Unterstützung zum Einrichten von SSL VPN virtuellen privaten Netzverbindungen mit Hilfe von OpenConnect.
Kompatibel zu Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper und auf ocserv basierenden Netzen.
pt_BR: >-Suporte para configuração de conexões de rede privada virtual SSL VPN usando OpenConnect.
Compatível com redes baseadas em Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper e ocserv.
C: >-Support for configuring SSL VPN virtual private network connections using OpenConnect.
Compatible with Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper and ocserv based networks.
id: >-Dukungan untuk melakukan konfigurasi koneksi virtual private network SSL VPN memakai OpenConnect.
Kompatibel dengan AnyConnect Cisco, Juniper, dan jaringan berbasis ocserv.
cs: >-Podpora pro nastavení připojení k virtuálním privátním sítím SSL VPN pomocí OpenConnect.
Kompatibilní s Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper a sítěmi založenými na ocserv.
sr: >-Подршка за подешавање веза ССЛ ВПН виртуелних приватних мрежа које користе Отворено повезивање.
Сагласно са мрежама заснованим на Цисковом Ени конекту, Џаниперу и оцсерв-у.
es: >-Soporte para configurar conexiones a redes privadas virtuales SSL VPN usando OpenConnect.
Compatible con Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper y redes basadas en ocserv.
sv: >-Stöd för att konfigurera SSL VPN virtuella privata nätverksanslutningar med OpenConnect.
Kompatibel med Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper och ocserv-baserade nätverk.
hu: >-Az SSL VPN virtuális magánhálózati kapcsolatok beállításának támogatása az OpenConnect használatával.
Kompatibilis a Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper és ocserv alapú hálózatokkal.
ca: >-Suport per configurar connexions de xarxes privades virtuals SSL VPN usant l'OpenConnect.
Compatible amb xarxes basades en Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper o ocserv.
sr@latin: >-Podrška za podešavanje veza SSL VPN virtuelnih privatnih mreža koje koriste Otvoreno povezivanje.
Saglasno sa mrežama zasnovanim na Ciskovom Eni konektu, Džaniperu i ocserv-u.
DeveloperName: de: Die Entwickler von NetworkManager lt: NetworkManager kūrėjai pl: Programiści projektu NetworkManager pt_BR: Os desenvolvedores NetworkManager C: The NetworkManager Developers id: Para Pengembang NetworkManager cs: Vývojáři NetworkManageru sr: Програмери Управника мреже es: Los desarrolladores de NetworkManager sv: Utvecklarna av Nätverkshanteraren hu: A Hálózatkezelő fejlesztői ca: Els desenvolupadors del NetworkManager sr@latin: Programeri Upravnika mreže ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Keywords: C: - network - manager - NetworkManager - connection - VPN - Cisco - SSLVPN - AnyConnect - Juniper - openconnect Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/VPN bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=NetworkManager Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-openconnect/91D70F702F45C3D7478EED6B7A3AD9A2/screenshots/image-1_752x689.png width: 752 height: 689 - url: n/ne/network-manager-openconnect/91D70F702F45C3D7478EED6B7A3AD9A2/screenshots/image-1_624x572.png width: 624 height: 572 - url: n/ne/network-manager-openconnect/91D70F702F45C3D7478EED6B7A3AD9A2/screenshots/image-1_224x205.png width: 224 height: 205 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-openconnect/91D70F702F45C3D7478EED6B7A3AD9A2/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 800 height: 734 --- Type: desktop-application ID: avahi-discover.desktop Package: avahi-discover Name: he: סייר ה־Zeroconf של Avahi en_NZ: Avahi Zeroconf Browser ja: Avahi Zeroconf ブラウザ de: Avahi Zeroconf Browser pt_BR: Navegador Zeroconf do Avahi zh_CN: Avahi Zeroconf 浏览器 oc: Explorador Zeroconf d'Avahi ro: Navigator Avahi Zeroconf gl: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi fa: Avahi مرورگر Zeroconf ru: Обозреватель Avahi Zeroconf el: Περιηγητής Avahi Zeroconf fr: Explorateur Zeroconf d'Avahi C: Avahi Zeroconf Browser da: Avahi Zeroconf-browser uk: Переглядач Zeroconf Avahi ca: Eina d'exploració de Zeroconf de l'Avahi sk: Avahi - prieskumník služieb Zeroconf sv: Avahi Zeroconf-bläddrare it: Esploratore Zeroconf Avahi es: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги с Avahi sl: Brskalnik Avahi Zeroconf en_GB: Avahi Zeroconf Browser tr: Avahi Zeroconf Tarayıcı cs: Avahi Zeroconf Prohlížeč id: Peramban Zeroconf Avahi sr: Авахијев Зероконф прегледник fi: Avahin Zeroconf-selain et: Avahi Zeroconf brauser lv: Avahi Zeroconf pārlūks hu: Avahi Zeroconf-böngésző fo: Avahi Zeroconf kagi pl: Przeglądarka Zeroconf Avahi nl: Avahi zeroconf browser sr@latin: Avahijev Zerokonf preglednik zh_TW: Avahi Zeroconf 瀏覽器 Summary: he: סיור אחר שירותי Zeroconf הזמינים ברשת שלך sl: Brskanje med razpoložljivimi storitvami Zeroconf v omrežju ja: ネットワーク上の利用可能な Zeroconf サービスを検索 de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten Diensten in Ihrem Netzwerk pt_BR: Procurar por serviços Zeroconf disponíveis em sua rede zh_CN: 浏览网络内可用的 Zeroconf 服务 oc: Explorar los servicis Zeroconf disponibles sus vòstra ret ro: Descoperă serviciile Zeroconf disponibile în rețeaua ta gl: Navegar na busca de servizos Zeroconf dispoñíbeis na súa rede fa: خدمات Zeroconf موجود در شبکهتان را مرور کنید ru: Поиск служб Zeroconf в локальной сети el: Εξερεύνηση υπηρεσιών Zeroconf που είναι διαθέσιμες στο δίκτυό σας fr: Explorer les services Zeroconf disponibles sur votre réseau C: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network da: Kig efter tilgængelige Zeroconftjenester på dit netværk uk: Переглянути служби Zeroconf, доступ до яких можна отримати у вашій мережі ca: Exploreu si hi ha disponibles serveis Zeroconf a la vostra xarxa sk: Preskúma služby typu Zeroconf dostupné vo vašej sieti sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-tjänster tillgängliga på ditt nätverk it: Esplora i servizi Zeroconf disponibili sulla propria rete es: Navegar en busca de servicios Zeroconf disponibles en su red ar: خدمة التصفح Zeroconf متاحة على الشبكة bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги (Zeroconf) в мрежата ви en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network tr: Ağınızda kullanılabilir Zeroconf hizmetlerine gözatın cs: Procházet Zeroconf služeby dostupné na síti id: Ramban layanan Zeroconf yang tersedia pada jaringan Anda sr: Прегледам доступне Зероконф услуге на вашој мрежи fi: Selaa verkossa saatavilla olevia Zeroconf-palveluita et: Sinu võrgus olevate Zeroconf teenuste sirvimine lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf pakalpojumus, kas pieejami šajā tīklā hu: Zeroconf szolgáltatások keresése a hálózaton fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-tænastum, tøkar á tínum neti pl: Przeglądanie usług Zeroconf dostępnych w sieci nl: Browse voor Zeroconf services beschikbaar op jouw netwerk sr@latin: Pregledam dostupne Zerokonf usluge na vašoj mreži zh_TW: 在您的網路上瀏覽可用的 Zeroconf 服務 Description: C: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
en: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains a user interface for discovering services.
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - avahi-discover.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: systemsettings.desktop Package: systemsettings Name: lv: Sistēmas iestatījumi zh_TW: 系統設定 pt: Configuração do Sistema tr: Sistem Ayarları ia: Preferentias de systema csb: Systemòwé ùstôwë id: System Settings pt_BR: Configurações do sistema el: Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος ca@valencia: Arranjament del sistema ar: إعدادات النّظام eo: Sistema agordo sr@ijekavian: Системске поставке es: Preferencias del sistema et: Süsteemi seadistused mk: Системски поставувања ml: സിസ്റ്റം സജ്ജീകരണങ്ങള് mai: तंत्र बिन्यास it: Impostazioni di sistema eu: Sistema-ezarpenak mr: प्रणाली संयोजना is: Kerfisstillingar uk: Системні параметри be: Сістэмныя настаўленні fa: تنظیمات سیستم bg: Системни настройки sr@latin: Sistemske postavke ug: سىستېما تەڭشەكلىرى zh_CN: 系统设置 ja: KDE システム設定 bn: সিস্টেম সেটিংস fi: Järjestelmäasetukset uz@cyrillic: Тизим мосламалари nb: Systemoppsett br: Dibarzhoù ar reizhiad bs: Sistemske postavke ne: प्रणाली सेटिङ uz: Tizim moslamalari fr: Configuration du système nl: Systeeminstellingen nn: Systemoppsett fy: Systeemynstellings ca: Arranjament del sistema ro: Configurări de sistem ga: Socruithe an Chórais ru: Параметры системы bn_IN: সিস্টেম সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্য oc: Configuracion del sistèma nds: Systeeminstellen cs: Nastavení systému kk: Жүйе параметрлері km: ការកំណត់ប្រព័ន្ធ hne: तंत्र सेटिंग kn: ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯ ಸಂಯೋಜನೆಗಳು gu: સિસ્ટમ ગોઠવણીઓ gl: Configuración do sistema ko: 시스템 설정 si: පද්ධති සැකසුම් ku: Mîhengên Pergalê C: System Settings or: ତନ୍ତ୍ର ବିନ୍ୟାସ be@latin: Systemnyja nałady da: Systemindstillinger wa: Apontiaedjes do sistinme sk: Systémové nastavenia de: Systemeinstellungen sr: Системске поставке se: Vuogádatheivehusat sl: Sistemske nastavitve he: הגדרות מערכת sv: Systeminställningar hi: तंत्र विन्यास pa: ਸਿਸਟਮ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ en_GB: System Settings ta: System Settings hr: Postavke sustava te: సిస్టమ్ అమర్పులు hu: Rendszerbeállítások pl: Ustawienia systemowe tg: Танзимотҳои система th: ตั้งค่าระบบ lt: Sistemos nuostatos sr@ijekavianlatin: Sistemske postavke Summary: ca@valencia: Eines de configuració per a l'ordinador zh_CN: 您的计算机的配置工具 sk: Koniguračné nástroje pre váš počítač sl: Nastavitvena orodja za vaš računalnik C: Configuration tools for your computer fr: Outils de configuration pour votre ordinateur sr: Алатке за подешавање рачунара uk: Інструменти для налаштовування вашого комп'ютера sv: Inställningsverktyg för datorn ca: Eines de configuració per a l'ordinador hu: Beállítóeszközök számítógépéhez nl: Hulpmiddelen voor configuratie voor uw computer zh_TW: 提供給您電腦的配置工具 nn: Oppsettverktøy for datamaskina pl: Narzędzia ustawień dla twojego komputera el: Εργαλεία διαμόρφωσης για τον υπολογιστή σας cs: Konfigurační nástroje pro váš počítač id: Alat konfigurasi untuk komputermu pt: Ferramentas de configuração para o seu computador gl: Ferramentas de configuración para o computador. es: Herramientas de configuración para su equipo eu: Zure ordenagailurako konfiguratzeko tresnak ru: Инструменты для настройки компьютера tr: Bilgisayarınız için yapılandırma araçları sr@ijekavianlatin: Alatke za podešavanje računara sr@ijekavian: Алатке за подешавање рачунара it: Strumenti di configurazione per il tuo computer ko: 컴퓨터 설정 도구 da: Konfigurationsværktøjer til din computer de: Einstellungen für Ihren Rechner pt_BR: Ferramentas de configuração para seu computador en_GB: Configuration tools for your computer sr@latin: Alatke za podešavanje računara fi: Tietokoneesi asetustyökaluja Description: pl: >-Desktop configuration application.
Pakiet jest częścią modułu podstawowej przestrzeni roboczej do KDE.
de: >-Desktop configuration application.
Dieses Paket gehört zum grundlegenden KDE-Arbeitsflächenmodul.
zh_CN: >-Desktop configuration application.
这个包是 KDE 基础工作区组件的一部分。
pt_BR: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este pacote é parte do módulo básico 'workspace' (espaço de trabalho) do KDE.
sl: >-Desktop configuration application.
Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base.
ja: >-Desktop configuration application.
本パッケージは KDE base ワークスペースモジュールの一部です。
uk: >-Desktop configuration application.
Цей пакунок є частиною модуля основної робочої області KDE.
C: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
en: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
en_CA: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
gl: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
sk: >-Desktop configuration application.
Tento balík je súčasťou základného modulu KDE.
es: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este paquete es parte del módulo de espacio de trabajo base de KDE.
fr: >-Desktop configuration application.
Ce paquet fait partie du module de base d'espace de travail de KDE.
pt: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este pacote é parte do módulo de espaço de trabalho base do KDE.
ru: >-Desktop configuration application.
Этот пакет является частью модуля рабочего окружения KDE.
en_GB: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
it: >-Desktop configuration application.
Questo pacchetto fa parte del modulo dell'ambiente di lavoro di base di KDE.
da: >-Desktop configuration application.
Denne pakke er en del af KDE's grundlæggende arbejdsrumsmodul.
en_AU: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
Categories: - Settings Icon: cached: - name: systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-system remote: - url: s/sy/systemsettings.desktop/A594802B225D91AD53215A1C0284F421/icons/128x128/systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - systemsettings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: kdesystemsettings.desktop Package: systemsettings Name: he: הגדרות מערכת של KDE ja: KDE システム設定 zh_CN: KDE 系统设置 ca@valencia: Arranjament del sistema del KDE sk: Nastavenie systému KDE sl: KDE-jeve sistemske nastavitve ug: KDE سىستېما تەڭشىكى C: KDE System Settings fr: Configuration du système de KDE sr: КДЕ Системске поставке uk: Системні параметри KDE nb: KDE Systeminnstillinger ca: Arranjament del sistema del KDE sv: KDE:s systeminställningar hu: KDE Rendszerbeállítások pa: KDE ਸਿਸਟਮ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ nl: KDE-systeeminstellingen zh_TW: KDE 系統設定 ga: Socruithe an Chórais KDE lt: KDE sistemos nuostatos ar: إعدادات نظام كدي lv: KDE sistēmas iestatījumi nds: KDE-Systeeminstellen ia: Preferentias de systema KDE el: Ρυθμίσεις συστήματος του KDE cs: Nastavení systému KDE id: System Settings KDE nn: KDE-systemoppsett gl: Configuración do sistema KDE pt: Configuração do Sistema KDE es: Preferencias del sistema de KDE et: KDE Süsteemi seadistused eu: KDEren sistema-ezarpenak vi: Thiết lập hệ thống KDE ro: Configurări de sistem KDE pl: Ustawienia systemowe KDE sr@ijekavianlatin: KDE Sistemske postavke kk: KDE жүйелік параметрлері km: ការកំណត់ប្រព័ន្ធ KDE da: KDE Systemindstillinger ko: KDE 시스템 설정 it: Impostazioni di sistema KDE is: KDE kerfisstillingar de: KDE-Systemeinstellungen pt_BR: Configurações do sistema KDE sr@ijekavian: КДЕ Системске поставке en_GB: KDE System Settings mr: केडीई प्रणाली संयोजना tr: KDE Sistem Ayarları sr@latin: KDE Sistemske postavke fi: KDE:n järjestelmäasetukset bs: Sistemske postavke KDE-a ru: Параметры системы KDE Summary: ca@valencia: Eines de configuració per a l'ordinador zh_CN: 您的计算机的配置工具 sk: Koniguračné nástroje pre váš počítač sl: Nastavitvena orodja za vaš računalnik C: Configuration tools for your computer fr: Outils de configuration pour votre ordinateur sr: Алатке за подешавање рачунара uk: Інструменти для налаштовування вашого комп'ютера sv: Inställningsverktyg för datorn ca: Eines de configuració per a l'ordinador hu: Beállítóeszközök számítógépéhez nl: Hulpmiddelen voor configuratie voor uw computer zh_TW: 提供給您電腦的配置工具 nn: Oppsettverktøy for datamaskina pl: Narzędzia ustawień dla twojego komputera el: Εργαλεία διαμόρφωσης για τον υπολογιστή σας cs: Konfigurační nástroje pro váš počítač id: Alat konfigurasi untuk komputermu pt: Ferramentas de configuração para o seu computador gl: Ferramentas de configuración para o computador. es: Herramientas de configuración para su equipo eu: Zure ordenagailurako konfiguratzeko tresnak ru: Инструменты для настройки компьютера tr: Bilgisayarınız için yapılandırma araçları sr@ijekavianlatin: Alatke za podešavanje računara sr@ijekavian: Алатке за подешавање рачунара it: Strumenti di configurazione per il tuo computer ko: 컴퓨터 설정 도구 da: Konfigurationsværktøjer til din computer de: Einstellungen für Ihren Rechner pt_BR: Ferramentas de configuração para seu computador en_GB: Configuration tools for your computer sr@latin: Alatke za podešavanje računara fi: Tietokoneesi asetustyökaluja Description: pl: >-Desktop configuration application.
Pakiet jest częścią modułu podstawowej przestrzeni roboczej do KDE.
de: >-Desktop configuration application.
Dieses Paket gehört zum grundlegenden KDE-Arbeitsflächenmodul.
zh_CN: >-Desktop configuration application.
这个包是 KDE 基础工作区组件的一部分。
pt_BR: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este pacote é parte do módulo básico 'workspace' (espaço de trabalho) do KDE.
sl: >-Desktop configuration application.
Ta paket je del modula delovnega prostora KDE base.
ja: >-Desktop configuration application.
本パッケージは KDE base ワークスペースモジュールの一部です。
uk: >-Desktop configuration application.
Цей пакунок є частиною модуля основної робочої області KDE.
C: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
en: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
en_CA: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
gl: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE.
sk: >-Desktop configuration application.
Tento balík je súčasťou základného modulu KDE.
es: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este paquete es parte del módulo de espacio de trabajo base de KDE.
fr: >-Desktop configuration application.
Ce paquet fait partie du module de base d'espace de travail de KDE.
pt: >-Desktop configuration application.
Este pacote é parte do módulo de espaço de trabalho base do KDE.
ru: >-Desktop configuration application.
Этот пакет является частью модуля рабочего окружения KDE.
en_GB: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
it: >-Desktop configuration application.
Questo pacchetto fa parte del modulo dell'ambiente di lavoro di base di KDE.
da: >-Desktop configuration application.
Denne pakke er en del af KDE's grundlæggende arbejdsrumsmodul.
en_AU: >-Desktop configuration application.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
Categories: - Settings Icon: cached: - name: systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-system remote: - url: k/kd/kdesystemsettings.desktop/5C619F93A22FEA315B660362A5E9602F/icons/128x128/systemsettings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - kdesystemsettings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop Package: epiphany-browser Name: he: דפדפן האינטרנט של GNOME zh_CN: GNOME Web ja: GNOME Web sk: Web prostredia GNOME sl: GNOME Web ca@valencia: GNOME Web C: GNOME Web uk: Тенет GNOME sr: Гномов веб fr: Web de GNOME nb: GNOME Nettleser hr: GNOME Web sv: GNOME Webb ne: जिनोम वेब hu: GNOME Web pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਵੈੱਬ ca: GNOME Web zh_TW: GNOME 網頁 nl: Gnome Web af: GNOME Web lt: GNOME žiniatinklis ar: وِب جنوم pl: Przeglądarka WWW dla GNOME lv: GNOME tīmeklis el: Ιστός GNOME id: GNOME Web cs: Web GNOME pt: GNOME Web uz@cyrillic: GNOME Web es: GNOME Web gl: GNOME Web eu: GNOMEren weba ru: Веб-браузер GNOME tr: GNOME Web kk: GNOME веб браузері oc: Web GNOME da: GNOME Web ko: 그놈 웹 it: GNOME Web ml: ഗ്നോം വെബ്ബ് pt_BR: GNOME Web fa: وبِ گنوم fur: GNOME Web en_GB: GNOME Web be: Сеціва GNOME de: GNOME Web bg: Уеб за GNOME sr@latin: Gnomov veb fi: Gnomen verkkoselain Summary: or: GNOME ପାଇଁ ୱେବ ବ୍ରାଉଜର zh_CN: GNOME Web 网络浏览器 ja: GNOME 向けウェブブラウザー sk: Webový prehliadač prostredia GNOME sl: Spletni brskalnik namizja GNOME he: דפדפן אינטרנט עבור GNOME uk: Навігатор тенет для GNOME C: Web browser for GNOME sr: Веб прегледач за Гном fr: Navigateur Web pour GNOME nb: Nettleser for GNOME hr: Internetski preglednik za GNOME sv: Webbläsare för GNOME ca@valencia: Navegador web pel GNOME pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਲਈ ਵੈੱਬ ਝਲਕਾਰਾ hu: Webböngésző a GNOME-hoz ca: Navegador web del GNOME zh_TW: GNOME 的網頁瀏覽器 nl: Webbrowser voor Gnome cs: Webový prohlížeč pro GNOME lt: Žiniatinklio naršyklė GNOME aplinkai ar: متصفّح وب لجنوم pl: Przeglądarka WWW dla środowiska GNOME lv: Tīmekļa pārlūks GNOME videi af: Webblaaier vir GNOME el: Περιηγητής Ιστού για το GNOME id: Peramban web bagi GNOME th: เว็บเบราว์เซอร์สำหรับ GNOME eo: Retumilo por GNOME pt: Navegador Web para o GNOME uz@cyrillic: GNOME учун веб браузер es: Navegador web para GNOME gl: Navegador web para GNOME eu: GNOMEren web-arakatzailea zh_HK: GNOME 的網頁瀏覽器 ru: Веб-браузер для GNOME tr: GNOME için web tarayıcısı kk: GNOME үшін веб браузері gu: GNOME માટે વેબ બ્રાઉઝર oc: Navigador web per GNOME is: Netvafri fyrir GNOME it: Browser web per GNOME ko: 그놈 웹 브라우저 ml: ഗ്നോമിന്റെ വെബ്ബ് ബ്രൌസര് pt_BR: Navegador da web para o GNOME fa: مرورگر وب برای گنوم fur: Navigadôr web par GNOME en_GB: Web Browser for GNOME as: GNOME ৰ ৱেব ব্ৰাউছাৰ be: Сеціўны аглядальнік для GNOME de: Internet-Browser für GNOME bg: Интернет браузърът на GNOME sr@latin: Veb pregledač za Gnom fi: Selain Gnomelle bs: Web preglednik za GNOME da: Webbrowser til GNOME Description: he: >-דפדפן האינטרנט עבור GNOME, הכולל שילוב הדוק עם שולחן העבודה וממשק משתמש פשוט המאפשר לך להתמקד בדפי האינטרנט שלך. אם חיפשת תצוגה פשוטה, נקייה ויפה של האינטרנט, דפדפן זה עבורך.
דפדפן GNOME מכונה לעתים קרובות בשם הקוד שלו, Epiphany.
zh_CN: >-GNOME 桌面的网页浏览器,与桌面紧密集成,用户界面简单直观,使您能够专注于网页浏览。如果需要的是简单,干净,美观的网页体验,这就是您的选择。
人们一般用 GNOME Web 的代号将其称为 Epiphany。
ja: >-GNOME 向けのウェブブラウザーです。デスクトップ環境との緊密な統合、およびウェブページに集中できるシンプルで直感的なインターフェースを特徴としています。シンプルで、クリーンで、Web を美しく見るためのブラウザーを探しているのなら、このブラウザーは最適です。
GNOME Web は、開発コード名から「Epiphany」と呼ばれることもよくあります。
sk: >-Webový prehliadač prostredia GNOME, ktorý je veľmi úzko prepojený s prostredím a má jednoduché a intuitívne používateľské rozhranie, ktoré vám umožní sústrediť sa na webové stránky. Ak hľadáte jednoduché, čisté a pekné zobrazenie webu, toto je prehliadač pre vás.
Web prostredia GNOME je často označovaný svojím kódovým názvom, Epiphany.
sl: >-Spletni brskalnik namizja GNOME, ki je vgrajen v namizje in omogoča enostavno in varno brskanje spletnih strani.
Program GNOME Splet je pogosto poimenovan po delovnim imenom Epiphany.
ca@valencia: >-El navegador del GNOME, amb una gran integració amb l'escriptori i una interfície d'usuari simple i intuïtiva que vos permet centrar-vos en les pàgines web. Si busqueu una vista simple, neta, bella de la xarxa, este és el vostre navegador.
Sovint es fa referència al GNOME Web pel seu nom clau: Epiphany.
C: >-The web browser for GNOME, featuring tight integration with the desktop and a simple and intuitive user interface that allows you to focus on your web pages. If you’re looking for a simple, clean, beautiful view of the web, this is the browser for you.
GNOME Web is often referred to by its code name, Epiphany.
uk: >-Навігатор тенет у середовищі GNOME, який тісно інтегровано зі стільницею та має простий, інтуїтивний інтерфейс, що дозволяє зосередитись лише на вмісті сторінок. Якщо ви шукаєте простий, незасмічений і гарненький переглядач тенет, цей навігатор для вас.
Тенет GNOME часто посилається на свою кодову назву, Epiphany.
sr: >-Веб прегледач за Гном је направљен тако да се уклопи у радну површину. Његов једноставан и паметно осмишљен изглед омогућава да се боље усредсредите на веб странице. Ако желите једноставан и леп прегледач веб страница, онда је ово прави програм за вас.
Гномов веб се често назива Спознаја (Epiphany) по свом кодном имену.
fr: >-Le navigateur Web de GNOME profite d’une intégration poussée avec le bureau et d’une interface utilisateur simple et intuitive qui vous permet de vous concentrer sur les pages Web. Si vous cherchez une vue du Web qui soit simple, propre et belle, c’est le navigateur qu’il vous faut.
Web de GNOME est souvent appelé par son nom de code, Epiphany.
nb: >-Nettleser for GNOME. Har tett integrasjon mot skrivebordet og et enkelt og intuitivt brukergrensesnitt som lar deg fokusere på nettsidene. Hvis du ser etter en enkel, ryddig og vakker visning av nettet så er dette nettleseren for deg.
GNOME Nettleser refereres ofte til med kodenavnet Epiphany.
hr: >-Internetski preglednik za GNOME, usko integriran s radnom površinom i s jednostavnim i intuativnim sučeljem koje vam dopušta fokusiranje vaših web stranica. Ako tražite jednostavan, pregledan i prekrasan prikaz weba, ovo je pravi preglednik za vas.
Gnome Web se često naziva po svojem kôdnom nazivu, Epiphany.
sv: >-Webbläsaren för GNOME, med stark integration mot skrivbordet och ett enkelt, intuitivt användargränssnitt som tillåter dig att fokusera på dina webbsidor. Om du letar ett enkelt, stilrent och vackert sätt att se webben på är detta webbläsaren för dig.
GNOME Webb hänvisas ofta till med dess kodnamn, Epiphany.
ca: >-El navegador web del GNOME, amb una estreta integració amb l'escriptori i una interfície d'usuari simple i intuïtiva que us permet centrar-vos en les pàgines web. Si busqueu una visualització senzilla, neta i bonica de la web, aquest és el vostre navegador.
GNOME Web és sovint utilitzat amb el seu nom, Epiphany.
pa: >-ਗਨੋਮ ਵੈੱਬ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਦੇ ਕੋਡ ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਣਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ, ਏਪੀਫ਼ਨੀ
hu: >-A webböngésző a GNOME-hoz, amely szorosan integrálódik az asztalba és egy egyszerű és intuitív felhasználói felület, amely lehetővé teszi a weboldalakra való összpontosítást. Ha a web egyszerű, letisztult, gyönyörű nézetét keresi, akkor ez az ön böngészője.
A GNOME Webre gyakran annak kódnevével, Epiphany néven hivatkoznak.
af: >-GNOME-Web word dikwels na verwys deur die kode naam Epiphany.
zh_TW: >-GNOME 的網頁瀏覽器,帶來與桌面的緊密整合、簡易且直觀的使用者介面,讓您可以專注在您的網頁上。如果您在尋找簡單、乾淨、美觀的網頁環境,這就是為您設計的瀏覽器。
nl: >-De webbrowser voor de Gnome-werkomgeving, met als bijzondere eigenschappen de sterke integratie met het bureaublad en een eenvoudige, intuïtieve interface waarmee u zich kunt concentreren op uw webpagina’s. Bent u op zoek naar een eenvoudige, opgeruimde en elegante weergave van het web? Dan is dit de webbrowser voor u.
Gnome Web staat ook wel bekend onder zijn codenaam Epiphany.
lt: >-GNOME žiniatinklio naršyklė su tampria integracija su darbalaukiu ir paprasta bei intuityvia naudotojo sąsaja, kuri leidžia susitelkti ties jūsų žiniatinkliais. Jei ieškote paprastos, neapkrautos bei gražios žiniatinklio vaizdavimo programos, tai naršyklė jums.
GNOME žiniatinklis dažnai vadinamas jo kodiniu pavadinimu - Epiphany.
ar: >-متصفح وب جنوم، و يتميز بتكامله مع سطح المكتب و واجهة استخدام بديهية تمكنك من التركيز على الصفحات التي تتصفحها.
أحيانا ما يشار لمتصفح وب جنوم باسمه، إبفني (Epiphany).
pl: >-Przeglądarka WWW dla środowiska GNOME, oferująca ścisłą integrację z pulpitem oraz prosty i intuicyjny interfejs użytkownika, umożliwiający skupienie się na stronach WWW.
Przeglądarka WWW dla środowiska GNOME znana jest też pod nazwą kodową Epiphany.
lv: >-Tīmekļa pārlūks GNOME darbvirsmai, kas ir integrēts darbvirsmā, ar vienkāršu un intuitīvu lietotāja saskarni, kas ļauj vairāk pievērst uzmanību tīmekļa lapām. Ja meklējat vienkāršu, tīru un skaistu skatu uz tīmekli, šis pārlūks ir domāts jums.
GNOME tīmekli dažkārt dēvē arī par Epiphany, kas ir tā koda nosaukums.
el: >-Ο περιηγητής Ιστού του GNOME, ενσωματώνεται στενά με την επιφάνεια εργασίας και διαθέτει μια απλή και διαισθητική διεπαφή χρήστη που σας επιτρέπει να εστιάζεσθε στις ιστοσελίδες σας. Αν ψάχνετε μια απλή, καθαρή και όμορφη προβολή στον Ιστό, τότε αυτός ο περιηγητής είναι για εσάς.
Ο Ιστός GNOME αναφέρεται συχνά από το κωδικό του όνομα, Epiphany.
id: >-Peramban web bagi GNOME, dengan fitur integrasi ketat dengan desktop dan antar muka yang sederhana dan intuitif yang memungkinkan Anda berfokus pada halaman-halaman web Anda. Bila Anda mencari tampilan sederhana, bersih, dan cantik dari web, ini adalah peramban untuk Anda.
GNOME Web sering diacu memakai nama kodenya, Epiphany.
cs: >-Webový prohlížeč pro pracovní prostředí GNOME, který je s ním těsně integrován a má jednoduché a intuitivní uživatelské rozhraní, díky němuž se můžete soustředit jen na své webové stránky. Jestliže hledáte jednoduché, čisté a krásné zobrazení webů, je tohle prohlížeč pro vás.
Pro Web GNOME je často používán kódový název, Epiphany.
pt: >-O navegador web para o GNOME, que apresenta uma integração perfeita com o ambiente de trabalho e um ambiente de utilizador simples e intuitivo que permite que se foque nas suas páginas web.
O GNOME Web é muitas vezes referido pelo seu nome de código, Epiphany.
uz@cyrillic: >-GNOME иш столи билан чуқур интеграциялашган ҳамда веб саҳифаларингизга диққатингизни қаратишингизга имкон берувчи фойдаланувчи интерфейсига эга бўлган веб браузер. Агарда интернет саҳифаларининг оддий, тоза, ва чиройли кўринишини излаётган бўлсангиз, ушбу браузер сиз учун.
GNOME Web одатда Epiphany шартли номи билан аталади.
es: >-El navegador web de GNOME, que ofrece una estrecha integración con el escritorio y una interfaz de usuario simple e intuitiva que le permite centrarse en sus páginas web. Si está buscando una vista sencilla, limpia y bonita de la web, este es su navegador.
A menudo se nombra a GNOME Web con su nombre en clave, Epiphany.
gl: >-O navegador web para GNOME conta cunha grande integración co escritorio e unha interface de usuario simple e intuitiva que lle permite enfocarse nas súas páxinas web.
GNOME Web é normalmente chamado polo seu nome en código, Epiphany.
eu: >-GNOME mahaigaineko web arakatzailea, mahaigainera egokitutako bateragarritasunarekin eta erabil errazeko erabiltzailearen interfazearekin web orrietan zentra zaitezen.Web arakatzaile xume, garbi eta ikuspegi ederreko baten bila ibiliz gero, hau da zure arakatzailea.
GNOME Web bere kode-izenagatik ezaguna da: Epiphany.
ru: >-Веб-браузер для рабочего стола GNOME, обеспечивающий тесную интеграцию с рабочим столом, имеющий простой и интуитивно-понятный интерфейс, который позволяет вам сосредоточиться на веб-страницах. Если вы ищете простой, лёгкий и красивый веб-браузер, то вы его нашли.
Веб-браузер GNOME иногда упоминается по кодовому имени — Epiphany.
tr: >-GNOME için web tarayıcısı; masaüstü ile sıkı bir tümleştirmeye sahip, basit ve sezgisel kullanıcı arayüzüyle web sayfalarınıza odaklanmanıza olanak tanır. Eğer web ortamının yalın, temiz, güzel bir görünümünü arıyorsanız, aradığınız tarayıcı budur.
GNOME Web sıklıkla kod adıyla, yani Epiphany olarak anılır.
oc: >-Lo navigador Web de GNOME, que profeita d'una integracion abotida amb lo burèu e d'una interfàcia utilizaire simpla e intuitiva que vos permet de vos concentrar sus las paginas Web. Se cercatz una vista del Web que siá simpla, neta e bèla, es lo navigador que vos cal.
GNOME Web es sovent apelat per son nom de còdi, Epiphany.
da: >-Webbrowseren til GNOME, som er tæt integreret med skrivebordet og har en simpel og intuitiv brugergrænseflade, der lader dig fokusere på dine websider. Hvis du er på udkig efter en enkel, ren og smuk visning af nettet, er dette den rigtige browser til dig.
GNOME Web benævnes ofte med sit kodenavn Epiphany.
ko: >-그놈 웹브라우저. 데스크톱과 잘 연동하며, 간단하고 직관적인 인터페이스 때문에 웹 페이지에 집중할 수 있습니다. 만약 간단하고, 명료하며, 아름다운 웹탐색기를 찾고 있다면, 이것이 당신에게 꼭 맞는 브라우저입니다.
그놈 웹은 종종 에피퍼니라는 코드 네임으로도 불립니다.
it: >-Il browser web per GNOME, con una stretta integrazione con il desktop e una semplice e intuitiva interfaccia utente che consente di concentrarsi sulle pagine web. Se si è alla ricerca di una semplice, pulita e bella visualizzazione del web, questo è il browser per voi.
Spesso si fa riferimento a GNOME Web con il suo nome in codice, Epiphany.
fur: >-Il navigadôr web par GNOME, che cuntune strete integrazion cul scritori e une semplice e intuitive interface utent, al permet di concentrâsi si lis pagjinis web. Se tu stâs cirint une semplice, nete e biele visualizazion dal web, chest navigadôr al fâs par te.
Tantis voltis si fâs riferiment a GNOME Web cul so non in codiç, Epiphany.
pt_BR: >-O navegador web para a área de trabalho GNOME, apresentando forte integração com a área de trabalho e uma interface gráfica simples e intuitiva que permite a você concentrar-se em seus sites. Se você está à procura de uma visão simples, limpa e bonita da web, este é o navegador para você.
O GNOME Web é geralmente mencionado por seu codinome, Epiphany.
fa: >-مرورگر وب برای رومیزی گنوم، با امکاناتی نظیر یکپارچهسازی کامل با رومیزی و یک رابط کاربری ساده و جذاب که به شما اجازه میدهد بر روی صفحات وب تمرکز کنید. اگر به دنبال نمایی ساده، مرتب و زیبا از وب هستید، این همان مرورگر برای شماست.
وب گنوم اغلب با نام رمزیاش، «Epiphany» مورد اشاره قرار میگیرد.
en_GB: >-The web browser for GNOME, featuring tight integration with the desktop and a simple and intuitive user interface that allows you to focus on your web pages. If you’re looking for a simple, clean, beautiful view of the web, this is the browser for you.
GNOME Web is often referred to by its code name, Epiphany.
be: >-Сеціўны аглядальнік для GNOME, які вылучаецца шчыльнай інтэграцыяй з асяроддзем, а таксама простым, інтуітыўна зразумелым інтэрфейсам, які дазваляе засяродзіцца на сеціўных старонках. Калі вы шукаеце просты, лёгкі і прыгожы аглядальнік сеціва, то Сеціва GNOME прыйдзецца вам даспадобы.
Сеціва GNOME часта называюць па яго кодаваму імені, Epiphany.
de: >-Der Internet-Browser für GNOME ist perfekt in die Arbeitsumgebung integriert und bietet eine einfache und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich auf die Inhalte der Internetseiten zu konzentrieren. Wenn Sie einen einfachen, klaren und wunderschönen Blick auf das Internet haben wollen, dann liegen Sie mit diesem Browser richtig.
GNOME Web wird häufig auch mit seinem Codenamen, Epiphany, bezeichnet.
bg: >-Интернет браузърът на GNOME включва обширна интеграция с работната среда и изчистен интерфейс, който позволява да се съсредоточите върху уеб страниците. Ако искате просто да ползвате уеб — това е браузърът за вас.
Браузърът на GNOME е известен и с кодовото си име — Epiphany.
sr@latin: >-Veb pregledač za Gnom je napravljen tako da se uklopi u radnu površinu. Njegov jednostavan i pametno osmišljen izgled omogućava da se bolje usredsredite na veb stranice. Ako želite jednostavan i lep pregledač veb stranica, onda je ovo pravi program za vas.
Gnomov veb se često naziva Spoznaja (Epiphany) po svom kodnom imenu.
fi: >-Selain Gnome-työpöydälle, jonka selkeän käyttöliittymän avustuksella pystyt keskittyä tärkeimpään, eli sivujen sisältöön. Jos etsit helppokäyttöistä ja selkeää selainta, löysit sen juuri.
Gnomen verkkoselaimesta käytetään usein myös sen alkuperäistä nimeä; Epiphany.
DeveloperName: C: The GNOME Project ProjectGroup: GNOME ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Network - WebBrowser Keywords: C: - web - browser - internet Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=epiphany help: https://help.gnome.org/users/epiphany/stable/ donation: http://www.gnome.org/friends/ translate: https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject Icon: cached: - name: epiphany-browser_org.gnome.Epiphany.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: epiphany-browser_org.gnome.Epiphany.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: epiphany-browser_org.gnome.Epiphany.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gnome.Epiphany remote: - url: org/gnome/Epiphany.desktop/0D3961D03851402F7FE1F9C7687E414C/icons/128x128/epiphany-browser_org.gnome.Epiphany.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - text/html - text/xml - application/xhtml+xml - x-scheme-handler/http - x-scheme-handler/https - multipart/related - application/x-mimearchive - message/rfc822 Screenshots: - default: true caption: he: אתר האינטרנט של GNOME מוצג בדפדפן GNOME zh_CN: 显示在 GNOME Web 浏览器中的 GNOME 网站 ja: GNOME Web で表示した GNOME のサイト sk: Webová stránka prostredia GNOME zobrazená v prehliadači GNOME Web sl: Spletišče GNOME prikazano s programom GNOME Web ca@valencia: El lloc web del GNOME mostrat al GNOME Web fr: Le site de GNOME affiché dans GNOME Web C: The GNOME web site displayed in GNOME Web sr: Гномова веб страница приказана у веб прегледачу uk: Сайт GNOME у переглядачі тенет GNOME nb: Nettstedet for GNOME vist i GNOME nettleser hr: GNOME web stranica prikazana u GNOME Webu sv: GNOME:s webbplats visad i GNOME Webb ca: La pàgina web de GNOME mostrada per GNOME Web pa: ਗਨੋਮ ਵੈੱਬ ਸਾਈਟ ਨੂੰ ਗਨੋਮ ਵੈੱਬ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਿਖਾਇਆ hu: A GNOME weboldala a GNOME Webben megjelenítve af: Die GNOME-webtuiste soos vertoon deur GNOME-Web zh_TW: 在 GNOME《網頁》顯示 GNOME 網站 nl: De Gnome-website weergegeven in Gnome Web lt: GNOME internetinė svetainė rodoma GNOME žiniatinklyje ar: موقع جنوم معروضًا في وب جنوم pl: Strona projektu GNOME wyświetlana w przeglądarce WWW dla GNOME lv: GNOME tīmekļa vietne attēlota GNOME tīmeklī el: Ο ιστότοπος του GNOME όπως εμφανίζεται στον Ιστό GNOME id: Situs web GNOME ditampilkan dalam GNOME Web cs: Webové stránky GNOME zobrazené v prohlížeči Web GNOME pt: A página do GNOME Web apresentada no GNOME Web uz@cyrillic: GNOME Webда кўрсатиладиган GNOME веб сайти es: La página web de GNOME mostrada en GNOME Web gl: O sitio web de GNOME mostrado en GNOME Web eu: GNOMEren webgunea GNOMEren webean bistaratuta ru: Веб-сайт GNOME, отображаемый в веб-браузере GNOME tr: GNOME web sitesinin GNOME Web’de görüntülenmesi oc: Lo site de GNOME afichat dins GNOME Web da: GNOME-webstedet vist i GNOME Web ko: 그놈 웹으로 표시되는 그놈 웹사이트 it: Il sito web di GNOME visualizzato con GNOME Web fur: Il sît web di GNOME viodût cun GNOME Web pt_BR: O site do GNOME exibido no GNOME Web fa: پایگاه وب گنوم نمایش داده شده در «وب گنوم» en_GB: The GNOME web site displayed in GNOME Web be: Сеціўная старонка GNOME, паказаная ў Сеціва GNOME de: Die GNOME-Webseite, angezeigt im GNOME Webbrowser bg: Сайтът на GNOME, показан в браузъра на GNOME sr@latin: Gnomova veb stranica prikazana u veb pregledaču fi: Gnomen verkkosivusto esillä Gnomen verkkoselaimessa thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Epiphany.desktop/0D3961D03851402F7FE1F9C7687E414C/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: org/gnome/Epiphany.desktop/0D3961D03851402F7FE1F9C7687E414C/screenshots/image-1_752x422.png width: 752 height: 422 - url: org/gnome/Epiphany.desktop/0D3961D03851402F7FE1F9C7687E414C/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: org/gnome/Epiphany.desktop/0D3961D03851402F7FE1F9C7687E414C/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: org/gnome/Epiphany.desktop/0D3961D03851402F7FE1F9C7687E414C/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1280 height: 720 --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.weather Package: plasma-widgets-addons Name: he: תחזית מזג האוויר ja: 天気予報 zh_CN: 天气预报 ca@valencia: Previsió meteorològica sk: Predpoveď počasia sl: Vremenska napoved wa: Prédijhaedjes del meteyo tr: Hava Tahmini C: Weather Forecast fr: Bulletin météorologique sq: Parashikimi i Motit sr: временска прогноза nb: Værmelding hr: Prognoza vremena ca: Previsió meteorològica sv: Väderprognos hu: Időjárás-előrejelzés (QML pa: ਮੌਸਮ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ uk: Прогноз погоди ug: ھاۋارايىدىن مەلۇمات nl: Weersvoorspelling zh_TW: 氣象預報 ga: Réamhaisnéis Aimsire lt: Orų prognozė ar: تنبؤات الطقس lv: Laika prognoze nds: Wederbericht el: Πρόγνωση καιρού cs: Předpověď počasí id: Prakiraan Cuaca nn: Vêrmelding gl: Prognóstico meteorolóxico pt: Boletim Meteorológico es: Previsión meteorológica et: Ilmateade eu: Eguraldi iragarpena ro: Prognoza vremii pl: Prognoza pogody sr@ijekavianlatin: vremenska prognoza kk: Ауа райын болжау km: ការព្យាករណ៍អាកាសធាតុ da: Vejrudsigt ko: 일기 예보 it: Previsioni meteo is: Veðurspá de: Wetterbericht pt_BR: Previsão meteorológica sr@ijekavian: временска прогноза en_GB: Weather Forecast mr: हवामान पूर्वानुमान th: พยากรณ์อากาศ sr@latin: vremenska prognoza fi: Sääennuste bs: Vremenska prognoza ru: Прогноз погоды Summary: ca@valencia: Descobreix la meteorologia per hui zh_CN: 了解今日天气 sk: Zistiť dnešné počasie sl: Podučite se o današnjemu vremenu C: Find out weather for today fr: Obtient la météo pour aujourd'hui sr: Погледајте време за данас uk: Ознайомитися із прогнозом погоди на сьогодні sv: Ta reda på dagens väder ca: Descobreix la meteorologia per avui hu: A napi időjárás megismerése nl: Zoek uit wat het weer vandaag wordt zh_TW: 顯示今天的天氣 nn: Finn ut korleis vêret vert i dag ar: خُذ فكرة عن طقس اليوم pl: Sprawdź pogodę na dzisiaj el: Μάθετε τι καιρό κάνει σήμερα cs: Zjistit počasí na dnešek id: Temukan cuaca untuk hari ini pt: Descobrir o tempo para hoje gl: Descubrir a predición meteorolóxica de hoxe es: Conozca la previsión meteorológica para hoy eu: Eguraldi iragarpena gaurko ru: Прогноз погоды на сегодня sr@ijekavianlatin: Pogledajte vreme za danas tr: Bugün için hava durumunu bul sr@ijekavian: Погледајте време за данас it: Scopri il meteo per oggi ko: 오늘 날씨 알아보기 da: Se hvordan vejret bliver i dag de: Nach dem Wetter für heute sehen pt_BR: Descubra a previsão do tempo para hoje en_GB: Find out weather for today sr@latin: Pogledajte vreme za danas fi: Etsi tänäisen sää DeveloperName: C: Luís Gabriel LimaThunar jest menedżerem plików zaprojektowanym jako domyślny menedżer plików do środowiska graficznego Xfce. Został zaprojektowany do szybkiej pracy i łatwego użycia.
Uwzględnia również wtyczkę panelu Xfce, która może zarządzać koszem pulpitu.
de: >-Thunar wurde als Standard-Dateimanager für die Arbeitsumgebung Xfce entworfen. Entwurfsziele waren Geschwindigkeit und einfache Benutzung.
Das Paket enthält eine Erweiterung für das Xfce-Panel zur Verwaltung des Papierkorbs.
zh_CN: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
pt_BR: >-Thunar é o gerenciador de arquivos projetado para ser o padrão do ambiente de área de trabalho Xfce. Ele foi projetado para ser rápido e fácil de usar.
Também incluso um plugin para o painel do Xfce que pode gerenciar a lixeira da área de trabalho.
sl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
ja: >-Thunar は、Xfce デスクトップ環境用のデフォルトのファイルマネージャとして 設計されたファイルマネージャです。高速かつ使いやすくなるよう設計されています。
さらにデスクトップのゴミ箱を管理できる Xfce パネルプラグインが含まれます。
uk: >-Thunar — типовий файловий менеджер для стільничного середовища Xfce. Він створений так, щоб бути швидким та простим у використанні.
Він також містить втулок панелі інструментів, який дозволяє керувати «смітником».
C: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fi: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_CA: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
ru: >-Thunar — это файловый менеджер, разработанный для использования в рабочем окружении Xfce. Критериями при разработке была скорость и простота использования.
Пакет также включает модуль панели Xfce, который может управлять корзиной.
sk: >-Thunar je správca súborov navrhnutý ako predvolený správca súborov pracovného prostredia Xfce. Bol navrhnutý s obľadom na rýchlosť a jednoduché použitie.
Tiež obsahuje zásuvný modul panelu Xfce, ktorý spravuje Kôš v rámci pracovného prostredia.
es: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fr: >-Thunar est le gestionnaire de fichiers destiné à être celui par défaut de l’environnement de bureau Xfce. Il a été conçu pour être rapide et facile d’utilisation.
Un greffon pour le panneau Xfce, pouvant prendre en charge la corbeille du bureau, est également fourni.
pt: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_GB: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
it: >-Thunar è il gestore di file progettato per essere il file manager predefinito per l'ambiente desktop Xfce. È progettato per essere veloce e facile da usare.
Include anche un plugin per il pannello di Xfce che permette di gestire il cestino del desktop.
nl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
da: >-Thunar er filhåndteringen designet til at være standardfilhåndteringen i skrivebordsmiljøet Xfce. Programmet er blevet designet med tanke på hurtighed og nem brug.
Også inkluderet er et Xfce-paneludvidelsesmodul, som kan håndtere skrivebordsaffaldet.
en_AU: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
Categories: - System - Utility - Core - Filesystem Icon: cached: - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: Thunar remote: - url: t/th/Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop/B418FEABE4EA14C061B1B77B2980B12E/icons/128x128/thunar_Thunar.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: Thunar.desktop Package: thunar Name: he: מנהל קבצים Thunar ja: Thunar ファイルマネージャー si: Thunar ගොනු කළමණාකරු sk: Správca súborov Thunar ug: سۇنار(Thunar) ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇ ur_PK: تھنر فائل منیجر zh_CN: Thunar 文件管理器 C: Thunar File Manager fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers Thunar sq: Përgjegjësi i Kartelave Thunar sr: Тунар управник датотека nb: Thunar Filbehandler hr: Thunar upravitelj datotekama ca: Gestor de fitxers Thunar sv: Filhanteraren Thunar hu: Thunar fájlkezelő pa: ਥੰਨਰ ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ uk: Файловий менеджер Thunar zh_HK: Thunar 檔案管理員 ur: تھنر فائل منیجر nl: Thunar bestandbeheerder zh_TW: Thunar 檔案管理員 nn: Thunar filhandsaming lt: Thunar failų tvarkytuvė ar: مدير الملفات ثونار lv: Thunar failu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer plików Thunar el: Διαχειριστής αρχείων Thunar ast: Xestor de ficheros Thunar cs: Správce souborů Thunar eo: Thunar dosier-administrilo th: โปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม Thunar gl: Xestor de ficheiros Thunar pt: Gestor de ficheiros Thunar es: Gestor de archivos Thunar et: Failihaldur Thunar eu: Thunar fitxategi kudeatzailea te: తునార్ దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకము ro: Managerul de fișiere Thunar id: Manajer Berkas Thunar tr: Thunar Dosya Yöneticisi kk: Thunar файлдар басқарушысы vi: Trình quản lý tập tin Thunar be: Кіраўнік файлаў Thunar is: Thunar skráastjóri ko: 투나 파일 관리자 it: Il gestore di file Thunar da: Thunar-filhåndtering de: Thunar-Dateiverwaltung fa_IR: مدیر پروندههای تونار en_GB: Thunar File Manager bn: Thunar ফাইল ম্যানেজার oc: Gestionari de Fichièrs Thunar ms: Pengurus Fail Thunar bg: Файлов мениджър Thunar en_AU: Thunar File Manager fi: Thunar-tiedostonhallinta pt_BR: Gerenciador de arquivos Thunar ru: Файловый менеджер Thunar Summary: C: File Browser Description: he: >-Thunar הינו סייר קבצים אשר תוכנן בקפידה עבור שולחן עבודה Xfce, אך גם יכול לשרת בתור דפדפן קבצים חלופי עבור סביבות שולחן עבודה אחרות. יש לו עיצוב פשוט, נקי בעל שתי חלוניות לסיור בכל הקבצים שלך.
zh_CN: >-Thunar 是一个专门针对 Xfce 桌面环境设计的文件浏览器,但它也能作为其他桌面环境的替代文件浏览器。它有一个简洁的双栏式设计让您浏览所有的文件。
ja: >-Thunar は Xfce デスクトップ環境用に開発されたファイルブラウザーであり、他のデスクトップ環境でも使用できます。シンプルでクリーンな 2 ペインデザインで設計されており、すべてのファイルを閲覧できます。
sk: >-Thunar je správca súborov navrhnutý špeciálne pre Xfce Desktop, ale možno ho používať aj ako alternatívneho správcu súborov v iných pracovných prostrediach. Ponúka prostý, plne dvoj-panelový vzhľad na prechádzanie všetkých súborov.
C: >-Thunar is a file browser specifically designed for the Xfce Desktop, but also can serve as an alternate file browser for other Desktop environments. It has a simple, clean two-pane design for browsing all your files.
uk: >-Thunar - це переглядач структури файлів, розроблений спеціально для оболонки Xfce, однак також може слугувати як альтернативний переглядач фалів для інших середовищ робочого столу. Він простий, має двопанельний дизайн для показу файлів.
sr: >-Тунар је управник датотека нарочито осмишљен за Иксфце радно окружење, али може и да служи као замена за управника датотека другим радним окружењима. Има једноставни и чисти склоп са две површи за управљање датотекама.
fr: >-Thunar est un gestionnaire de fichiers conçu spécifiquement pour le bureau Xfce, mais peut aussi servir comme gestionnaire de fichiers alternatif pour d’autres environnements de bureau. Il dispose d’une interface à deux panneaux simple et épurée pour parcourir tous vos fichiers.
nb: >-Thunar er en filutforsker spesifikt utviklet for Xfce-skrivebordet, men kan også fungere som en alternativ filutforsker for andre skrivebordsmiljø, Den har et simpelt, rent to-felts designuttrykk for filene dine.
hr: >-Thunar je upravitelj datotekama posebno dizajniran za Xfce radno okruženje, ali jednako se može koristiti kao alternativni upravitelj datotekama u drugim radnim okruženjima. Posjeduje jednostavan dvokrilni dizajn za sve vaše datoteke.
sv: >-Thunar är en filhanterare speciellt utformad för Xfce-skrivbordet, men den kan också användas som alternativ filhanterare i andra skrivbordsmiljöer. Den har en enkel tvåpanelsdesign för att bläddra bland alla dina filer.
ca: >-Thunar és un navegador de fitxers que està dissenyat especialment per a l'escriptori Xfce, però també pot servir com a navegador de fitxers per a altres escriptoris. Té un disseny simple, de dos plafons, per navegar per tots els vostres fitxers.
hu: >-A Thunar kifejezetten az Xfce asztali környezethez tervezett fájlkezelő, de más asztali környezeteket is kiszolgál, alternatív fájlkezelőként. Egyszerű, tiszta, két táblás felülete van, minden fájl böngészéséhez.
zh_TW: >-Thunar 是一個為 Xfce 桌面設計的檔案瀏覽器,但也可以作為其他桌面環境的替代檔案瀏覽器。它有一個簡易且簡潔的兩欄式設計讓您瀏覽您所有的檔案。
nl: >-Thunar is een bestandbeheerder die specifiek is ontworpen voor de Xfce-werkomgeving, maar hij kan ook dienen als een alternatieve bestandbeheerder in andere werkomgevingen. Hij heeft een eenvoudig, helder dubbelpaneelontwerp om al uw bestanden te kunnen doorbladeren.
nn: >-Thunar er ein filutforskar spesielt utvikla for Xfce-skrivebordet, men han kan òg fungera som ein alternativ utforskar for andre skrivebordsmiljø. Thunar gir deg ei enkel, rein to-panelsutforming for å bla gjennom filene dine.
lt: >-Thunar yra, specialiai Xfce Darbalaukiui sukurta, failų tvarkytuvė, tačiau ji gali tarnauti kaip alternatyvi failų tvarkytuvė ir kitose Darbalaukio aplinkose. Ji turi paprastą, tvarkingą dviejų polangių dizainą jūsų visų failų naršymui.
ar: >-ثونار متصفح ملفات مصمم خصيصا لسطح مكتب Xfce. لكن يمكن استعماله كتصفح ملفات بديل في بيئات مكتب أخرى. يتميز ثونار بتصميم بسيط يمكنك من تصفح جميع ملفاتك.
pl: >-Thunar to przeglądarka plików zaprojektowana specjalnie dla środowiska graficznego Xfce, ale może służyć także jako alternatywna przeglądarka plików w innych środowiskach. Posiada proste, czytelne dwupanelowe wzornictwo dla przeglądania wszystkich plików.
el: >-Το Thunar είναι ένας διαχειριστής αρχείων ειδικά σχεδιασμένος για το περιβάλλον εργασίας Xfce, αλλά μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως εναλλακτικός διαχειριστής αρχείων για άλλα περιβάλλοντα εργασίας. Έχει μια απλή, καθαρή σχεδίαση 2 πινάκων για περιήγηση των αρχείων σας.
ast: >-Thunar ye un restolador de ficheros diseñáu específicamente pal escritoriu Xfce, pero tamién pue sirvir como restolador de ficheros alternativu pa otros entornos d'escritoriu. Tien un simple y llimpiu diseñu a dos cares pa restolar tolos tos ficheros.
cs: >-Thunar je správce souborů specificky navržený pro prostředí Xfce, ale může také sloužit jako alternativní aplikace pro procházení souborů v jiných desktopových prostředích. Má jednoduchý čistý dvoupanelový design pro procházení všech Vašich souborů.
th: >-Thunar เป็นโปรแกรมท่องดูแฟ้มซึ่งออกแบบมาสำหรับเดสก์ท็อป Xfce โดยเฉพาะ แต่ก็สามารถทำงานเป็นโปรแกรมท่องดูแฟ้มทางเลือกสำหรับเดสก์ท็อปอื่นได้ด้วย การออกแบบจะเรียบง่าย ทำงานสองช่องแบบสะอาดตา เพื่อท่องดูแฟ้มทั้งหมดของคุณ
pt: >-O Thunar é um gestor de ficheiros especificamente concebido para o ambiente Xfce, mas também poder servir como gestor de ficheiros para outros ambientes de trabalho. Tem uma arquitetura de dois paineis, simples e clara, para explorar todos os ficheiros.
gl: >-Thunar é un xestor de ficheiros deseñado especificamente para o Escritorio XFCE, o cal tamén pode servir como explorador de ficheiros alternativo para outros ambientes de traballo. Este ten un deseño simple con dous paneis para ver todos os seus ficheiros.
es: >-Thunar es un gestor de archivos diseñado específicamente para el escritorio Xfce, pero puede usarse también en otros entornos de escritorio. Su interfaz de doble panel es sencilla y clara.
id: >-Thunar adalah peramban berkas yang dirancang khusus untuk Destop Xfce, tetapi juga dapat berfungsi sebagai peramban berkas alternatif untuk lingkungan Destop lainnya. Thunar memiliki desain yang sederhana, desain dua-pane bersih untuk meramban semua berkas Anda.
eu: >-Thunar bereziki xfce idazmahairekin erabiltzeko diseinatutako fitxategi kudeatzaile bat da , baina beste mahaigain ingurune batzuekin erabili daiteke, Oso sinplea da, zure fitxategi guztiak kudeatzeko bi paneletako ikuspegi garbiarekin
ru: >-Thunar — файловый менеджер специально для рабочего окружения Xfce, но может использоваться как альтернативный в других рабочих окружениях. Имеет простой опрятный двухпанельный вид для просмотра всех ваших файлов.
tr: >-Thunar özel olarak Xfce Masaüstü için dosya tarayıcısı olarak geliştirilmiş olsa da diğer Masaüstü ortamları için de alternatif dosya tarayıcısı olarak kullanılabilir. Dosyalarınızı taramak için iki parçalı basit ve temiz bir tasarımı vardır.
kk: >-Thunar - бұл Xfce жұмыс үстелі үшін арнайы жасалған файлдық басқарушы қолданбасы, сонымен қатар, оны басқа да жұмыс үстел орталарында қосымша ретінде қолдануға болады. Оның қарапайым әрі жеңіл екі панельді интерфейсі файлдарды шолу үшін арналған.
ro: >-Thunar este un manager de fișiere creat special pentru mediul desktop Xfce, dar care poate fi folosit ca un manager de fișiere alternativ și în alte medii desktop. Are un design clasic și minimal ce vă ușurează gestionarea tuturor fișierelor.
be: >-Thunar - кіраўнік файлаў, распрацаваны спецыяльна для працоўнага асяроддзя Xfce , але таксама можа выкарыстоўвацца ў якасці альтэрнатыўнага кіраўніка файлаў для іншых працоўных асяроддзяў. У яго просты дызайн з магчымасцю двухпанэльнага выгляду для прагляду ўсіх файлаў.
is: >-Thunar er skráastjóri sem sérstaklega er hannaður fyrir XFCE-skjáborðið, en se hægt er að nota sem aukaskjástjóra í öðrum skjáborðsumhverfum. Thunar byggist á einfaldri og stílhreinni tveggja-spjalda hönnun til að vafra um skrár og möppur.
ko: >-Thunar는 Xfce 데스크탑을 위해 특별히 설계된 파일 브라우저이지만, 다른 데스크탑 환경에서 대체 파일 브라우저로 사용가능합니다. 모든 파일을 브라우징 할 수있는 간단한 두개의 패널 디자인으로 구성되어있습니다.
it: >-Thunar è un browser dei file pensato per l'ambiente Xfce, ma può essere utilizzato come browser di file alternativo in altri ambienti desktop. Ha un design semplice a due riquadri adatto per sfogliare tutti i propri file.
da: >-Thunar er en filbrowser, der er særligt designet til Xfce-skrivebordet, men kan også tjene til en alternativ filbrowser for andre skrivebordsmiljøer. Den har et simpelt, klart design med to paneler, der lader dig gennemse dine filer.
de: >-Thunar ist eine Dateiverwaltung speziell für den Xfce-Schreibtisch entwickelt, kann aber auch als alternativer Dateinavigator für andere Arbeitsumgebungen benutzt werden. Er hat eine einfache, aufgeräumte Zweifensteransicht zum Durchsuchen aller Ihrer Dateien.
oc: >-Thunar es un gestionari de fichièrs concebut especificament pel burèu Xfce, mas pòt tanben servir coma gestionari de fichièrs alternatiu per d’autres environaments de burèu. Dispausa d’una interfàcia de dos panèls simpla e epurada per percórrer totes vòstres fichièrs.
en_GB: >-Thunar is a file browser specifically designed for the Xfce Desktop, but also can serve as an alternate file browser for other Desktop environments. It has a simple, clean two-pane design for browsing all your files.
ms: >-Thunar ialah pelayar fail yang direka khusus untuk Desktop Xfce, tetapi juga bertindak sebagai pelayar fail alternatif untuk persekitaran Desktop lain. Ia mempunyai rekabentuk ringkas, dengan dua-anak-tetingkap yang kemas unntuk pelayaran semua fail anda.
bg: >-Thunar е файлов мениджър, разработен специално за десктопа на Xfce, но може да се използва, като алтернативен файлов мениджър и в други графични среди. Той е с изчистен двупанелен дизайн за да управлявате лесно вашите файлове.
en_AU: >-Thunar is a file browser specifically designed for the Xfce Desktop, but also can serve as an alternate file browser for other Desktop environments. It has a simple, clean two-pane design for browsing all your files.
fi: >-Thunar on tiedostoselain, joka on suunniteltu erityisesti Xfce-työpöydälle, mutta jota voi käyttää vaihtoehtoisena tiedostoselaimena myös muilla työpöytäjärjestelmillä. Se käyttää yksinkertaista kaksiruutuista muotoilua kaikkien tiedostojesi selaamiseen.
pt_BR: >-Thunar é um navegador de arquivos especificamente desenhado para o Desktop Xfce, mas também pode servir como navegador de arquivos alternativo para outros ambientes de Desktop. Thunar apresenta um simples e limpo design de dois painéis para a navegação de todos os seus arquivos.
Categories: - System - Utility - Core - FileTools - FileManager Url: homepage: http://xfce.org/projects bugtracker: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=Thunar help: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/start Icon: cached: - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: thunar_Thunar.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: Thunar remote: - url: t/th/Thunar.desktop/C15B12C683BEAC3B48EFA58C4D6BEDF5/icons/128x128/thunar_Thunar.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - Thunar.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: t/th/Thunar.desktop/C15B12C683BEAC3B48EFA58C4D6BEDF5/screenshots/image-1_624x430.png width: 624 height: 430 - url: t/th/Thunar.desktop/C15B12C683BEAC3B48EFA58C4D6BEDF5/screenshots/image-1_224x154.png width: 224 height: 154 source-image: url: t/th/Thunar.desktop/C15B12C683BEAC3B48EFA58C4D6BEDF5/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 624 height: 430 --- Type: desktop-application ID: thunar-settings.desktop Package: thunar Name: he: מנהל קבצים ja: ファイルマネージャー zh_CN: 文件管理器 sk: Správca súborov ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇ ur_PK: فائل منیجر ur: فائل منیجر C: File Manager fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers sq: Përgjegjës Kartelash sr: Разгледач датотека nb: Filbehandler hr: Upravitelj datotekama ca: Gestor de fitxers sv: Filhanterare hu: Fájlkezelő pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ uk: Файловий менеджер zh_HK: 檔案管理員 am: የ ፋይል አስተዳዳሪ nl: Bestandbeheerder zh_TW: 檔案管理員 nn: Filhandsamar lt: Failų tvarkytuvė ar: مدير الملفات lv: Failu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer plików el: Διαχειριστής αρχείων ast: Xestor de ficheros cs: Správce souborů eo: Dosier-administrilo th: โปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม gl: Xestor de ficheiros pt: Gestor de ficheiros es: Administrador de archivos et: Failihaldur eu: Fitxategi kudeatzailea te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకము ro: Manager de fișiere id: Manajer Berkas tr: Dosya Yöneticisi kk: Файлдар басқарушысы vi: Trình quản lí tập tin be: Кіраўнік файлаў is: Skráastjóri it: Gestore di file ko: 파일 관리자 da: Filhåndtering de: Dateiverwaltung fa_IR: مدیر پرونده en_GB: File Manager bn: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপক oc: Gestionari de fichièrs ms: Pengurus Fail bg: Файлов мениджър en_AU: File Manager fi: Tiedostonhallinta pt_BR: Gerenciador de arquivos ru: Файловый менеджер Summary: he: הגדרת מנהל הקבצים Thunar ja: Thunar ファイルマネージャーを設定します zh_CN: 配置 Thunar 文件管理器 sk: Nastavenia správcu súborov Thunar ug: سۇنار(Thunar) ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇنى تەڭشەش zh_HK: 設定 Thunar 檔案管理員 C: Configure the Thunar file manager fr: Configurer le gestionnaire de fichiers Thunar sq: Formësoni përgjegjësin e kartelave Thunar sr: Подеси Тунара за разгледање датотека nb: Konfigurer Thunar Filbehandler hr: Podesi Thunar upravitelja datoteka ca: Configureu el gestor de fitxers Thunar sv: Ställ in Filhanteraren Thunar hu: A Thunar fájlkezelő beállítása uk: Налаштувати файловий менеджер Thunar ur: تھنر فائل منیجر مرتب کریں nl: Configureer de bestandbeheerder Thunar zh_TW: 設定 Thunar 檔案管理員 nn: Set opp Thunar filhandsaming lt: Konfigūruoti Thunar failų tvarkytuvę ar: إعداد مدير الملفات ثونار lv: Konfigurēt Thunar failu pārvaldnieku pl: Konfiguruje preferencje menedżera plików Thunar el: Ρύθμιση του διαχειριστή αρχείων Thunar ast: Configura'l xestor de ficheros Thunar cs: Konfigurace správce souborů Thunar id: Konfigurasi manajer berkas Thunar th: ตั้งค่าโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม Thunar gl: Configurar o xestor de ficheiros Thunar pt: Configurar o gestor de ficheiros Thunar es: Configure el gestor de archivos Thunar et: Thunar failihalduri seadistamine eu: Konfiguratu Thunar fitxategi kudeatzailea te: తునార్ దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకాన్ని స్వరూపించండి ro: Configurați managerul de fișiere Thunar ru: Настроить файловый менеджер Thunar tr: Thunar dosya yöneticisini yapılandır kk: Thunar файлдар басқарушысын баптау vi: Cấu hình trình quản lí tập tin Thunar be: Наладзіць Кіраўнік файлаў is: Stilla Thunar skráastjórann ko: 투나 파일 관리자 설정 it: Configura il gestore di file Thunar da: Indstil Thunar-filhåndteringen de: Die Thunar-Dateiverwaltung einrichten fa_IR: پیکربندی مدیر پرونده تونار en_GB: Configure the Thunar file manager bn: Thunar ফাইল ম্যানেজার কনফিগার করুন oc: Configurar lo gestionari de fichièrs Thunar ms: Konfigur pengurus fail Thunar bg: Настройване на файловият мениджър Thunar en_AU: Configure the Thunar file manager fi: Thunar-tiedostonhallinnan asetukset pt_BR: Configurar o gerenciador de arquivos Thunar ur_PK: تھنر فائل منیجر مرتب کریں Description: pl: >-Thunar jest menedżerem plików zaprojektowanym jako domyślny menedżer plików do środowiska graficznego Xfce. Został zaprojektowany do szybkiej pracy i łatwego użycia.
Uwzględnia również wtyczkę panelu Xfce, która może zarządzać koszem pulpitu.
de: >-Thunar wurde als Standard-Dateimanager für die Arbeitsumgebung Xfce entworfen. Entwurfsziele waren Geschwindigkeit und einfache Benutzung.
Das Paket enthält eine Erweiterung für das Xfce-Panel zur Verwaltung des Papierkorbs.
zh_CN: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
pt_BR: >-Thunar é o gerenciador de arquivos projetado para ser o padrão do ambiente de área de trabalho Xfce. Ele foi projetado para ser rápido e fácil de usar.
Também incluso um plugin para o painel do Xfce que pode gerenciar a lixeira da área de trabalho.
sl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
ja: >-Thunar は、Xfce デスクトップ環境用のデフォルトのファイルマネージャとして 設計されたファイルマネージャです。高速かつ使いやすくなるよう設計されています。
さらにデスクトップのゴミ箱を管理できる Xfce パネルプラグインが含まれます。
uk: >-Thunar — типовий файловий менеджер для стільничного середовища Xfce. Він створений так, щоб бути швидким та простим у використанні.
Він також містить втулок панелі інструментів, який дозволяє керувати «смітником».
C: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fi: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_CA: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
ru: >-Thunar — это файловый менеджер, разработанный для использования в рабочем окружении Xfce. Критериями при разработке была скорость и простота использования.
Пакет также включает модуль панели Xfce, который может управлять корзиной.
sk: >-Thunar je správca súborov navrhnutý ako predvolený správca súborov pracovného prostredia Xfce. Bol navrhnutý s obľadom na rýchlosť a jednoduché použitie.
Tiež obsahuje zásuvný modul panelu Xfce, ktorý spravuje Kôš v rámci pracovného prostredia.
es: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
fr: >-Thunar est le gestionnaire de fichiers destiné à être celui par défaut de l’environnement de bureau Xfce. Il a été conçu pour être rapide et facile d’utilisation.
Un greffon pour le panneau Xfce, pouvant prendre en charge la corbeille du bureau, est également fourni.
pt: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
en_GB: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
it: >-Thunar è il gestore di file progettato per essere il file manager predefinito per l'ambiente desktop Xfce. È progettato per essere veloce e facile da usare.
Include anche un plugin per il pannello di Xfce che permette di gestire il cestino del desktop.
nl: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
da: >-Thunar er filhåndteringen designet til at være standardfilhåndteringen i skrivebordsmiljøet Xfce. Programmet er blevet designet med tanke på hurtighed og nem brug.
Også inkluderet er et Xfce-paneludvidelsesmodul, som kan håndtere skrivebordsaffaldet.
en_AU: >-Thunar is the file manager designed to be the default file manager for the Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed to be fast and easy to use.
Also included is an Xfce panel plugin which can manage the desktop trash.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: thunar_system-file-manager.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: thunar_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: thunar_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager remote: - url: t/th/thunar-settings.desktop/BFA7021D5973BD2185E0D5BC26853C7A/icons/128x128/thunar_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - thunar-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: bvnc.desktop Package: avahi-ui-utils Name: ja: Avahi VNC サーバの検索 de: Avahi VNC-Server-Browser pt_BR: Navegador de servidores VNC do Avahi zh_CN: Avahi VNC 服务器的浏览器 oc: Explorador de servidors VNC Avahi ro: Navigator Avahi de server VNC gl: Navegador de servidores VNC de Avahi ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам VNC el: Avahi περιηγητής εξυπηρετητών VNC fr: Explorateur de serveurs VNC Avahi C: Avahi VNC Server Browser da: Avahibrowser for VNC-server uk: Переглядач серверів VNC Avahi ca: Eina d'exploració de servidors de VNC de l'Avahi sk: Avahi - prieskumník VNC serverov sv: Avahi VNC-serverbläddrare it: Esploratore Avahi per server VNC es: Examinador de servidores VNC de Avahi bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за VNC sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika VNC en_GB: Avahi VNC Server Browser tr: Avahi VNC Sunucu Tarayıcısı en_NZ: Avahi VNC Server Browser id: Peramban Server VNC Avahi sr: Прегледник Авахијевог ВНЦ сервера fi: Avahin VNC-palvelinselain et: Avahi VNC serverite brauser lv: Avahi VNC serveru pārlūks hu: Avahi VNC-kiszolgálóböngésző fo: Avahi VNC-tænastu kagi pl: Przeglądarka serwerów VNC Avahi nl: Avahi VNC server browser sr@latin: Preglednik Avahijevog VNC servera zh_TW: Avahi VNC 伺服器瀏覽器 Summary: ja: Zeroconf を有効にした VNC サーバを検索 de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten VNC-Servern pt_BR: Procurar por Servidores VNC com Zeroconf Habilitado zh_CN: 浏览启用了 Zeroconf 功能的 VNC 服务器 oc: Explorar los servidors VNC amb Zeroconf activat ro: Navighează serverele VNC având activat Zeroconf gl: Navegar por servidores VNC con Zeroconf activado ru: Просмотр списка серверов VNC с включённой службой Zeroconf el: Εξερεύνηση για εξυπηρετητές VNC με ενεργοποιημένο Zeroconf fr: Explorer les serveurs VNC avec Zeroconf activé C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers da: Gennemse for Zeroconf-aktiverede VNC-servere uk: Перегляд серверів VNC з увімкненим Zeroconf ca: Exploreu si hi ha servidors de VNC amb Zeroconf habilitat sk: Preskúma VNC servery s povolenou službou Zeroconf sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade VNC-servrar it: Esplora i server VNC con Zeroconf abilitato es: Examinar servidores VNC con zeroconf activado bg: Преглед на сървърите за VNC с улеснение sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf VNC en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers tr: Sıfır yapılandırma uyumlu VNC Sunucularını Tara en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers id: Meramban Server VNC Teraktifkan-Zeroconf sr: Потражите ВНЦ сервере са укљученим Зероконфом fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja VNC-palvelimia et: Zeroconf toega VNC serverite sirvimine lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf aktivētus VNC serverus hu: Zeroconf-képes VNC kiszolgálók keresése fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum VNC-ambætarum pl: Przeglądanie serwerów VNC z włączonym Zeroconf nl: Browse voor Zeroconf-enabled VNC servers sr@latin: Potražite VNC servere sa uključenim Zerokonfom zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 VNC 伺服器 Description: C: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
en: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - bvnc.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: bssh.desktop Package: avahi-ui-utils Name: ja: Avahi SSH サーバの検索 de: Avahi SSH-Server-Browser pt_BR: Navegador de servidores SSH do Avahi zh_CN: Avahi SSH 服务器的浏览器 oc: Explorador de servidor SSH Avahi ro: Navigator de servere SSH Avahi gl: Navegador de servidores SSH de Avahi ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам SSH el: Avahi περιηγητής εξυπηρετητών SSH fr: Explorateur de serveur SSH Avahi C: Avahi SSH Server Browser da: Avahibrowser for SSH-server uk: Переглядач серверів SSH Avahi ca: Eina d'exploració de servidors de SSH de l'Avahi sk: Avahi - prieskumník SSH serverov sv: Avahi SSH-serverbläddrare it: Esploratore Avahi per server SSH es: Examinador de servidores SSH de Avahi bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за SSH sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika SSH en_GB: Avahi SSH Server Browser tr: Avahi SSH Sunucu Tarayıcısı en_NZ: Avahi SSH Server Browser id: Peramban Server SSH Avahi sr: Прегледник Авахијевог сервера безбедне шкољке fi: Avahin SSH-palvelinselain et: Avahi SSH serverite brauser lv: Avahi SSH serveru pārlūks hu: Avahi SSH-kiszolgálóböngésző fo: Avahi SSH-tænastu kagi pl: Przeglądarka serwerów SSH Avahi nl: Avahi SSH server browser sr@latin: Preglednik Avahijevog servera bezbedne školjke zh_TW: Avahi SSH 伺服器瀏覽器 Summary: ja: Zeroconf を有効にした SSH サーバを検索 de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten SSH-Servern pt_BR: Procurar por Servidores SSH com o Zeroconf Habilitado zh_CN: 浏览启用了 Zeroconf 的 SSH 服务器 oc: Explorar los servidors SSH amb Zeroconf activat ro: Navighează servere SSH având activat Zeroconf gl: Navegar por servidores SSH con Zeroconf activado ru: Просмотр списка серверов SSH с включённой службой Zeroconf el: Εξερεύνηση για εξυπηρετητές SSH με ενεργοποιημένο Zeroconf fr: Explorer les serveurs SSH avec Zeroconf activé C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers da: Gennemse for Zeroconf-aktiverede SSH-servere uk: Перегляд серверів SSH з увімкненим Zeroconf ca: Exploreu si hi ha servidors de SSH amb Zeroconf habilitat sk: Preskúma SSH servery s povolenou službou Zeroconf sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade SSH-servrar it: Esplora i server SSH con Zeroconf abilitato es: Examinar servidores SSH con zeroconf activado bg: Преглед на сървърите за SSH с улеснение sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf SSH en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers tr: Sıfır yapılandırma uyumlu SSH Sunucularını Tara en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers id: Meramban Server SSH Teraktifkan-Zeroconf sr: Потражите сервере безбедне шкољке са укљученим Зероконфом fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja SSH-palvelimia et: Zeroconf toega SSH serverite sirvimine lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf aktivētus SSH serverus hu: Zeroconf-képes SSH kiszolgálók keresése fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum SSH-ambætarum pl: Przeglądanie serwerów SSH z włączonym Zeroconf nl: Browse voor Zeroconf-enabled SSH servers sr@latin: Potražite servere bezbedne školjke sa uključenim Zerokonfom zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 SSH 伺服器 Description: C: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
en: >-Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.
This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: network-wired Launchable: desktop-id: - bssh.desktop --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.hunyango Package: plasma-wallpapers-addons Name: ca@valencia: Hunyango zh_CN: 变色龙 sk: Hunyango sl: Hunyango wa: Hunyango C: Hunyango fr: Hunyango sr: Хунјанго uk: Уньянго nb: Hunyango ca: Hunyango sv: Hunyango hu: Hunyango nl: Hunyango zh_TW: Hunyango nn: Hunyango lt: Hunyango pl: Hunyango nds: Hunyango el: Hunyango cs: Hunyango id: Hunyango ro: Hunyango pt: Hunyango es: Hunyango gl: Hunyango et: Hunyango eu: Hunyango ru: Hunyango sr@ijekavianlatin: Hunjango kk: Хаянго tr: Hunyango da: Hunyango ko: Hunyango it: Hunyango sr@ijekavian: Хунјанго de: Hunyango pt_BR: Hunyango en_GB: Hunyango mr: हुन्यान्गो sr@latin: Hunjango fi: Hunyango bs: Hunjango Summary: ca@valencia: Fons de pantalla Hunyango zh_CN: Hunyango 壁纸 sk: Tapeta Hunyango sl: Slika ozadja Hunyango C: Hunyango wallpaper fr: Papier peint Hunyango sr: Тапет Хунјанго uk: Шпалера Уньянго sv: Hunyango skrivbordsunderlägg ca: Fons de pantalla Hunyango hu: Hunyango háttérkép nl: Hunyango achtergrondafbeelding zh_TW: Hunyango 桌布 nn: Hunyango-bakgrunnsbilete pl: Tapeta Hunyango id: Wallpaper Hunyango cs: Tapeta Hunyango pt: Papel de parede de Hunyango gl: Fondo de pantalla de Hunyango es: Fondo de pantalla Hunyango eu: Hunyango horma-papera ru: Обои Hunyango tr: Hunyango duvar kağıdı sr@ijekavianlatin: Tapet Hunjango sr@ijekavian: Тапет Хунјанго it: Sfondo Hunyango ko: Hunyango 배경 그림 da: Hunyango-baggrundsbillede de: Hunyango-Hintergrundbild pt_BR: Papel de parede Hunyango en_GB: Hunyango wallpaper sr@latin: Tapet Hunjango fi: Hunyango-tausta DeveloperName: C: Marco MartiniTALC permet d'accéder et guider les activités des étudiants depuis l'ordinateur de l'enseignant. Par exemple, avec l'aide de iTALC un enseignant peut afficher le contenu des écrans des élèves et voir si l'un d'entre eux a besoin d'aide. Si c'est le cas, l'enseignant peut accéder à l'ordinateur de l'étudiant et fournir un soutien ; l'étudiant peut observer les actions de l'enseignant et apprendre d'elles. L'enseignant peut également basculer en mode « démo », où les écrans de tous les élèves affichent le contenu de l'écran de l'enseignant. En outre, des actions telles que verrouiller les écrans des étudiants, tuer les jeux, allumer ou éteindre des postes, et plus encore peuvent être effectuées via iTALC.
Ce paquet contient la console de gestion pour iTALC, ce qui permet de configurer et de gérer les installations iTALC.
C: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to configure and manage iTALC installations.
en: >-iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC.
This package contains the management console for iTALC, which helps to configure and manage iTALC installations.
Categories: - System - Settings Keywords: C: - education - classroom - teachers - students - remote control - computer-labs Icon: cached: - name: italc-management-console_italc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: italc-management-console_italc.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: italc --- Type: addon ID: org.kde.discover.packagekit Package: plasma-discover Extends: - org.kde.discover.desktop Name: zh-CN: PackageKit 后端 de: PackageKit-Backend pl: Silnik PackageKit sk: Backend PackageKit sl: Zaledje PackageKit ar: سَند عدّة الحزم en-GB: PackageKit backend C: PackageKit backend id: Backend PackageKit fi: PackageKit-taustaosa cs: Podpůrná vrstva PackageKit ca-valencia: Dorsal del PackageKit gl: Infraestrutura de PackageKit uk: Модуль PackageKit es: Motor PackageKit fr: Moteur PackageKit eu: PackageKit bizkarraldekoa ru: Модуль поддержки PackageKit nb: PackageKit-motor pt-BR: Infraestrutura PackageKit sv: Gränssnitt för PackageKit pt: Infra-estrutura do PackageKit ko: PackageKit 백엔드 ca: Dorsal del PackageKit it: Motore PackageKit nl: PackageKit-backend nn: PackageKit-motor Summary: zh-CN: 将发行版应用程序集成到发现者中 de: Integriert Distributions-Anwendungen in Discover pl: Integruje aplikacje dystrybucji w Odkrywcy sk: Integruje distribučné aplikácie do Discovera sl: V Discover vgradi programe distribucije ar: يُكامل تطبيقات ”عُدّة الحزم“ في «استكشف» en-GB: Integrates distribution applications into Discover C: Integrates distribution applications into Discover id: Aplikasi distribusi terintegrasi ke dalam Discover fi: Yhdistää jakelun sovellukset Discoveriin uk: Інтегрує програми зі сховищ дистрибутива до Discover ca-valencia: Integra aplicacions de distribució al Discover gl: Integra aplicativos da distribución con Discover es: Integra aplicaciones de la distribución en Discover fr: Intègre les applications de distribution au sein de Discover eu: Banaketaren aplikazioak Dicover-ren integratzen ditu ru: Добавление поддержки приложений из дистрибутива ОС в центр программ Discover nb: Integrerer distribusjonsprogrammer i Discover pt-BR: Integra aplicativos da distribuição no Discover sv: Integrerar distributionsprogram i Discover pt: Integra as aplicações da distribuição no Discover ko: 배포판 프로그램을 발견에 통합 ca: Integra aplicacions de distribució al Discover it: Integra le applicazioni della distribuzione in Discover nl: Integreert distributie-toepassingen in Discover nn: Integrerer distribusjonsprogram i Discover DeveloperName: zh-CN: Aleix Pol Gonzalez de: Aleix Pol Gonzalez pl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez sk: Aleix Pol Gonzalez sl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ar: Aleix Pol Gonzalez en-GB: Aleix Pol Gonzalez C: Aleix Pol Gonzalez id: Aleix Pol Gonzalez fi: Aleix Pol Gonzalez cs: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ca-valencia: Aleix Pol Gonzalez gl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez uk: Aleix Pol Gonzalez es: Aleix Pol Gonzalez fr: Aleix Pol Gonzalez eu: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ru: Aleix Pol Gonzalez nb: Aleix Pol Gonzalez pt-BR: Aleix Pol Gonzalez sv: Aleix Pol Gonzalez pt: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ko: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ca: Aleix Pol Gonzalez it: Aleix Pol Gonzalez nl: Aleix Pol Gonzalez nn: Aleix Pol Gonzalez ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Icon: cached: - name: plasma-discover_system-software-install.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-discover_system-software-install.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-discover_system-software-install.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-software-install remote: - url: org/kde/discover.packagekit/97E369CCF04B49727ECE643F6435EA37/icons/128x128/plasma-discover_system-software-install.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.discover.desktop Package: plasma-discover Name: sk: Objaviť sl: Discover sr-ijekavian: Oткривач C: Discover fr: Discover sr: Oткривач uk: Discover pt-BR: Discover ca: Discover sv: Discover en-GB: Discover nl: Ontdekken nn: Discover ca-valencia: Discover ar: استكشف pl: Odkrywca sr-ijekavianlatin: Otkrivač ia: Discoperi zh-CN: 发现 ast: Discover cs: Discover id: Discover gl: Discover pt: Discover es: Discover et: Avastusretk eu: Discover ru: Центр приложений Discover tr: Keşfet zh-TW: Discover sr-Latn: Otkrivač ko: 발견 it: Discover da: Discover de: Discover fi: Discover Summary: sk: Objaviť sl: Discover sr-ijekavian: Oткривач C: Discover fr: Discover sr: Oткривач uk: Discover pt-BR: Discover ca: Discover sv: Discover en-GB: Discover nl: Ontdekken nn: Discover ca-valencia: Discover ar: استكشف pl: Odkrywca sr-ijekavianlatin: Otkrivač ia: Discoperi zh-CN: 发现 ast: Discover cs: Discover id: Discover gl: Discover pt: Discover es: Discover et: Avastusretk eu: Discover ru: Центр приложений Discover tr: Keşfet zh-TW: Discover sr-Latn: Otkrivač ko: 발견 it: Discover da: Discover de: Discover fi: Discover Description: sk: >-Našli ste už nástroj, ktorý vám výborne vyhovuje, ale našli ste ho až po dlhom čase hľadania na nete? Keď zvážime inštaláciu aplikácie, nedivíte sa niekedy, či sa to naozaj oplatí? Alebo či je to naozaj to, čo hľadáte?
Discover vám pomôže ľahko a rýchlo nájsť aplikácie alebo nástroje. Umožní vám navigáciu cez knižnicu softvéru cez hľadanie, kategórie softvéru, najlepšie zoznamy spolu s podrobnými informáciami, ktoré obsahujú obrazovky a recenzie, teda môžete ľahšie nájsť aplikáciu, ktorá vám vyhovuje.
Okrem toho, Discover vám umožní spracovať rôzne zdroje softvéru a spravovať aplikácie, ktoré máte nainštalované, ale už ich nechcete.
sl: >-Ali ste kdaj našli orodje, ki je bilo odlično za vas, šele po mukotrpnem iskanju po spletu? Se ob nameščanju programa kdaj vprašate, če je res vreden namestitve? Ali pa, če je sploh to, kar iščete?
Discover vam pomaga na enostaven način najti programe ali orodja. Omogoča vam krmarjenje po knjižnicah s programi preko iskalnika, kategorij programov in seznamov najboljših programov. Ogledali si boste lahko podrobnosti o programu vključno s posnetki zaslona in ocenami ter tako hitreje našli programe, ki zadoščajo vašim potrebam.
Discover vam tudi omogoča upravljati s programskimi viri in že nameščenimi programi.
sr-ijekavian: >-Зар нисте бар једном нашли алатку која савршено пристаје вашим потребама, али тако што сте на њу случајно натрапали на Интернету? Када размишљате да ли да инсталирате неки програм, зар се не питате да ли је вредно труда? И да ли заиста одговара ономе што сте тражили?
Oткривач помаже корисницима да лако и брзо налазе програме и алатке. Кретањем кроз библиотеку софтвера путем претраге, категорија, топ‑листа, праћеним детаљним описима програма, снимцима екрана и рецензијама, корисник може брзо да пронађе програм према својим потребама.
Затим, Oткривач вам омогућава да управљате различитим изворима софтвера, као и програмима које сте инсталирали раније али их више не желите.
C: >-Haven’t you ever found a tool that was perfect for your need but you only found it after some time stumbling upon it on the net? When considering to install an application, don’t you wonder sometimes if it’s really worth it? Or if it’s actually what you’re looking for?
Discover helps users easily and quickly find applications or tools. By allowing to navigate a software library by search, software categories, top lists along with detailed application information that includes screenshots and reviews, users can more quickly find applications that suit their needs.
Furthermore, Discover will let you manage the different sources of software you have and manage the applications you’ve already installed in the past but you don’t want anymore.
uk: >-Чи траплялося вам знаходити програму, яка повністю задовольняє ваші потреби, після довгих пошуків у інтернеті? Чи не кортіло вам дізнатися про те, чи варто встановлювати програму, ще до її встановлення? Чи хотіли б ви наперед знати, чи та це програма, яка вам потрібна?
Discover допомагає користувачам просто і швидко знаходити програми або інструменти. Користувач може просто мандрувати бібліотекою програмного забезпечення, шукаючи програми, передивляючись списки категорій програм, найкращих програм, та ознайомлюючись із докладною інформацією щодо програм, знімками вікон та відгуками інших користувачів. Знайти потрібну програму у такий спосіб можна набагато швидше.
Крім того, Discover надасть вам змогу керувати різними джерелами програмного забезпечення та вилучати програми, у яких уже немає потреби.
sr: >-Зар нисте бар једном нашли алатку која савршено пристаје вашим потребама, али тако што сте на њу случајно натрапали на Интернету? Када размишљате да ли да инсталирате неки програм, зар се не питате да ли је вредно труда? И да ли заиста одговара ономе што сте тражили?
Oткривач помаже корисницима да лако и брзо налазе програме и алатке. Кретањем кроз библиотеку софтвера путем претраге, категорија, топ‑листа, праћеним детаљним описима програма, снимцима екрана и рецензијама, корисник може брзо да пронађе програм према својим потребама.
Затим, Oткривач вам омогућава да управљате различитим изворима софтвера, као и програмима које сте инсталирали раније али их више не желите.
fr: >-N'avez-vous jamais trouvé un outil correspondant parfaitement à vos besoins qu'après de longues recherches sur le net ? Lorsque vous pensez installer une application, ne vous êtes-vous jamais demandé si cela en valait la peine ? Ou si elle correspondait à ce que vous cherchez ?
Discover aide les utilisateurs à rapidement trouver des applications ou des outils. En permettant de naviguer dans une bibliothèque de logiciels par recherche, par catégorie de logiciel, par classement des meilleures applications avec des informations détaillées contenant des captures d'écran ainsi que des notations, les utilisateurs peuvent trouver plus rapidement des applications qui correspondent à leurs besoins.
De plus, Discover vous permet de gérer les différentes sources de logiciels que vous avez et permet de gérer les applications que vous avez installé par le passé et que vous ne voulez plus.
pt-BR: >-Em algum momento você já procurou uma ferramenta que fosse perfeita para as suas necessidades, mas só encontrou depois de "tropeçar" nela na Internet? Ao considerar a instalação de um aplicativo, não se questionou algumas vezes se realmente vale a pena, ou se é realmente o que procura?
O Discover ajuda os usuários a encontrar os aplicativos e ferramentas de forma rápida e fácil. Ao fornecer acesso a uma biblioteca de software com uma ferramenta de pesquisa, por categorias de software, por listas das ferramentas mais populares e com informações detalhadas, incluindo capturas de tela e avaliações, os usuários poderão encontrar mais rapidamente os aplicativos que se adequam às suas necessidades.
Além disso, o Discover possibilita gerenciar as diferentes fontes de software que você possui e os aplicativos que já foram instalados e que não são mais necessários.
sv: >-Har du aldrig hittat ett verktyg som är perfekt för dina behov, men bara efter att ha stött på det på nätet av en slump? När du funderar på att installera ett program, undrar du inte ibland om det verkligen är värt att göra? Eller om det verkligen är vad du behöver?
Discover hjälper användare att enkelt och snabbt hitta program eller verktyg. Genom att göra det möjligt att gå igenom ett programvarubibliotek via sökning, enligt programvarukategorier och i topplistor tillsammans med detaljerad programinformation som innehåller skärmbilder och recensioner, kan användare snabbare hitta program som passar deras behov.
Dessutom låter Discover dig hantera olika programvarukällor du använder och hantera program som du redan tidigare har installerat men inte lägre vill ha.
ca: >-Alguna vegada heu trobat una eina que era perfecta per a les vostres necessitats però l'heu vist després d'ensopegar-hi per la xarxa? Quan considereu instal·lar una aplicació, voleu saber si val la pena? O si és la que realment esteu cercant?
El Discover ajuda als usuaris a cercar aplicacions i eines fàcilment i ràpidament. Permet explorar una biblioteca de programari cercant per categories de programari, llistes més valorades, junt amb informació detallada que inclou captures de pantalla i ressenyes. Els usuaris poden cercar ràpidament aplicacions que s'ajustin a les seves necessitats.
Per altra banda, el Discover permet gestionar les diferents fonts de programari que tingueu i gestionar les aplicacions que ja heu instal·lat en el passat però ja no desitgeu.
en-GB: >-Haven’t you ever found a tool that was perfect for your need but you only found it after some time stumbling upon it on the net? When considering to install an application, don’t you wonder sometimes if it’s really worth it? Or if it’s actually what you’re looking for?
Discover helps users easily and quickly find applications or tools. By allowing to navigate a software library by search, software categories, top lists along with detailed application information that includes screenshots and reviews, users can more quickly find applications that suit their needs.
Furthermore, Discover will let you manage the different sources of software you have and manage the applications you’ve already installed in the past but you don’t want anymore.
nl: >-Hebt u niet ooit een hulpmiddel gevonden dat perfect was voor uw behoefte maar dat u alleen na enige tijd toevallig vond op het internet? Bij de overweging om een toepassing te installeren, hebt u uzelf dan soms niet afgevraagd of het dat werkelijk waard was? Of of het echt was waarnaar u op zoek was?
Discover helpt gebruikers om gemakkelijk en snel een toepassing of hulpmiddel te vinden. Door navigatie te bieden in een softwarebibliotheek door zoeken in softwarecategorieën, lijsten met toppers, samen met gedetailleerde informatie over toepassingen die schermafdrukken en reviews bevatten, kunnen gebruikers sneller toepassingen vinden die in hun behoeften voorzien.
Verder laat Discover u de verschillende bronnen van software die u hebt beheren, evenals de al eerder geïnstalleerde toepassingen maar die u niet meer wilt.
zh-CN: >-您是否只网络上搜索之后才找到一个完美符合需求的工具?当安装一个程序时,您没有想过知道是否真的值得安装吗?或者它确实是您想要找的目标?
ca-valencia: >-Alguna vegada heu trobat una eina que era perfecta per a les vostres necessitats però l'heu vist després d'ensopegar-hi per la xarxa? Quan considereu instal·lar una aplicació, voleu saber si val la pena? O si és la que realment esteu cercant?
El Discover ajuda als usuaris a cercar aplicacions i eines fàcilment i ràpidament. Permet explorar una biblioteca de programari cercant per categories de programari, llistes més valorades, junt amb informació detallada que inclou captures de pantalla i ressenyes. Els usuaris poden cercar ràpidament aplicacions que s'ajusten a les seues necessitats.
Per altra banda, el Discover permet gestionar les diferents fonts de programari que tingueu i gestionar les aplicacions que ja heu instal·lat en el passat però ja no desitgeu.
ar: >-ألم تجد يومًا الأداة التي لبّت حاجتك تمامًا، ولكن بعد صراع طويل بالبحث عنها في الشّابكة؟ هل يأتي في خاطرك عندما تريد تثبيت تطبيق ما، إن كان ذلك يستحقّ ذلك أو لا؟ أو حتّى إن كان هو ما تبحث عنه؟
يساعد «استكشف» المستخدمين بالعثور على التّطبيقات أو الأدوات بسهولة وسرعة، وذلك بالتّنقّل في مكتبة البرمجيّات عبر البحث والفئات وأفضل البرمجيّات. هذا إلى جانب معلومات التّطبيقات المفصّلة التي تشمل لقطات شاشة ومراجعات. بذلك يصبح العثور على التّطبيقات سريعًا ومناسبًا لحاجة المستخدم.
عدا عن هذا كلّه، يتيح لك «استكشف» إدارة مختلف مصادر البرمجيّات التي لديك كما وإدارة التّطبيقات المثبّتة والتي لم تعد تحتاجها بعد الآن.
pl: >-Czy miałeś kiedyś tak, że znalazłeś idealne narzędzie, jednak na jego poszukiwania spędziłeś wiele czasu w sieci? Czy przy wgrywaniu programu na swój komputer, zastanawiasz się czasami czy jest on tego warty, albo czy jest to to czego właśnie szukasz?
Odkrywca pomaga użytkownikowi w szybkim i łatwym wyszukiwaniu potrzebnych aplikacji i narzędzi. Umożliwia on przeglądanie biblioteki oprogramowania poprzez wyszukiwania, kategorie oprogramowania, listy najlepszych aplikacji wraz ze szczegółami takimi jak zrzuty ekranu i recenzje. W ten sposób użytkownicy znajdują szybciej to czego szukają.
Dodatkowo, Odkrywca umożliwia zarządzanie wieloma źródłami oprogramowania i oprogramowaniem, które jest już na twoim komputerze i którego chcesz się pozbyć.
sr-ijekavianlatin: >-Zar niste bar jednom našli alatku koja savršeno pristaje vašim potrebama, ali tako što ste na nju slučajno natrapali na Internetu? Kada razmišljate da li da instalirate neki program, zar se ne pitate da li je vredno truda? I da li zaista odgovara onome što ste tražili?
Otkrivač pomaže korisnicima da lako i brzo nalaze programe i alatke. Kretanjem kroz biblioteku softvera putem pretrage, kategorija, top‑lista, praćenim detaljnim opisima programa, snimcima ekrana i recenzijama, korisnik može brzo da pronađe program prema svojim potrebama.
Zatim, Otkrivač vam omogućava da upravljate različitim izvorima softvera, kao i programima koje ste instalirali ranije ali ih više ne želite.
nn: >-Har du nokon gong funne eit program som var midt i blinken for deg, men berre etter ein lengre ekspedisjon på nettet? Når du vurderer å installera eit program, lurer du nokon gong på om det er verdt det? Eller på om det eigentleg er programmet du treng?
Med Discover vert det lettare å finna program og verktøy. Du kan søkja etter program eller sjå gjennom programkategoriar og lister over populære program. Du får òg detaljert informasjon om kvart program, med bilete og brukaromtalar.
Du får òg kontroll over dei ulike programvarekjeldene du har, og kan lett avinstallera program du tidlegare har installert men som du ikkje lenger treng.
id: >-Apakah Anda tidak pernah menemukan sebuah alat yang sempurna untuk kebutuhan Anda, tetapi hanya Anda yang menemukannya setelah beberapa waktu tersandung atas itu di internet? Ketika mempertimbangkan untuk menginstal aplikasi, tidakkah Anda bertanya-tanya kadang-kadang apakah itu benar-benar layak? Atau jika itu benar demikian apa yang Anda cari?
Discover membantu pengguna dengan mudah dan cepat menemukan aplikasi atau alat-alat. Oleh karena itu memungkinkan untuk menavigasi sebuah perpustakaan software dengan mencari, kategori software, daftar teratas beserta informasi aplikasi terinci yang meliputi screenshot dan ulasan, pengguna bisa lebih cepat menemukan aplikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.
Selanjutnya, Discover akan membiarkan Anda mengelola sumber software yang berbeda-beda yang Anda miliki dan mengelola aplikasi yang sudah Anda instal di masa lalu tetapi Anda tidak menginginkannya lagi.
pt: >-Nunca encontrou uma ferramenta que fosse perfeita para as suas necessidades, mas que só a tivesse encontrado depois de "tropeçar" nela na Internet? Ao considerar instalar uma aplicação, não se questionou algumas vezes se realmente vale a pena? Ou se é realmente o que procura?
O Discover ajuda os utilizadores a procurar fácil e rapidamente aplicações ou ferramentas. Ao permitir navegar numa biblioteca de 'software' com a pesquisa, as categorias de aplicações, as listas de topo com informações detalhadas, incluindo fotografias e revisões, os utilizadores poderão encontrar mais rapidamente as aplicações que se adequam às suas necessidades.
Para além disso, o Discover permitir-lhe-á gerir as diferentes fontes de aplicações que tem e gerir as aplicações que já instalou no passado e que não quer mais.
gl: >-Nunca lle pasou que atopou unha ferramenta perfecta para o que necesitaba, pero que só a atopou tras un bo anaco buscando en internet? Á hora de instalar un aplicativo, non se pregunta ás veces se paga a pena? Ou se realmente é o aplicativo que está a buscar?
Discover permite atopar aplicativos e ferramentas de maneira fácil e rápida. Atope rapidamente aplicativos que se axustan ás súas necesidades explorando a biblioteca de software mediante buscas, categorías de software, e listas de aplicativos máis usados con información detallada dos aplicativos, incluíndo capturas de pantalla e opinións de usuarios.
Ademais, Discover permitiralle xestionar as distintas fontes de software de que dispón e xestionar os aplicativos que ten instalados pero que xa non lle interesan.
es: >-¿Ha encontrado alguna vez una herramienta perfecta para sus necesidades aunque solo la ha encontrado tras perder un tiempo valioso en Internet? Cuando considera instalar una aplicación, ¿no se pregunta a veces si realmente merece la pena o si realmente es lo que estaba buscando?
Discover le ayuda a encontrar aplicaciones y herramientas de una forma rápida y fácil. Al poder explorar una biblioteca de software usando búsquedas, categorías de software y listas de puntuaciones, junto a una detallada información sobre las aplicaciones que incluye capturas de pantalla y comentarios, los usuarios pueden encontrar más rápidamente aplicaciones que satisfagan sus necesidades.
Además, Discover le permite gestionar las distintas fuentes de software de las que disponga y las aplicaciones que ya hubiera instalado en el pasado y que ya no desee.
et: >-Kahtlemata on sulgi ette tulnud, et oled leidnud täpselt sobiva ja vajaliku tööriista täiesti kogemata sellele internetis peale komistades. Või oled mõne rakenduse puhul kaalunud, kas ikka tasub seda üldse paigaldada või kas see on üldse see, mida sulle tegelikult vaja läheb.
Avastusretk aitab kasutajatel kiiresti ja vähese vaevaga leida vajaliku tööriista või rakenduse. Kui kasutaja saab tarkvarakogus hõlpsasti ringi liikuda ja olemasolevat näha nii otsides, kategooriate kaupa või mitmel alusel järjestatavate edetabelite abil, kusjuures alati pakutakse rakenduste kohta põhjalikku teavet koos ekraanipiltide ja arvustustega, ei ole täpselt sobiva tööriista või rakenduse leidmine enam kuigi keeruline.
Lisaks laseb Avastusretk sul mitmekülgselt hallata kõiki sinu käsutuses olevaid tarkvaraallikaid ega jäta sind hätta ka siis, kui sul leidub tarkvara, mille oled kunagi paigaldanud, aga enam sugugi ei vaja.
eu: >-Ez al duzu aurkitu inoiz zure beharretarako zeharo egokia zen tresna bat baino hura aurkitu zenuen soilik sarean denbora dezente eman ondoren? Aplikazio bat instalatzea hausnartzean, batzutan ez al duzu zalantzarik benetan merezi duen? Edo benetan ote den bilatzen duzuna?
Discover-rek erabiltzaileei aplikazioak edo tresnak erraz eta azkar aurkitzen laguntzen die. Software liburutegi batean nabigatzeko aukera eskainiz, bilaketa bidez, software kategoria bidez, top zerrenden bidez, aplikazioen informazio xehatuarekin batera pantaila-argazkiak eta iritziak barne, erabiltzaileek beraien beharretara egokitzen diren aplikazioak azkarrago aurkitu ditzakete.
Honetaz gain, Discover-rek dituzun software iturburu desberdinak kudeatzen utziko dizu eta iraganean instalatu zenituen baino gehiago nahi ez dituzun aplikazioak kudeatzen utziko dizu.
ru: >-Случалось ли вам случайно находить приложение, которое отлично подходит для решения ваших задач, но уже после того, как задача была решена? Не приходилось ли вам сомневаться перед установкой незнакомого приложения: действительно ли это именно то, что нужно?
Центр приложений Discover служит для быстрого и простого поиска нужного приложения. Приложения расположены в соответствующих категориях, возможен поиск по библиотеке приложений, представлены списки наиболее популярных приложений. Для каждого приложения предоставлена подробная информация, включающая снимки экрана и отзывы пользователей.
Кроме того, центр приложений Discover позволяет управлять источниками приложений, а также выполнять удаление ненужных приложений.
tr: >-Tam ihtiyacınız olan aracı internette uzun süre araştırmadan sonra bulmadınız mı? Uygulama yüklendikten sonra bazen gerçekten buna değip değmediğini düşünmüyorsunuz? Ya da gerçekten aradığınız şey olup olmadığını?
Keşfet, kullanıcıların hızlıca araç ve uygulamaları bulmalaraını sağlar. Bir yazılım kütüphanesinde arama, kategorilere göre veya en çok indirilen listesi ile birlikte, ekran görüntüleri ve değerlendirmeleri göstererek, kullanıcılar ihtiyaçları olan uygulamaları daha hızlı bulabilirler.
Dahası, Keşfet, geçmişte yüklediğiniz fakat artık ihtiyacınız olmayan uygulamaları yönetmenize de olanak sağlar.
zh-TW: >-您曾在網路上找到一些原先看起來很完美,但到最後卻一直阻礙您生活的工具嗎?當考慮安裝應用程式時,您不會想到它是否真的符合我的需要嗎?又或著,您實際上是在找些什麼東西?
Discover 協助使用者簡單且快速地找到應用程式或工具。透過搜尋、軟體類別、精選軟體清單等等的方式瀏覽軟體庫,其中並包含了詳細的應用程式資訊,如螢幕截圖、使用感想等,使用者可以更快速地找到符合他們需求的應用程式。
此外,Discover 讓您管理您所擁有的不同的軟體來源,也可以管理您以前安裝,但現在並不想要了的應用程式。
sr-Latn: >-Zar niste bar jednom našli alatku koja savršeno pristaje vašim potrebama, ali tako što ste na nju slučajno natrapali na Internetu? Kada razmišljate da li da instalirate neki program, zar se ne pitate da li je vredno truda? I da li zaista odgovara onome što ste tražili?
Otkrivač pomaže korisnicima da lako i brzo nalaze programe i alatke. Kretanjem kroz biblioteku softvera putem pretrage, kategorija, top‑lista, praćenim detaljnim opisima programa, snimcima ekrana i recenzijama, korisnik može brzo da pronađe program prema svojim potrebama.
Zatim, Otkrivač vam omogućava da upravljate različitim izvorima softvera, kao i programima koje ste instalirali ranije ali ih više ne želite.
it: >-Non hai mai trovato uno strumento che fosse perfetto per le tue esigenze, ma lo hai trovato solo dopo esserci incappato in Internet? Quando decidi se installare un'applicazione, non ti chiedi a volte se ne valga davvero la pena? O se è effettivamente ciò che stai cercando?
Discover aiuta gli utenti a trovare in modo semplice e rapido applicazioni o strumenti. Permettendo di navigare una raccolta di software tramite ricerca, categorie di software, liste preferite oltre alle informazioni dettagliate sulle applicazioni che includono schermate e recensioni, gli utenti possono trovare più rapidamente applicazioni che si adattano alle loro esigenze.
Inoltre, Discover ti consentirà di gestire le diverse fonti del software disponibili e gestire le applicazioni che hai già installato in passato, ma che non ti servono più.
ko: >-인터넷을 오랫동안 검색한 결과 끝에 필요한 도구가 무엇인지 찾은 적이 있었습니까? 프로그램을 설치할 때 이 프로그램이 유용한지 알고 싶은 적이 있었습니까? 아니면 목적에 맞는 프로그램인지 생각해 본 적이 있었습니까?
발견을 통하여 프로그램과 도구를 쉽고 빠르게 발견할 수 있습니다. 소프트웨어 라이브러리를 직접 검색하거나, 분류별 및 상위 목록으로 볼 수 있으며 스크린샷과 리뷰를 포함한 소프트웨어 정보를 통해서 필요한 프로그램을 찾을 수 있습니다.
발견을 통하여 여러 소프트웨어 저장소를 관리하고 이전에 설치했지만 필요하지 않은 프로그램을 관리할 수 있습니다.
da: >-Har du haft problemer med at finde det rigtige værktøj til dit behov og først fundet det efter nogen tid hvor du faldt over det på nettet? Når du overvejer at installere et program overvejer du så ikke nogle gange om det er det værd? Eller om det faktisk er det du leder efter?
Discover hjælper brugere med nemt og hurtigt at finde programmer eller værktøjer. Ved at lade dig navigere et softwarebibliotek med søgning, softwarekategorier, toplister og detaljeret information om programmerne inklusiv skærmbilleder og anmeldelser, så brugere hurtigere kan finde programmer der matcher deres behov.
Desuden vil Discover lade dig håndtere dine forskellige softwarekilder og håndtere de programmer du allerede tidligere har installeret, men som du ikke længere ønsker.
de: >-Haben Sie noch nie ein Programm für Ihre Bedürfnisse gesucht, das Sie aber nur nach längerer Suche im Netz gefunden haben? Wenn Sie eine Anwendung installieren möchten, fragen Sie sich nicht manchmal, ob es sich wirklich lohnt? Oder ob es wirklich das ist, wonach Sie eigentlich suchen?
Discover hilft Anwendern, Anwendungen oder Dienstprogramme schnell und einfach zu finden. Durch die Navigation in einer Softwarebibliothek nach Suchkriterien, Softwarekategorien, Favoritenliste zusammen mit detaillierten Anwendungsinformationen, Bildschirmfotos und Beurteilungen können Anwender schneller Anwendungen finden, die ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechen.
Darüber hinaus können Sie mit Discover Ihre verschiedenen Softwarequellen verwalten sowie auch die Anwendungen, die Sie früher bereits installiert haben, aber nicht mehr verwenden möchten.
fi: >-Oletko koskaan törmännyt työkaluun, joka täyttää täysin tarpeesi mutta jonka löysit vasta pitkään verkossa etsittyäsi? Harkitessasi sovelluksen asentamista, etkö joskus mieti, onko se sen arvoista, tai onko se mitä todella etsit?
Discover auttaa käyttäjiä löytämään sovellukset helposti ja nopeasti. Selaamalla ohjelmistokirjastoja hakujen, sovellusluokkien, suosikkiluetteloiden sekä ruutukaappauksia ja arvosteluja sisältävien yksityiskohtaisten lisätietojen avulla käyttäjät löytävät nopeammin tarpeitaan vastaavat sovellukset.
Discover sallii sinun lisäksi hallita erilaisia ohjelmalähteitä sekä sovelluksia, jotka olet jo asentanut mutta joita et enää halua.
ProjectGroup: KDE ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - System Keywords: he: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - תוכנות - התקנה - הסרה - חבילה - מקורות - יישומים ca@valencia: - programa - programari - repositori - paquet - instal·la - suprimeix - actualitza - apps - aplicacions zh_CN: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - 程序 - 软件 - 软件源 - 包 - 安装 - 移除 - 更新 - 应用程序 - 应用 sk: - program - softvér - repozitár - archív - balík - inštalácia - odstránenie - appky - aplikácie - aktualizácia sl: - program - programska oprema - skladišče - paket - namesti - odstrani - posodobi - programi C: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications fr: - programme - ' logiciel' - dépôt - archive - paquet - installation - suppression - mise à jour - deb sr: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - програм - софтвер - ризница - пакет - инсталирати - уклонити - ажурирати uk: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - app - apps - applications - програма - програмне забезпечення - сховище - архів - пакунок - встановити - встановлення - вилучити - вилучення - оновлення - оновити nb: - program - programvare - pakkebrønn - pakke - installere - fjerne - oppdatere - app - apper ca: - programa - programari - repositori - paquet - instal·la - suprimeix - actualitza - apps - aplicacions sv: - program - programvara - arkiv - paket - installera - ta bort - uppdatera - appar - program hu: - program - szoftver - tároló - csomag - telepítés - eltávolítás - frissítés - alkalmazás - alkalmazások nl: - programma - software - opslagruimte - pakket - installeren - verwijderen - bijwerken - apps - toepassingen - applicaties zh_TW: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications nn: - program - programvare - pakkebrønn - pakke - pakkar - installera - installering - fjerna - fjerning - oppdatera - oppdatering - app - appar - applikasjonar ar: - برنامج - برمجيّة - برمجية - مستودع - حزمة - تثبيت - إزالة - ازالة - تحديث - تطبيقات - تطبيق pl: - program,oprogramowanie,repozytorium,archiwum,pakiet,paczka,instaluj,zainstaluj,usuń,odinstaluj,uaktualnij,aktualizuj,programy,aplikacje,deb el: - πρόγραμμα - λογισμικό - αποθετήριο - πακέτο - εγκατάσταση - αφαίρεση - ενημέρωση - εφαρμογές cs: - program - software - repozitář - balíček - instalovat - odstranit - aktualizovat - programy - aplikace id: - program - software - repositori - paket - pasang - hapus - perbarui - apl - aplikasi gl: - aplicativo - software - repositorio - paquete - instalar - desinstalar - actualizar - deb pt: - programa - software - repositório - pacote - instalar - remover - actualizar - aplicações es: - programa - software - repositorio - paquete - instalar - eliminar - actualizar - apps - aplicaciones et: - programm,rakendus,tarkvara,hoidla,pakk,pakett,paigaldamine,installimine,eemaldamine,uuendamine,rakendused,äpid eu: - programa - software - gordetegi - pakete - instalatu - kendu - eguneratu - appak - aplikazioak ru: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - программа - приложение - репозиторий - пакет - установка - удаление - deb sr@ijekavianlatin: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - program - softver - riznica - paket - instalirati - ukloniti - ažurirati tr: - program - yazılım - depo - paket - yükle - kur - kaldır - güncelle - uygulama - uygulamalar sr@ijekavian: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - програм - софтвер - ризница - пакет - инсталирати - уклонити - ажурирати it: - programma - software - deposito - pacchetto - installa - rimuovi - aggiorna - app - applicazioni ko: - program - software - repository - archive - package - install - remove - update - deb - 프로그램 - 소프트웨어 - 저장소 - 리포지토리 - 패키지 - 꾸러미 - 설치 - 삭제 - 업데이트 da: - program - software - softwarekilde - repository - pakke - installer - fjern - opdater - apps - applikationer de: - Programm - Software - Archiv - Repository - Paket - Installieren - Entfernen - Aktualisieren - Programme - Anwendungen pt_BR: - programa - software - repositório - pacote - instalar - instalação - remover - atualizar - aplicativos - apps - aplicações en_GB: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications sr@latin: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - program - softver - riznica - paket - instalirati - ukloniti - ažurirati fi: - program - software - repository - package - install - remove - update - apps - applications - ohjelma - ohjelmisto - ohjelmalähde - lähteet - arkisto - paketti - asenna - poista - päivitä - sovellukset Url: bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=Discover Icon: cached: - name: plasma-discover_plasmadiscover.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-discover_plasmadiscover.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-discover_plasmadiscover.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: plasmadiscover remote: - url: org/kde/discover.desktop/6213E96B280CA83C04DE13A7C314925A/icons/128x128/plasma-discover_plasmadiscover.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.discover.desktop Provides: binaries: - plasma-discover mimetypes: - application/vnd.debian.binary-package - application/x-rpm Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/kde/discover.desktop/6213E96B280CA83C04DE13A7C314925A/screenshots/image-1_1248x840.png width: 1248 height: 840 - url: org/kde/discover.desktop/6213E96B280CA83C04DE13A7C314925A/screenshots/image-1_752x506.png width: 752 height: 506 - url: org/kde/discover.desktop/6213E96B280CA83C04DE13A7C314925A/screenshots/image-1_624x420.png width: 624 height: 420 - url: org/kde/discover.desktop/6213E96B280CA83C04DE13A7C314925A/screenshots/image-1_224x150.png width: 224 height: 150 source-image: url: org/kde/discover.desktop/6213E96B280CA83C04DE13A7C314925A/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1593 height: 1073 --- Type: desktop-application ID: cmake-gui.desktop Package: cmake-qt-gui Name: C: CMake Summary: C: Cross-platform buildsystem Description: de: >-CMake wird dazu benutzt, den Ablauf beim Kompilieren von Software zu steuern, indem einfache Plattform- und Compiler-abhängige Konfigurationsdateien verwendet werden. CMake erzeugt originale Makefiles und Workspaces (Arbeitsordner), die in der Compiler-Umgebung Ihrer Wahl verwendet werden können.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
pt_BR: >-CMake é usado para controlar o processo de compilação de software usando arquivos de configuração simples e independentes de compilador e plataforma. CMake gera "makefiles" nativos e "workspaces" que podem ser usados no ambiente de compilação de sua escolha.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
sk: >-CMake sa používa na riadenie procesu kompilovania softvéru pomocou jednoduchej platformy a konfiguračných súborov nezávislých od kompilátora. CMake generuje natívne súbory makefile a pracovné priestory, ktoré je možné použiť v prostredí kompilátora, ktoré preferujete.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
uk: >-CMake дозволяє керувати процесом збірки ПЗ за допомогою конфігураційних файлів з простим форматом, однаковим для усіх платформ та компіляторів. CMake генерує файли Makefile, що підходять для поточної системи.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
C: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
en: >-CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
ru: >-CMake позволяет управлять процессом сборки ПО с помощью конфигурационных файлов с простым форматом, одинаковых для всех платформ и компиляторов. CMake генерирует файлы Makefile подходящие для текущей системы.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
gl: >-O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos independentes da plataforma e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo nativos que se poden empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
es: >-CMake se utiliza para controlar el proceso de compilación de software usando una plataforma sencilla y compilar archivos de configuración independientes. CMake genera archivos nativos makefiles y espacio de trabajo que pueden se pueden utilizar en el entorno de compilación de su elección.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
fr: >-CMake est utilisé pour contrôler le processus de compilation de logiciels en utilisant des fichiers de configuration simples et indépendants de la plate-forme. CMake crée des fichiers Makefile natifs et des espaces de travail qui peuvent être utilisés avec tout environnement de compilation.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
it: >-CMake è utilizzato per controllare il processo di compilazione del software usando dei semplici file di configurazione indipendenti dal compilatore e dal sistema. CMake genera makefile e workspace nativi, che possono essere utilizzati con il compilatore desiderato.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
da: >-CMake bruges til at kontrollere processen for programkompilation med brug af en simpel platform og kompileruafhængige konfigurationsfiler. CMake opretter makefiles og arbejdsrum, som kan bruges i et kompilermiljø efter dit valg.
This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui".
Categories: - Development Icon: cached: - name: cmake-qt-gui_CMakeSetup.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: cmake-qt-gui_CMakeSetup.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - cmake-gui.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-cmakecache --- Type: desktop-application ID: ufraw.desktop Package: ufraw Name: C: UFRaw Summary: C: Import and edit raw images from digital cameras Description: C: >-The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is an application that decodes raw images from digital cameras and allows you to manipulate them, changing parameters such as the exposure and white balance of the image. UFRaw uses code from the DCRaw raw image decoder, and supports over 600 camera models, including many Sony, Nikon, Canon and Fuji cameras.
Categories: - Graphics - Photography Url: homepage: http://ufraw.sourceforge.net Icon: cached: - name: ufraw_ufraw.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: ufraw Launchable: desktop-id: - ufraw.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-ufraw - image/x-dcraw Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/3F4695177545F97ED7ED397D1F353D95/screenshots/image-1_752x625.png width: 752 height: 625 - url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/3F4695177545F97ED7ED397D1F353D95/screenshots/image-1_624x519.png width: 624 height: 519 - url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/3F4695177545F97ED7ED397D1F353D95/screenshots/image-1_224x186.png width: 224 height: 186 source-image: url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/3F4695177545F97ED7ED397D1F353D95/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 958 height: 797 --- Type: desktop-application ID: ggcov.desktop Package: ggcov Name: C: GGcov Summary: C: Source code test coverage browser Description: ja: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
C: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
en: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
en_CA: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
fr: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
en_GB: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
it: >-Questa è una semplice GUI per sfogliare i dati dei test di copertura C ottenuti da programmi preparati con "gcc --coverage". È perciò un sostituto grafico per il programma "gcov", che è fornito con gcc.
da: >-Dette er en simpel grafisk brugerflade for C-testdækningsdata indsamlet af programmer instrumenteret med »gcc --coverage«. Det er derfor en grafisk erstatning for programmet »gcov«, som følger med gcc.
en_AU: >-This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with "gcc --coverage". Hence it's a graphical replacement for the "gcov" program that comes with gcc.
Categories: - Development - IDE Icon: cached: - name: ggcov_ggcov64.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - ggcov.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5 Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 en: GStreamer plugin for Qt5 --- Type: desktop-application ID: geogebra.desktop Package: geogebra Name: C: GeoGebra Summary: de: Erstellen Sie interaktive Konstruktionen und Applets. pt_BR: Crie construções matemáticas interativas e applets. C: Create interactive mathematical constructions and applets. el: Δημιουργήστε αλληπειδραστικές μαθηματικές κατασκευές και applet. cs: Vytvořte interaktivní konstrukce a aplety. hi: संवादात्मक गणितीय निर्माण और एप्लेट बनाएँ fr: Créer des constructions mathématiques et des appliquettes. hu: Interaktív matematikai szerkesztések és appletek létrehozása. it: Creazione di costruzioni matematiche e applet interattive. Description: de: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Unterstützt werden viele geometrische Konstruktionen, sowie zahlreiche rechengestützte Methoden (Ableitungen, oskulierender Kreis, ...).
GeoGebra-Dateien lassen sich in viele verschiedene Formate exportieren oder als interaktive Applets in Webseiten einbinden.
zh_CN: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
GeoGebra 的文件可以以多种格式导出,也可以作为交互式的小工具放到网页中。
sk: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
Súbory GeoGebra možno exportovať do mnohých formátov alebo ako interaktívne aplety webových stránok.
pt_BR: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
Ficheiros do GeoGebra podem ser exportados em muitos formatos diferentes, ou como applets interactivos para páginas de rede.
pt: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
Ficheiros do GeoGebra podem ser exportados em muitos formatos diferentes, ou como applets interactivos para páginas de rede.
C: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.
uk: >-GeoGebra є програмою динамічної геометрії. Ви можете робити побудови з точками, векторами, лініями, конічними перетинами, а також функціями й згодом змінювати їх динамічно. З іншого боку, рівняння та координати можуть бути введені безпосередньо.
Забезпечена підтримка багатьох геометричних побудов, а також підтримка багатьох інструментів, заснованих на обчисленнях (похідні, дотичне коло, …).
Файли GeoGebra можуть бути експортовані в безліч інших форматів або представлені у вигляді інтерактивних аплетів веб-сторінок.
en: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.
ru: >-GeoGebra — это система динамической геометрии. Вы можете делать построения с точками, векторами, линиями, коническими сечениями, а также функциями и впоследствии изменять их динамически. С другой стороны, уравнения и координаты могут быть введены напрямую.
Обеспечена поддержка многих геометрических построений, а также поддержка многих элементарных инструментов, основанных на дифференциальном и интегральном исчислении (производные, соприкасающаяся окружность, ...).
Файлы GeoGebra могут быть экспортированы во множество других форматов или представлены в виде интерактивных веб-страниц.
gl: >-O GeoGebra é un programa de xeometría dinámica Pódense crear construcións con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e seccións cónicas, así como funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense introducir directamente ecuacións e coordenadas.
Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, así como para moitas ferramentas baseadas no cálculo (derivadas, círculo osculador,...).
Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas web.
tr: >-GeoGebra dinamik bir geometri programıdır. Noktalar, vektörler, parçalar, çizgiler, konik bölgeler ile birlikte fonksiyonlarla inşa yapabilir ve ardından dinamik olarak değiştirebilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda eşitlik ve koordinatlar doğrudan girilebilir.
Çoğu kalkülüs tabanlı araçların (türevler, temas çemberi, ...) yanında sağlanan birçok geometrik yapılar için destek.
GeoGebra dosyaları çoğu farklı biçimde veya web sayfaları için etkileşimli uygulamalar olarak aktarılabilir.
en_CA: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.
fr: >-GeoGebra est un logiciel de géométrie dynamique. Vous pouvez faire des constructions avec des points, des vecteurs, des segments, des droites, des coniques ainsi que les fonctions et les modifier dynamiquement par la suite. D'autre part, les équations et les coordonnées peuvent être entrées directement.
De nombreuses constructions géométriques sont prises en charge, ainsi que de nombreux outils basés sur le calcul différentiel (dérivées, cercle osculateur, …).
Les fichiers GeoGebra peuvent être exportés dans différents formats, ou sous forme d'applets interactifs pour les pages web.
en_GB: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.
it: >-GeoGebra è un programma geometrico dinamico. È possibile creare costruzioni con punti, vettori, segmenti, linee, sezioni coniche come anche funzioni e successivamente modificarle dinamicamente. D'altra parte le equazioni e le coordinate possono essere inserite direttamente.
È fornita la gestione di molte costruzioni geometriche, come anche la gestione per molti strumenti basati sull'analisi matematica (derivate, cerchio osculatore, ...).
I file di GeoGebra possono essere esportati in molti formati differenti o come applet interattive per pagine web.
da: >-GeoGebra er et dynamisk geometriprogram. Du kan udføre konstruktioner med punkter, vektorer, segmenter, linjer, koniske afsnit samt funktioner og ændre dem dynamisk efterfølgende. På den anden side kan ligninger og koordinater indtastes direkte.
Understøttelse for mange geometriske konstruktioner tilbydes samt understøttelse for mange værktøjer baseret på infinitesimalregning (deriviater, oskulerende cirkel, ...).
GeoGebra-filer kan eksporteres til mange forskellige formater, eller som interaktive programstumper for internetsider.
en_AU: >-GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.
Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives, osculating circle, ...).
GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.
Categories: - Education - Math Icon: cached: - name: geogebra_geogebra.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: geogebra_geogebra.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/vnd.geogebra.file - application/vnd.geogebra.tool --- Type: desktop-application ID: hedgewars.desktop Package: hedgewars Name: C: Hedgewars Summary: ru: Весёлая пошаговая стратегия про воюющих ёжиков! C: Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting hedgehogs! it: Gioco divertente di artiglieria a turni, con ricci combattenti! de: Lustiges zugbasiertes Artilleriespiel mit kämpfenden Igeln! gd: Geama sabaid èibhinn le gràineagan a’ losgadh air a chèile tè mu seach! Description: C: >-Each player controls a team of several hedgehogs. During the course of the game, players take turns with one of their hedgehogs. They then use whatever tools and weapons are available to attack and kill the opponents' hedgehogs, thereby winning the game. Hedgehogs may move around the terrain in a variety of ways, normally by walking and jumping but also by using particular tools such as the "Rope" or "Parachute", to move to otherwise inaccessible areas. Each turn is time-limited to ensure that players do not hold up the game with excessive thinking or moving.
A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Homing Bee, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on the battlefield has ceased).
en: >-Each player controls a team of several hedgehogs. During the course of the game, players take turns with one of their hedgehogs. They then use whatever tools and weapons are available to attack and kill the opponents' hedgehogs, thereby winning the game. Hedgehogs may move around the terrain in a variety of ways, normally by walking and jumping but also by using particular tools such as the "Rope" or "Parachute", to move to otherwise inaccessible areas. Each turn is time-limited to ensure that players do not hold up the game with excessive thinking or moving.
A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Homing Bee, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on the battlefield has ceased).
Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Keywords: C: - game - strategy Icon: cached: - name: hedgewars_hedgewars.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: hedgewars_hedgewars.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: hedgewars_hedgewars.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: h/he/hedgewars.desktop/E4A8C8FBD05D39B827ACD8F4E406374E/icons/128x128/hedgewars_hedgewars.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - hedgewars.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - x-scheme-handler/hwplay --- Type: desktop-application ID: blueman-manager.desktop Package: blueman Name: C: Bluetooth Manager Summary: C: Blueman Bluetooth Manager Description: pl: >-Blueman to narzędzie oparte na GTK+ do środowiska GNOME, zarządzające bluetooth za pomocą backendu bluez D-Bus.
de: >-Blueman ist eine Bluetooth-Verwaltung in GTK+ für GNOME, die das BlueZ-D -Bus-Backend verwendet.
zh_CN: >-Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。
pt_BR: >-Blueman é um utilitário GTK+ de gerenciamento de bluetooth para o GNOME usando o backend bluez D-bus.
sl: >-Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez.
ja: >-Blueman は bluez D-Bus バックエンドを使った GNOME 向けの GTK+ bluetooth 管理ユーティリティです。
C: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
uk: >-Blueman — утиліта написана на GTK+ для керування bluetooth-пристроями в GNOME за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу bluez D-Bus.
en: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
ru: >-Blueman — GTK+ утилита управления bluetooth для GNOME использующая бэкэнд bluez D-Bus.
en_CA: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
es: >-Blueman es una utilidad de gestión bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME usando el motor de D-Bus bluez.
fr: >-Blueman est un utilitaire GTK+ de gestion de bluetooth pour GNOME qui utilise le moteur D-Bus bluez.
en_GB: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
it: >-Blueman è un'utilità di gestione bluetooth in GTK+ per GNOME che utilizza il backend di D-Bus bluez.
nl: >-Blueman is een GTK+ bluetooth-beheerhulpmiddel voor GNOME dat gebruik maakt van D-Bus.
da: >-Blueman er et GTK+-bluetooth håndteringsredskab for GNOME der bruger bluez D-Bus-motor.
en_AU: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Icon: cached: - name: blueman_blueman.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blueman_blueman.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: blueman-adapters.desktop Package: blueman Name: C: Bluetooth Adapters Summary: C: Set Bluetooth Adapter Properties Description: pl: >-Blueman to narzędzie oparte na GTK+ do środowiska GNOME, zarządzające bluetooth za pomocą backendu bluez D-Bus.
de: >-Blueman ist eine Bluetooth-Verwaltung in GTK+ für GNOME, die das BlueZ-D -Bus-Backend verwendet.
zh_CN: >-Blueman 是一个使用 GTK+ 编写的 GNOME 蓝牙管理工具,使用 bluez D-Bus 后端。
pt_BR: >-Blueman é um utilitário GTK+ de gerenciamento de bluetooth para o GNOME usando o backend bluez D-bus.
sl: >-Blueman je pripomoček upravljanja bluetooth GTK+ za GNOME, ki uporablja zaledje D-Bus bluez.
ja: >-Blueman は bluez D-Bus バックエンドを使った GNOME 向けの GTK+ bluetooth 管理ユーティリティです。
C: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
uk: >-Blueman — утиліта написана на GTK+ для керування bluetooth-пристроями в GNOME за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу bluez D-Bus.
en: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
ru: >-Blueman — GTK+ утилита управления bluetooth для GNOME использующая бэкэнд bluez D-Bus.
en_CA: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
es: >-Blueman es una utilidad de gestión bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME usando el motor de D-Bus bluez.
fr: >-Blueman est un utilitaire GTK+ de gestion de bluetooth pour GNOME qui utilise le moteur D-Bus bluez.
en_GB: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
it: >-Blueman è un'utilità di gestione bluetooth in GTK+ per GNOME che utilizza il backend di D-Bus bluez.
nl: >-Blueman is een GTK+ bluetooth-beheerhulpmiddel voor GNOME dat gebruik maakt van D-Bus.
da: >-Blueman er et GTK+-bluetooth håndteringsredskab for GNOME der bruger bluez D-Bus-motor.
en_AU: >-Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus backend.
Categories: - Settings - HardwareSettings Icon: cached: - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: blueman_blueman-device.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: vinagre.desktop Package: vinagre Name: lv: Attālinātās darbvirsmas pārlūks pt: Visualizador de área de trabalho remota tr: Uzak Masaüstü Görüntüleyici ast: Visor d'escritorios remotos id: Penampil Desktop Jauh pt_BR: Visualizador de área de trabalho remota el: Εφαρμογή προβολής απομακρυσμένης επιφάνειας εργασίας ca@valencia: Visualitzador d'escriptoris remots ar: عارض سطوح مكتب بعيدة as: দূৰবৰ্তী ডেস্কটপ প্ৰদৰ্শন eo: Vidigilo de foraj labortabloj en@shaw: "\U0001046E\U00010466\U00010465\U00010474\U00010451 \U0001045B\U00010467\U00010455\U00010452\U00010451\U0001046A\U00010450 \U0001045D\U0001047F\U0001047C" es: Visor de escritorios remotos et: Kaugtöölaudade vaataja mk: Прегледувач на далечени работни површини eu: Urruneko mahaigainen ikustailea ml: വിദൂര പണിയിട ദര്ശനി is: Skoða fjartengdar tölvur it: Visualizzatore desktop remoti ug: يىراقتىكى ئۈستەلئۈستىنى كۆرگۈ mr: दूरस्थ डेक्टॉप प्रदर्शक uk: Перегляд віддалених стільниць be: Праглядальнік аддаленых сталоў fa: نمایشگر رومیزی دوردست bg: Отдалечени работни места sr@latin: Pregled udaljenih radnih površi zh_CN: 远程桌面查看器 ja: リモートデスクトップビューアー bn: দূরবর্তী ডেস্কটপ প্রদর্শক fi: Etätyöpöytien käyttö nb: Visning av eksternt skrivebord bs: Pregled udaljenih radnih površina ne: टाढाको डेस्कटप हेर्ने fr: Visionneur de bureaux distants nl: Werkplek op afstand fur: Visualizadôr di Scritoris Rimots nn: Vising av eksternt skrivebord ca: Visualitzador d'escriptoris remots ro: Vizualizare desktop la distanță vi: Điều khiển màn hình từ xa ga: Amharcán Deasc Cianda ru: Просмотр удалённых рабочих столов zh_HK: 遠端桌面檢視器 bn_IN: দূরবর্তী ডেস্কটপ প্রদর্শন ব্যবস্থা oc: Visionador de burèus distants cs: Prohlížeč vzdálené plochy gl: Visualizador de escritorios remotos kk: Қашықтағы жұмыс үстелдер шолушысы kn: ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಗಣಕತೆರೆಗಳ ವೀಕ್ಷಕ ko: 원격 데스크톱 보기 gu: દૂરસ્થ ડેસ્કટોપ દર્શક si: දුරස්ථ තිර මුහුණත් දර්ශකය C: Remote Desktop Viewer sk: Zobrazovač vzdialenej pracovnej plochy or: ସୁଦୂର ଡେସ୍କଟପ ଦର୍ଶକ be@latin: Prahladalnik addalenych stałoŭ sl: Pregledovalnik oddaljenih namizij sq: Shfaq ambiente në distancë pune sr: Преглед удаљених радних површи de: Betrachter für entfernte Bildschirme da: Fjernskrivebordsviser sv: Fjärrskrivbordsvisare he: מציג שולחנות עבודה מרוחקים zh_TW: 遠端桌面檢視器 hi: दूरस्थ डेस्कटॉप प्रदर्शक pa: ਰਿਮੋਟ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ en_GB: Remote Desktop Viewer ta: தொலை பணிமேடை காட்டி te: రిమోట్ రంగస్థల దర్శని hu: Távoli asztalok megjelenítése pl: Zdalny pulpit th: เครื่องมือแสดงพื้นโต๊ะระยะไกล lt: Nutolusių darbalaukių rodymo programa Summary: lv: Piekļūt attālinātajām darbvirsmām pt: Aceder a áreas de trabalho remotas tr: Uzak masaüstüne ulaş ast: Acceder a escritorios remotos id: Mengakses desktop jarak jauh pt_BR: Acesse áreas de trabalho remotas el: Συνδεθείτε σε απομακρυσμένες επιφάνειες εργασίας ca@valencia: Accés a escriptoris remots ar: اتصل بسطح مكتب بعيد as: দূৰবৰ্তী ডেস্কটপ অভিগম কৰক eo: Aliro al foraj labortabloj en@shaw: "\U00010468\U00010452\U00010455\U00010467\U00010455 \U0001046E\U00010466\U00010465\U00010474\U00010451 \U0001045B\U00010467\U00010455\U00010452\U00010451\U0001046D\U00010450\U00010455" es: Acceda a escritorios remotos et: Ligipääs kaugtöölaudadele mk: Пристап до далечени работни површини eu: Sarbidetu urruneko mahaigainetara ml: വിദൂര പണിയിടത്തില് പ്രവേശിയ്ക്കുക is: Tengjast fjartengdum tölvum it: Accede a desktop remoti ug: يىراقتىكى ئۈستەلئۈستىنى زىيارەت قىلىش پروگراممىسى mr: दूरस्थ डेस्कटॉप करीता प्रवेश uk: Доступ до віддалених стільниць be: Доступ да аддаленых сталоў fa: دسترسی به میزکار دوردست bg: Достъп до отдалечени работни места sr@latin: Pristupite udaljenom računaru zh_CN: 访问远程桌面 ja: リモートデスクトップへアクセスします bn: দূরবর্তী ডেস্কটপের সাথে সংযোগ করুন fi: Käytä etätyöpöytiä nb: Bruk eksternt skrivebord bs: Pristupi udaljenom računaru ne: टाढाको डेस्कटप पहुँच सक्षम पार्नुहोस् fr: Accéder à des bureaux distants nl: Toegang tot werkplekken op afstand fur: Jentre tai scritoris rimots nn: Bruk eksternt skrivebord ca: Accés a escriptoris remots ro: Accesați desktopuri la distanță vi: Truy cập đến màn hình nền từ xa ga: Déan rochtain ar dheasca cianda ru: Доступ к удалённым рабочим столам zh_HK: 存取遠端桌面 bn_IN: দূরবর্তী ডেস্কটপের সাথে সংযোগ করুন oc: Accedir a de burèus distants cs: Přístup na vzdálené plochy gl: Acceso a escritorios remotos kk: Қашықтағы жұмыс үстелдеріне қатынау kn: ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಗಣಕತೆರೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಲುಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ ko: 원격 데스크톱 접속 gu: દૂરસ્થ ડેસ્કટોપો માં પ્રવેશો si: දුරස්ථ තිර මුහුණත් වලට ප්රවේශ වන්න C: Access remote desktops sk: Prístup k vzdialeným pracovným plochám or: ସୁଦୂର ଡେସ୍କଟପ ଗୁଡିକୁ ଅଭିଗମ କରନ୍ତୁ be@latin: Spałučeńnie z addalenymi stałami sl: Dostop do oddaljenih namizij sq: Hyrje në ambiente në distancë pune sr: Приступите удаљеном рачунару de: Auf entfernte Bildschirme zugreifen da: Tilgå fjernskriveborde sv: Få åtkomst till fjärrskrivbord he: גישה לשולחנות עבודה מרוחקים zh_TW: 存取遠端桌面 hi: दूरस्थ डेस्कटॉप की पहुँच लें pa: ਰਿਮੋਟ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਅਸੈੱਸ en_GB: Access remote desktops ta: தொலை பணிமேடைகளை அணுகுதல் te: రిమోట్ డెస్క్టాప్లను యాక్సిస్ చేయుము hu: Távoli asztalok elérése pl: Dostęp do zdalnych pulpitów th: เข้าใช้พื้นโต๊ะระยะไกล lt: Junkitės prie nutolusių darbalaukių Description: or: >-Vinagre ସୁଦୂର Windows, Mac OS X ଏବଂ Linux ଡେସ୍କଟପଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଦର୍ଶାଇଥାଏ।
ଏହ VNC, RDP ଏବଂ SPICE ପ୍ରୋଟୋକଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିଥାଏ, ଏବଂ SSH ସର୍ଭର ସହିତ ସଂଯୁକ୍ତ ହେବା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇପାରିବ।
zh_CN: >-Vinagre 用来显示远程 Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux 桌面。
它使用 VNC、RDP 和 SPICE 协议,甚至可以用来连接 SSH 服务器。
ja: >-Vinagre は、リモートの Windows、Mac OS X、Linux などのデスクトップを表示するアプリケーションです。
VNC、RDP、および SPICE プロトコルを使用します。SSH サーバーへ接続することも可能です。
he: >-Vinagre מציגה שולחנות עבודה מרוחקים מסוג Windows, Mac OS X ולינוקס.
התכנית משתמשת ב־VNC, ב־RDP וב־SPICE ויכולה אף להתחבר לשרתי SSH.
sl: >-Program VInagre omogoča prikaz oddaljenih namizij Windows, Mac OS X in Linux.
Program uporablja protokole VNC, RDP in SPICE, uporabiti pa ga je mogoče tudi za povezavo s strežnikom SSH.
hi: >-Vinagre दूरस्थ Windows, Mac OS X और लिनक्स डेस्कटॉप दिखाता है.
यह VNC, RDP और SPICE प्रोटोकॉल निर्गत करता है और इसे SSH सर्वर से कनेक्ट करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है.
sk: >-Program Vinagre zobrazuje vzdialené pracovné plochy systémov Windows, Mac OS X a Linux.
Používa protokoly VNC, RDP a SPICE a tiež sa dá použiť na pripojenie k serverom SSH.
C: >-Vinagre shows remote Windows, Mac OS X and Linux desktops.
It uses the VNC, RDP and SPICE protocols, and can even be used to connect to SSH servers.
fr: >-Vinagre affiche des bureaux à distance, sous Windows, Mac OS X ou Linux.
Il utilise les protocoles VNC, RDP et SPICE et peut même être utilisé pour se connecter à des serveurs SSH.
sr: >-Винагре приказује удаљене радне површи Виндоуза, Мек ОС-а и Линукса.
Користи ВНЦ, РДП и СПАЈС протоколе, а може чак бити коришћен за повезивање на срвере безбедне шкољке.
uk: >-Vinagre показує віддалені стільниці Windows, Mac OS X і Linux.
Програма використовує протоколи VNC, RDP і SPICE, може навіть з'єднуватись до серверів через SSH.
nb: >-Vinagre viser eksterne skrivebord på Windows, Mac OS X og Linux.
Det bruker VNC-, RDP- og SPICE-protokollene, og kan til og med brukes til å koble til SSH-tjenere.
zh_HK: >-Vinagre 可以顯示遠端的 Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux 桌面。
它使用 VNC、RDP 與 SPICE 協定,甚至可以用來連線到 SSH 伺服器。
sv: >-Vinagre visar fjärrskrivbord för Windows, Mac OS X och Linux.
Det använder protokollen VNC, RDP och SPICE, och kan även användas för att ansluta till SSH-servrar.
ca@valencia: >-El Vinagre mostra escriptoris remots de Windows, de Mac OS X i de Linux.
Utilitza els protocols VNC, RDP i SPICE i es pot fer servir per connectar-se a servidors SSH.
pa: >-ਵੀਨਾਗਰੇ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਵਿੰਡੋਜ਼, ਮੈਕ OS X ਅਤੇ ਲੀਨਕਸ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਵਿਖਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
ਇਹ VNC, RDP, ਅਤੇ SPICE ਪ੍ਰੋਟੋਕਾਲ ਵਰਤਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ SSH ਸਰਵਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਵੀ ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੋਣ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।
bn_IN: >-Vinagre রিমোট Windows, Mac OS X এবং Linux ডেস্কটপ দেখায়।
এটি VNC, RDP এবং SPICE প্রোটোকল ব্যবহার করে, এবংSSH সার্ভারে সংযোগ করতেও ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে।
hu: >-A Vinagre távoli Windows, Mac OS X és Linux asztalokat jelenít meg.
VNC, RDP és SPICE protokollokat használ, és még SSH kiszolgálókhoz való csatlakozásra is használható.
ca: >-El Vinagre mostra escriptoris remots de Windows, de Mac OS X i de Linux.
Utilitza els protocols VNC, RDP i SPICE i es pot fer servir per connectar-se a servidors SSH.
zh_TW: >-Vinagre 可以顯示遠端的 Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux 桌面。
它使用 VNC、RDP 與 SPICE 協定,甚至可以用來連線到 SSH 伺服器。
nl: >-Vinagre toont externe Windows, Mac OS X en Linux-bureaubladen.
Het gebruikt de VNC, RDP en SPICE-protocollen en kan zelfs gebruikt worden om met SSH-servers te verbinden.
lt: >-Vinagre rodo nutolusius Windows, Max OS X bei Linux darbalaukius.
Ji naudoja VNC, RDP ir SPICE protokolus bei gali būti naudojama prisijungimui prie SSH serverių.
ta: >-Vinagre தொலைநிலையில் உள்ள Windows, Mac OS X மற்றும் Linux பணிமேசைகளைக் காண்பிக்கும்.
இது VNC, RDP மற்றும் SPICE நெறிமுறைகளைப் பயன்படுத்துகிறது, இதைப் பயன்படுத்திSSH சேவையகங்களுடனும் இணைக்கலாம்.
lv: >-Vinagre rāda attālinātās Windows, Mac OS X un Linux darbvirsmas.
Tas izmanto VNC, RDP un SPICE protokolus, un to var izmantot pat lai savienotos ar SSH serveriem.
as: >-Vinagre এ দূৰৱৰ্তী Windows, Mac OS X আৰু Linux ডেস্কটপসমূহ দেখুৱায়।
ই VNC, RDP আৰু SPICE প্ৰটোকলসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে, আৰু SSH চাৰ্ভাৰসমূহৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি।
te: >-వినాగ్రే రిమోట్ Windows, Mac OS X మరియు Linux డెస్క్టాప్లను చూపును.
ఇది VNC, RDP మరియు SPICE ప్రొటోకాల్స్ ఉపయోగించును, మరియు SSH సేవికలు అనుసంధానించుటకు కూడా ఉపయోగించవచ్చు.
el: >-Το Vinagre δείχνει απομακρυσμένες επιφάνειες εργασίας Windows, Mac OS X και GNU/Linux.
Χρησιμοποιεί τα πρωτόκολλα VNC, RDP και SPICE, και μπορεί ακόμη και να χρησιμοποιηθεί για σύνδεση με διακομιστές SSH.
cs: >-Aplikace Vinagre zobrazuje vzdálené pracovní plochy systémů Windows, Mac OS X a Linux.
Používá protokoly VNC, RDP a SPICE a umí se připojit i k serverům SSH.
th: >-Vinagre แสดงพื้นโต๊ะของวินโดวส์, Mac OS X และลินุกซ์จากระยะไกล
Vinagre ใช้โพรโทคอล VNC, RDP และ SPICE และสามารถใช้กระทั่งเชื่อมต่อไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์ SSH ได้ด้วย
id: >-Vinagre menampilkan desktop Windows, Mac OS X, dan Linux jarak jauh.
Ini memakai protokol VNC, RDP, dan SPICE, dan bahkan bisa dipakai untuk menyambung ke server SSH.
gl: >-Vinagre mostra escritorios Windows, Mac OS X e Linux.
Usa os protocolos VNC, RDP e SPICE, e incluso pode usarse para conectarse a servidores SSH.
es: >-Vinagre muestra escritorios remotos de Windows, Linux y Mac OS.
Usa los protocolos VNC, RDP y SPICE, e incluso puede conectarse a servidores SSH.
pt: >-O Vinagre apresenta ambientes de trabalho do Windows, Mac OS X e Linux.
Utiliza os protocolos VNC, RDP e SPICE e até pode ser utilizado para se ligar a servidores SSH.
eu: >-Vinagre-k urruneko Windows, Mac OS X eta Linux mahaigainak erakusten ditu.
VNC, RDP eta SPICE protokoloak erabiltzen ditu, eta SSH zerbitzarietara konektatzeko ere erabil daiteke.
vi: >-Vinagre còn điều khiển màn hình trên máy mạng ở Windows, Mac OS X và Linux.
Nó sử dụng các giao thức VNC, RDP và SPICE, và thậm chí còn có thể kết nối đến máy phục vụ SSH.
ru: >-Vinagre показывает удалённые рабочие столы Windows, Mac OS X и Linux.
Vinagre использует протоколы VNC, RDP и SPICE, его также можно использовать для подключения к серверам по SSH.
pl: >-Program Vinagre umożliwia wyświetlanie zdalnych pulpitów systemów Windows, Mac OS X oraz Linux.
Oprócz korzystania z protokołów VNC, RDP i SPICE, można również łączyć się z serwerami SSH.
tr: >-Vinagre uzak Windows, Mac OS X ve Linux masaüstlerini gösterir.
VNC, RDP ve SPICE iletişim kurallarını kullanır ve SSH sunucularına bağlanmak için bile kullanılabilir.
kk: >-Vinagre Windows, Mac OS X және Linux қашықтағы жұмыс үстелдерін көрсетеді.
gu: >-Vinagre એ દૂરસ્થ Windows, Mac OS X અને Linux ડેસ્કટોપને બતાવે છે.
તે VNC, RDP અને SPICE પ્રોટોકોલને વાપરે છે, અને SSH સર્વરમાં જોડાવા માટે પણ વાપરી શકાય છે.
oc: >-Vinagre aficha de burèus a distància, jos Windows, Mac OS X o Linux.
Utiliza los protocòls VNC, RDP e SPICE e pòt quitament èsser utilizat per se connectar a de servidors SSH.
be: >-Vinagre паказвае аддаленыя сеансы Windows, Mac OS X ды Linux.
Праграма выкарыстоўвае пратаколы VNC, RDP і SPICE, а нават дазваляе злучацца з серверамі праз SSH.
is: >-Vinagre sýnir fjartengd skjáborð á Windows, Mac OS X og Linux vélum.
Það notar VNC, RDP og SPICE samskiptamáta, og má jafnvel nota til að tengjast SSH-þjónum.
it: >-Vinagre mostra desktop remoti Windows, Mac OS X e Linux.
Usa i protocolli VNC, RDP e SPICE e può anche essere usato per connessioni a server SSH.
fur: >-Vinagre al mostre scritoris rimots di Windows, Mac OS X e Linux.
Al dopre i protocoi VNC, RDP e SPICE e al pues ancje jessi doprât par tacâsi ai servidôrs SSH.
pt_BR: >-Vinagre acessa remotamente máquinas Windows, Mac OS X e Linux.
Ele usa os protocolos VNC, RDP e SPICE, e pode até mesmo ser usado para conectar em servidores SSH.
de: >-Vinagre zeigt entfernte Arbeitsflächen von Windows, Mac OS X und Linux an.
Es verwendet die Protokolle VNC, RDP sowie SPICE und kann sogar zur Verbindung mit SSH-Servern eingesetzt werden.
fa: >-برنامه Vinagre میزکارهای ویندوز، مک و لینوکس را از راهدور نشان میدهد.
برای اینکار از پروتکلهای VNC، RDP و SPICE استفاده میکند و حتی میتواند به کارگزارهای SSH متصل شود.
ko: >-비나그레에서는 원격에 있는 윈도우, 맥오에스X, 리눅스 데스크톱을 볼 수 있습니다.
VNC, RDP, SPICE 프로토콜을 사용하고, SSH 서버에 연결할 때도 사용할 수 있습니다.
en_GB: >-Vinagre shows remote Windows, Mac OS X and Linux desktops.
It uses the VNC, RDP and SPICE protocols, and can even be used to connect to SSH servers.
mr: >-विनाग्रे दूरस्त Windows, Mac OS X आणि Linux डेस्कटॉप्स दाखवते.
ते VNC, RDP आणि SPICE प्रोटोकॉल्सचा वापर करते, आणि SSH सर्व्हर्ससह जोडणीकरिता देखील वापर शक्य आहे.
kn: >-Vinagre ದೂರಸ್ಥ Windows, Mac OS X ಮತ್ತು Linux ಗಣಕತೆರೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
ಇದು VNC, RDP ಮತ್ತು SPICE ಪ್ರೊಟೊಕಾಲ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ, ಮತ್ತು SSH ಪೂರೈಕೆಗಣಕಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸಾಧಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಬಹುದಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ.
bg: >-Vinagre може да показва работния плот на Windows, Mac OS X и Linux.
Програмата използва протоколите VNC, RDP и SPICE. Тя може да се използва и за свързване към сървъри с SSH.
sr@latin: >-Vinagre prikazuje udaljene radne površi Vindouza, Mek OS-a i Linuksa.
Koristi VNC, RDP i SPAJS protokole, a može čak biti korišćen za povezivanje na srvere bezbedne školjke.
bs: >-Vinagre pokazuje udaljenom Windows, Mac OS X i Linux stolnim računalima.
Ona koristi VNC, RDP i Spice protokole, a čak se mogu koristiti za spajanje na SSH poslužiteljima.
fi: >-Vinagren avulla yhdistät Windowsilla, Mac OS X:llä ja Linuxilla toimiviin etätyöpöytiin.
Se käyttää VNC-, RDP- ja SPICE-protokollia, ja voit ottaa yhteyden jopa SSH-palvelimiin.
da: >-Vinagre viser Windows- Mac OS X- og Linuxskriveborde over netværket.
Det bruger protokollerne VNC, RDP og SPICE, og kan endda bruges til at forbinde til SSH-servere.
ProjectGroup: GNOME ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Network - RemoteAccess Keywords: C: - VNC - RDP - SSH Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Vinagre bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=vinagre help: https://help.gnome.org/users/vinagre/stable/ donation: http://www.gnome.org/friends/ Icon: cached: - name: vinagre_preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: vinagre_preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vinagre_preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-remote-desktop remote: - url: v/vi/vinagre.desktop/BEFC89CBC81D3F2D8A616B3A7C19F54D/icons/128x128/vinagre_preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - vinagre.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-remote-connection - x-scheme-handler/vnc Screenshots: - default: true caption: {} thumbnails: - url: v/vi/vinagre.desktop/BEFC89CBC81D3F2D8A616B3A7C19F54D/screenshots/image-1_1248x701.png width: 1248 height: 701 - url: v/vi/vinagre.desktop/BEFC89CBC81D3F2D8A616B3A7C19F54D/screenshots/image-1_752x422.png width: 752 height: 422 - url: v/vi/vinagre.desktop/BEFC89CBC81D3F2D8A616B3A7C19F54D/screenshots/image-1_624x350.png width: 624 height: 350 - url: v/vi/vinagre.desktop/BEFC89CBC81D3F2D8A616B3A7C19F54D/screenshots/image-1_224x125.png width: 224 height: 125 source-image: url: v/vi/vinagre.desktop/BEFC89CBC81D3F2D8A616B3A7C19F54D/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1366 height: 768 Languages: - locale: ar percentage: 93 - locale: as percentage: 99 - locale: ast percentage: 92 - locale: be percentage: 96 - locale: be@latin percentage: 60 - locale: bg percentage: 100 - locale: bn percentage: 98 - locale: bn_IN percentage: 99 - locale: bs percentage: 99 - locale: ca percentage: 99 - locale: ca@valencia percentage: 99 - locale: cs percentage: 100 - locale: da percentage: 100 - locale: de percentage: 100 - locale: el percentage: 100 - locale: en@shaw percentage: 98 - locale: en_GB percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 38 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: et percentage: 95 - locale: eu percentage: 100 - locale: fa percentage: 98 - locale: fi percentage: 100 - locale: fr percentage: 100 - locale: fur percentage: 100 - locale: gl percentage: 100 - locale: gu percentage: 100 - locale: he percentage: 100 - locale: hi percentage: 99 - locale: hu percentage: 100 - locale: id percentage: 100 - locale: is percentage: 72 - locale: it percentage: 100 - locale: ja percentage: 100 - locale: kk percentage: 57 - locale: kn percentage: 99 - locale: ko percentage: 100 - locale: lt percentage: 100 - locale: lv percentage: 100 - locale: mk percentage: 92 - locale: ml percentage: 93 - locale: mr percentage: 99 - locale: nb percentage: 100 - locale: ne percentage: 49 - locale: nl percentage: 100 - locale: nn percentage: 33 - locale: oc percentage: 100 - locale: or percentage: 99 - locale: pa percentage: 99 - locale: pl percentage: 100 - locale: pt percentage: 100 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 100 - locale: ro percentage: 89 - locale: ru percentage: 100 - locale: si percentage: 32 - locale: sk percentage: 100 - locale: sl percentage: 100 - locale: sq percentage: 45 - locale: sr percentage: 100 - locale: sr@latin percentage: 100 - locale: sv percentage: 100 - locale: ta percentage: 99 - locale: te percentage: 99 - locale: th percentage: 99 - locale: tr percentage: 100 - locale: ug percentage: 93 - locale: uk percentage: 100 - locale: vi percentage: 100 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 100 - locale: zh_HK percentage: 99 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 100 --- Type: desktop-application ID: exo-web-browser.desktop Package: exo-utils Name: he: דפדפן רשת ja: ウェブブラウザー zh_CN: 网络浏览器 sk: Internetový prehliadač sl: Spletni brskalnik ug: توركۆرگۈ ur: ویب براؤزر C: Web Browser fr: Navigateur Web sq: Shfletues sr: Веб прегледник nb: Nettleser hr: Web preglednik ca: Navegador web sv: Webbläsare hu: Webböngésző pa: ਵੈੱਬ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ uk: Переглядач Web am: ዌብ መቃኛ nl: Webbrowser zh_TW: 網路瀏覽器 nn: Nettlesar lt: Saityno naršyklė ar: متصفّح وِب lv: Tīmekļa pārlūks pl: Przeglądarka internetowa el: Περιηγητής διαδικτύου ast: Restolador web cs: Webový prohlížeč id: Peramban Web th: โปรแกรมท่องเว็บ gl: Navegador web pt: Navegador web es: Navegador web et: Veebisirvija eu: Web nabigatzailea te: జాల విహారకం ro: Navigator ru: Веб-браузер tr: İnternet Tarayıcısı kk: Веб браузері vi: Trình duyệt be: Веб-браўзер kn: ವೆಬ್ ಬ್ರೌಸರ್ it: Browser web ko: 웹 브라우저 is: Netvafri de: Internetnavigator oc: Navigador Web da: Webbrowser en_GB: Web Browser bn: ওয়েব ব্রাউজার ur_PK: ویب براؤزر ms: Pelayar Sesawang bg: Интернет браузър en_AU: Web Browser fi: Web-selain pt_BR: Navegador web zh_HK: 瀏覽網頁 Summary: he: סייר ברשת ja: ウェブを閲覧します zh_CN: 浏览网络 sk: Prehliadať internet sl: Brskaj po spletu ug: تور كۆرىدۇ C: Browse the web fr: Naviguer sur le web sq: Shfletoni në Web sr: Прегледајте веб nb: Surfe på nettet hr: Pregledaj web ca: Navegueu pel web sv: Surfa på webben hu: Webböngészés pa: ਵੈੱਬ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ ਕਰੋ uk: Мандруйте Інтернетом am: ዌብ መቃኛ nl: Verken het web zh_TW: 瀏覽網路 nn: Surf på nettet lt: Naršyti internete ar: تصفح الوِب pl: Przegląda zawartość sieci internetowej el: Περιηγηθείτε στον ιστό ast: Restola pela rede cs: Procházet web id: Ramban web th: ท่องดูเว็บ gl: Navegar pola web pt: Navegar na web es: Navegar por la red et: Sirvi veebi eu: Nabigatu web-a te: జాలంలో విహరించండి ro: Navigați pe net ru: Смотреть в Интернете tr: Web'de gezin kk: Интернетті шолу vi: Duyệt web be: Праглядзець у сеціве kn: ವೆಬ್ ಬ್ರೌಸ್ ಜಾಲಾಡಿ it: Esplora la rete ko: 웹 탐색 is: Flakka á vefnum de: Das Internet durchsuchen oc: Navigar sus internet da: Gennemse webbet en_GB: Browse the web bn: ওয়েব ব্রাউজ করুন zh_HK: 瀏覽網頁 ms: Layar sesawang bg: Сърфиране в мрежа en_AU: Browse the web fi: Selaa verkkosivuja pt_BR: Navegar pela web Description: pl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
de: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
pt_BR: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
uk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
C: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
cs: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
ru: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_CA: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
fr: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_GB: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
it: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
da: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_AU: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: exo-utils_web-browser.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: exo-utils_web-browser.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: exo-utils_web-browser.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: web-browser remote: - url: e/ex/exo-web-browser.desktop/4F6C17837147463B8EAE2F96B2A3CECE/icons/128x128/exo-utils_web-browser.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - exo-web-browser.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: exo-terminal-emulator.desktop Package: exo-utils Name: he: מדמה מסוף ja: ターミナルエミュレーター zh_CN: 终端模拟器 sk: Emulátor terminálu sl: Terminalski emulator ug: تېرمىنال Emulator ur: ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر C: Terminal Emulator fr: Émulateur de Terminal sq: Emulues Terminali sr: Опонашавач терминала nb: Terminalemulator hr: Emulator terminala ca: Emulador de terminal sv: Terminalemulator hu: Terminálemulátor pa: ਟਰਮੀਨਲ ਈਮੂਲੇਟਰ uk: Емулятор терміналу am: ተርሚናል nl: Terminalvenster zh_TW: 終端模擬器 nn: Terminalprogram lt: Terminalo emuliatorius ar: محاكي الطرفية lv: Termināla emulators pl: Emulator terminala el: Εξομοιωτής τερματικού ast: Emulador de terminal cs: Emulátor terminálu id: Emulator Terminal th: โปรแกรมจำลองเทอร์มินัล gl: Emulador de terminal pt: Emulador de terminal es: Emulador de terminal et: Terminal eu: Terminal emuladorea te: టెర్మినల్ ఎమ్యులేటర్ ro: Emulator de terminal ru: Эмулятор терминала tr: Uçbirim Öykünücüsü kk: Терминал эмуляторы vi: Trình giả lập dòng lệnh be: Эмулятар тэрмінала kn: ಟರ್ಮಿನಲ್ ಎಮ್ಯುಲೇಟರ್ it: Emulatore di terminale ko: 터미널 에뮬레이터 is: Skjáhermir de: Terminal oc: Emulator de Terminal da: Terminalemulator en_GB: Terminal Emulator bn: টার্মিনাল ইম্যুলেটর ur_PK: ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر ms: Emulator Terminal bg: Терминален Емулатор en_AU: Terminal Emulator fi: Pääteohjelma pt_BR: Emulador de terminal zh_HK: 終端模擬器 Summary: he: השתמש בשורת הפקודה ja: コマンドラインを使用します zh_CN: 使用命令行 sk: Použiť príkazový riadok sl: Izberi ukazno vrstico ug: بۇيرۇق قۇرىنى ئىشلىتىدۇ C: Use the command line fr: Utiliser la ligne de commande sq: Përdorni rreshtin e urdhrave sr: Користите линију наредби nb: Bruk kommandlinjen hr: Koristi naredbeni redak ca: Utilitzeu la línia d'ordres sv: Använd kommandoraden hu: Parancssor használata pa: ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਈਨ ਵਰਤੋਂ uk: Використовуєте командну стрічку am: 'የ ትእዛዝ መስመር ይጠቀሙ:' nl: Gebruik de opdrachtregel zh_TW: 使用指令列 nn: Bruk kommandlinja lt: Naudoti komandų eilutę ar: إستعمل سطر الأوامر pl: Wprowadza i wykonuje wiersze poleceń el: Χρησιμοποιείστε την γραμμή εντολών ast: Usa la llinia comandos cs: Použít příkazový řádek id: Gunakan baris perintah th: ใช้บรรทัดคำสั่ง gl: Usar a liña de ordes pt: Utilizar a linha de comandos es: Usar la línea de órdenes et: Kasuta käsurida eu: Erabili komando lerroa te: ఆదేశపంక్తిని ఉపయోగించండి ro: Utilizați linia de comandă ru: Использовать командную строку tr: Komut satırını kullan kk: Командалық жолды қолдану vi: Sử dụng dòng lệnh be: Выкарыстоўваць загадны радок kn: ಆದೇಶ ಸಾಲು ಬಳಸಿ it: Usa la linea di comando ko: 명령줄 사용 is: Nota skipanalínuna de: Befehlszeile verwenden oc: Utilizar la linha de comanda da: Brug kommandolinjen en_GB: Use the command line bn: কমান্ড লাইন ব্যবহার করুন zh_HK: 使用指令列 ms: Guna perintah suai bg: Използвай командния ред en_AU: Use the command line fi: Käytä komentoriviä pt_BR: Usar a linha de comando Description: pl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
de: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
pt_BR: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
uk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
C: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
cs: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
ru: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_CA: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
fr: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_GB: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
it: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
da: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_AU: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: exo-utils_utilities-terminal.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: exo-utils_utilities-terminal.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: exo-utils_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: utilities-terminal remote: - url: e/ex/exo-terminal-emulator.desktop/077DA94F7B2FD381B078F309FD3C30BE/icons/128x128/exo-utils_utilities-terminal.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - exo-terminal-emulator.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: exo-file-manager.desktop Package: exo-utils Name: he: מנהל קבצים ja: ファイルマネージャー zh_CN: 文件管理器 sk: Správca súborov sl: Upravljalnik datotek ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇ C: File Manager fr: Gestionnaire de fichiers sq: Përgjegjës Kartelash sr: Управник датотека nb: Filbehandler hr: Upravitelj datoteka ca: Gestor de fitxers sv: Filhanterare hu: Fájlkezelő pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ uk: Файловий менеджер am: የ ፋይል አስተዳዳሪ nl: Bestandbeheerder zh_TW: 檔案管理員 nn: Filhandsamar lt: Failų tvarkytuvė ar: مدير الملفات lv: Faila pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer plików el: Διαχειριστής αρχείων ast: Xestor de Ficheros cs: Správce souborů id: Manajer Berkas th: โปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม gl: Xestor de ficheiros pt: Gestor de ficheiros es: Administrador de archivos et: Failihaldur eu: Fitxategi kudeatzailea te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకం ro: Manager de fișiere ru: Файловый менеджер tr: Dosya Yöneticisi kk: Файлдар басқарушысы vi: Trình quản lý tệp tin be: Кіраўнік файлаў kn: ಕಡತ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ it: Gestore dei file ko: 파일 관리자 is: Skráastjóri de: Dateiverwaltung oc: Gestionari de fichièrs da: Filhåndtering en_GB: File Manager bn: ফাইল ম্যানেজার zh_HK: 檔案管理員 ms: Pengurus Fail bg: Файлов мениджър en_AU: File Manager fi: Tiedostonhallinta pt_BR: Gerenciador de arquivos Summary: he: סייר במערכת הקבצים ja: ファイルシステムを参照します zh_CN: 浏览文件系统 sk: Prehliadať systém súborov sl: Brskajte po datotečnem sistemu ug: ھۆججەت سىستېمىسىنى كۆرىدۇ C: Browse the file system fr: Parcourir le système de fichiers sq: Shfletoni sistem kartelash sr: Разгледајте систем датотека nb: Bla gjennom filsystemet hr: Pregledaj datotečni sustav ca: Navegueu pel sistema de fitxers sv: Bläddra i filsystemet hu: Fájlrendszer tallózása pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ ਕਰੋ uk: Оглянути файлову систему am: በ ፋይል ስርአት ውስጥ መቃኛ nl: Blader door het bestandssysteem zh_TW: 瀏覽檔案系統 nn: Bla gjennom filsystemet lt: Naršyti failų sistemą ar: تصفح ملف النظام pl: Przegląda system plików i zarządza jego zawartością el: Περιηγηθείτε στο αρχείο συστήματος ast: Restola pel sistema de ficheros cs: Procházet systém souborů id: Ramban sistem berkas th: ท่องดูระบบแฟ้ม gl: Examinar o sistema de ficheiros pt: Explorar sistema de ficheiros es: Navegar por el sistema de archivos et: Sirvi failisüsteemi eu: Arakatu fitxategi sistema te: దస్త్ర వ్యవస్థను విహరించు ro: Gestionați fișierele din sistem ru: Просмотреть файловую систему tr: Dosya sistemini tara. kk: Файлдық жүйені шолу vi: Duyệt hệ thống tệp tin be: Прагляд файлавай сістэмы kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಬ್ರೌಸ್ ಮಾಡಿ it: Esplora il file system ko: 파일 시스템 탐색 is: Flakka í skráakerfinu de: Das Dateisystem durchsuchen, um einen eigenen Befehl zu wählen oc: Percórrer lo sistèma de fichièrs da: Gennemse filsystemet en_GB: Browse the file system bn: ফাইল সিস্টেম ব্রাউজ করুন zh_HK: 瀏覽檔案系統 ms: Layar sistem fail bg: Преглед на файловата система en_AU: Browse the file system fi: Selaa tiedostojärjestelmää pt_BR: Navegar pelo sistema de arquivos Description: pl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
de: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
pt_BR: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
uk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
C: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
cs: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
ru: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_CA: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
fr: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_GB: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
it: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
da: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_AU: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: exo-utils_system-file-manager.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: exo-utils_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: exo-utils_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager remote: - url: e/ex/exo-file-manager.desktop/7C85E026EE4E2ABEB354683F36E61993/icons/128x128/exo-utils_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - exo-file-manager.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: exo-mail-reader.desktop Package: exo-utils Name: he: קורא דואר ja: メーラー zh_CN: 邮件阅读器 sk: E-mailový klient sl: Bralnik pošte ug: ئېلخەت ئوقۇغۇ ur: میل ریڈر C: Mail Reader fr: Client de messagerie sq: Lexues Poste sr: Читач поште nb: Epostleser hr: Čitač pošte ca: Client de correu sv: E-postklient hu: Levelező pa: ਮੇਲ ਰੀਡਰ uk: Поштовий клієнт am: ደብዳቤ አንባቢ nl: E-mailprogramma zh_TW: 郵件讀取器 nn: Epostlesar lt: Pašto programa ar: قارء البريد الالكتروني lv: Pasta lasītājs pl: Czytnik poczty el: Αναγνώστης αλληλογραφίας ast: Llector de corréu cs: E-mailový klient id: Pembaca Surat th: โปรแกรมอ่านเมล gl: Lector de correo pt: Leitor de correio eletrónico es: Lector de correo et: E-posti lugeja eu: Posta bezeroa te: మెయిల్ చదువరి ro: Client de mail ru: Почтовая программа tr: Eposta Okuyucusu kk: Пошта қолданбасы vi: Trình đọc thư be: Паштовая праграма kn: ಟಪಾಲು ಓದುಗ it: Lettore di email ko: 메일 보기 is: Póstforrit de: E-Mail-Programm oc: Client de messatjariá da: Postprogram en_GB: Mail Reader bn: মেইল রিডার ur_PK: میل ریڈر ms: Pembaca Mel bg: Четец на поща en_AU: Mail Reader fi: Sähkopostiohjelma pt_BR: Cliente de e-mail zh_HK: 讀取郵件 Summary: he: קרא את הדוא״ל שלך ja: 電子メールを読みます zh_CN: 阅读您的邮件 sk: Prečítať poštu sl: Preberite svojo pošto ug: ئېلخەت ئوقۇيدۇ C: Read your email fr: Lire ses mails sq: Lexoni email-et tuaj sr: Читајте своју е-пошту nb: Les epost hr: Čitaj svoju poštu ca: Llegiu el vostre correu electrònic sv: Läs din e-post hu: E-mail olvasása pa: ਆਪਣੀ ਈਮੇਲ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ uk: Перегляньте Вашу пошту am: የ እርስዎን ኢሜይል ይንብቡ nl: Lees uw email zh_TW: 讀取您的電子郵件 nn: Les eposten din lt: Skaityti paštą ar: إقرء بريدك الإلكتروني pl: Odbiera i wysyła pocztę elektroniczną el: Διαβάστε τα ηλεκτρονικά σας μηνύματα ast: Llei'l to corréu cs: Číst poštu id: Baca email anda th: อ่านอีเมลของคุณ gl: Ler o correo electrónico pt: Ler o correio eletrónico es: Leer correo et: Loe e-posti eu: Irakurri zure posta te: మీ ఈమెయిలు చూసుకోండి ro: Citiți-vă mailul ru: Читать электронную почту tr: E-postanızı okuyun kk: Поштаңызды оқу vi: Đọc thư điện tử be: Чытаць электронную пошту kn: ನಿಮ್ಮ ಇಮೇಲ್ ಓದಿ it: Leggi le email ko: 전자메일 읽기 is: Lesa tölvupóstinn de: E-Mails lesen oc: Legir sos mails da: Læs din e-mail en_GB: Read your e-mail bn: ইমেইল পড়ুন zh_HK: 讀取電子郵件 ms: Baca emel anda bg: Прочети си пощата en_AU: Read your email fi: Käytä sähköpostiasi pt_BR: Ler seu e-mail Description: pl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
de: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
pt_BR: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
uk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
C: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
cs: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
ru: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_CA: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
fr: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_GB: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
it: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
da: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_AU: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: exo-utils_emblem-mail.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: exo-utils_emblem-mail.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: exo-utils_emblem-mail.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: emblem-mail remote: - url: e/ex/exo-mail-reader.desktop/A67BE3F29B1E76F37FBEB2B8FAA023EB/icons/128x128/exo-utils_emblem-mail.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - exo-mail-reader.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: exo-preferred-applications.desktop Package: exo-utils Name: he: יישומים מועדפים ja: お気に入りのアプリケーション zh_CN: 首选应用程序 sk: Uprednostňované aplikácie sl: Priljubljene aplikacije ug: ئامراق پروگراممىلار ur: مجوزہ اطلاقیے C: Preferred Applications fr: Applications favorites sq: Aplikacione të Parapëlqyera sr: Омиљени програми nb: Prefererte programmer hr: Preferirani programi ca: Aplicacions preferides sv: Föredragna program hu: Alapértelmezett alkalmazások pa: ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ uk: Типові програми am: የ ተመረጠው መተግባሪያ nl: Voorkeurtoepassingen zh_TW: 偏好的應用程式 nn: Standardprogram lt: Pageidaujamos programos ar: تطبيقات المفضلة lv: Vēlamās lietotnes pl: Preferowane programy el: Προτιμώμενες εφαρμογές ast: Aplicaciones preferíes cs: Upřednostňované aplikace id: Aplikasi Kesukaan th: เลือกโปรแกรมหลักๆ gl: Aplicativos preferidos pt: Aplicações preferidas es: Aplicaciones preferidas et: Eelistatud rakendused eu: Hobetsiriko aplikazioak te: ప్రాధాన్య అనువర్తనాలు ro: Programe preferate ru: Предпочитаемые приложения tr: Tercih Edilen Uygulamalar kk: Таңдамалы қолданбалар vi: Ứng dụng ưa thích be: Пераважныя праграмы kn: ಆದ್ಯತೆಯ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ಗಳು it: Applicazioni preferite ko: 기본 프로그램 is: Valin forrit de: Bevorzugte Anwendungen oc: Aplicacions favoritas da: Foretrukne programmer en_GB: Preferred Applications bn: পছন্দসই অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ur_PK: مجوزہ اطلاقیے ms: Aplikasi Digemari bg: Предпочитани програми en_AU: Preferred Applications fi: Oletussovellukset pt_BR: Aplicativos preferidos zh_HK: 喜好的應用程式 Summary: he: יישומים מועדפים (דפדפן רשת, קורא דואר ומדמה מסוף) ja: お気に入りのアプリケーション (ブラウザー、メーラーやターミナルエミュレーター) zh_CN: 首选应用程序(网络浏览器、邮件阅读器和终端模拟器) sk: Uprednostňované aplikácie (internetový prehliadač, e-mailový klient a emulátor terminálu) sl: Želene aplikacije (spletni brskalnik, bralnik pošte in terminalski emulator) ug: ئامراق پروگراممىلار (توركۆرگۈ، خەت ئوقۇغۇ، تېرمىنال تەقلىدلىگۈ) C: Preferred Applications (Web Browser, Mail Reader and Terminal Emulator) fr: Applications favorites (navigateur Web, client de messagerie et émulateur de terminal) sq: Aplikacione të Parapëlqyer (Shfletues, Lexues Poste dhe Emulues Terminali) sr: Омиљени програми (прегледник веба, читач поште и опонашач терминала) nb: Prefererte programmer (Nettleser, epostleser og terminalemulering) hr: Željeni programi (Web preglednik, čitač pošte i emulator terminala) ca: Aplicacions preferides (navegador web, lector de correu i emulador de terminal) sv: Föredragna program (webbläsare, e-postklient och terminalemulator) hu: Alapértelmezett alkalmazások (webböngésző, levelező, terminálemulátor) pa: ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ (ਵੈੱਬ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ, ਮੇਲ ਰੀਡਰ ਅਤੇ ਟਰਮੀਨਲ ਈਮੁਲੇਟਰ) uk: Улюблені програми (переглядач Web, переглядач пошти та емулятор терміналу) ur: مجوزہ اطلاقیے (ویب براؤزر، ای میل ریڈر، اور ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر) nl: Voorkeurstoepassingen (webbrowser, e-mailprogramma en terminalvenster) zh_TW: 偏好應用程式 (網路瀏覽器、郵件閱讀器、終端機模擬器等) nn: Standardprogram (nettlesar, epostlesar og terminalprogram) lt: Pageidaujamos programos (Saityno naršyklė, Pašto programa ir terminalo emuliatorius) ar: التطبيقات المفضلة (متصفح الوب, قارئ البريد الإلكتروني و محاكي الطرفية) lv: Vēlamās lietotnes (tīmekļa pārlūks, pasta lasītājs un termināla emulators) pl: Wybiera domyślne programy dla różnych usług el: Προτιμώμενες εφαρμογές (περιηγητής διαδικτύου, αναγνώστης αλληλογραφίας και εξομοιωτής τερματικό) ast: Aplicaciones preferíes (restolador web, llector de corréu y emulador de terminal) cs: Upřednostňované aplikace (webový prohlížeč, e-mailový klient a emulátor terminálu) id: Aplikasi Kesukaan (Peramban Web, Pembaca Surat dan Emulator Terminal) th: เลือกโปรแกรมหลักๆ (โปรแกรมท่องเว็บ, โปรแกรมอ่านเมล และโปรแกรมจำลองเทอร์มินัล) gl: Aplicativos preferidos (Navegador web, Lector de correo e Emulador de terminal) pt: Aplicações preferidas (Navegador web, Leitor de correio e Emulador de terminal) es: Aplicaciones preferidas (navegador web, lector de correo y emulador de terminal) et: Eelistatavad rakendused (veebibrauser, e-posti lugeja ja terminaliemulaator) eu: Hobetsiriko aplikazioa (web nabigatzailea, eposta bezero eta terminal emuladorea) vi: Ứng dụng ưa thích (Trình duyệt, Trình đọc thư và Trình giả lập dòng lệnh) ro: Programe preferate (navigator, client de mail etc.) ru: Предпочитаемые приложения (веб-браузер, почтовая программа и эмулятор терминала) tr: Tercih Edilen Uygulamalar (İnternet Tarayıcısı, Eposta Okuyucusu ve Uçbirim Öykünücüsü) kk: Таңдамалы қолданбалар (веб браузер, пошта қолданбасы мен терминал эмуляторы) be: Пераважныя праграмы (Вэб-браўзер, паштовая праграма, эмулятар тэрмінала) kn: ಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ಗಳು (ವೆಬ್ ಬ್ರೌಸರ್, ಟಪಾಲು ಓದುಗ ಮತ್ತು ಟರ್ಮಿನಲ್ ಎಮ್ಯುಲೇಟರ್) is: Valin forrit (vafri, póstforrit og skipanalína) ko: 기본 프로그램(웹 브라우저, 메일 보기, 터미널 에뮬레이터) da: Foretrukne programmer (webbrowser, postprogram og terminalemulator) de: Bevorzugte Anwendungen (Internetnavigator, E-Mail-Programm und Terminal) oc: Aplicacions favoritas (navigador Web, client de messatjariá e emulator de terminal) en_GB: Preferred Applications (Web Browser, Mail Reader and Terminal Emulator) bn: পছন্দসই অ্যাপ্লিকেশন (ওয়েব ব্রাউজার, মেইল রিডার এবং টার্মিনাল ইম্যুলেটর) ur_PK: مجوزہ اطلاقیے (ویب براؤزر، ای میل ریڈر، اور ٹرمنل ایمولیٹر) ms: Aplikasi Digemari (Pelayar Sesawang, Pembaca Mel dan Emulator Terminal) it: Applicazioni preferite (browser web, lettore di email ed emulatore di terminale) en_AU: Preferred Applications (Web Browser, Mail Reader and Terminal Emulator) fi: Oletussovellukset (web-selain, sähköposti ja pääteohjelma) pt_BR: Aplicativos preferidos (navegador web, cliente de e-mail e emulador de terminal) zh_HK: 喜好應用程式 (網頁瀏覽器、郵件閱讀器、終端機模擬器等) bg: Предпочитани програми (Интернет браузър, Четец на поща и Терминал) Description: pl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
de: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
pt_BR: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
sl: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
uk: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
C: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
cs: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
ru: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_CA: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
fr: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_GB: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
it: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
da: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
en_AU: >-This package contains the Xfce settings plugin and the utility files for libexo-2-0 which are: - exo-csource - exo-desktop-item-edit - exo-open - exo-preferred-applications
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: exo-utils_preferences-desktop-default-applications.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: exo-utils_preferences-desktop-default-applications.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: exo-utils_preferences-desktop-default-applications.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-default-applications remote: - url: e/ex/exo-preferred-applications.desktop/146E1D3F1DD03A8CE9BF47B2760B5F6C/icons/128x128/exo-utils_preferences-desktop-default-applications.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - exo-preferred-applications.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: htmldoc.desktop Package: htmldoc Name: C: HTMLDOC Summary: C: HTML Conversion Software Description: gl: >-HTMLDOC é un programa para escribir documentación en HTML e producir unha saída en HTML, PostScript ou PDF (con índices). Admite a maior parte da sintaxe de HTML 3.2 e algunha da de HTML 4.0, así como as imaxes GIF, JPEG e PNG.
pt: >-HTMLDOC é um programa para escrever documentação em HTML e produzir resultados em HTML, PostScript, ou PDF indexados (com índices ou tabelas de conteúdos). Suporta a maioria da sintaxe HTML 3.2 e alguma HTML 4.0, assim como imagens GIF, JPEG, e PNG.
fr: >-HTMLDOC est un programme pour écrire de la documentation au format HTML et produire des fichiers au format HTML indexé, PostScript ou PDF (avec table des matières). Il gère la plupart de la syntaxe de HTML 3.2 et une partie de celle de HTML 4.0, ainsi que les formats d'images GIF, JPEG et PNG.
sk: >-HTMLDOC je program na písanie dokumentácie v jazyku HTML a tvorbu indexovaného výstupu v HTML, PostScripte alebo PDF (s obsahmi). Podporuje väčšinu HTML 3.2 a časť syntaxe HTML 4.0 syntax a tiež obrázky GIF, JPEG a PNG.
de: >-HTMLDOC ist ein Programm zum Schreiben von Dokumentationen in HTML und zum Erzeugen von indizierten HTML, PostScript oder PDF Ausgaben (mit Inhaltsverzeichnissen). Es unterstützt den meisten HTML 3.2 und einigen HTML 4.0 Syntax, sowie GIF, JPEG und PNG Images.
pt_BR: >-HTMLDOC é um programa para escrever documentação em HTML e produzir uma saída em HTML, PostScript ou PDF indexada (com sumários).
ja: >-HTMLDOC は HTML 形式で文書を作成し、索引が付いた HTML、Postscript 及び PDF ファイル出力 (目次付き) を作成するためのプログラムです。GIF、JPEG 及び PNG のサポートに加え、HTML 3.2 文法のほとんどと HTML 4.0 文法のいくつかを サポートしています。
uk: >-HTMLDOC — програма для написання документації у форматі HTML, яка дає на виході індексовані HTML, PostScript чи PDF (зі змістом). Підтримує велику частину синтаксису HTML 3.2 і трохи HTML 4.0 а також зображення GIF, JPEG та PNG.
it: >-HTMLDOC è un programma per scrivere documentazione in HTML e produrre output HTML, PostScript o PDF indicizzato (con indici). Supporta gran parte della sintassi HTML 3.2 e parte di quella HTML 4.0, così come immagini GIF, JPEG e PNG.
ru: >-HTMLDOC -- программа для написания документации в HTML, дающая на выходе индексированные HTML, PostScript, или PDF (с оглавлением). Поддерживает большую часть синтаксиса HTML 3.2 и немного HTML 4.0, а также изображения GIF, JPEG, и PNG.
C: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
da: >-HTMLDOC er et program til oprettelse af dokumentation i HTML og udarbejdelse af indekseret HTML, PostScript eller PDF (med indholdsfortegnelser). Programmet understøtter den meste HTML 3.2-syntaks og nogen HTML 4.0- syntaks samt GIF-, JPEG- og PNG-billeder.
pl: >-HTMLDOC jest programem do pisania dokumentacji w języku HTML i generowania zindeksowanych plików wyjściowych w formacie HTML, PostScript lub PDF (ze spisami treści). Program obsługuje większość elementów składni HTML 3.2 i niektóre elementy HTML 4.0, a także obrazy GIF, JPEG i PNG.
en: >-HTMLDOC is a program for writing documentation in HTML and producing indexed HTML, PostScript, or PDF output (with tables of contents). It supports most HTML 3.2 and some HTML 4.0 syntax, as well as GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.
Categories: - Office Keywords: C: - HTML - PDF - EPUB - Converter Icon: cached: - name: htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: h/ht/htmldoc.desktop/6171830b5e664c303ed3aa7516af171e/icons/128x128/htmldoc_htmldoc.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: htmldoc Launchable: desktop-id: - htmldoc.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Package: evolution Name: lv: Evolution xh: I-Evolution af: Evolution pt: Evolution tr: Evolution ast: Evolution an: Evolution id: Evolution pt_BR: Evolution el: Evolution ca@valencia: Evolution ar: افلوشن as: Evolution eo: Evolucio en@shaw: "·\U00010467\U0001045D\U00010469\U00010464\U00010475\U00010456\U00010469\U0001046F" es: Evolution et: Evolution mk: Evolution ml: ഇവല്യൂഷന് mn: Эволюшин it: Evolution az: Evolution mr: एव्हल्युशन ms: Evolution mai: Evolution eu: Evolution uk: Evolution be: Evolution fa: اوولوشن bg: Evolution sr@latin: Evolucija ug: Evolution zh_CN: Evolution ja: Evolution bn: Evolution fi: Evolution nb: Evolution br: Evolution bs: Evolution ne: इभोल्युसन fr: Evolution nl: Evolution fur: Evolution nn: Evolution ca: Evolution ro: Evolution vi: Evolution ga: Evolution ru: Evolution rw: Impinduka ka: ევოლუშენი zh_HK: Evolution bn_IN: Evolution oc: Evolution nds: Evolution cs: Evolution kk: Evolution gl: Evolution kn: Evolution cy: Evolution gu: Evolution wa: Evolution ko: 에볼루션 si: ඉවෝලුශන් C: Evolution sk: Evolution be@latin: Evolution da: Evolution sl: Evolution or: କ୍ରମବିକାଶ sq: Evolution de: Evolution sr: Еволуција zh_TW: Evolution sv: Evolution he: Evolution en_CA: Evolution hi: एवोल्यूशन pa: ਈਵੇਲੂਸ਼ਨ en_GB: Evolution ta: எவல்யூஷன் hr: Evolution te: ఎవాల్యూషన్ dz: ཨི་བོ་ལུ་ཤཱན། hu: Evolution pl: Evolution th: Evolution lt: Evolution Summary: lv: Pārvaldiet savu e-pastu, kontaktus un grafiku af: Bestuur pos, kontakte en skedule pt: Para gerir o seu email, contactos e agenda ps: خپل برېښليکونه، اړيکلوري او مهالوېش سمبال کړﺉ tr: E-postalarını, bağlantılarınızı ve randevularınızı yönetin ast: Xestiona'l corréu-e, contautos y calendariu an: Chestiona lo tuyo correu electronico, contactos y calandario id: Mengelola surel, kontak, dan jadwal Anda pt_BR: Gerencie seus e-mails, contatos e programação el: Διαχείριση της αλληλογραφίας, των επαφών και του χρόνου σας ca@valencia: Gestioneu els correus electrònics, contactes i horaris ar: أدِر بريدك الإلكتروني ومتراسليك وجدولك as: আপোনাৰ ই-মেইল একাওন্টসমূহকে ইয়াত বিন্যাস কৰক eo: Administri viajn retpoŝton, kontaktojn kaj planojn en@shaw: "\U00010465\U00010468\U0001046F\U00010466\U00010461 \U0001047F\U0001047C \U00010470\U00010465\U00010471\U00010464, \U00010452\U0001046A\U0001046F\U00010451\U00010468\U00010452\U00010451\U00010455 \U0001046F \U00010456\U00010467\U0001045B\U0001047F\U00010464" es: Gestione su correo-e, contactos y calendario et: Oma e-posti, kontaktide ja kalendri haldamine mk: Менаџирајте со Вашата е-пошта, контакти и распоред eu: Kudeatu zure posta-kontuak, kontaktuak eta antolaketa ml: നിങ്ങളുടെ ഈ മെയില് , കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകള്, ഷെഡ്യൂള് ഇവിടെ ക്രമീകരിക്കുക is: Sjá um tölvupóst, tengiliði og dagbók it: Gestisce le proprie email, i contatti e progetti ug: ئېلخەت، ئالاقەداشلار ۋە پىلانىڭىزنى باشقۇرىدۇ mr: तुमचे ईमेल, संपर्क व वेळपत्रकाचे निरीक्षण करा uk: Ваша електронна пошта та розклад be: Кіраванне поштай, кантактамі і раскладам fa: رایانامه، آشنایان و برنامهریزیتان را مدیریت کنید bg: Управление на поща, контакти и разписания sr@latin: Upravljajte vašom poštom, kontaktima i obavezama zh_CN: 配置您的电子邮件,联系人和日程表 ja: メールや連絡先、予定などを管理します bn: ই-মেইল, পরিচিতি ও কর্মতালিকা এখানে কনফিগার করুন fi: Hallitse sähköposteja, yhteystietoja ja ajan käyttöä nb: Håndter e-post, kontakter og kalender bs: Upravlja poštom, kontaktima i obavezama fr: Gérer vos courriels, contacts et agendas nl: Uw e-mail, adresboek en agenda beheren fur: Gjestìs lis propriis e-mail, i contats e lis planificazions nn: Handsama epost, kontaktar og timeplan ca: Gestioneu els correus electrònics, contactes i horaris ro: Administrează email-urile, contactele și întâlnirile vi: Quản lý thư tín, lịch biểu và các liên lạc ga: Bainstigh do chuid ríomhphoist, do chuid teagmhálacha agus do sceideal ru: Управление электронной почтой, контактами и расписанием zh_HK: 管理你的郵件、聯絡人和行程 bn_IN: ই-মেইল, পরিচিতি ও কর্মতালিকা এখানে কনফিগার করুন oc: Gerir vòstres corrièls, contactes e agendas cs: Spravujte svůj e-mail, kontakty a rozvrh gl: Xestione o seu correo, contactos e programación kk: Пошта, контакттар және жоспарыңызды басқару kn: ನಿಮ್ಮ ವಿಅಂಚೆ, ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಹಾಗು ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸು ko: 전자메일, 연락처, 일정을 관리합니다 gu: તમારું ઈમેઈલ, સંપર્કો અને સમયક્રમની વ્યવસ્થા કરો C: Manage your email, contacts and schedule sk: Spravuje váš email, kontakty a časový plán or: ଆପଣଙ୍କ ମେଲକୁ ପରିଚାଳନା କରନ୍ତୁ, ଯୋଗାଯୋଗ ଏବଂ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟସୂଚୀ be@latin: Pracuj z poštaj, kantaktami j pracoŭnym raskładam da: Håndter dine e-mails, kontaktpersoner og din tidsplan sq: Menazhon postën personale, kontakte dhe projekte de: Ihre E-Mails, Kontakte und Terminplanung verwalten sr: Управљајте вашом поштом, контактима и обавезама zh_TW: 管理您的郵件、連絡人和行程 sl: Enostavno upravljanje s pošto, stiki, urniki in razporedi he: נהל את הדוא"ל, אנשי הקשר ולוח הזמנים שלך sv: Hantera din e-post, kontakter och schema hi: अपना ईमेल संपर्क व योजना प्रबंधित करें pa: ਆਪਣਾ ਈ-ਮੇਲ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ, ਸੰਪਰਕ ਅਤੇ ਸ਼ੈਡਿਊਲ ਦਾ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕਰੋ en_GB: Manage your e-mail, contacts and schedule ta: உங்கள் மின்னஞ்சல் தொடர்புகள் மற்றும் கால ஒதுக்கீடுகள் ஆகியவற்றை மேலாளவும் hr: Upravljanje poštom, kontaktima i rasporedom te: మీ ఈమెయిల్ ను నిర్వహించుము, పరిచయాలు మరియు ప్రణాళిక dz: ཁྱོད་རའི་གློག་འཕྲིན་དང་ འབྲེལ་ས་ དེ་ལས་ འཆར་རིམ་ཚུ་ འཛིན་སྐྱོང་འབད་ hu: E-mailek, névjegyek és határidők kezelése pl: Zarządzanie wiadomościami, kontaktami i terminarzem th: จัดการอีเมล ผู้ติดต่อ และนัดหมายของคุณ lt: Tvarkykite savo el. paštą, kontaktus ir kalendorių Description: ca@valencia: >-L'Evolution és una aplicació de gestió d'informació personal que proporciona funcions integrades de correu, de calendari i de llibreta d'adreces.
L'Evolution és compatible amb un gran ventall de formats estàndard de dades i de protocols de xarxa per a l'intercanvi d'informació, amb un èmfasi en el compliment d'estàndards i de seguretat. L'Evolution també pot integrar-se sense problemes amb el Microsoft Exchange amb l'extensió «Exchange Web Services» (EWS).
zh_CN: >-Evolution 是一款个人信息管理应用,提供集成的邮件、日历和地址簿功能。
ja: >-Evolution は個人情報管理アプリケーションで、メール、カレンダー、アドレス帳の機能を総合的に提供しています。
sk: >-Evolution je aplikácia na správu osobných informácií, ktorá poskytuje integrované funkcie na správu pošty, kalendára a adresára kontaktov.
Program Evolution podporuje veľké množstvo formátov údajov a sieťových protokolov slúžiacich na výmenu údajov, s dôrazom na dodržanie štandardov a bezpečnosti. Program Evolution sa dokáže jednoducho integrovať so službou Microsoft Exchange pomocou rozšírenia EWS „Exchange Web Services“.
sl: >-Program Evolution je osebni upravljalnik podatkov, povezanih z elektronsko pošto, koledarjem in imenikom.
Program Evolution podpira širok nabor standardnih podatkovnih zapisov in omrežnih protokolov za izmenjavo podatkov. Poudarjeni so standardi, ki so nujni zaradi splošne uporabnosti in varnosti. Program podpira tudi povezavo s sistemom Microsoft Exchange prek razširitve EWS – »Exchange Web Services».
C: >-Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
Evolution supports a wide range of industry standard data formats and network protocols for information exchange, with an emphasis on standards compliance and security. Evolution can also integrate smoothly with Microsoft Exchange by way of the “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) extension.
uk: >-Evolution — програма керування особистими відомостями, яка забезпечує спільні можливості пошти, календаря та адресної книги.
sr: >-Еволуција је програм за управљање личним подацима који обезбеђује обједињену функционалност поште, календара и именика.
Еволуција подржава широк опсег записа индустријских стандардних података и мрежних протокола за размену информација, са нагласком на сагласност стандарда и безбедност. Еволуција може такође глатко да се обједини са Мајкрософтовом разменом посредством проширења „Услуге веб размене“ (EWS).
fr: >-Evolution est une application de gestion des informations personnelles qui regroupe les fonctions de courriel, d’agenda et de carnet d’adresses.
Evolution prend en charge un large éventail de formats et de protocoles réseaux standards de l’industrie de l’échange d’informations, avec un fort accent mis sur la compatibilité et la sécurité. Evolution peut aussi facilement s’intégrer à Microsoft Exchange gràce à l’extension « Exchange Web Services » (EWS).
nb: >-Evolution er et program for håndtering av personlig informasjon som gir deg integrert e-post, kalender og adressebokfunksjonalitet.
Evolution støtter en rekke forskjellige industristandarder for dataformater og nettverksprotokoller for utveksling av informasjon med fokus på standarder og sikkerhet. Evolution kan også integreres med Microsoft Exchange via «Exchange Web Services» (EWS) utvidelsen.
sv: >-Evolution är ett program som hanterar personlig information, med funktionalitet så som E-post, Kalender och Adressbok.
Evolution stöder ett stort antal dataformat av industristandard och nätverksprotokoll för informationsutbyte, med en tonvikt på att uppfylla standarder och säkerhet. Evolution kan också enkelt användas med Microsoft Exchange genom användning av tillägget ”Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
ca: >-L'Evolution és una aplicació de gestió d'informació personal que proporciona funcions integrades de correu, de calendari i de llibreta d'adreces.
L'Evolution és compatible amb un gran ventall de formats estàndard de dades i de protocols de xarxa per a l'intercanvi d'informació, amb un èmfasi en el compliment d'estàndards i de seguretat. L'Evolution també pot integrar-se sense problemes amb el Microsoft Exchange amb l'extensió «Exchange Web Services» (EWS).
hu: >-Az Evolution egy személyes információkezelő alkalmazás, amely integrált levelező, naptárkezelő és címjegyzékfunkciókat biztosít.
Az Evolution adatcserére használt ipari szabvány adatformátumok és hálózati protokollok széles körét támogatja, a szabványoknak megfelelés és biztonság hangsúlyozásával. Az Evolution képes simán integrálódni a Microsoft Exchange-dzsel, az „Exchange Web Services” (EWS) kiterjesztés révén.
zh_TW: >-Evolution 是一套個人資訊管理應用程式,提供了整合郵件、行事曆和通訊錄等功能。
Evolution 支援了用於資訊交換的廣範圍的工業標準資料格式與網路協定,著重於標準的相容性與安全性。Evolution 也可以與 Microsoft Exchange 透過「Exchange 網頁服務」(EWS)延伸功能平順的整合。
nl: >-Evolution is een beheertoepassing voor persoonlijk informatie die geïntegreerde e-mail-, agenda- en adresboekfunctionaliteit levert.
Evolution ondersteunt veel industrie-gegevensformaten en netwerkprotocollen voor informatie-uitwisseling, met een nadruk op veiligheid en het naleven van standaarden. Evolution kan ook goed met Microsoft Exchange integreren door middel van de uitbreiding ‘Exchange Web Services’ (EWS).
lt: >-Evolution yra asmeninė informacijos valdymo programa, kuri suteikia integruotą pašto, kalendoriaus ir adresų knygos funkcionalumą.
Evolution palaiko daug standartinių duomenų formatų bei tinklo protokolų apsikeitimui informacija, ypač siekiant suderinamumo su standartais bei saugumo. Evolution taip pat gali sklandžiai integruotis su Microsoft Exchange naudojant „Exchange Web Services“ plėtinį.
ta: >-Evolution ஒரு தனிப்பட்ட தகவல் நிர்வாகப் பயன்பாடு, இது ஒருங்கிணைந்த அஞ்சல், நாள்காட்டி மற்றும் முகவரிப்புத்தக செயலம்சங்களை வழங்குகிறது.
pl: >-Program Evolution pomaga zarządzać informacjami osobistymi, oferując funkcje klienta poczty e-mail, kalendarza oraz książki adresowej.
Program Evolution obsługuje szeroką gamę standardowych formatów zapisu danych i protokołów sieciowych do wymiany informacji. Szczególny nacisk położono na zgodność ze standardami i bezpieczeństwo. Program można także z łatwością zintegrować z systemem pocztowym Microsoft Exchange za pomocą rozszerzenia „Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
lv: >-Evolution ir personīgās informācijas pārvaldības lietotne, kas sniedz integrētu pasta, kalendāra un adrešu grāmatas funkcionalitāti.
Evolution atbalsta plašu industrijas standarta datu formātu un tīkla protokolu spektru informācijas apmaiņai, ar uzsvaru uz atbilstību standartiem un drošību. Evolution var integrēt ar Microsoft Exchange, izmantojot “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) paplašinājumu.
as: >-Evolution এটা ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য ব্যৱস্থাপনা এপ্লিকেচন যি অনুকূলিত মেইল, কেলেন্ডাৰিং আৰু ঠিকনা বহীৰ কাৰ্য্যকৰিতা প্ৰদান কৰে।
el: >-Το Evolution είναι μια προσωπική εφαρμογή διαχείρισης πληροφοριών που παρέχει ολοκληρωμένη λειτουργικότητα αλληλογραφίας, ημερολογίου και βιβλίου διευθύνσεων.
cs: >-Evolution je aplikace sloužící ke správě osobních informací. Pro tento účel poskytuje integrovaný e-mail, kalendář a adresář.
Evolution podporuje širokou škálu datových formátů a síťových protokolů sloužících k výměně informací, vše s důrazem na dodržování standardů a bezpečnost. Lze jej také hladce integrovat s Microsoft Exchange pomocí rozšíření EWS (Exchange Web Service).
id: >-Evolution adalah aplikasi manajemen informasi personal yang menyediakan fungsionalitas buku alamat, kalender, dan surel terintegrasi.
Evolution mendukung protokol jaringan dan format data standar industri yang luas untuk pertukaran informasi, dengan penekanan pada keamanan dan kepatuhan standar. Evolution juga dapat mengintegrasi secara mulus dengan Microsoft Exchange melalui ekstensi "Exchange Web Services" (EWS).
gl: >-Evolution é un aplicativo de xestión de información persoal que lle fornece funcionalidades integradas de correo electrónico, calendario e axenda de enderezos.
Evolution admite un amplo conxunto de formatos de datos estándar na industria e protocolos estándares de intercambio de información, xa que lle fornece un gran apoio ao cumplimento de estándares e seguridade. Evolution tamén pode integrarse perfectamente con Microsoft Exchange empregando a extensión "Exchange Web Services" (EWS).
pt: >-O Evolution é uma aplicação de gestão de informação pessoal que disponibiliza funcionalidades de email, calendários e livros de endereços integrados.
es: >-Evolution es una aplicación de gestión de información personal que integra funcionalidades de correo, calendario y libreta de direcciones.
Evolution soporta un amplio rango de estándares industriales de formatos de datos y protocolos de red para intercambiar información, haciendo hincapié en el cumplimiento de estándares y de seguridad. Evolution también se puede integrar con Microsoft Exchange usando la extensión «Exchange Web Services» (EWS).
eu: >-Evolution informazio pertsonala kudeatzeko aplikazio bat da, bateratutako posta elektronikoa, egutegia eta helbide-liburuaren funtzionalitatea eskaintzen du.
Evolution-ek industriaren datu-formatuen eta sareko protokoloen barruti handia onartzen du informazioa trukatzeko, eta bereziki estandarrak eta segurtasuna betetzen du. Evolution-ek Microsoft Exchange-rekin ere bateratzen da “Exchange Web Services“ (EWS) hedapenaren bidez.
ru: >-Evolution — приложение для управления персональной информацией, которое включает в себя почту, календарь и адресную книгу.
Evolution поддерживает широкий спектр промышленных стандартов форматов данных и сетевых протоколов для обмена информации, с упором на совместимость со стандартами и конфиденциальность. Evolution поддерживает интеграцию с Microsoft Exchange посредством расширения Exchange Web Services (EWS).
zh_HK: >-Evolution 是一套個人資料管理應用程式,提供了整合郵件、行事曆和通訊錄等功能。
tr: >-Evolution, tümleşik eposta, takvim ve adres defteri işlevlerini sunan bir kişisel bilgi yönetimi uygulamasıdır.
Evolution, bilgi alışverişi için standart veri biçimleri ve ağ protokollerinin birçoğunu destekler. Bunu standartlarla uyum ve güvenli bir şekilde yapar. Evolution, “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) eklentisi kullanarak Microsoft Exchange ile de sorunsuz şekilde tümleşebilir.
oc: >-Evolution es una aplicacion de gestion de las informacions personalas que regropa las foncions de corrièr electronic, d'agenda e de quasernet d'adreças.
kn: >-Evolution ಒಂದು ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ನಿರ್ವಹಣಾ ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗಿದ್ದು, ಇದು ಸಂಯೋಜಿತ ಅಂಚೆ, ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ ಮತ್ತು ವಿಳಾಸ ಪುಸ್ತಕದ ಸೌಲಭ್ಯವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
ko: >-에볼루션은 개인 정보 관리 프로그램으로 메일, 달력, 주소록 기능이 통합되어 있습니다.
에볼루션은 광범위한 산업 표준 데이터 포맷과 정보 교환용 네트워크 프로토콜을 표준 준수와 보안을 염두에 두고 지원합니다. 또 에볼루션은 “익스체인지 웹 서비스”(EWS) 확장 기능을 이용해 마이크로소프트 익스체인지와 연동할 수도 있습니다.
it: >-Evolution è un'applicazione per la gestione delle informazioni personali che fornisce funzionalità integrate di posta, calendario e rubrica.
Evolution supporta una vasta gamma di formati di dati standard di settore e protocolli di rete per lo scambio di informazioni, con particolare attenzione alla conformità degli standard e alla sicurezza. Evolution può anche integrarsi senza problemi con Microsoft Exchange tramite l'estensione «Servizi web di Exchange» (EWS).
fur: >-Evolution al è une aplicazion pe gjestion des informazions personâi che e furnìs funzionalitâts integradis di pueste, calendari e rubriche.
Evolution al supuarte une vore di formâts di dâts standard di setôr e protocoi di rêt pal scambi di informazions, cuntun voli di rivuart ae conformitât dai standard e ae sigurece. Evolution al pues ancje integrâsi cence fastidis cun Microsoft Exchange par mieç de estension “Servizis web di Exchange” (EWS).
de: >-Evolution ist eine Anwendung zur Verwaltung persönlicher Informationen, die ein E-Mail-Programm, einen Kalender und ein Adressbuch enthält.
Evolution unterstützt eine Vielzahl von industriellen Standard-Formaten und Netzwerk-Protokollen zum Informationsaustausch, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Standard-Konformität und Sicherheit. Evolution arbeitet außerdem problemlos mit Microsoft Exchange mittels der Erweiterung »Exchange Web Services« (EWS) zusammen.
be: >-Evolution гэта праграма для кіравання асабістай інфармацыяй, уключаючы электронную пошту, каляндар і адрасную кнігу.
Evolution падтрымлівае шырокае кола прамысловых стандартаў фарматаў даных і сеткавых пратаколаў з акцэнтам на адпаведнасць стандартам і бяспеку. Evolution можа гладкім чынам узаемадзейнічаць з Microsoft Exchange з дапамогай пашырэння "Exchange Web Services" (EWS).
da: >-Evolution er et program til håndtering af personlig information, som indeholder integreret funktionalitet til e-mails, kalendre og adressebøger.
Evolution understøtter en bred vifte af industristandardiserede dataformater og netværksprotokoller til informationsudveksling, med fokus på overensstemmelse med standarderne og sikkerhed. Evolution kan også på nem vis integreres med Microsoft Exchange ved hjælp at “Exchange Web Services”-udvidelsen (EWS).
en_GB: >-Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
Evolution supports a wide range of industry standard data formats and network protocols for information exchange, with an emphasis on standards compliance and security. Evolution can also integrate smoothly with Microsoft Exchange by way of the “Exchange Web Services” (EWS) extension.
mr: >-इवोल्युशन वैयक्तिक माहिती व्यवस्थापन ॲप्लिकेशन आहे जे एकत्रीत मेल, दिनदर्शिका आणि पत्ता पुस्तिका कार्यक्षमता पुरवते.
pt_BR: >-Evolution é um aplicativo de gerenciamento de informações pessoais que provê funcionalidades de correio, agenda e catálogo de endereços.
Evolution tem suporte uma ampla gama de formatos de dados padrão da indústria e protocolos de rede para troca de informações, com ênfase em padrões de conformidade e segurança. O Evolution também pode integrar perfeitamente com o Microsoft Exchange por meio da extensão “Exchange Web Services” (EWS).
bg: >-Evolution е програма за управление на лична информация, която предоставя поща, календар, адресник и др.
sr@latin: >-Evolucija je program za upravljanje ličnim podacima koji obezbeđuje objedinjenu funkcionalnost pošte, kalendara i imenika.
Evolucija podržava širok opseg zapisa industrijskih standardnih podataka i mrežnih protokola za razmenu informacija, sa naglaskom na saglasnost standarda i bezbednost. Evolucija može takođe glatko da se objedini sa Majkrosoftovom razmenom posredstvom proširenja „Usluge veb razmene“ (EWS).
bs: >-Evolution je lična aplikacija za upravljanje informacijama koja pruža usluge ingeriranih poštanskih poruka, kalendara i adresara.
fi: >-Evolution on henkilökohtaisen tiedon hallintasovellus, joka tarjoaa sähköpostin, kalenterin ja osoitekirjan.
Evolution tukee lukuisia standardeja tiedostomuotoja ja verkkoprotokollia tiedonvaihtoa varten, painoarvoa on asetettu erityisesti standardien noudattamiseen ja tietoturvaan. Evolution voi myös integroitua Microsoft Exchange -palvelimeen Exchange Web Services (EWS) -laajennuksen avulla.
ProjectGroup: GNOME ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ and GFDL-1.3 Categories: - Office - Email - Calendar - ContactManagement Keywords: es_DO.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea ia_FR: - email - calendario - contacto - libro de contactos - labor es_PE.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea oc_FR.UTF-8: - corrièr electronic - agenda - calendièr - contacte - quasernet d'adreças - prètzfaits zh_TW.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 電子郵件 - 行事曆 - 連絡人 - 通訊錄 - 工作 ca_FR.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca mr_IN: - ईमेल - दिनदर्शिका - संपर्क - पत्तापुस्तिका - कार्य de_DE.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe sv_SE.UTF-8: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressbok - uppgifter - mail - email - todo es_CO.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea hu_HU.UTF-8: - levél - naptár - névjegy - címjegyzék - feladat da_DK.UTF-8: - email - e-mail - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - kontaktperson - adressebog - opgave zh_HK.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 電子郵件 - 行事曆 - 聯絡人 - 通訊錄 - 工作 ca_ES.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca es_PR.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea pl_PL.UTF-8: - email - mail - poczta - kalendarz - kontakt - książka adresowa - zadanie ca_AD.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca el_GR.UTF-8: - αλληλογραφία - ημερολόγιο - επαφή - βιβλίο διευθύνσεων - εργασία nl_NL.UTF-8: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak es_GT.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea nl_AW: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak el_CY.UTF-8: - αλληλογραφία - ημερολόγιο - επαφή - βιβλίο διευθύνσεων - εργασία fr_LU.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches lv_LV.UTF-8: - e-pasts - pasts - kalendārs - kontakti - adrešu grāmata - uzdevums - vēstule es_SV.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea id_ID.UTF-8: - surel - kalender - kontak - buku alamat - tugas eu_FR.UTF-8: - posta - egutegia - kontaktua - helbide-liburua - zeregina kn_IN: - ಅಂಚೆ - ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ - ಸಂಪರ್ಕ - ವಿಳಾಸಪುಸ್ತಕ - ಕಾರ್ಯ bs_BA.UTF-8: - e-pošta - kalendar - kontakt:adresar - zadatak es_UY.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea es_ES.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea de_BE.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe tr_TR.UTF-8: - eposta - takvim - bağlantı - adres - defter - görev nb_NO.UTF-8: - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressebok - oppgave es_CR.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea sl_SI.UTF-8: - elektronska pošta - koledar - stik - stiki - imenik - opravila - naloge fr_CA.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches sk_SK.UTF-8: - email - pošta - kalendár - kontakt - adresár kontaktov - úloha ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca es_VE.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea it_IT.UTF-8: - email - mail - posta - calendario - contatti - rubrica - attività de_CH.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe sr_RS: - е-пошта - пошта - календар - контакт - адресар - задатак tr_CY.UTF-8: - eposta - takvim - bağlantı - adres - defter - görev uk_UA.UTF-8: - пошта - календар - контакт - адресна - книга - завдання ja_JP.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - mail - E-メール - Eメール - 電子メール - 電子メイル - カレンダー - 暦 - コンタクト - 連絡先 - 相手 - 相手先 - アドレス帳 - 電話帳 - タスク - 作業 - 仕事 bg_BG.UTF-8: - поща - е-поща - календар - контакт - адресник - задача - mail - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task es_BO.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea eu_ES.UTF-8: - posta - egutegia - kontaktua - helbide-liburua - zeregina be_BY@latin: - пошта - каляндар - кантакт - адрасная кніга - заданне ms_MY.UTF-8: - emel - kalendar - kenalan - bukualamat - tugas es_AR.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea fr_FR.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches es_HN.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea fur_IT: - e-mail - mail - pueste - calendari - contats - rubriche - ativitât es_NI.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea de_LI.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe de_AT.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe sr_RS@latin: - e-pošta - pošta - kalendar - kontakt - adresar - zadatak es_PA.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea gl_ES.UTF-8: - correo - calendario - contacto - caderno de enderezos - tarefas nl_BE.UTF-8: - email - e-mail - calendar - agenda - contact - addressbook - adresboek - task - taak ko_KR.UTF-8: - email - 메일 - 전자메일 - 편지 - calendar - 달력 - 캘린더 - 일정 - contact - 연락처 - addressbook - 주소록 - task - 작업 - 할일 sv_FI.UTF-8: - epost - e-post - kalender - kontakt - adressbok - uppgifter - mail - email - todo am_ET: - ኢሜይል - ቀን መቁጠሪያ - ግንኙነት - አድራሻ ደብተር - ስራዎች fr_BE.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches C: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task de_LU.UTF-8: - Mail - E-Mail - Nachricht - Kalender - Kontakt - Adressbuch - Aufgabe es_US.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea pt_PT.UTF-8: - correio - email - mensagem - calendário - contacto - compromisso - livro - endereços - tarefa es_PY.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea zh_CN.UTF-8: - mail - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - 邮件 - 日历 - 联系人 - 地址簿 - 任务 lt_LT.UTF-8: - paštas - kalendorius - kontaktai - adresų knyga - užduotis sr_ME: - е-пошта - пошта - календар - контакт - адресар - задатак fi_FI.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - sähköposti - kalenteri - yhteystiedot - osoitekirja - tehtävä pt_BR.UTF-8: - correio - email - calendário - agenda - contato - catálogo de endereços - tarefa es_CU: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea ru_RU.UTF-8: - почта - календарь - контакт - адресная - книга - задача - задание kk_KZ.UTF-8: - email - calendar - contact - addressbook - task - эл пошта - күнтізбе - контакт - адрестік кітапша - тапсырма ca_IT.UTF-8: - correu - calendari - contactes - llibreta d'adreces - tasca fr_CH.UTF-8: - courriel - agenda - calendrier - contact - carnet d'adresses - tâches it_CH.UTF-8: - email - mail - posta - calendario - contatti - rubrica - attività be_BY.UTF-8: - пошта - каляндар - кантакт - адрасная кніга - заданне es_EC.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea ru_UA.UTF-8: - почта - календарь - контакт - адресная - книга - задача - задание es_CL.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea cs_CZ.UTF-8: - pošta - e-mail - kalendář - kontakt - adresář - úkol es_MX.UTF-8: - correo-e - calendario - contacto - libreta - direcciones - tarea or_IN: - ଇମେଲ - କ୍ୟାଲେଣ୍ଡର - ସମ୍ପର୍କ - ଠିକଣାପୁସ୍ତକ - କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=evolution help: https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/ donation: http://www.gnome.org/friends/ Icon: cached: - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: evolution_evolution.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: evolution remote: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/A2A3470DBF9CC2DD73E3C52444D11BB3/icons/128x128/evolution_evolution.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - text/calendar - text/x-vcard - text/directory - application/mbox - message/rfc822 - x-scheme-handler/mailto - x-scheme-handler/webcal Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/A2A3470DBF9CC2DD73E3C52444D11BB3/screenshots/image-1_752x436.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/A2A3470DBF9CC2DD73E3C52444D11BB3/screenshots/image-1_624x361.png width: 624 height: 361 - url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/A2A3470DBF9CC2DD73E3C52444D11BB3/screenshots/image-1_224x129.png width: 224 height: 129 source-image: url: org/gnome/Evolution.desktop/A2A3470DBF9CC2DD73E3C52444D11BB3/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1183 height: 686 --- Type: desktop-application ID: wireshark-gtk.desktop Package: wireshark-gtk Name: C: Wireshark (GTK+) vi: Wireshark (GTK+) Summary: ja: ネットワークトラフィックアナライザー sk: Analyzátor sieťovej premávky sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa C: Network traffic analyzer sq: Analizues i trafikut të rrjetit fr: Analyseur de trafic réseau nb: Nettverkstrafikk-analysator sv: Nätverkstrafikanalysator af: Netwerkverkeer analiseerder hu: Hálózatiforgalom-elemző uk: Аналізатор мережевого трафіку nl: Netwerkverkeer analyseren lt: Tinklo duomenų srauto analizatorius pl: Analizator ruchu sieciowego el: Ανάλυση κίνησης δικτύου ast: Analizador de tráficu de rede cs: Analyzátor síťového přenosu pt: Analisador de tráfego da rede ro: Analizator trafic de rețea es: Analizador de tráfico de red gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede et: Võrguliikluse analüüsija vi: Trình phân tích giao thông mạng ru: Анализ сетевого трафика tr: Ağ trafiği çözümleyicisi oc: Analisador de tramas de ret da: Netværkstrafikanalyse it: Analizzatore del traffico di rete bg: Анализатор на мрежовия трафик de: Netzwerkverkehr-Analyseprogramm pt_BR: Analisador de tráfego de rede ko: 네트워크 트래픽 분석기 bn: নেটওয়ার্ক ট্রাফিক বিশ্লেষক ms: Penganalisa trafik rangkaian ky: Тармактык трафикти анализдөө fi: Verkkoliikenne analysaattori bs: Analizator mrežnoga prometa Description: pl: >-Wireshark jest narzędziem typu sniffer, służącym do przechwytywania i analizowania pakietów sieciowych. Wireshark potrafi dekodować zbyt wiele protokołów, aby je tutaj wymieniać.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
de: >-Wireshark ist ein Netzwerk-»Sniffer« - ein Werkzeug, das Pakete auf der Leitung erfasst und analysiert. Wireshark kann so viele Protokolle dekodieren, dass sie hier nicht aufgelistet werden können.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
zh_CN: >-Wireshark 是一个网络嗅探器 - 一个用于抓取和分析网络数据包的工具。 Wireshark 可以解码的协议数量巨大,不胜枚举。
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
sk: >-Wireshark je analyzátor premávky na sieti alebo „sniffer“ pre unixové systémy. Wireshark dokáže dekódovať množstvo protokolov (príliš mnoho aby sa dal uviesť zoznam).
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
sl: >-Wireshark je program za "vohunjenje" na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici. Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
pt_BR: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
pt: >-Wireshark é um "sniffer" de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
C: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
uk: >-Wireshark — аналізатор мережевого трафіку, т.зв. „сніфер“, — це утиліта для захоплення пакетів, які проходять мережевим каналом. Wireshark підтримує формати декількох протоколів (дуже великий перелік).
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
ru: >-Wireshark — это анализатор сетевого трафика («снифер») для захвата пакетов, которые передаются по сетевому каналу. Wireshark поддерживает так много протоколов, что их невозможно перечислить в данном описании.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
ja: >-Wireshark は、回線上を流れるパケットをキャプチャし、解析するツールであ るネットワーク「スニファ」です。 Wireshark はここで一覧を示すことがで きない程多くのプロトコルを解析することができます。
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
es: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
fr: >-Wireshark est un analyseur de trafic réseau ou «⋅sniffer⋅», utilisé pour capturer et examiner les paquets transitant sur un réseau. Wireshark décode de nombreux protocoles (trop nombreux pour être listés).
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en_CA: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en_GB: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
hu: >-A Wireshark egy hálózatfigyelő eszköz, amely elkapja és elemzi a hálózati csomagokat. A Wireshark rengeteg protokollt támogat.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
it: >-Wireshark è uno "sniffer" della rete, uno strumento che cattura e analizza pacchetti dal cavo. Wireshark può decodificare troppi protocolli per elencarli qui.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
nl: >-Wireshark is een netwerk-"sniffer" - een hulpmiddel dat pakketten van de draad kan opvangen en analyseren. Wireshark kan te veel protocols decoderen om hier op te noemen.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
da: >-Wireshark er en »netværkssniffer« - et værktøj som fanger og analyserer pakker fra nettet. Wireshark kan afkode en masse protokoller; for mange til at nævne her.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
en_AU: >-Wireshark is a network "sniffer" - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can decode too many protocols to list here.
This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.
Categories: - Network - Monitor Icon: cached: - name: wireshark-gtk_wireshark.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wireshark-gtk_wireshark.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wireshark Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-tektronix-rf5 - application/x-iptrace - application/x-etherpeek - application/x-lanalyzer - application/x-radcom - application/x-netinstobserver - application/x-5view - application/x-nettl - application/x-snoop - application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap - application/x-pcapng - application/x-visualnetworks --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-opencv Package: gstreamer1.0-opencv Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: C: GStreamer OpenCV plugins en: GStreamer OpenCV plugins --- Type: addon ID: org.gnome.Software.Plugin.Flatpak Package: gnome-software-plugin-flatpak Extends: - org.gnome.Software.desktop Name: ca@valencia: Compatibilitat amb Flatpak zh_CN: Flatpak 支持 ja: Flatpak サポート sk: Podpora nástroja Flatpak sl: Podpora Flatpak C: Flatpak Support fr: Prise en charge de Flatpak nb: Støtte for Flatpak hr: Flatpak podrška sv: Flatpak-stöd ca: Compatibilitat amb Flatpak pa: ਫਲੈਟਪਕ ਸਹਿਯੋਗ hu: Flatpak támogatás af: Flatpak ondersteuning nl: Flatpak-ondersteuning lt: Flatpak palaikymas pl: Obsługa Flatpak lv: Flatpak atbalsts gd: Taic ri Flatpak el: Υποστήριξη Flatpak id: Dukungan Flatpak cs: Podpora pro Flatpak ro: Suport pentru flatpak gl: Compatibilidade de Flatpak es: Soporte de Flatpak eu: Flatpak euskarria tr: Flatpak Desteği kk: Flatpak қолдауы oc: Presa en carga de Flatpak da: Understøttelse af Flatpak ko: Flatpak 지원 it: Supporto Flatpak fur: Supuart Flatpak pt_BR: Suporte a flatpak de: Flatpak-Unterstützung en_GB: Flatpak Support bg: Поддръжка на „Flatpak“ sr@latin: Podrška za Fletpek (Flatpak) fi: Flatpak-tuki Summary: ca@valencia: Flatpak és un espai de treball per aplicacions d'escriptori a Linux zh_CN: Flatpak 是用于 Linux 上桌面应用程序的框架 ja: Flatpak は Linux 上のデスクトップアプリケーション向けフレームワークです sk: Flatpak je architektúra počítačových aplikácií pre systém Linux sl: Flatpak je okolje za podporo namiznim programom sistema Linux C: Flatpak is a framework for desktop applications on Linux fr: Flatpak est une structure pour les applications de bureau sous Linux nb: Flatpak er et rammeverk for skrivebordsprogrammer på Linux hr: Flatpak je radni okvir za aplikacije radne površine na Linuxu sv: Flatpak är ett ramverk för skrivbordsprogram på Linux ca: Flatpak és un espai de treball per aplicacions d'escriptori a Linux pa: ਫਲੈਟਪਕ (Flatpak) ਲੀਨਕਸ 'ਤੇ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਢਾਂਚਾ ਹੈ। hu: A Flatpak egy keretrendszer Linuxos asztali alkalmazásokhoz nl: Flatpak is een raamwerk voor bureaubladtoepassingen op Linux lt: Flatpak yra karkasas, skirtas darbalaukio programoms Linux sistemose pl: Flatpak to system dla programów w systemie Linux lv: Flatpak ir ietvars darbvirsmas lietotnēm uz Linux gd: ’S e frèam-obrach a th’ ann am Flatpak airson aplacaidean deasga air Linux el: Το Flatpak είναι ένα framework για εφαρμογές στο Linux id: Flatpak adalah kerangka kerja untuk aplikasi destop di Linux cs: Flatpak je systém pro provozování aplikací na Linuxu ro: Flatpak este o platformă pentru aplicații desktop în Linux gl: Flatpak é un ambiente de desenvolvemento de aplicativos de escritorio en Linux es: Flatpak es un entorno de desarrollo para aplicaciones de escritorio en Linux eu: Flatpak Linuxeko mahaigaineko aplikazioen lan-marko bat da tr: Flatpak, Linux’taki masaüstü uygulamaları için bir çerçevedir kk: Flatpak - бұл Linux үшін жұмыс үстел қолданбаларының жүйесі oc: Flatpak es un component logicial per las aplicacions de burèus Linux da: Flatpak er et framework til skrivebordsprogrammer på Linux ko: Flatpak은 리눅스 데스크톱 프로그램용 프레임워크입니다 it: Flatpak è un framework per le applicazioni desktop su Linux fur: Flatpak al è un ambient di svilup par aplicazions di scritori su Linux pt_BR: Flatpak é um framework para aplicativos no Linux de: Flatpak ist eine Laufzeitumgebung für Linux-Desktop-Anwendungen, deren Pakete distributionsunabhängig laufen. en_GB: Flatpak is a framework for desktop applications on Linux bg: „Flatpak“ е система за пакетиране на програми за Линукс sr@latin: Fletpek je radni okvir za stone Linuks programe fi: Flatpak on viitekehys Linux-työpöytäsovelluksille ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: http://flatpak.org/ --- Type: addon ID: network-manager-vpnc Package: network-manager-vpnc-gnome Extends: - nm-connection-editor.desktop - gnome-control-center.desktop Name: de: VPNC-Client für veraltete Cisco-Systeme lt: Pasenęs Cisco VPNC klientas pl: Przestarzały klient Cisco VPNC pt_BR: Cliente legado para Cisco VPNC C: Legacy Cisco VPNC client id: Klien legacy Cisco VPNC cs: Původní klient Cisco VPNC sr: Стари Цисков ВПНЦ клијент es: Cliente VPNC heredado de Cisco sv: Legacy Cisco VPNC-klient hu: Örökölt Cisco VPNC kliens ca: Client antic Cisco VPNC it: Vecchio client VPNC Cisco sr@latin: Stari Ciskov VPNC klijent Summary: de: Client für Cisco-IPsec virtuelle private Netze lt: Cisco IPsec virtualių privačių tinklų klientas pl: Klient dla wirtualnych sieci prywatnych IPsec firmy Cisco pt_BR: Cliente para redes privadas virtuais IPsec da Cisco C: Client for Cisco IPsec virtual private networks id: Klien untuk virtual private network IPsec Cisco cs: Klient pro virtuální soukromé sítě Cisco IPSec sr: Клијент за Цискову ИПсец виртуелну приватну мрежу es: Cliente para redes privadas virtuales IPsec de Cisco sv: Klient för Cisco IPsec virtuella privata nätverk hu: Kliens a Cisco IPsec virtuális magánhálózatokhoz ca: Client per a xarxes privades virtuals Cisco IPsec it: Client per reti private virtuali IPsec Cisco sr@latin: Klijent za Ciskovu IPsec virtuelnu privatnu mrežu Description: pl: >-Obsługa konfigurowania wirtualnych sieci prywatnych opartych na VPNC.
Zgodne z koncentratorami VPN firmy Cisco skonfigurowanymi do używania IPsec.
lt: >-VPNC pagrindo virtualių privačių tinklų konfigūracijos palaikymas.
Suderinamas su Cisco VPN koncentratoriais, sukonfigūruotas IPsec naudojimui.
de: >-Unterstützung für die Konfiguration virtueller privater Netzverbindungen, die auf VPNC basieren.
Kompatibel mit Cisco-VPN-Konzentratoren, die für den Einsatz von IPsec konfiguriert sind.
pt_BR: >-Suporte a configuração de redes privadas virtuais baseadas em VPNC.
Compatível com concentradores VPN da Cisco configurados para usar IPsec.
C: >-Support for configuring virtual private networks based on VPNC.
Compatible with Cisco VPN concentrators configured to use IPsec.
id: >-Dukungan untuk menata virtual private network berbasis VPNC.
Kompatibel dengan konsentrator VPN Cisco yang ditata memakai IPsec.
cs: >-Podpora nastavení sítí VPN založených na VPNC.
Kompatibilní s koncentrátory Cisco VPN nastavenými pro použití IPsec.
sr: >-Подршка за подешавање виртуелних приватних мрежа заснованих на ВПНЦ-у.
Сагласно са Цисковим ВПН концентраторима подешеним за коришћење ИПсец-а
es: >-Soporte para configurar redes privadas virtuales basadas en VPNC.
Compatible con concentradores VPN de Cisco configurados para usar IPsec.
sv: >-Stöd för att konfigurera virtuella privata nätverk baserade på VPNC.
Kompatibel med Cisco VPN-koncentratorer konfigurerade att använda IPsec.
hu: >-A VPNC alapú virtuális magánhálózatok beállításának támogatása.
Kompatibilis az IPsec használatára beállított Cisco VPN koncentrátorokkal
ca: >-Suport per configurar xarxes privades virtuals basades en VPNC.
Compatible amb concentradors Cisco VPN configurats per usar IPsec.
it: >-Supporta la configurazione di connessioni private virtuali basate su VPNC.
Compatibile con i concentratori VPN Cisco configurati per utilizzare IPsec.
sr@latin: >-Podrška za podešavanje virtuelnih privatnih mreža zasnovanih na VPNC-u.
Saglasno sa Ciskovim VPN koncentratorima podešenim za korišćenje IPsec-a
DeveloperName: de: Die Entwickler von NetworkManager lt: NetworkManager kūrėjai pl: Programiści projektu NetworkManager pt_BR: Os desenvolvedores NetworkManager C: The NetworkManager Developers id: Para Pengembang NetworkManager cs: Vývojáři aplikace NetworkManager sr: Програмери Управника мреже es: Los desarrolladores de NetworkManager sv: Utvecklarna av Nätverkshanteraren hu: A Hálózatkezelő fejlesztői ca: Els desenvolupadors del NetworkManager it: Gli sviluppatori di NetworkManager sr@latin: Programeri Upravnika mreže ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Keywords: C: - network - manager - NetworkManager - connection - VPN - VPNC - IPsec - Cisco Url: homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/VPN bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=NetworkManager Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_752x537.png width: 752 height: 537 - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_624x446.png width: 624 height: 446 - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_224x160.png width: 224 height: 160 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 800 height: 572 - caption: C: The advanced options dialog thumbnails: - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_752x514.png width: 752 height: 514 - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_624x426.png width: 624 height: 426 - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_224x153.png width: 224 height: 153 source-image: url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 800 height: 547 --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement Package: plasma-nm Name: he: רשתות ca@valencia: Xarxes zh_CN: 网络 sk: Siete sl: Omrežja C: Networks fr: Réseaux sr: Мреже uk: Мережі nb: Nettverk ca: Xarxes sv: Nätverk pa: ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ hu: Hálózatok nl: Netwerken zh_TW: 網路 nn: Nettverk lt: Tinklai ar: الشّبكات pl: Sieci nds: Nettwarken ia: Retes el: Δίκτυα ast: Redes cs: Sítě id: Jaringan pt: Redes gl: Redes es: Redes et: Võrgud eu: Sareak ru: Сети sr@ijekavianlatin: Mreže tr: Ağlar da: Netværk ko: 네트워크 it: Reti sr@ijekavian: Мреже de: Netzwerke pt_BR: Redes en_GB: Networks sr@latin: Mreže fi: Verkot bs: Mreže Summary: he: מצב ושליטה על הרשת ca@valencia: Control i estat de la xarxa zh_CN: 网络状态和控制 sk: Správa a ovládanie siete sl: Stanje omrežja in nadzor C: Network status and control fr: État et contrôle du réseau sr: Стање и управљање мрежом uk: Стеження за станом і керування мережею nb: Nettverksstatus og styring ca: Control i estat de la xarxa sv: Nätverksstatus och kontroll pa: ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਹਾਲਤ ਅਤੇ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ hu: Hálózatállapot és vezérlés nl: Netwerkstatus en besturing zh_TW: 網路狀態與控制 nn: Nettverksstatus og -styring lt: Tinklo būsena ir kontrolė ar: حالة الشّبكة والتّحكّم بها pl: Stan i obsługa sieci nds: Nettwarkstatus un -stüern ia: Stato e controlo de rete el: Κατάσταση δικτύου και έλεγχος cs: Stav a ovládání sítě id: Kendali dan status jaringan gl: Monitorización e control da rede pt: Estado e controlo da rede es: Estado y control de redes et: Võrgu olek ja juhtimine eu: Sareen egoera eta kontrola ro: Starea și controlul rețelei ru: Состояние и управление сетью sr@ijekavianlatin: Stanje i upravljanje mrežom tr: Ağ denetim ve durum izleme da: Status og kontrol over netværk ko: 네트워크 상태 및 제어 it: Stato e controllo della rete sr@ijekavian: Стање и управљање мрежом de: Netzwerkstatus und -steuerung pt_BR: Estado e controle da rede en_GB: Network status and control bg: Състояние и контрол на мрежата sr@latin: Stanje i upravljanje mrežom fi: Verkon tila ja hallinta bs: Kontrola i status mreže DeveloperName: C: Jan Grulich,Lukáš TinklVLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
DeveloperName: C: VideoLAN et al. ProjectGroup: VideoLAN ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - AudioVideo - Player - Recorder Keywords: C: - Player - Capture - DVD - Audio - Video - Server - Broadcast Url: homepage: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ bugtracker: https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/ donation: https://www.videolan.org/contribute.html Icon: cached: - name: vlc_vlc.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: vlc_vlc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vlc_vlc.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: vlc remote: - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/icons/128x128/vlc_vlc.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - vlc.desktop Provides: libraries: - libvlc.so.5 mimetypes: - application/ogg - application/x-ogg - audio/ogg - audio/vorbis - audio/x-vorbis - audio/x-vorbis+ogg - video/ogg - video/x-ogm - video/x-ogm+ogg - video/x-theora+ogg - video/x-theora - audio/x-speex - audio/opus - application/x-flac - audio/flac - audio/x-flac - audio/x-ms-asf - audio/x-ms-asx - audio/x-ms-wax - audio/x-ms-wma - video/x-ms-asf - video/x-ms-asf-plugin - video/x-ms-asx - video/x-ms-wm - video/x-ms-wmv - video/x-ms-wmx - video/x-ms-wvx - video/x-msvideo - audio/x-pn-windows-acm - video/divx - video/msvideo - video/vnd.divx - video/avi - video/x-avi - application/vnd.rn-realmedia - application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio - audio/x-pn-realaudio - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin - audio/x-real-audio - audio/x-realaudio - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - audio/mpeg - audio/mpg - audio/mp1 - audio/mp2 - audio/mp3 - audio/x-mp1 - audio/x-mp2 - audio/x-mp3 - audio/x-mpeg - audio/x-mpg - video/mp2t - video/mpeg - video/mpeg-system - video/x-mpeg - video/x-mpeg2 - video/x-mpeg-system - application/mpeg4-iod - application/mpeg4-muxcodetable - application/x-extension-m4a - application/x-extension-mp4 - audio/aac - audio/m4a - audio/mp4 - audio/x-m4a - audio/x-aac - video/mp4 - video/mp4v-es - video/x-m4v - application/x-quicktime-media-link - application/x-quicktimeplayer - video/quicktime - application/x-matroska - audio/x-matroska - video/x-matroska - video/webm - audio/webm - audio/3gpp - audio/3gpp2 - audio/AMR - audio/AMR-WB - video/3gp - video/3gpp - video/3gpp2 - x-scheme-handler/mms - x-scheme-handler/mmsh - x-scheme-handler/rtsp - x-scheme-handler/rtp - x-scheme-handler/rtmp - x-scheme-handler/icy - x-scheme-handler/icyx - application/x-cd-image - x-content/video-vcd - x-content/video-svcd - x-content/video-dvd - x-content/audio-cdda - x-content/audio-player - application/ram - application/xspf+xml - audio/mpegurl - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/scpls - audio/x-scpls - text/google-video-pointer - text/x-google-video-pointer - video/vnd.mpegurl - application/vnd.apple.mpegurl - application/vnd.ms-asf - application/vnd.ms-wpl - application/sdp - audio/dv - video/dv - audio/x-aiff - audio/x-pn-aiff - video/x-anim - video/x-nsv - video/fli - video/flv - video/x-flc - video/x-fli - video/x-flv - audio/wav - audio/x-pn-au - audio/x-pn-wav - audio/x-wav - audio/x-adpcm - audio/ac3 - audio/eac3 - audio/vnd.dts - audio/vnd.dts.hd - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.1 - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2 - audio/vnd.dolby.mlp - audio/basic - audio/midi - audio/x-ape - audio/x-gsm - audio/x-musepack - audio/x-tta - audio/x-wavpack - audio/x-shorten - application/x-shockwave-flash - application/x-flash-video - misc/ultravox - image/vnd.rn-realpix - audio/x-it - audio/x-mod - audio/x-s3m - audio/x-xm - application/mxf Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_752x518.png width: 752 height: 518 - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_624x430.png width: 624 height: 430 - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_224x154.png width: 224 height: 154 source-image: url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1000 height: 690 - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_752x575.png width: 752 height: 575 - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_624x477.png width: 624 height: 477 - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_224x171.png width: 224 height: 171 source-image: url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 940 height: 719 - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_752x515.png width: 752 height: 515 - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_624x428.png width: 624 height: 428 - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_224x153.png width: 224 height: 153 source-image: url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1000 height: 686 Releases: - version: 3.0.8 type: stable --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: pl: Wtyczki GStreamera z zestawu "ugly" de: GStreamer-Erweiterungen der »ugly«-Sammlung zh_CN: GStreamer 插件,来自“ugly”系列 pt_BR: extensões GStreamer para o conjunto "ugly" sl: Vstavki GStreamer iz zbirke "ugly" ja: GStreamer プラグインの「厄介な」セット uk: Набір "небезпечних" втулків для GStreamer C: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set fi: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set en: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set en_CA: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set sk: zásuvné moduly GStreamer zo sady „ugly“ es: Complementos de GStreamer incluidos en el conjunto «ugly» fr: Greffons GStreamer de l'ensemble « ugly » pt: Plugins GStreamer do conjunto "ugly" ru: модули GStreamer из "опасного" набора en_GB: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set hu: GStreamer bővítmények az „ugly” készletből ko: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set it: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set nl: GStreamer-plug-ins uit de "ugly"-set da: GStreamer-udvidelser fra sættet "ugly" en_AU: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set --- Type: desktop-application ID: mediathekview.desktop Package: mediathekview Name: C: MediathekView de: MediathekView Summary: C: View streams from public German TV stations de: Schaue Sendungen von Mediatheken öffentlicher Fernsehsender Description: de: >-Diese Anwendungen durchsucht die Videoinhalt der Mediatheken der deutschen Fernsehprogramme (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF und weitere). Sie können die angebotenen Sendungen ansehen, herunterladen und sogar abonnieren.
C: >-This application searches for various media center video content of the German television program (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF and many more). You can watch, download and even subscribe to an offered show.
en: >-This application searches for various media center video content of the German television program (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF and many more). You can watch, download and even subscribe to an offered show.
en_CA: >-This application searches for various media center video content of the German television program (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF and many more). You can watch, download and even subscribe to an offered show.
ru: >-Это приложение выполняет поиск видеоконтента немецких телепрограмм (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF и многие другие). Можно просматривать, скачивать и даже подписаться на предлагаемые передачи.
fr: >-Cette application recherche des contenus vidéo dans plusieurs centres multimédias de programmes de télévision allemands (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF et bien plus). Vous pouvez regarder, télécharger et même vous abonner à une émission proposée.
en_GB: >-This application searches for various media center video content of the German television program (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF and many more). You can watch, download and even subscribe to an offered show.
it: >-Questa applicazione cerca tra diversi contenuti video per media center dei programmi della televisione tedesca (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF e molti altri). È possibile visualizzare, scaricare e anche iscriversi ad uno spettacolo disponibile.
da: >-Dette program søger efter diverse mediecenter-videoindhold for tyske tv- programmer (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF og mange flere). Du kan se, hente og endda abonnere på et udbudt show.
en_AU: >-This application searches for various media center video content of the German television program (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF and many more). You can watch, download and even subscribe to an offered show.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Video - TV Keywords: C: - stream - television - German - public - TV - video - audio Icon: cached: - name: mediathekview_MediathekView.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: mediathekview_MediathekView.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: libreoffice-base.desktop Package: libreoffice-base Name: C: LibreOffice Base Summary: C: Database manager part of the LibreOffice productivity suite Description: C: >-Base is a powerful database manager, part of the LibreOffice productivity suite. It allows you to store, manage and maintain different collections of data. Base makes it easy to keep track of your finances, customers, invoices, or even just the contacts in your address book!
For users that are new to databases, Base offers helpful wizards to create tables, queries, forms and reports. It's a solution for people requiring an easy-to-understand, simple-to-use system.
For power users and enterprise requirements, it provides native-support drivers for some of the most-widely employed multi-user database engines: PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS Access. In addition, the built-in support for JDBC- and ODBC-standard drivers allows you to connect to virtually any other existing database engine as well.
DeveloperName: C: The Document Foundation ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0 Categories: - Office - Database Keywords: C: - Data - SQL Url: homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/base/ bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/ help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/ translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/ Icon: cached: - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/50f6b18bd55225def9907e7bfce28561/icons/128x128/libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: libreoffice-base Launchable: desktop-id: - libreoffice-base.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database - application/vnd.sun.xml.base Screenshots: - default: true caption: {} thumbnails: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/50f6b18bd55225def9907e7bfce28561/screenshots/image-1_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/50f6b18bd55225def9907e7bfce28561/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 400 height: 300 - caption: {} thumbnails: - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/50f6b18bd55225def9907e7bfce28561/screenshots/image-2_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/50f6b18bd55225def9907e7bfce28561/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 400 height: 300 --- Type: desktop-application ID: budgie-desktop-settings.desktop Package: budgie-core Name: he: הגדרות ממשק באדג'י id_ID: Pengaturan Desktop Budgie zh_CN: Budgie 桌面设置 fr_BE: Paramètres du bureau Budgie C: Budgie Desktop Settings es_MX: Configuración del escritorio Budgie fr: Paramètres de Budgie Desktop hr_HR: Postavke Budgie radne površine hr: Postavke Budgie radne površine ca: Paràmetres de l'escriptori Budgie sv: Inställningar för Budgie-skrivbordsmiljö hu: Budgie Desktop beállítása pl_PL: Ustawienia Pulpitu Budgie uk: Налаштування Budgie Desktop it_IT: Impostazioni del desktop Budgie bg_BG: Budgie Настройки на работния плот 'no': Budge Desktop-inntillinger lt: Budgie darbalaukio nustatymai pl: Ustawienia Pulpitu Budgie fr_FR: Paramètres du Bureau Budgie pt_PT: Definições do Budgie Desktop ko_KR: Budgie Desktop 설정 cs: Nastavení plochy Budgie eo: Agordoj de la labortablo "Budgie" es_AR: Ajustes de Budgie ro: Setări desktop Budgie es: Configuraciones de Escritorio Budgie eu: Budgie Mahaigainaren Ezarpenak hu_HU: Budgie Desktop beállítása ja_JP: Budgieデスクトップの設定 nl: Budgie-instellingen tr: Budgie Masaüstü Ayarları es_ES: Ajustes de escritorio de Budgie da: Budgie-skrivebordsindstillinger it: Impostazioni Desktop Budgie de: Budgie Desktop Einstellungen pt_BR: Configurações do Budgie Desktop el_GR: Ρυθμίσεις περιβάλλοντος εργασίας Budgie nl_BE: Budgie Bureablad Instellingen fi: Budgie-työpöydän asetukset Summary: he: שנה מראה והתנהגות של שולחן העבודה id_ID: Ganti tampilan dan perilaku desktop zh_CN: 更改桌面外观和行为 fr_BE: Changer l'apparence du bureau et son comportement C: Change desktop appearance and behaviour es_MX: Cambiar la apariencia del escritorio y comportamiento fr: Modifier l'apparence et le comportement du bureau hr_HR: Promjeni izgled i ponašanje radne površine hr: Promjeni izgled i ponašanje radne površine ca: Canvieu l'aparença i el comportament de l'escriptori. sv: Ändra skrivbordsutseende och beteende pl_PL: Zmień wygląd i zachowanie pulpitu hu: Az asztali megjelenés és a viselkedés megváltoztatása uk: Змінити зовнішній вигляд та поведінку стільниці it_IT: Cambia il comportamento e l'aspetto del desktop nl: Uiterlijk en gedrag instellen 'no': Endre skrivebordsatferd og utforming lt: Keisti darbalaukio išvaizdą ir elgseną pl: Zmień wygląd i zachowanie pulpitu pt_PT: Alterar a aparência e comportamento do ambiente de trabalho fr_FR: Modifier l'apparence et le comportement du bureau ko_KR: 데스크톱 모양새와 행동방식 변경하기 cs: Změnit vzhled a chování plochy eo: Ĝi ŝanĝas labortablan aspekton kaj konduton es_AR: Cambiar la apariencia y comportamiento del escritorio ro: Schimbă aspectul și comportamentul desktopului es: Cambiar apariencia del escritorio eu: Mahaigainaren itxura eta portaera aldatu hu_HU: Az asztali megjelenés és a viselkedés megváltoztatása ja_JP: デスクトップの外観と挙動の変更 tr: Masaüstü görünümünü ve davranışını değiştir da: Skift skrivebordsudseende og -opførsel de: Ändere das Aussehen und Verhalten des Desktops pt_BR: Alterar a aparência e o comportamento da área de trabalho nl_BE: Wijzig het uiterlijk en het gedrag van het bureaublad sr_RS@latin: Promeni izgled i ponasanje desktopa fi: Muuta työpöydän ulkoasua ja toimintaa Description: C: >-Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on simplicity and elegance. It provides a traditional desktop metaphor based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system. Budgie-Desktop is written from scratch utilising many GNOME based sub-systems such as GNOME-Session and Mutter.
This is the base package for budgie-desktop. This package provides: GNOME Network Manager autostart file specifically for Budgie budgie-desktop plugins locales and icons for budgie-desktop budgie-desktop executables GLib schemas for budgie-desktop Session file for budgie-desktop
en: >-Budgie-Desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment which focuses on simplicity and elegance. It provides a traditional desktop metaphor based interface utilising customisable panel based menu driven system. Budgie-Desktop is written from scratch utilising many GNOME based sub-systems such as GNOME-Session and Mutter.
This is the base package for budgie-desktop. This package provides: GNOME Network Manager autostart file specifically for Budgie budgie-desktop plugins locales and icons for budgie-desktop budgie-desktop executables GLib schemas for budgie-desktop Session file for budgie-desktop
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: budgie-core_preferences-desktop.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: budgie-core_preferences-desktop.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: budgie-core_preferences-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop remote: - url: b/bu/budgie-desktop-settings.desktop/5DCD9400570E1C05ED795290BF6AA43E/icons/128x128/budgie-core_preferences-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - budgie-desktop-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: nemo.desktop Package: nemo Name: ca_ES: Fitxers pl: Pliki es_SV: Archivos pt: Ficheiros tr: Dosyalar es_DO: Archivos es_PA: Archivos am: ፋይሎች es_PE: Archivos ca_ES@valencia: Fitxers ca@valencia: Fitxers pt_BR: Arquivos uk_UA: Файли es: Archivos eu: Fitxategiak es_PR: Archivos is: Skrár de_CH: Dateien es_EC: Archivos uk: Файли bg: Файлове es_AR: Archivos zh_CN: 文件 fi: Tiedostot es_ES: Archivos es_419: Archivos fr: Fichiers nl: Bestanden de_DE: Dateien es_MX: Archivos nl_NL: Bestanden ca: Fitxers es_US: Archivos de@hebrew: Dateien es_UY: Archivos ru: Файлы zh_HK: 檔案 fr_FR: Fichiers es_NI: Archivos sk_SK: Súbory da_DK: Filer cs: Soubory es_VE: Archivos tr_TR: Dosyalar fr_CA: Fichiers ko: 파일 sk: Súbory C: Files pt_PT: Ficheiros da: Filer es_CL: Archivos ko_KR: 파일 es_CO: Archivos fi_FI: Tiedostot de: Dateien sv: Filer es_CR: Archivos lt_LT: Failai hr: Nemo pl_PL: Pliki hu: Fájlok cs_CZ: Soubory bg_BG: Файлове hu_HU: Fájlok lt: Failai Summary: ca_ES: Organitzeu i accediu als fitxers pl: Porządkowanie i dostęp do plików es_SV: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos pt: Aceder e organizar ficheiros tr: Dosyalara eriş ve düzenle es_DO: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos es_PA: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos am: ፋይሎች ጋር መድረሻ እና ማደራጃ ia: Acceder e organisar le files es_PE: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos ca_ES@valencia: Organitzeu i accediu als fitxers ca@valencia: Organitzeu i accediu als fitxers pt_BR: Acesse e organize arquivos uk_UA: Доступ до файлів та впорядковування файлів es: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos eu: Atzitu eta antolatu fitxategiak es_PR: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos is: Aðgangur og skipulag skráa it: Accede ai file e li ed organizza de_CH: Dateien aufrufen und organisieren es_EC: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos uk: Доступ до файлів та впорядковування файлів bg: Достъп и управление на файлове es_AR: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos zh_CN: 访问和组织文件 fi: Avaa ja järjestä tiedostoja es_ES: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos es_419: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos fr: Accéder aux fichiers et les organiser nl: Bestanden gebruiken en organiseren de_DE: Dateien aufrufen und organisieren es_MX: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos nl_NL: Bestanden gebruiken en organiseren ca: Organitzeu i accediu als fitxers es_US: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos de@hebrew: Dateien aufrufen und organisieren es_UY: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos ru: Управление и доступ к файлам zh_HK: 存取與組織檔案 fr_FR: Accéder aux fichiers et les organiser es_NI: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos sk_SK: Prístup a organizácia súborov da_DK: Tilgå og organisér filer cs: Přístup k souborům a jejich správa es_VE: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos fr_CA: Accéder aux fichiers et les organiser ko: 파일 접근 및 정리 tr_TR: Dosyalara eriş ve düzenle sk: Prístup a organizácia súborov C: Access and organize files pt_PT: Aceder e organizar ficheiros da: Tilgå og organisér filer es_CL: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos ko_KR: 파일 접근 및 정리 es_CO: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos fi_FI: Avaa ja järjestä tiedostoja de: Dateien aufrufen und organisieren sv: Kom åt och organisera filer es_CR: Acceder a los archivos y organizarlos lt_LT: Gauti prieigą prie failų ir juos tvarkyti hr: Pristupite i organizirajte datoteke pl_PL: Porządkowanie i dostęp do plików hu: Fájlok elérése és rendszerezése cs_CZ: Přístup k souborům a jejich správa bg_BG: Достъп и управление на файлове hu_HU: Fájlok elérése és rendszerezése lt: Gauti prieigą prie failų ir juos tvarkyti Description: pl: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Kilka motywów ikon i komponentów do wyświetlania różnych typów plików jest dostępnych w osobnych pakietach.
de: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Einige Symbolsammlungen und Komponenten zum Anzeigen unterschiedlicher Arten von Dateien sind in anderen Paketen verfügbar.
C: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages.
en: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages.
ru: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
В отдельных пакетах доступно несколько тем оформления значков и компонентов для просмотра различных типов файлов.
gl: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Hai varios temas de iconas e compoñentes para ver distintos tipos de ficheiros dispoñíbeis en paquetes separados.
fr: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Plusieurs thèmes d'icônes et composants pour visualiser différentes sortes de fichiers sont disponibles dans les paquets séparés.
hr: >-Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages.
Categories: - Utility - Core Icon: cached: - name: nemo_folder.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: nemo_folder.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: nemo_folder.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: folder remote: - url: n/ne/nemo.desktop/A6DCC57C13964EB20DB40C4A8E34C415/icons/128x128/nemo_folder.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - nemo.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - inode/directory - application/x-gnome-saved-search --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.twilightedge.PikoPixel Package: pikopixel.app Name: C: PikoPixel Summary: C: Pixel-art image editor Description: C: >-PikoPixel is a free, open-source application for drawing and editing pixel-art images and icons.
Originally a Mac app, PikoPixel runs natively on GNU/Linux by using the GNUstep framework.
DeveloperName: C: Josh Freeman ProjectLicense: AGPL-3.0+ Categories: - Graphics Keywords: C: - Graphics - Pixelart - Icon - Bitmap - Raster - Image - Png - Gif - Jpg - Tiff - Bmp - Art - Draw - Paint - Fill - Pencil - Trace Url: homepage: http://twilightedge.com/mac/pikopixel/ Icon: cached: - name: pikopixel.app_GNUstepAppIcon.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - PikoPixel.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - image/piko - image/x-piko - image/gif - image/jpeg - image/png - image/x-png - image/tiff - image/bmp Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: com/twilightedge/PikoPixel/410E27E607BD6E5DE0AD0805772F9EB3/screenshots/image-1_752x470.png width: 752 height: 470 - url: com/twilightedge/PikoPixel/410E27E607BD6E5DE0AD0805772F9EB3/screenshots/image-1_624x390.png width: 624 height: 390 - url: com/twilightedge/PikoPixel/410E27E607BD6E5DE0AD0805772F9EB3/screenshots/image-1_224x140.png width: 224 height: 140 source-image: url: com/twilightedge/PikoPixel/410E27E607BD6E5DE0AD0805772F9EB3/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 800 height: 500 Releases: - version: 1.0 BETA9b type: stable unix-timestamp: 1523664000 --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-display-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: תצוגה ja: ディスプレイ si: සංදර්ශකය sk: Monitor sl: Zaslon ug: كۆرسەتكۈچ zh_CN: 显示 C: Display fr: Affichage sr: Приказ uk: Дисплей nb: Skjerm hr: Zaslon ca: Pantalla sv: Bildskärm hu: Kijelző pa: ਡਿਸਪਲੇਅ ur: ڈسپلے nl: Beeldscherm zh_TW: 顯示 nn: Skjerm lt: Ekranas ar: العرض lv: 'Displejs:' pl: Ekran el: Οθόνη ast: Pantalla cs: Displej id: Tampilan th: จอแสดงผล gl: Pantalla pt: Ecrã es: Pantalla ro: Display eu: Bistaratu te: ప్రదర్శన ru: Дисплей ur_PK: ڈسپلے tr: Görüntüle kk: Дисплей be: Адлюстраванне is: Skjár ko: 디스플레이 it: Schermo da: Skærm de: Anzeige oc: Afichatge en_GB: Display bn: প্রদর্শন zh_HK: 顯示 ms: Paparan bg: Дисплей en_AU: Display fi: Näyttö pt_BR: Monitor Summary: he: הגדרת סידור והגדרות מסך ja: 画面の解像度とレイアウトを設定します zh_CN: 配置屏幕设置和布局 sk: Nastavenia konfigurácie obrazovky a rozloženia sl: Nastavite nastavitve zaslona in postavitve ug: ئېكراننىڭ ئورۇنلاشتۇرۇلۇشى ۋە ئېنىقلىقىنى تەڭشەش C: Configure screen settings and layout fr: Configurer les paramètres et la disposition des écrans sr: Подеси екране и њихов размештај uk: Налаштувати параметри екрану та клавіатури nb: Sett opp skjerminnstillinger hr: Konfigurirajte postavke i raspored ekrana ca: Configureu els ajusts i la disposició de la pantalla sv: Ställ in skärminställningar och -layout hu: Képernyő-beállítások és -elrendezés megadása pa: ਸਕਰੀਨ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਲੇਆਉਟ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ur: سکرین کی ترتیبات اور خاکہ مرتب کریں nl: Scherminstellingen en -vormgeving bewerken zh_TW: 調整螢幕設定值與配置 nn: Set opp skjermen og utforminga lt: Konfigūruoti ekrano nustatymus ir išdėstymą ar: ضبط إعدادات الشاشة والتصميم lv: Konfigurēt ekrāna uzstādījumus un izkārtojumu pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia i układ ekranu el: Ρύθμιση επιλογών οθόνης και διάταξης ast: Configura los axustes y la xeometría de la pantalla cs: Konfiguruje nastavení obrazovky a rozložení id: Atur pengaturan layar dan tata letak th: ตั้งค่าหน้าจอและการจัดเรียง gl: Configurar as opcións e a disposición da pantalla pt: Configurar definições e esquema do ecrã es: Configure las opciones y la geometría de la pantalla ro: Configurați opțiunile pentru ecrane și monitoare eu: Konfiguratu pantaila ezarpen eta ingurunea te: తెర అమరికలను మరియు రూపురేఖలను స్వరూపించు ru: Настройки экрана ur_PK: سکرین کی ترتیبات اور خاکہ مرتب کریں tr: Ekran ayarlarını ve düzenini yapılandırma kk: Экран баптауларын мен жаймасын баптау be: Наладка экрана is: Sýsla með skjástillingar og framsetningu ko: 화면 설정과 배치 설정 it: Configurazione delle impostazioni e della disposizione dello schermo da: Konfigurer skærmindstillinger og layout de: Bildschirmeinstellungen und Anordnung konfigurieren oc: Configurar los paramètres de l'ecran e la disposicion en_GB: Configure screen settings and layout bn: পর্দার সেটিংসমূহ ও বহির্বিন্যাস কনফিগার zh_HK: 設定螢幕設定值和配置 ms: Konfigur tetapan dan bentangan skrin bg: Конфигуриране на настройките на екрана и оформлението en_AU: Configure screen settings and layout fi: Muokkaa näyttöasetuksia ja asettelua pt_BR: Definir configurações e disposição dos monitores Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: video-display remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-display-settings.desktop/A20222D15685F215691EB419EAB71840/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_video-display.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-display-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-settings-editor.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: עורך הגדרות ja: 設定エディター zh_CN: 设置编辑器 sk: Editor nastavení sl: Urejevalnik nastavitev ug: تەڭشەك تەھرىرلىگۈ C: Settings Editor fr: Éditeur de paramètres sr: Уредник поставки uk: Редактор параметрів nb: Innstillingsredigering hr: Uređivač postavki ca: Editor d'ajusts sv: Inställningsredigerare hu: Beállításszerkesztő pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਐਡੀਟਰ ur: ترتیبات ایڈیٹر nl: Instellingenbewerker voor Xfconf zh_TW: 設定值編輯器 nn: Innstillingar lt: Nustatymų redaktorius ar: محرر الإعدادات lv: Uzstādījumu redaktors pl: Edytor ustawień el: Επεξεργαστής ρυθμίσεων ast: Editor de configuración cs: Editor nastavení id: Penyunting Pengaturan th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขค่าตั้ง gl: Editor de configuración pt: Editor de definições es: Editor de configuración ro: Editor de opțiuni eu: Ezarpen editorea te: అమరికల కూర్పరి ru: Редактор настроек ur_PK: ترتیبات ایڈیٹر tr: Ayarlar Editörü kk: Баптаулар түзетуші be: Рэдактар налад is: Stillingaritill ko: 설정 편집기 it: Editor delle impostazioni da: Indstillingsredigering de: Einstellungsbearbeitung oc: Editor de paramètres en_GB: Settings Editor bn: সেটিংস সম্পাদক zh_HK: 設定編輯器 ms: Penyunting Tetapan bg: Редактор на настройките en_AU: Settings Editor fi: Asetukset pt_BR: Editor de configurações Summary: he: עורך הגדרות גרפי עבור Xfconf ja: Xfconf のグラフィカル設定エディターです zh_CN: Xfconf 的图形设置编辑器 sk: Grafický editor nastavení pre Xfconf sl: Grafični urejevalnik Xfconf nastavitev ug: Xfconf نىڭ گرافىكىلىق تەڭشەك تەھرىرلىگۈسى C: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf fr: Éditeur graphique des paramètres Xfconf sr: Графички уређивач поставки Иксфконф-а uk: Графічний редактор параметрів для Xfconf nb: Grafisk redigeringsprogram for Xfconf hr: Grafički uređivač postavki za Xfconf ca: Editor gràfic d'ajusts de Xfconf sv: Grafisk inställningsredigerare för Xfconf hu: Grafikus beállításszerkesztő az Xfconf-hoz ur: تصویری ترتیبات مدون کار برائے Xfconf nl: Grafische instellingenbewerker voor Xfconf zh_TW: Xfconf 的圖形化設定值編輯器 nn: Grafisk innstillingsprogram for Xfconf lt: Grafinis nustatymų redaktorius skirtas Xfconf ar: محرر إعدادات رسومي لـإكسفس4 lv: Grafiskais uzstādījumu redaktors priekš Xfconf pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia przechowywane przez program Xfconf el: Γραφικός επεξεργαστής ρυθμίσεων για το xfconf ast: Editor gráficu de configuración pa Xfconf cs: Grafický editor nastavení služby Xfconf id: Penyunting pengaturan grafis untuk Xfconf th: โปรแกรมแก้ไขค่าตั้งแบบกราฟิกสำหรับ Xfconf gl: Editor gráfico de configuración para Xfconf pt: Editor gráfico para as definições Xfconf es: Configuración gráfica del editor para el Servicio de configuración de Xfce ro: Editor grafic al opțiunilor Xfconf eu: Xfconf-ren ezarpen editore grafikoa te: Xfconf కొరకు గ్రాఫికల్ అమరికల కూర్పకం ru: Графический редактор настроек для Xfconf ur_PK: تصویری ترتیبات مدون کار برائے Xfconf tr: Xfconf için grafik ayar düzenleyicisi kk: Xfconf үшін баптауларды графикалық түзетуші be: Графічны рэдактар налад для Xfconf is: Myndrænn stillingaritill fyrir Xfconf ko: Xfconf 그래픽 설정 편집기 it: Editor grafico delle impostazioni per Xfconf da: Grafisk indstillingsredigering for Xfconf de: Grafische Einstellungsbearbeitung für Xfconf oc: Editor grafic dels paramètres Xfconf en_GB: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf bn: Xfconf-র জন্য গ্রাফিকাল সেটিংস সম্পাদক zh_HK: Xfconf 的圖像化設定編輯器 ms: Penyunting tetapan bergrafik untuk Xfconf bg: Графичен редактор на настройките на Xfconf en_AU: Graphical settings editor for Xfconf fi: Graafinen Xfconf-asetusten muokkain pt_BR: Editor de configurações gráficas para o Xfconf Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-system remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-settings-editor.desktop/964864D35DF6DB70D818DB03A3217B30/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-system.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-settings-editor.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-settings-manager.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: מנהל הגדרות ja: 設定マネージャー si: සැකසුම් කළමනාකරු sk: Správca nastavení sl: Nastavitve ug: تەڭشەك باشقۇرغۇ zh_CN: 设置管理器 C: Settings Manager fr: Gestionnaire de paramètres sr: Управник поставки uk: Менеджер параметрів nb: Innstillingsbehandler hr: Upravitelj postavki ca: Gestor d'ajusts sv: Inställningshanterare hu: Beállításkezelő pa: ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ur: ترتیبات منیجر nl: Instellingen- en systeembeheerder zh_TW: 設定值管理員 nn: Innstillingshandterar lt: Nustatymų tvarkytuvė ar: مدير الإعدادات lv: Uzstādījumu pārvaldnieks pl: Menedżer ustawień el: Διαχειριστής ρυθμίσεων ast: Xestor d'axustes cs: Správce nastavení id: Manajer Pengaturan th: โปรแกรมจัดการการตั้งค่า gl: Xestor de configuración pt: Gestor de definições es: Administrador de configuración ro: Manager de opțiuni eu: Ezarpen kudeatzailea te: అమరికల నిర్వాహకం ru: Диспетчер настроек ur_PK: ترتیبات منیجر tr: Ayar Yöneticisi kk: Баптаулар басқарушысы be: Кіраўнік налад is: Stillingastjórnun ko: 설정 관리자 it: Gestore delle impostazioni da: Indstillingshåndtering de: Einstellungen oc: Gestionari de paramètres en_GB: Settings Manager bn: সেটিংস ব্যবস্থাপক zh_HK: 設定管理員 ms: Pengurus Tetapan bg: Уравление на настройките en_AU: Settings Manager fi: Asetukset pt_BR: Gerenciador de configurações Summary: he: מנהל הגדרות גרפי עבור Xfce 4 ja: Xfce 4 用グラフィカル設定マネージャーです si: Xfce 4 සඳහා චිත්රක සැකසුම් කළමනාකරු sk: Grafický správca nastavení pre prostredie Xfce 4 sl: Grafični upravljalnik nastavitev za Xfce 4 ug: Xfce 4 گرافىكىلىق تەڭشەك باشقۇرغۇسى zh_CN: Xfce 4 的图形设置管理器 C: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4 fr: Gestionnaire graphique de paramètres pour Xfce 4 sr: Графички уређивач поставки Иксфце-а 4 uk: Графічний менеджер параметрів для Xfce 4 nb: Grafisk Innstillingsbehandler for Xfce 4 hr: Grafički upravitelj postavkama za Xfce 4 ca: Gestor d'ajusts gràfic per a Xfce 4 sv: Grafisk inställningshanterare för Xfce 4 hu: Grafikus beállításkezelő az Xfce környezethez pa: Xfce ੪ ਲਈ ਗਰਾਫਿਕਲ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ur: تصویری ترتیبات منیجر برائے ایکسفس 4 nl: Beheerder grafische instellingen voor Xfce 4 zh_TW: Xfce 4 的圖形設定值管理員 nn: Grafisk innstillingsprogram for Xfce 4 lt: Grafinė nustatymų tvarkytuvė, skirta Xfce 4 ar: مدير إعدادات رسومي لإكسفس 4 lv: Grafiskais uzstādījumu pārvaldnieks priekš Xfce 4 pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia środowiska graficznego Xfce el: Γραφικός διαχειριστής ρυθμίσεων για το Χfce 4 ast: Xestor d'axustes gráficu pa Xfce 4 cs: Grafický správce nastavení pro prostředí Xfce 4 id: Manajer Pengaturan Grafis untuk Xfce 4 th: โปรแกรมจัดการการตั้งค่าแบบกราฟิกสำหรับ Xfce 4 gl: Xestor de preferencias gráfico de Xfce 4 pt: Gestor gráfico de definições do Xfce 4 es: Gestor gráfico de configuración para Xfce 4 ro: Manager grafic al opțiunilor Xfce 4 eu: Xfce 4 ezarpen kudeatzaile grafikoa te: Xfce 4 కొరకు రేఖాచిత్ర అమరికల నిర్వాహకం ru: Графический диспетчер настроек для Xfce 4 ur_PK: تصویری ترتیبات منیجر برائے ایکسفس 4 tr: Xfce 4 için Grafik Ayarlar Yöneticisi kk: Xfce 4 үшін баптауларды графикалық түзету сайманы be: Графічны кіраўнік налад для Xfce 4 is: Myndræn stjórnun stillinga fyrir Xfce 4 ko: Xfce 4 그래픽 설정 관리자 it: Gestore delle impostazioni grafico per Xfce4 da: Grafisk indstillingshåndtering for Xfce 4 de: Grafische Einstellungsverwaltung für Xfce 4 oc: Gestionari grafic de paramètres per Xfce 4 en_GB: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4 bn: Xfce 4-এর জন্য গ্রাফিকাল সেটিংস ব্যবস্থাপক zh_HK: Xfce 4 的圖像化設定管理員 ms: Pengurus Tetapan Bergrafik untuk Xfce 4 bg: Графично управление на настройките за Xfce 4 en_AU: Graphical Settings Manager for Xfce 4 fi: Asetusten hallintapaneeli Xfce 4:lle pt_BR: Gerenciador de configurações gráficas do Xfce 4 Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-settings-manager.desktop/98161F2E841513D90E7EAFE936E514D0/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-settings-manager.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: נגישות ja: アクセシビリティ si: ප්රවේශ්යතාව sk: Prístupnosť sl: Dostopnost ug: ياردەم ئىقتىدارى zh_CN: 辅助功能 C: Accessibility fr: Accessibilité sr: Приступачност uk: Доступність nb: Tilgjengelighet hr: Pristupačnost ca: Accessibilitat sv: Hjälpmedelsfunktioner hu: Akadálymentesítés pa: ਅਸੈਸਬਿਲਟੀ ur: قابلیت رسائی nl: Toegankelijkheid zh_TW: 輔助功能 nn: Tilgjenge lt: Prieinamumas ar: الإتاحة lv: Pieejamība pl: Ułatwienia dostępu el: Προσβασιμότητα ast: Accesibilidá cs: Přístupnost id: Aksesibilitas th: สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก gl: Accesibilidade pt: Acessibilidade es: Accesibilidad ro: Accesibilitate eu: Erabilerraztasuna te: ప్రాపనీయత ru: Специальные возможности ur_PK: قابلیت رسائی tr: Erişilebilirlik kk: Қолжетерлілік be: Даступнасць is: Aðgengi ko: 접근성 it: Accessibilità da: Tilgængelighed de: Barrierefreiheit oc: Accessibilitat en_GB: Accessibility bn: স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকরণ zh_HK: 無障礙 ms: Kebolehcapaian bg: Специални възможности en_AU: Accessibility fi: Esteettömyys pt_BR: Acessibilidade Summary: he: שיפור נגישות מקלדת ועכבר ja: キーボードとマウスのユーザー補助機能を向上させます zh_CN: 改善键盘和鼠标的辅助功能 sk: Zlepšite prístupnosť klávesnice a myši sl: Izboljšaj dostopnost tipkovnice in miške ug: ھەرپتاختا ۋە چاشقىنەك ياردەمچى ئىقتىدارىنى ياخشىلاش C: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility fr: Améliorer l'accessibilité du clavier et de la souris sr: Побољшава приступачност миша и тастатуре uk: Покращення доступності миші і клавіатури nb: Forbedre tilgjengeligheten med tastatur og mus hr: Poboljšajte pristupačnost tipkovnice i miša ca: Milloreu l'accessibilitat del teclat i del ratolí sv: Förbättra hjälpfunktioner för tangentbord och mus hu: Billentyűzet és egér akadálymentesítésének javítása ur: کیبورڈ اور ماؤس کی قابلیت رسائی بہتر کریں nl: Verbeter toegankelijkheid van muis en toetsenbord zh_TW: 改善鍵盤與滑鼠的輔助能力 nn: Betra tilgjenget for mus og tastatur lt: Pagerinti klaviatūros ir pelės prieinamumą ar: تحسين الولوج للوحة المفاتيح والفارة lv: Uzlabo klaviatūras un peles pieejamību pl: Konfiguruje techniki ułatwiające korzystanie z klawiatury i myszy el: Βελτίωση προσβασιμότητας πληκτρολογίου και ποντικιού ast: Ameyora l'accesibilidá de tecláu y mur cs: Vylepšete přístupnost klávesnice a myši id: Tingkatkan aksesibilitas papan ketik dan tetikus th: ปรับสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกสำหรับแป้นพิมพ์และเมาส์ gl: Mellorar a accesibilidade do teclado e do rato pt: Melhorar a acessibilidade do teclado e do rato es: Mejore la accesibilidad de teclado y ratón ro: Îmbunătățiți accesibilitatea tastaturii și a mausului eu: Gaitu teklatu eta sagu erabilerraztasuna ru: Настройка специальный возможностей клавиатуры и мыши ur_PK: کیبورڈ اور ماؤس کی قابلیت رسائی بہتر کریں tr: Klavye ve fare erişilebilirliğini arttır kk: Пернетақта мен тышқан қолжетерлілігін жақсарту be: Наладка адмысловых магчымасцяў мышы і клавіятуры is: Bæta aðgengi með lyklaborð og mús ko: 키보드와 마우스의 접근성을 개선합니다 it: Impostazione dell'accessibilità di mouse e tastiera da: Forbedr tilgængeligheden for tastatur og mus de: Die Zugänglichkeit von Tastatur und Maus verbessern oc: Melhorar l'accessibilitat del clavièr e de la mirga en_GB: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility bn: কীবোর্ড ও মাউসের স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যকরণ উন্নত করুন zh_HK: 改善鍵盤和滑鼠的無障礙功能 ms: Pertingkatkan kebolehcapaian papan kekunci dan tetikus bg: Настройка на специални възможности на мишката и клавиатурата en_AU: Improve keyboard and mouse accessibility fi: Helpota näppäimistön ja hiiren käyttöä pt_BR: Melhore a acessibilidade do teclado e do mouse Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-accessibility remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop/29946836444E208801F0ED73B6B5D02B/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-accessibility.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-mouse-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: עכבר ולוח מגע ja: マウスとタッチパッド zh_CN: 鼠标和触摸板 sk: Myš a touchpad sl: Miška in sledilna ploščica ug: چاشقىنەك ۋە سېزىمچان تاختا C: Mouse and Touchpad fr: Souris et pavé tactile sr: Миш и додирна плочица uk: Миша і сенсорна панель nb: Mus og pekeflate hr: Miš i dodirna ploča ca: Ratolí normal i tàctil sv: Mus och pekplatta hu: Egér és érintőtábla nl: Muis en aanraakveld zh_TW: 滑鼠與觸控板 nn: Mus og musefelt lt: Pelė ir jutiklinis kilimėlis ar: فأرة و لوحة اللمس pl: Mysz i panel dotykowy el: Ποντίκι και Touchpad ast: Mur y Touchpad cs: Myš a touchpad id: Tetikus dan Touchpad th: เมาส์และทัชแพด gl: Rato e área táctil pt: Rato e painel de toque es: Ratón y panel táctil ro: Maus și touchpad eu: Sagua eta Touchpada te: మౌస్ మరియు టచ్ప్యాడ్ ru: Мышь и тачпад zh_HK: 滑鼠和觸控板 tr: Fare ve dokunmatik yüzey kk: Тышқан мен тачпад be: Мыш і тачпад is: Mús og snertiplatti ko: 마우스와 터치패드 it: Mouse e touchpad da: Mus og pegeplade de: Maus und Touchpad oc: Mirga e pavat tactil en_GB: Mouse and Touchpad ms: Tetikus dan Pad Sentuh bg: Мишка и тъчпад en_AU: Mouse and Touchpad fi: Hiiri ja kosketuslevy pt_BR: Mouse e touchpad Summary: he: הגדר התנהגות ומראה התקן הצבעה ja: ポインティングデバイスの振る舞いや外観を設定します zh_CN: 配置定位设备行为和外观 sk: Konfiguruje správanie a vzhľad kurzora sl: Nastavi obnašanje in izgled kazalčnih naprav ug: كۆرسەتكۈچ ئۈسكۈنىسىنىڭ ھەرىكىتى ۋە كۆرۈنۈشىنى تەڭشەش C: Configure pointer device behavior and appearance fr: Configurer le comportement et l’apparence du dispositif de pointage sr: Подесите изглед и особине уређаја показивача uk: Налаштувати поведінку і зовнішній вигляд вказівника миші nb: Tilpass oppførsel og utseende for musepekeren hr: Konfigurirajte ponašanje i izgled pokazivača ca: Configureu el comportament i l'aparença del dispositiu del punter sv: Ställ in muspekarens beteende och utseende hu: Mutatóeszköz viselkedésének és megjelenésének beállítása pa: ਪੁਆਇੰਟਰ ਜੰਤਰ ਰਵੱਈਆ ਅਤੇ ਦਿੱਖ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ ur: پؤائینٹر ڈیوائس کا سلوک اور مظہر متعین کریں nl: Gedrag en weergave van muispijlapparaat instellen zh_TW: 調整指標裝置行為與外觀 nn: Set opp åtferda og utsjånaden til peikareiningar lt: Konfigūruoti žymėjimo įrenginio elgseną ir išvaizdą ar: إعداد جهاز المؤشر سلوك ومظهر lv: Konfigurēt kursora ierīču uzvedību un izskatu pl: Konfiguruje zachowanie i wygląd kursora urządzenia wskazującego el: Ρύθμιση συμπεριφοράς και εμφάνισης της συσκευής δείκτη ast: Configura'l comportamientu y aspeutu del preséu del punteru cs: Konfiguruje chování a vzhled ukazatele zařízení id: Atur perilaku divais penunjuk dan penampilan th: ตั้งค่าพฤติกรรมและรูปลักษณ์ของอุปกรณ์ชี้ gl: Configurar o comportamento e maila aparencia do dispositivo de punteiro pt: Configurar comportamento e aparência do ponteiro es: Configure el comportamiento y apariencia del dispositivo de puntero ro: Configurați aspectul și comportamentul indicatorului de tip cursor eu: Konfiguratu markatzaile gailu ingurunea eta itxura ru: Настройка поведения и внешнего вида устройств указания ur_PK: پؤائینٹر ڈیوائس کا سلوک اور مظہر متعین کریں tr: İşaretçi aygıtın davranışını ve görünümünü yapılandırın kk: Көрсету құрылғысының мінез-құлығын мен сыртқы түрін баптау be: Наладка паводзін і вонкавага выгляду прылад кіраваннем курсора is: Stilla hegðun og útlit bendiltækja ko: 포인터 장치 동작과 표시 설정 it: Configurazione del comportamento e dell'aspetto del dispositivo di puntamento da: Konfigurer opførsel og udseende for markørenheden de: Das Verhalten und das Aussehen der Zeigegeräte konfigurieren oc: Configurar lo comportament e estil de la mirga en_GB: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance bn: পয়েন্টার ডিভাইসের আচরণ ও অবয়ব কনফিগার zh_HK: 設定指標裝置行為和外觀 ms: Konfigur kelakuan dan penampilan peranti bg: Настройване на поведението на устройствата и външният вид en_AU: Configure pointer device behaviour and appearance fi: Säädä osoitinlaitteen käytöstä ja osoittimen ulkonäköä pt_BR: Configure o comportamento e a aparência do dispositivo de ponteiro Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-peripherals remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-mouse-settings.desktop/9C0FA107353F9B39FBB952CAED472E78/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-peripherals.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-mouse-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: מקלדת ja: キーボード zh_CN: 键盘 sk: Klávesnica sl: Tipkovnica ug: ھەرپتاختا C: Keyboard fr: Clavier sr: Тастатура uk: Клавіатура nb: Tastatur hr: Tipkovnica ca: Teclat sv: Tangentbord hu: Billentyűzet pa: ਕੀਬੋਰਡ ur: کیبورڈ nl: Toetsenbord zh_TW: 鍵盤 nn: Tastatur lt: Klaviatūra ar: لوحة المفاتيح lv: Klaviatūra pl: Klawiatura el: Πληκτρολόγιο ast: Tecláu cs: Klávesnice id: Papan ketik th: แป้นพิมพ์ gl: Teclado pt: Teclado es: Teclado ro: Tastatură eu: Teklatua te: కీబోర్డు ru: Клавиатура ur_PK: کیبورڈ tr: Klavye kk: Пернетақта be: Клавіятура is: Lyklaborð ko: 키보드 it: Tastiera da: Tastatur de: Tastatur oc: Clavièr en_GB: Keyboard bn: কীবোর্ড zh_HK: 鍵盤 ms: Papan kekunci bg: Клавиатура en_AU: Keyboard fi: Näppäimistö pt_BR: Teclado Summary: he: עריכת הגדרות מקלדת וקיצורי יישומים ja: キーボード設定とアプリケーションショートカットキーを編集します zh_CN: 编辑键盘设置和应用程序快捷键 sk: Úprava nastavení klávesnice a klávesových skratiek sl: Uredite nastavitve tipkovnice in bližnjičnih tipk ug: ھەرپتاختا تەڭشىكى ۋە پروگرامما تېزلەتمىلىرىنى تەھرىرلەيدۇ C: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts fr: Éditer les paramètres du clavier et les raccourcis des applications sr: Уредите поставке тастатуре и пречица програма uk: Редагувати властивості клавіатури та ярликів запуску програм nb: Rediger tastaturinnstillinger og programsnarveier hr: Uredi postavke tipkovnice i prečace programa ca: Editeu els ajusts del teclat i les dreceres de les aplicacions sv: Redigera tangentbordsinställningar och programgenvägar hu: Billentyűzet-beállítások és alkalmazás-gyorsbillentyűk szerkesztése ur: کیبورڈ کی ترتیبات اور اطلاقیوں کے شارٹ کٹس مدون کریں nl: Bewerk toetsenbordinstellingen en toepassingssneltoetsen zh_TW: 編輯鍵盤設定值與應用程式捷徑 nn: Endra tastaturinnstillingar og snøggtastar lt: Keisti klaviatūros nustatymus ir programų susiejimus ar: تحرير إعدادات لوحة المفاتيح واختصارات التطبيقات lv: Rediģēt klaviatūras uzstādījumus un lietotnes īsceļus pl: Konfiguruje ustawienia klawiatury oraz skróty klawiszowe programów el: Επεξεργασία ρυθμίσεων πληκτρολογίου και συντομεύσεων εφαρμογών ast: Edita la configuración del tecláu y los accesos direutos d'aplicación cs: Úprava nastavení klávesnice a klávesových zkratek id: Sunting pengaturan papan ketik dan jalan pintas aplikasi th: ตั้งค่าแป้นพิมพ์และปุ่มลัดเรียกโปรแกรม gl: Modificar as preferencias de teclado e os atallos das aplicacións pt: Editar definições do teclado e atalhos das aplicações es: Edite la configuración del teclado y los atajos de aplicación ro: Editați opțiunile de tastatură și combinațiile de taste eu: Editatu teklatu ezarpenak eta aplikazio lasterbideak ru: Изменение настроек клавиатуры и комбинаций клавиш ur_PK: کیبورڈ کی ترتیبات اور اطلاقیوں کے شارٹ کٹس مدون کریں tr: Klavye ayarlarını ve uygulama kısayollarını düzenleyin kk: Пернетақта баптауларын мен қолданбалар жарлықтарын түзету be: Рэдагаваць налады клавіятуры і спалучэнні клавіш is: Sýsla með stillingar lyklaborðs og flýtilykla ko: 키보드 설정과 프로그램 바로 가기를 편집합니다 it: Configurazione della tastiera e delle scorciatoie per le applicazioni da: Rediger tastaturindstillinger og programgenveje de: Die Tastatureinstellungen und Tastenkürzel für Anwendungen bearbeiten oc: Editar los paramètres del clavièr e acorchis de las aplicacions en_GB: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts bn: কীবোর্ড সেটিংসমূহ ও অ্যাপ্লিকেশন শর্টকাট সম্পাদনা zh_HK: 編輯鍵盤設定值和應用程式捷徑 ms: Sunting tetapan dan pintasan aplikasi papan kekunci bg: Редактиране на настройките на клавиатурата и клавишните комбинации en_AU: Edit keyboard settings and application shortcuts fi: Näppäimistön asetukset ja sovellusten pikanäppäimet pt_BR: Edite configurações de teclado e atalhos de aplicativos Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-keyboard remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop/8AB42605325CCF832879DEF47117EAF0/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-keyboard.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce-ui-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: מראה ja: 外観 zh_CN: 外观 sk: Vzhľad sl: Videz ug: كۆرۈنۈشى C: Appearance fr: Apparence sr: Изглед uk: Зовнішній вигляд nb: Utseende hr: Izgled ca: Aparença sv: Utseende hu: Megjelenés pa: ਦਿੱਖ ur: مظہر nl: Uiterlijk zh_TW: 外觀 nn: Utsjånad lt: Išvaizda ar: المظهر lv: Izskats pl: Wygląd el: Εμφάνιση ast: Aspeutu cs: Vzhled id: Tampilan th: รูปลักษณ์ gl: Aparencia pt: Aparência es: Apariencia ro: Aspect eu: Itxura te: రూపురేఖలు ru: Внешний вид ur_PK: مظہر tr: Görünüm kk: Сыртқы түрі be: Выгляд is: Útlit ko: 모양새 it: Aspetto da: Udseende de: Erscheinungsbild oc: Aparéncia en_GB: Appearance bn: অবয়ব zh_HK: 外觀 ms: Penampilan bg: Външен вид en_AU: Appearance fi: Ulkoasu pt_BR: Aparência Summary: he: התאם אישית את המראה של שולחן העבודה שלך ja: デスクトップの外観をカスタマイズします si: ඔබගේ වැඩතලයේ පෙනුම අභිමතකරණය කරන්න sk: Nastavenie vzhľadu pracovného prostredia sl: Prilagodi izgled namizja ug: ئۈستەلئۈستىنىڭ كۆرۈنۈشىنى ئۆزلەشتۈرۈش zh_CN: 设置桌面外观 C: Customize the look of your desktop fr: Personnaliser l'apparence du bureau sr: Прилагодите изглед радног простора uk: Налаштуйте зовнішній вигляд вашої стільниці nb: Tilpass utseendet til skrivebordet hr: Prilagodite izgled vaše radne površine ca: Personalitzeu l'aparença del vostre escriptori sv: Anpassa utseendet på ditt skrivbord hu: Az asztali környezet megjelenésének személyre szabása pa: ਆਪਣੇ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਦੀ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ ur: اپنے ڈیسک ٹاپ کا حلیہ مرتب کریں nl: Pas het uiterlijk van uw werkomgeving aan zh_TW: 自訂您桌面的外觀 nn: Set opp korleis skrivebordet ditt skal sjå ut lt: Tinkinti darbalaukio išvaizdą ar: خصص مظهر سطح مكتبك lv: Pielāgot savas darbvirsmas izskatu pl: Konfiguruje wygląd środowiska graficznego el: Προσαρμογή της εμφάνισης της επιφάνειας εργασίας ast: Personaliza l'aspeutu del to escritoriu cs: Nastavení vzhledu vašeho pracovního prostředí id: Sesuaikan tampilan destop anda th: ปรับรูปลักษณ์ของเดสก์ท็อปของคุณ gl: Personalizar a aparencia do escritorio pt: Personalizar a aparência do seu ambiente de trabalho es: Personalice la apariencia de su escritorio ro: Personalizați aspectul propriului desktop eu: Pertsonalizatu zure idazmahaiaren itxura ru: Настройки внешнего вид рабочего стола ur_PK: اپنے ڈیسک ٹاپ کا حلیہ مرتب کریں tr: Masaüstünüzün görünümünü özelleştirin kk: Жұмыс үстеліңіздің сыртқы түрін баптаңыз be: Налады вонкавага выгляду працоўнага стала is: Sérsníða útlit skjáborðsins ko: 데스크톱 모양 사용자 정의 it: Personalizzazione dell'aspetto della scrivania da: Tilpas dit skrivebords udseende de: Das Aussehen des Schreibtischs anpassen oc: Personalizar l'aparéncia del burèu en_GB: Customise the look of your desktop bn: আপনার ডেস্কটপের অবয়ব স্বনির্ধারণ করুন zh_HK: 自訂桌面外觀 ms: Suaikan penampilan dekstop anda bg: Настройка на външният вид на работния плот en_AU: Customise the look of your desktop fi: Muokkaa työpöytäsi ulkoasua pt_BR: Personalize a aparência do seu ambiente Xfce Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: preferences-desktop-theme remote: - url: x/xf/xfce-ui-settings.desktop/9B349635F2FFE91E7CEA5674D56B4087/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_preferences-desktop-theme.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce-ui-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xfce4-mime-settings.desktop Package: xfce4-settings Name: he: עורך סוג MIME ja: MIME タイプエディター zh_CN: MIME 类型编辑器 sk: Editor typu súborov sl: Urejevalnik MIME tipov ug: تەھرىرلىگۈچ(MIME تىپىنى) C: MIME Type Editor fr: Éditeur de type MIME sr: Уређивач MIME врста датотека uk: Редактор типів MIME nb: MIME-type redigeringsprogram hr: Uređivač MIME tipa ca: Editor de tipus MIME sv: MIME-typ redigerare hu: MIME-típus szerkesztő nl: Bewerker van bestandsoort-associaties (MIME) zh_TW: MIME 類型編輯器 nn: Handsamar for MIME-typar lt: MIME tipų redaktorius ar: محرر نوع MIME pl: Edytor typów MIME el: Επεξεργαστής τύπων MIME ast: Editor de triba MIME cs: Editor typů MIME id: Penyunting Tipe MIME th: เครื่องมือแก้ไขชนิด MIME gl: Editor de tipos MIME pt: Editor de tipos de MIME es: Editor de tipos MIME ro: Editor de tipuri MIME eu: MIME mota editorea te: MIME రకపు కూర్పకము ru: Редактор типов MIME zh_HK: MIME 類型編輯器 tr: MIME Tipi Düzenleyicisi kk: MIME түрлерінің түзетушісі be: Рэдактар тыпаў MIME is: Ritill fyrir MIME-tegundir ko: MIME 형식 편집기 it: Editor tipo MIME da: MIME-type-redigering de: MIME-Typ-Bearbeitung oc: Editor de tipe MIME en_GB: MIME Type Editor ms: Penyunting Jenis MIME bg: Редактор на MIME типове en_AU: MIME Type Editor fi: MIME-tyyppimuokkain pt_BR: Editor de tipos MIME Summary: he: שייך יישומים עם סוגי MIME ja: MIME タイプにアプリケーションを割り当てます zh_CN: 应用程序与 MIME 类型绑定 sk: Priradiť aplikáciu s typom súboru sl: Poveži programe z MIME tipi ug: مۇناسىۋەتلىك پروگراممىلار(MIME تىپى بىلەن) C: Associate applications with MIME types fr: Associer les applications avec les types MIME sr: Придружите програме МИМЕ врстама датотека uk: Прив’язати програму з типом MIME nb: Tilknytt programmer med MIME-typer hr: Poveži aplikacije s MIME tipovima ca: Associeu les aplicacions amb els tipus MIME sv: Associera program med MIME-typer hu: Alkalmazások társítása MIME-típusokhoz nl: Associeer toepassingen met bestandsoorten (MIME) zh_TW: 將應用程式與 MIME 類型之間建立關聯 nn: Kopla program med MIME-typar lt: Susieti programas su MIME tipais ar: ربط التطبيقات بأنواع MIME pl: Powiązuje typy MIME z programami el: Συσχετισμός εφαρμογών με τύπους MIME ast: Asociar aplicaciones coles tribes MIME cs: Asociace aplikací s typy MIME id: Aplikasi yang diasosiasikan dengan tipe MIME th: เชื่อมโยงโปรแกรมกับชนิด MIME ต่างๆ gl: Asocia aplicativos con tipos MIME pt: Associar aplicações com tipos de MIME es: Aplicaciones asociadas con tipos MIME ro: Asociați programe diferitelor tipuri de fișiere eu: Lotu MIME motak aplikazioekin. ru: Связывает приложения с типами MIME zh_HK: 將應用程式與 MIME 類型之間建立關聯 tr: Uygulamaları MIME tipleriyle ilişkilendir kk: Қолданбаларды MIME түрлерімен сәйкестендіру be: Звязвае праграмы з тыпамі MIME is: Tengja forrit við MIME-tegundir ko: MIME 형식에 프로그램 연결하기 it: Associa applicazioni con i tipi MIME da: Tilknyt programmer med MIME-typer de: Anwendungen mit MIME-Typen verknüpfen oc: Associar las aplicacions amb los tipes MIME en_GB: Associate applications with MIME types ms: Kaitkan aplikasi dengan jenis MIME bg: Асоциирани приложения с MIME типове en_AU: Associate applications with MIME types fi: Yhdistä sovelluksia MIME-tyyppeihin pt_BR: Associa aplicativos com tipos MIME Description: pl: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
de: >-xfce4-settings ist die Bedienoberfläche für die Xfce-Einstellungsverwaltung. Es bietet mehrere verschiedene Komponenten zum Einrichten anwendungsunabhängiger Einstellngen in xfconf. Es enthält diverse Werkzeuge: - xfce4-settings-manager (der die alte mcs-Einstellungsverwaltung ersetzt), der die verschiedenen (bereitgestellten) Einstellungsdialoge ausführt - xfce4-settings-editor, ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten ALLER Einstellungen in xfconf, dem grafischen Gegenstück zu xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ein Dienst zum Exportieren von XSettings in Anwendungen und bereitstellen besonderer Funktionen, wie Tastenkürzel, AccessX-Benachrichtigungen und Aktualisierungen der Tastatur- und Mauszeigerdaten.
pt_BR: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
sl: >-xfce4-settings je začelje upravljalnika nastavitev Xfce. Vsebuje različne sestavne dele za nastavljanje od programov neodvisnih nastavitev v xfconf. Vsebuje več orodij: - xfce4-settings-manager (ki zamenja stari upravljalnik nastavitev mcs), ki izvede različna pogovorna okna nastavitev - xfce4-settings-editor, orodje za urejanje VSEH nastavitev v xfconf, grafični ustreznik xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, ozadnji program za izvoz XSettings v programe in zagotavljanje posebnih zmožnosti, kot so tipkovne bližnjice, obvestilo AccessX in posodobitev podatkov tipkovnice in miškinega kazalca.
pt: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
uk: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
C: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
ru: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_CA: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
fr: >-Xfce4-settings est le gestionnaire de paramètres de Xfce. Il est livré avec plusieurs composants différents pour régler la configuration des applications indépendantes à l'intérieur de xfconf. Il contient plusieurs outils : - xfce4-settings-manager (qui remplace l'ancien gestionnaire de paramètres mcs), qui exécute les différents réglages des boîtes de dialogue (fournies). - xfce4-settings-editor, un outil d'édition de TOUS les paramètres dans xfconf, l'équivalent graphique de xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, le démon d'exportation de xsettings vers les applications, et offrant des caractéristiques spéciales comme les raccourcis clavier, la notification d'AccessX et la mise à jour des données du clavier et de la souris.
en_GB: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
it: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
da: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
en_AU: >-xfce4-settings is the Xfce settings manager front-end. It comes with several different components for configuring application-independent settings inside xfconf. It contains multiple tools: - xfce4-settings-manager (which replaces the old mcs settings manager), which executes the various (provided) settings dialogs - xfce4-settings-editor, a tool for editing ALL settings within xfconf, the graphical counterpart of xfconf-query. - xfsettingsd, a daemon for exporting XSettings to applications, and providing special features like keyboard shortcuts, AccessX notification and update of keyboard and mouse-pointer data.
Categories: - XFCE - Settings - DesktopSettings Icon: cached: - name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: application-x-executable remote: - url: x/xf/xfce4-mime-settings.desktop/16EAEDDB6C47DDF8EC284D66EED6EDE0/icons/128x128/xfce4-settings_application-x-executable.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - xfce4-mime-settings.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: jabref.desktop Package: jabref Name: C: JabRef Summary: C: Graphical editor for BibTex bibliographies de: Grafischer Editor für BibTex-Bibliographien Description: de: >-Die grafische Java-Anwendung JabRef kann BibTeX-Datenbanken (.bib) editieren. Mit JabRef können Sie Ihre Literaturquellen in überlappenden logischen Gruppen organisieren und mit einem einzigen Klick Ihre Ansicht auf eine einzige Gruppe bzw. eine Schnitt- oder Vereinigungsmenge von mehreren Gruppen eingrenzen. Sie können die im Hauptfenster angezeigten Informationen zu den Literaturquellen anpassen und nach einem beliebigen BibTeX-Standardfeld sortieren. JabRef kann automatisch BibTeX-Schlüssel für Ihre Literaturquellen erstellen. Außerdem können Sie mit JabRef auf einfache Weise aus Ihren Referenzeinträgen auf PDF- oder Webquellen verweisen.
JabRef kann verschiedene Formate importieren und exportieren, wobei Sie die Exportfilter anpassen können. Sie können JabRef als Kommandozeilenanwendung starten, um ein beliebiges Importformat in ein beliebiges Exportformat zu konvertieren.
sk: >-JabRef je grafická aplikácia v Jave na úpravu databáz BibTeX (.bib). JabRef vám umožňuje organizovať položky do prelínajúcich sa logických skupín a jediným kliknutím obmedziť zobrazenie na jednu skupinu alebo na prienik či zjednotenie niekoľkých skupín. Môžete si prispôsobiť informácie položky zobrazené v hlavnom okne si a zoradiť ich podľa ktoréhokoľvek zo štandardných polí BibTeXu. JabRef dokáže automaticky generovať BibTeX kľúče vašich položiek. JabRef vám tiež umožňuje jednoducho odkazovať na PDF alebo webové zdroje vašich referenčných záznamov.
JabRef dokáže importovať a exportovať niekoľko formátov a môžete si prispôsobiť exportné filtre. JabRef môže bežať ako aplikácia pre príkazový riadok a previesť ktorýkoľvek importný formát na akýkoľvek exportný formát.
fi: >-JabRef on graafinen Java-sovellus BibTeX (.bib) -tietokantojen muokkaukseen. JabRef antaa sinun järjestellä merkintäsi päällekkäisiin loogisiin ryhmiin ja yhdellä klikkauksella voit rajoittaa näkymäsi yhteen ryhmään, leikkauspisteeseen tai usean ryhmän liitoksiin. Voit räätälöidä merkintöjen tietoja jotka näytetään pääikkunassa ja järjestellä minkä tahansa BibTeX-kentän mukaan. JabRef voi generoida automaattisesti BibTeX- avaimet merkinnöillesi. JabRef myös antaa sinun linkittää helposti PDF- tai WWW-lähteisiin merkintöjesi lähdeviittauksille.
JabRef voi tuoda ja viedä tiedostoja useissa formaateissa ja voit muokata tiedoston viennin suodattimia. JabRef voidaan ajaa komentorivisovelluksena minkä tahansa tuontiformaatin muuntamiseksi miksi tahansa vientiformaatiksi.
uk: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef може імпортувати та експортувати у різні формати і ви можете налаштовувати фільтри для експорту. JabRef може запускатись в пакетному (консольному) режимі для конвертування з будь-якого вхідного формату у будь-який вихідний.
C: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
en: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
sr: >-ЈабРеф је графички програм Јаве за уређивање база података БибТеКс-а (.bib). ЈабРеф вам допушта да организујете ваше уносе у преклапајућим логичким групама, и са једним кликом ограничава ваш поглед на једну групу или на пресек уније неколико група. Можете да прилагодите податке уноса приказане у главном прозору, и да поређате по било ком стандардном пољу БибТеКс-а. ЈабРеф вам такође допушта да лако направите везу до ПДФ-а или веб извора за ваше уносе указивача.
ЈабРеф може да увезе и да извезе у неколико формата, иа ви можете да прилагодите пропуснике извоза. ЈабРеф може бити покренут као програм линије наредби за претварање из било ког извозног у било који увозни формат.
en_CA: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
ru: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef может импортировать и экспортировать в разные форматы, и вы можете настраивать фильтры для экспорта. JabRef может запускаться в пакетном (консольном) режиме для конвертирования из любого входного формата в любой выходной.
es: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
fr: >-JabRef est une application graphique en Java pour l'édition des bases de données BibTeX (.bib). JabRef vous permet d'organiser vos entrées dans des groupes logiques se chevauchant, et avec un simple clic de limiter votre point de vue à un seul groupe ou une intersection ou union de plusieurs groupes. Vous pouvez personnaliser les informations d'entrée affichées dans la fenêtre principale, et trier par n'importe quels champs BibTeX standards. JabRef peut générer automatiquement des clés BibTeX pour vos entrées. JabRef vous permet également de relier facilement vos entrées de référence à des PDF ou vers des sources Web.
JabRef peut importer et exporter vers plusieurs formats, et vous pouvez personnaliser les filtres d'exportation. JabRef peut être exécutée comme une application en ligne de commande pour convertir n'importe quel format d'importation vers tout format d'exportation.
en_GB: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
it: >-JabRef è un'applicazione Java grafica per modificare database BibTeX (.bib); permette di organizzare le proprie voci in gruppi logici anche sovrapposti e con un singolo clic limita la visualizzazione ad un solo gruppo o all'intersezione o l'unione di diversi gruppi. Le informazioni su una voce mostrate nella finestra principale possono essere personalizzate e ordinate in base a uno qualunque dei campi BibTeX standard. JabRef può generare automaticamente chiavi BibTeX per voci; permette anche di creare facilmente collegamenti a PDF o fonti web per le proprie voci bibliografiche.
JabRef può importare ed esportare da e in diversi formati ed è possibile personalizzare i filtri d'esportazione. JabRef può essere eseguito come un'applicazione a riga di comando al fine di convertire da un qualsiasi formato di input in un qualsiasi formato di output.
da: >-JabRef er et grafisk Javaprogram for redigering af BibTeX-databaser (.bib). JabRef giver dig mulighed for at organisere dine poster i overlappende logiske grupper og med et enkelt klik begrænse din visning til en enkel gruppe eller et kryds eller fællesmængde af flere grupper. Du kan tilpasse postinformationen vist i hovedvinduet, og sortere efter standardfelterne for BibTeX. JabRef kan automatisk oprette BibTeX-nøgler for dine poster. JabRef lader dig også nemt henvise til PDF- eller netkilder for dine referenceposter.
JabRef kan importere fra og eksportere til adskillige formater, og du kan tilpasse eksportfiltre. JabRef kan køres som en kommandolinje-applikation til konvertering fra ethvert importformat til ethvert eksportformat.
en_AU: >-JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries.
JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
Categories: - Office - Database Keywords: C: - BibTex Icon: cached: - name: jabref_JabRef-icon-48.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: jabref_JabRef-icon-48.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - text/x-bibtex --- Type: addon ID: evolution-spamassassin Package: evolution-plugin-spamassassin Extends: - org.gnome.Evolution.desktop Name: lv: SpamAssassin pt: SpamAssassin tr: SpamAssassin ast: SpamAssassin an: SpamAssassin id: SpamAssassin pt_BR: SpamAssassin el: SpamAssassin ca@valencia: SpamAssaren ar: قاتل السخام as: SpamAssassin es: SpamAssassin et: SpamAssassin eu: SpamAssassin mk: SpamAssassin ml: സ്പാംഅസാസിന് it: SpamAssassin ug: SpamAssassin mr: SpamAssassin uk: SpamAssassin be: SpamAssassin sr@latin: Ubica spama bg: SpamAssassin zh_CN: SpamAssassin ja: SpamAssassin fi: SpamAssassin nb: SpamAssassin bs: SpamAssassin fr: SpamAssassin nl: SpamAssassin fur: SpamAssassin ca: SpamAssassin ro: SpamAssasin vi: SpamAssassin ga: SpamAssassin ru: SpamAssassin zh_HK: SpamAssassin bn_IN: SpamAssassin oc: SpamAssassin cs: SpamAssassin gl: SpamAssassin kn: ಸ್ಪ್ಯಾಮ್ಅಸಾಸಿನ್ ko: 스팸어새신 gu: SpamAssassin C: SpamAssassin sl: SpamAssassin or: SpamAssassin sk: SpamAssassin da: SpamAssassin sr: Убица спама de: SpamAssassin zh_TW: SpamAssassin sv: SpamAssassin hi: SpamAssassin pa: SpamAssassin en_GB: SpamAssassin ta: ஸ்பாம் அஸாஸின் hr: SpamAssassin te: SpamAssassin hu: SpamAssassin pl: SpamAssassin th: SpamAssassin lt: SpamAssassin Summary: ca@valencia: Filtra la brossa amb SpamAssaren zh_CN: 使用 SpamAssassin 过滤垃圾 sk: Filtrovanie nevyžiadanej pošty pomocou programu SpamAssassin sl: Filtriranje neželenih sporočil s SpamAssassin C: Junk filter using SpamAssassin fr: Filtre de pourriel utilisant SpamAssassin sr: Филтер непожељне поруке помоћу Убице спама uk: Фільтрувати спам через SpamAssassin nb: Søppelfilter bruker SpamAssassin ca: Filtra la brossa amb SpamAssassin sv: Skräppostfilter som använder SpamAssassin hu: Levélszemétszűrő szoftver SpamAssassin használatával nl: Spamfilter gebruikmakend van SpamAssassin zh_TW: 使用 SpamAssassin 垃圾郵件過濾器 lt: Šlamšto filtravimas naudojant SpamAssassin ta: SpamAssassin பயன்படுத்தி குப்பை வடிகட்டி lv: Mēstuļu filtrēšanas, izmantojot SpamAssassin pl: Filtrowanie niechcianych wiadomości za pomocą SpamAssassin el: Φίλτρο ανεπιθύμητων χρησιμοποιώντας το SpamAssassin cs: Filtr nevyžádané pošty používá SpamAssassin id: Penyaring sampah memakai SpamAssassin pt: Filtrar não solicitado usando SpamAssassin gl: Filtrar o correo lixo usando SpamAssassin es: Filtro de spam usando SpamAssassin eu: Baztergarriak iragazteko SpamAssassin erabiltzen ru: Фильтр спама с помощью SpamAssassin tr: SpamAssassin kullanarak önemsiz ileti filtrele oc: Filtra de corrièr electronic indesirable utilizant SpamAssassin kn: ಸ್ಪ್ಯಾಮ್ಅಸಾಸಿನ್ ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ರದ್ದಿಯನ್ನು ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡು ko: 프매어새신 사용 정크메일 필터링 it: Filtra indesiderata usando SpamAssassin fur: Filtrâ i malvolûts doprant SpamAssassin de: Filter für unerwünschte Nachrichten, der den SpamAssassin-Filter verwendet pt_BR: Filtro de spam usando SpamAssassin da: Spamfilter med SpamAssassin en_GB: Junk filter using SpamAssassin be: Фільтрацыі спаму праз SpamAssassin bg: Програма за защита от спам чрез SpamAssasin sr@latin: Filter nepoželjne poruke pomoću Ubice spama fi: Roskapostisuodatus SpamAssassinia käyttäen bs: Filter za smeće koristeći SpamAssassin ProjectLicense: LGPL Url: homepage: https://live.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasma.bluetooth Package: bluedevil Name: he: בלוטוס ca@valencia: Bluetooth ja: Bluetooth sk: Bluetooth sl: Bluetooth zh_CN: 蓝牙 C: Bluetooth fr: Bluetooth sr: Блутут uk: Bluetooth nb: Bluetooth ca: Bluetooth sv: Blåtand pa: ਬਲੂਟੁੱਥ hu: Bluetooth nl: Bluetooth zh_TW: 藍牙 nn: Bluetooth lt: Bluetooth ar: بلوتوث pl: Bluetooth ia: Bluetooth el: Bluetooth ast: Bluetooth cs: Bluetooth id: Bluetooth pt: Bluetooth gl: Bluetooth es: Bluetooth et: Bluetooth eu: Bluetooth ro: Bluetooth ru: Bluetooth sr@ijekavianlatin: Bluetooth tr: Bluetooth da: Bluetooth ko: 블루투스 it: Bluetooth sr@ijekavian: Блутут de: Bluetooth pt_BR: Bluetooth en_GB: Bluetooth sr@latin: Bluetooth fi: Bluetooth bs: Blutut Summary: he: שליטה ומצב הבלוטוס ca@valencia: Estat i control del Bluetooth zh_CN: 蓝牙状态和控制 sk: Stav a ovládanie Bluetooth sl: Stanje Bluetootha in nadzor C: Bluetooth status and control fr: État et contrôle du Bluetooth sr: Стање и управљање блутутом uk: Стан Bluetooth і керування ним nb: Bluetoothstatus og styring ca: Estat i control del Bluetooth sv: Bllåtandstatus och kontroll pa: ਬਲੂਟੁੱਥ ਹਾਲਤ ਅਤੇ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ hu: Bluetooth állapot és vezérlés nl: Status en besturing van bluetooth zh_TW: 藍牙狀態與控制 nn: Status og styring for Bluetooth lt: Tinklo būsena ir kontrolė ar: حالة بلوتوث والتّحكّم بها pl: Stan i obsługa Bluetooth ia: Stato e controlo de Bluetooth el: Κατάσταση και έλεγχος Bluetooth cs: Stav a ovládání Bluetooth id: Status dan kendali bluetooth ro: Starea și controlul Bluetooth gl: Control e estado de Bluetooth es: Estado y control de Bluetooth pt: Estado e controlo do Bluetooth et: Bluetoothi olek ja juhtimine eu: Bluetooth egoera eta kontrola ru: Состояние и управление Bluetooth sr@ijekavianlatin: Stanje i upravljanje Bluetoothom tr: Bluetooth denetim ve durum izleme da: Bluetooth-status og -kontrol it: Stato e controllo del Bluetooth ko: 블루투스 상태와 제어 sr@ijekavian: Стање и управљање блутутом de: Bluetooth-Status und -steuerung pt_BR: Status e controle do Bluetooth en_GB: Bluetooth status and control sr@latin: Stanje i upravljanje Bluetoothom fi: Bluetoothin tila ja hallinta DeveloperName: C: David RoscaDink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
C: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en_CA: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
fr: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en_GB: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
hu: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
it: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
da: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
en_AU: >-Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.
DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.
Categories: - Game - AdventureGame Icon: cached: - name: freedink-dfarc_dfarc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: freedink-dfarc_dfarc.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-dmod --- Type: desktop-application ID: pdfsam.desktop Package: pdfsam Name: C: PDFsam Basic Summary: C: A tool to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF files de: Ein Werkzeug zum Trennen, Zusammenführen, Rotieren und Mischen von PDF-Dokumenten Description: de: >-PDF Split and Merge ist ein sehr einfaches, leicht bedienbares, freies, quelloffenes Hilfsprogramm, um pdf-Dateien aufzuteilen und aneinander zu hängen. Seine einfache grafische Oberfläche ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, pdf-Dateien auszuwählen, aufzuteilen und aneinander zu hängen.
sk: >-PDF Split and Merge je veľmi jednoduchý, ľahko použiteľný, slobodný, open source nástroj na rozdeľovanie a zlučovanie súborov PDF. Má jednoduché grafické rozhranie, kde používateľ môže vybrať PDF súbory a rozdeliť či zlúčiť ich.
sl: >-PDF Split and Merge je zelo enostaven, enostaven, prost, odprtokoden pripomoček za razdelitev in združevanje datotek pdf. Ima enostaven grafični vmesnik v katerem lahko uporabniki izberejo, razdelijo ali združijo datoteke pdf.
pt: >-PDF Split and Merge é um utilitário open source, livre, simples e fácil de usar para dividir e juntar ficheiros pdf. Tem uma interface gráfica simples para permitir-lhe escolher os ficheiros pdf, dividi-los ou juntá- los.
uk: >-PDF Split and Merge — дуже простий, легкий у використанні, вільний, з відкритими сирцями інструмент для розділення та об’єднання файлів pdf. Простий графічний інтерфейс дозволяє користувачу обирати pdf-файли для їх розділення або об’єднання.
C: >-PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.
en: >-PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.
cs: >-PDF Split and Merge se používá velmi snadno, navíc je svobodný a opensource. Program umí rozdělovat a spojovat soubory pdf. Má jednoduché grafické rozhraní, které uživateli umožní vybrat soubory pdf a rozdělit/spojit je.
ru: >-PDF Split and Merge -- очень простая, удобная в использовании, свободная утилита с открытым кодом для разделения и объединения pdf-файлов. Она имеет простой графический интерфейс, позволяющий пользователю выбирать pdf-файлы для обработки.
es: >-PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.
fr: >-PDF Split and Merge est un utilitaire très simple, facile à utiliser, libre pour fractionner et fusionner des fichiers pdf. Il possède une interface graphique simple pour permettre à l'utilisateur de choisir des fichiers pdf, les diviser ou les fusionner.
it: >-«PDF Split and Merge» è un'utilità estremamente semplice, facile da usare, libera e open source per suddividere e unire file pdf. Ha un'interfaccia grafica semplice per permettere all'utente di scegliere file pdf, per spezzarli o unirli.
da: >-PDF Split and Merge er et meget simpelt, nemt at bruge, frit, open source- redskab til at opdele og sammenføje pdf-filer. Det har en simpel grafisk grænseflade så brugeren kan vælge pdf-filer, opdele eller sammenføje dem.
Categories: - Office Keywords: C: - PDF - split - merge - rotate - mix Icon: cached: - name: pdfsam_pdfsam.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: pdfsam_pdfsam.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - pdfsam.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/pdf --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.ark.desktop Package: ark Name: he: Ark sk: Ark sl: Ark sr-ijekavian: Арк C: Ark fr: Ark sr: Арк uk: Ark nb: Ark pt-BR: Ark ca: Ark sv: Ark en-GB: Ark pa: ਆਕ hu: Ark nl: Ark nn: Ark lt: Ark ar: آرك pl: Ark nds: Ark ia: Ark el: Ark ca-valencia: Ark cs: Ark ast: Ark pt: Ark gl: Ark es: Ark et: Ark eu: Ark ru: Ark sr-ijekavianlatin: Ark tr: Ark zh-CN: Ark zh-TW: 檔案壓縮_Ark da: Ark it: Ark bg: Ark sr-Latn: Ark de: Ark ko: Ark bs: Ark fi: Ark Summary: he: כלי לניהול ארכיונים sk: Archivačný nástroj sl: Orodje za ravnanje z arhivi sr-ijekavian: Алатка за архивирање C: Archiving Tool fr: Outil d'archivage sr: Алатка за архивирање uk: Інструмент роботи з архівами nb: Arkiveringsverktøy pt-BR: Ferramenta de arquivamento ca: Eina d'arxivament sv: Arkiveringsverktyg en-GB: Archiving Tool pa: ਅਕਾਇਵ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਟੂਲ hu: Fájltömörítő nl: Archiefgereedschap nn: Arkiveringsverktøy lt: Archyvavimo įrankis ar: أداة أرشفة pl: Narzędzie do archiwizowania nds: Archievwarktüüch ia: Instrumento per archivar el: Εργαλείο αρχειοθέτησης ca-valencia: Eina d'arxivament cs: Archivační nástroj ast: Ferramienta d'archiváu pt: Ferramenta de Arquivo gl: Ferramenta para arquivar es: Herramienta de archivado et: Arhiivide haldamise rakendus eu: Artxibatzeko tresna ru: Архиватор файлов sr-ijekavianlatin: Alatka za arhiviranje tr: Arşivleme Aracı zh-CN: 压缩工具 zh-TW: 壓縮工具 da: Arkiveringsværktøj it: Strumento di archiviazione bg: Работа с архиви sr-Latn: Alatka za arhiviranje de: Archivprogramm ko: 압축 도구 bs: Alat za arhiviranje fi: Pakkausohjelma Description: he: >-Ark הוא יישום גרפי לדחיסה וחילוץ ארכיונים עם תמיכה בפורמטים שונים, כולל tar, gzip, bzip2, rar ו־zip, כמו כן בקובצי תמונת דיסק. Ark משומש לדפדוף, חילוץ, יצירה ושינוי ארכיונים.
Ark je grafický nástroj na kompresiu a dekompresiu súborov s podporou pre mnoho formátov, vrátane tar, gzip bzip2, rar a zip, ako ako CD-ROM obrazy. Ark sa dá použiť na prehliadanie, rozbaľovanie vytváranie a úpravu archívov.
Ark je grafično orodje za stiskanje/razširjanje datotek, ki podpira večje število arhivov (med podprtimi so tudi tar, gzip, bzip2, rar in zip) kot tudi odtise CD-ROM. Ark lahko uporabite za brskanje po, razširjanje, ustvarjanje in spreminjanje arhivov.
Арк је графичка алатка за компресовање и декомпресовање фајлова. Подржава више формата, међу њима и: тар, гзип, бзип2, РАР, ЗИП, као и ЦД одразе. Може се користити за прегледање, распакивање, стварање и мењање архива.
Ark is a graphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, as well as CD-ROM images. Ark can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
Ark — програма з графічним інтерфейсом, призначена для стискання даних у архіви та видобування даних з архівів. Передбачено підтримку декількох форматів архівів, зокрема tar, gzip, bzip2, rar та zip, а також образів дисків. Ark можна використовувати для перегляду, видобування, створення та внесення змін до архівів.
Арк је графичка алатка за компресовање и декомпресовање фајлова. Подржава више формата, међу њима и: тар, гзип, бзип2, РАР, ЗИП, као и ЦД одразе. Може се користити за прегледање, распакивање, стварање и мењање архива.
Ark est un utilitaire graphique de compression/décompression de fichier prenant en charge de multiples formats, notamment tar, gzip, bzip2, rar et zip, ainsi que les images de CD-ROM. Ark peut être utilisé pour parcourir, extraire, créer et modifier des archives.
Fonctionnalités :
Ark er et verktøy med grafisk brukerflate, for komprimering/dekomprimering, med støtte for mange formater, deriblant tar, gzip, rar og zip, samt CD-ROM-bilder. Ark kan brukes til å bla i, pakke opp, opprette og endre arkiver.
O Ark é um utilitário de compressão/descompressão com o suporte a diversos formatos, incluindo tar, gzip, bzip2, rar e zip, assim como imagens de CD-ROM. O Ark pode ser usado para navegar, extrair, criar e modificar esses arquivos.
Ark är ett grafiskt verktyg för komprimering och uppackning av filer med stöd för flera format, inklusive tar, gzip, bzip2, rar och zip, samt cd-rom avbilder. Ark kan användas för att bläddra i, packa upp, skapa och ändra arkiv.
L'Ark és una utilitat gràfica de compressió/descompressió de fitxers que admet múltiples formats, incloent-hi tar, gzip, bzip2, rar i zip, i també imatges de CD-ROM. L'Ark es pot utilitzar per explorar, extreure, crear, i modificar arxius.
Ark is a graphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, as well as CD-ROM images. Ark can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
Az Ark egy grafikus fájltömörítő és kibontó segédprogram többféle formátum támogatásával, beleértve a tar, gzip, bzip2, rar és zip formátumokat, valamint a CD-ROM képfájlokat. Az Ark használható archívumok böngészéséhez, kibontásához, létrehozásához és módosításához.
Ark is een grafisch hulpmiddel om bestanden te comprimeren/uit te pakken met ondersteuning van meerdere formaten, inclusief tar, gzip, bzip2, rar en zip, evenals cd-ROM images. Ark kan gebruikt worden om door archieven te bladeren, deze uit te pakken, te maken en te wijzigen.
Ark 是图形文件压缩和解压工具,支持多种格式,包括 tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip 以及 CD-ROM 镜像。Ark 可以用来浏览、解压、创建和修改压缩包。
L'Ark és una utilitat gràfica de compressió/descompressió de fitxers que admet múltiples formats, incloent-hi tar, gzip, bzip2, rar i zip, i també imatges de CD-ROM. L'Ark es pot utilitzar per explorar, extreure, crear, i modificar arxius.
آرك أداة رسوميّة لضغط وفكّ ضغط الملفات مع دعم لصيغ متعدّدة، منها tar، وgzip، وbzip2، وrar، وzip، إضافة إلى صور الأقراص الضوئيّة. يمكن استخدام آرك لتصفح، واستخراج، وإنشاء، وتعديل الأرشيفات.
Ark jest graficznym narzędziem do pakowania/rozpakowywania plików wraz z obsługą różnych formatów, włączając w to tar, gzip, bzip2, rar oraz zip, a także obrazy CD-ROM. Programu Ark można używać do przeglądania, tworzenia, zmieniania oraz wydobywania z archiwów
Ark is en graafsch Komprimeer- un Dekomprimeerwarktüüch, dat en Barg Formaten ünnerstütten deit. Dor sünd tar, gzip, bzip2, rar un zip bi, un ok CD-ROM-Afbiller. Mit Ark kannst Du Archiven dörkieken, opstellen un ännern un Dateien dor ruttrecken.
Ark je grafička alatka za kompresovanje i dekompresovanje fajlova. Podržava više formata, među njima i: tar, gzip, bzip2, RAR, ZIP, kao i CD odraze. Može se koristiti za pregledanje, raspakivanje, stvaranje i menjanje arhiva.
Το Ark είναι ένα γραφικό εργαλείο συμπίεσης/αποσυμπίεσης αρχείων με υποστήριξη για πολλούς τύπους αποθήκευσης, όπως tar, gzip, bzip2, rar και zip, καθώς επίσης και εικόνες CD-ROM. To Ark χρησιμεύει για την περιήγηση, εξαγωγή, δημιουργία και τροποποίηση αρχειοθηκών.
Ark ye una utilidá gráfica des/compresora de ficheros con sofitu pa formatos múltiples, incluyendo tar, gzip, bzip2, rar amás d'imáxenes de discu. Ark pue usase pa restolar, estrayer, crear y modificar archivos.
Ark je grafický nástroj pro kompresi/dekompresi souborů s podporou formátů jako je tar, gzip, bzip2, rar a zip a obrazů disků CD-ROM. Ark lze použít k prohlížení, rozbalování a úpravám archivů.
Ark er eit grafisk filkomprimerings- og dekomprimeringsverktøy med støtte for ulike format, blant anna tar, gzip, bzip2, rar, zip og CD-ROM-bilete. Det kan brukast til å sjå gjennom, pakka ut, laga eller endra filarkiv.
O Ark é um utilitário de compressão/descompressão com o suporte para diversos formatos, incluindo o 'tar', 'gzip', 'bzip2', 'rar' e 'zip', assim como imagens de CD-ROM. O Ark pode ser usado para navegar, extrair, criar e modificar esses pacotes.
Ark é unha ferramenta gráfica de compresión e descompresión de ficheiros compatíbel con múltiplos formatos, como «tar», «gzip», «bzip2», «rar» e «zip», así como imaxes de CD-ROM. Ark pode usarse para navegar, extraer, crear e modificar arquivos.
Ark es una utilidad gráfica de compresión y descompresión de archivos que permite usar diversos formatos, como tar, gzip, bzip2, rar y zip, así como imágenes de CD-ROM. Ark se puede usar para explorar, extraer, crear y modificar archivos comprimidos.
Ark on graafiline failide tihendamise ehk kokkupakkimise ja nende lahtipakkimise tööriist, mis toetab väga paljusid vorminguid, sealhulgas tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, samuti CD-ROM-i tõmmised. Arki abil saab arhiivifaile sirvida, lahti pakkida, luua ja muuta.
Ark fitxategien konprimatze-lanetarako utilitate grafiko bat da formatu ugari onartzen dituena, hauen artean tar, gzip, bzip2, rar eta zip, baita CD-ROM irudiak ere. Ark erabili daiteke artxiboak arakatu, erauzi, sortu eta aldatzeko.
Ark — графическая утилита для упаковки и распаковки файлов, поддерживающая множество форматов архивов, включая TAR, GZIP, BZip2, RAR, ZIP и образы компакт-дисков. Ark позволяет просматривать, распаковывать, создавать и редактировать архивы.
Ark; tar, gzip, bzip2, rar ve zip dosyalarının yanında CD-ROM kalıplarını da destekleyen grafiksel bir dosya sıkıştırma/açma yardımcısıdır. Ark arşivlerde gezinmek, arşiv ayıklamak, oluşturmak ve değiştirmek için kullanılabilir.
Ark 是一套圖形介面的檔案壓縮/解壓縮工具,支援多種格式,包括 tar, gzip, bzip2, rar 與 zip 等,還有 CD-ROM 映像檔等。Ark 有瀏覽、解開、建立與變更壓縮檔的功能。
Ark er et grafisk værktøj til komprimering/dekomprimering, med understøttelse for flere formater, derunder tar, gzip, bzip2, rar og zip, såvel som cd-rom-imagefiler. Ark kan bruges til at gennemse, udtrække, oprette og redigere.
Ark è uno strumento grafico per la compressione/decompressione dei file che supporta molti formati, tra i quali tar, gzip, bzip2, rar e zip, così come le immagini dei CD-ROM. Ark può essere utilizzato per sfogliare, estrarre, creare e modificare archivi.
Ark е графичен инструмент за архивиране/разархивиране, поддържащ множество формати, включително tar, gzip, bzip2, rar и zip, както и образи на CD-ROM. Ark може да се използва за разглеждане, извличане, създаване и променяне на архиви.
Ark je grafička alatka za kompresovanje i dekompresovanje fajlova. Podržava više formata, među njima i: tar, gzip, bzip2, RAR, ZIP, kao i CD odraze. Može se koristiti za pregledanje, raspakivanje, stvaranje i menjanje arhiva.
Ark ist ein grafisches Dienstprogramm zum Packen/Entpacken von Dateien mit Unterstützung für mehrere Formate wie tar, gzip, bzip2, rar, zip und auch CD-Abbilder. Mit Ark können Sie können Sie Archive durchsehen, entpacken, erstellen und bearbeiten.
Ark는 그래픽 압축 파일 관리 도구이며, tar, gzip, bzip2, rar, zip, CD-ROM 이미지를 포함한 여러 파일 형식을 지원합니다. Ark를 사용하여 압축 파일을 열고, 생성하고, 수정하고, 압축을 풀 수 있습니다.
Ark je grafički alat za kompresiju/dekompresiju s podrškom za više formata, uključujući tar, gzip, bzip2, rar i zip, kao i CD-ROM slike. Ark se može koristiti za kreiranje, izdvjanje i modifikaciju arhiva.
Ark on graafinen tiedostojen pakkaus-/purkuohjelma, joka tukee useita tiedostomuotoja kuten tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip sekä myös CD-ROM-levykuvia. Arkilla voi selata, purkaa, luoda ja muuttaa arkistoja.
Ceci est le composant client de Quassel. Un client IRC moderne, multi- plateforme, distribué, ce qui signifie qu'un (ou plusieurs) client(s) peuvent s'attacher et se détacher de ce noyau central. C'est un peu comme la combinaison populaire de l'écran et d'un client IRC en mode texte tels que WeeChat, mais graphique.
Ce paquet fournit seulement le composant client de Quassel. Si vous avez besoin d'exécuter le composant noyau/serveur sur votre machine locale installez le paquet « quassel » à la place.
tr: >-Bu, Quassel'in istemci bileşenidir. Modern, çapraz platformlı, dağıtılmış IRC istemcisi (bir (veya birden fazla) istemcinin bu merkez çekirdeğe eklenebilir çıkartılabilmesi demektir). WeeChat gibi yaygın kullanılan metin tabanlı IRC istemcisi ve görsel tabanlı istemcilerin birleşimidir ancak grafikseldir.
Bu paket sadece Quassel istemci bileşenini sağlar. Eğer çekirdek/sunucu bileşenini yerel makinenizde çalıştırmanız gerekiyorsa, bunun yerine 'quassel' paketini kurun.
C: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides only the client component.
en: >-Quassel is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.
This package provides only the client component.
Categories: - Network - Chat - IRCClient Icon: cached: - name: quassel-client_quassel.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quassel-client_quassel.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quassel --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.kde.kinfocenter Package: kinfocenter Name: he: מרכז המידע ca@valencia: Centre d'informació zh_CN: 信息中心 sk: Informačné centrum sl: Podatkovno središče C: Info Center fr: Centre d'informations sr: Инфоцентар uk: Центр інформації ca: Centre d'informació sv: Informationscentral hu: Rendszerinformáció nl: Informatiecentrum zh_TW: 資訊中心 nn: Informasjonssenter lt: Info centras ar: مركز المعلومات pl: Ośrodek informacji ia: Centro de Info el: Κέντρο πληροφοριών cs: Informační centrum id: Info Center gl: Centro de información pt: Centro de Informações es: Centro de información et: Infokeskus eu: Info-gunea ru: Информация о системе sr@ijekavianlatin: Infocentar tr: Bilgi Merkezi da: Infocenter it: Centro delle informazioni ko: 정보 센터 sr@ijekavian: Инфоцентар de: Infozentrum pt_BR: Centro de Informações en_GB: Info Centre sr@latin: Infocentar fi: Infokeskus Summary: ca@valencia: Resum centralitzat i pràctic de la informació del sistema zh_CN: 中心化和方便的系统信息展示 sk: Centralizovaný a pohodlný prehľad systémových informácií sl: Priročen pregled številnih podatkov o sistemu C: Centralized and convenient overview of system information fr: Aperçu centralisé et pratique des informations système sr: Централизован и удобан преглед системских података uk: Централізований та зручний огляд усіх даних щодо системи ca: Resum centralitzat i pràctic de la informació del sistema sv: Centraliserad och bekväm översikt av systeminformation hu: A rendszerjellemzők központosított és kényelmes áttekintése nl: Gecentraliseerd en prettig overzicht van systeeminformatie zh_TW: 集中且方便的系統資訊總覽 nn: Sentralisert og praktisk oversikt over systeminformasjon lt: Vienoje vietoje suprantamai pateikiama sistemos informacija ar: نظرة عامّة ومركزيّة على معلومات النّظام pl: Scentralizowany i wygodny przegląd informacji systemowych el: Συγκεντρωτική και βολική σύνοψη των πληροφοριών συστήματος id: Ikhtisar informasi sistem yang terpusat dan serasi pt: Visão geral centralizada e conveniente da informação do sistema gl: Resumo centralizado e cómodo de información do sistema. es: Resumen centralizado y práctico de información sobre el sistema et: Mugav tsentraliseeritud süsteemi teabe ülevaade eu: Sistemaren informazioaren bilgune eta ikuspegi praktikoa ru: Централизованный и удобный просмотр информации о системе sr@ijekavianlatin: Centralizovan i udoban pregled sistemskih podataka tr: Sistem bilgisinin merkezi ve uygun özeti sr@ijekavian: Централизован и удобан преглед системских података it: Riepilogo centralizzato e comodo delle informazioni di sistema ko: 시스템 정보를 한 눈에 보기 da: Centraliseret og bekvem oversigt over systeminformation de: Zentrale Übersicht über Systeminformationen pt_BR: Resumo centralizado e conveniente das informações do sistema en_GB: Centralised and convenient overview of system information sr@latin: Centralizovan i udoban pregled sistemskih podataka fi: Järjestelmätietojen keskitetty ja mukava yleisnäkymä Description: sk: >-KInfoCenter vám poskytuje centralizovaný a pohodlný prehľad vášho systému a pracovného prostredia.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
C: >-The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
en: >-The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
en_CA: >-The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
en_GB: >-The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
it: >-kinfocenter fornisce una panoramica centralizzata e comoda del sistema e dell'ambiente desktop.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
da: >-Kinfocenter tilbyder dig et centraliseret og nemt overblik over dit system og skrivebordsmiljø.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
en_AU: >-The kinfocenter provides you with a centralized and convenient overview of your system and desktop environment.
The information center is made up of multiple modules. Each module is a separate application, but the information center organizes all of these programs into a convenient location.
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: kinfocenter_hwinfo.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: kinfocenter_hwinfo.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: kinfocenter_hwinfo.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: hwinfo remote: - url: org/kde/kinfocenter/C5F1D340EFA20BE4E29C15747C27E23C/icons/128x128/kinfocenter_hwinfo.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.kinfocenter.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: jftp.desktop Package: jftp Name: C: JFTP Summary: C: Java GUI client for FTP, SMB, SFTP and NFS Description: de: >-JFtp ist ein grafischer, in Java geschriebener Client für Netzwerk- und Dateiübertragungen. Er unterstützt FTP über seine eigene FTP-Schnittstelle und verschiedene andere Protokolle wie SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP und Datei-E/A über Programmierschnittstellen Dritter. Er enthält viele fortgeschrittene Eigenschaften wie rekursiven Verzeichnis-Up/Download, Durchsuchen von FTP- Servern während Dateien übertragen werden, FTP-Wiederaufnahme und -Warteschlangen, Durchsuchen des LAN nach Windows-Freigaben und mehr. Zu jeder Zeit können mehrere Verbindungen bestehen, die wie bei Mozilla in Reitern angezeigt werden.
sl: >-JFtp je grafični Java odjemalec omrežja in prenosa datotek. Podpira FTP z uporabo lastnega API FTP in različnih drugih protokolov kot so SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP in V/I datotek z uporabo API-jev tretjih oseb. Vključuje veliko naprednih zmožnosti kot so rekurziven prejem/pošiljanje, brskanje po strežnikih FTP med prenašanjem datotek, nadaljevanje in čakalna vrsta prenosov FTP, brskanje po LANu za souporabe Windows in več. Hkrati lahko odprete več povezav v okolju brskanja z zavihku v slogu Mozilla.
ja: >-JFtp はグラフィカルな Java ネットワークおよびファイル転送クライアント です。独自の FTP API を用いて FTP およびサードパーティ製 API を用いて SMB、SFTP、NFS、HTTP、そしてファイル I/O のような様々な 他のプロトコルをサポートします。再帰的なディレクトリのアップロード/ ダウンロード、ファイル転送中の FTP サーバの閲覧、FTP のレジュームや キュー、Windows 共有向けの LAN のブラウズなどの先進的な機能が含まれます。 Mozilla ライクなタブブラウズ環境により、同時に複数の接続を開けます。
uk: >-Jftp — це графічний клієнт передачі даних мережею. Підтримка FTP реалізована за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу, а підтримку протоколів SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP та роботу з файлами — за допомогою зовнішніх інтерфейсів. Він має багато гарних можливостей, наприклад, рекурсивне відправлення/завантаження, роботу з FTP-сервером під час передачі файлів, продовження та створення черг завантажень з FTP, перегляд локальної мережі в пошуках спільних тек Windows, тощо. Може створювати по декілька з'єднань одразу за допомогою подібного до Mozilla інтерфейсу з вкладками.
C: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
en: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
en_CA: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
ru: >-JFTP — это графический клиент, написанный на Java, для передачи файлов по сети. Он поддерживает протокол FTP через собственный программный интерфейс FTP, а также другие протоколы, например, SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP и файловый ввод/вывод через сторонние программные интерфейсы. Включает в себя такие функции как пересылка вложенных каталогов, обзор FTP серверов во время передачи файлов, возобновление загрузки и очереди передачи, просмотр доступных в локальной сети ресурсов Windows и прочее. Возможна одновременная работа с несколькими соединениями (вкладки в стиле Mozilla).
gl: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
fr: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
en_GB: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
it: >-JFtp è un client grafico Java per la rete e il trasferimento file. Gestisce FTP usando la propria API FTP e diversi protocolli come SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP e I/O di file usando API di terze parti. Include molte funzionalità avanzate come lo s/caricamento ricorsivo di directory, navigazione di server FTP mentre i file vengono trasferiti, ripresa e accodamento di FTP, navigazione della LAN di condivisioni Windows e altro. Si possono aprire contemporaneamente più connessioni in un ambiente di navigazione a schede stile Mozilla.
da: >-JFtp er en grafisk Javanetværks- og filoverførselsklient. Den understøtter FTP med brug af sin egen FTP API og forskellige andre protokoller såsom SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP og fil I/O via tredjeparts API'er. Den inkluderer mange avancerede funktioner såsom rekursiv mappeoverførsel/mappehentning, gennemse FTP-servere under overførsel af filer, FTP-genoptagelse og kø, gennemse LAN'et for Windowsdelinger med mere. Flere forbindelser kan være åbne ad gangen i et Mozillalignende fanebladsmiljø.
en_AU: >-JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.
Categories: - Java - Network - FileTransfer Keywords: C: - ftp - smb - sftp - nfs - file - transfer - browser - network Icon: cached: - name: jftp_jftp.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - jftp.desktop --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.plasmoidviewershell Package: plasma-sdk Name: ca@valencia: Intèrpret d'ordres del visor de plasmoides zh_CN: Plasmoid 查看器外壳 sk: PlasmoidViewerShell sl: PlasmoidViewerShell C: PlasmoidViewerShell fr: Interpréteur PlasmoidViewer sr: Шкољка приказивача плазмоида uk: Оболонка перегляду плазмоїдів sv: Plasmoid-visningsskal ca: Intèrpret d'ordres del visor de plasmoides hu: PlasmoidViewerShell nl: PlasmoidViewerShell zh_TW: PlasmoidViewerShell nn: PlasmoidViewerShell pl: Powłoka przeglądarki plazmoidów el: PlasmoidViewerShell id: PlasmoidViewerShell pt: Consola do PlasmoidViewer gl: Shell do visor de plasmoides es: Entorno de vista de plasmoides et: PlasmoidViewerShell eu: PlasmoidViewerShell ru: Оболочка PlasmoidViewer tr: PlasmoidViewerShell sr@ijekavianlatin: Školjka prikazivača plazmoida sr@ijekavian: Шкољка приказивача плазмоида it: PlasmoidViewerShell ko: PlasmoidViewerShell da: PlasmoidViewerShell de: PlasmoidViewerShell pt_BR: Console do PlasmoidViewer en_GB: PlasmoidViewerShell sr@latin: Školjka prikazivača plazmoida fi: PlasmoidViewerShell Summary: ca@valencia: Intèrpret d'ordres del visor de plasmoides zh_CN: Plasmoid 查看器外壳 sk: Shell PlasmoidViewer sl: Lupina PlasmoidViewer C: PlasmoidViewer Shell fr: Interpréteur PlasmoidViewer sr: Шкољка приказивача плазмоида uk: Оболонка перегляду плазмоїдів sv: Plasmoid-visningsskal ca: Intèrpret d'ordres del visor de plasmoides hu: PlasmoidViewer felület nl: Shell van PlasmoidViewer zh_TW: Plasmoid 檢視器殼層 nn: PlasmoidViewer-skal pl: Powłoka przeglądarki plazmoidów el: Κέλυφος PlasmoidViewer id: Shell PenampilPlasmoid pt: Consola do PlasmoidViewer gl: Shell do visor de plasmoides es: Entorno de vista de plasmoides et: PlasmoidVieweri shell eu: PlasmoidViewer-Shell ru: Оболочка просмотра виджетов Plasma tr: PlasmoidViewer Kabuğu sr@ijekavianlatin: Školjka prikazivača plazmoida sr@ijekavian: Шкољка приказивача плазмоида it: PlasmoidViewer Shell ko: PlasmoidViewer 셸 da: PlasmoidViewer-skal de: PlasmoidViewer-Shell pt_BR: Console do PlasmoidViewer en_GB: PlasmoidViewer Shell sr@latin: Školjka prikazivača plazmoida fi: PlasmoidViewer-kuori DeveloperName: C: Marco MartinSépia umožňuje umelcom a vývojárom prezrieť a vybrať ikony. Sépia sa pokúsi presne vykresliť ikony, ako by vyzerali v aplikácii. To umožňuje filtrovať na základe kategórií a mien. Sépia nie je univerzálny nástroj, ale zameraný na prípady pre umelcov a vývojárov. Cutlefish tiež poskytuje plugin pre Kate a KDevelop ktoré sa dajú použiť ako výber ikony.
sl: >-Cuttlefish omogoča predogled in izbor ikon za umetnike in razvijalce. Cuttlefish poskuša izrisati ikone točno tako, kot bi izgledale v programu. Ikone lahko filtrirate po kategoriji in imenu. Cuttlefish ni splošno orodje, ampak je uporabno le za določene primere uporabe umetnikov in razvijalcev. Cuttlefish ponuja tudi vstavek za Kate in KDevelop, ki omogoča izbor ikon.
sr-ijekavian: >-Катлфиш омогућава графичарима и програмерима да прегледају и бирају иконице. Намера је да иконице буду рендероване тачно онако како би се виделе у неком програму. Могуће је филтрирање на основу категорија и имена. Катлфиш није алатка опште намене, већ је намењен потребама графичара и програмера. Приложен је и прикључак за Кејт и К‑девелоп који служи као бирач иконица.
C: >-Cuttlefish allows artists and developers to preview and pick icons. Cuttlefish attempts to render the icons exactly as they would look drawn in the application. It allows to filter based on category and name. Cuttlefish is not a general-purpose tool, but geared towards artists' and developers' use-cases. Cuttlefish also provides a plugin for Kate and KDevelop to be used as icon picker.
uk: >-Cuttlefish надає змогу художникам і розробникам попередньо переглядати і вибирати піктограми. У Cuttlefish зроблено спробу показати піктограми точно так, як вони виглядатимуть у програмі. Передбачено можливість фільтрувати списки за категорією і назвою. Cuttlefish не є інструментом загального призначення: програму призначено лише для потреб художників і розробників. У Cutlefish також передбачено додаток для Kate і KDevelop, яким можна скористатися для вибору піктограм.
sr: >-Катлфиш омогућава графичарима и програмерима да прегледају и бирају иконице. Намера је да иконице буду рендероване тачно онако како би се виделе у неком програму. Могуће је филтрирање на основу категорија и имена. Катлфиш није алатка опште намене, већ је намењен потребама графичара и програмера. Приложен је и прикључак за Кејт и К‑девелоп који служи као бирач иконица.
fr: >-Cuttlefish permet aux artistes et développeurs d'afficher et choisir de icônes. Cuttlefish tente de rendre les icônes exactement comme elles apparaîtraient dessinées dans l'application. Il permet un filtrage par catégorie et par nom. Cuttlefish n'est pas un outil générique, mais orienté pour les cas d'utilisation des artistes et developpeurs. Cuttlefish offre aussi des modules pour Kate et KDevelop pour être utilisé pour choisir des icônes.
pt-BR: >-O Cuttlefish permite a artistas e desenvolvedores visualizar e escolher ícones. O Cuttlefish tenta renderizar os ícones da mesma forma que eles serão desenhados no aplicativo. Ele permite filtrar baseado na categoria e nome. O Cuttlefish não é uma ferramenta de propósito geral, mas destinado ao uso de artistas e desenvolvedores. O Cuttlefish também fornece um plug-in para Kate e KDevelop para ser usado como seletor de ícone.
sv: >-Cuttlefish låter grafiker och utvecklare förhandsgranska och välj ikoner. Cuttlefish försöker återge ikonerna exakt som de skulle se ut när de ritas i programmet. Det tillåter filtrering baserat på kategori och namn. Cuttlefish är inte ett verktyg för allmänt bruk, utan inriktat på grafikers och utvecklares användarfall. Cuttlefish tillhandahåller också ett insticksprogram för Kate och KDevelop att användas som ikonväljare.
ca: >-El Cuttlefish permet als artistes i als desenvolupadors previsualitzar i seleccionar icones. El Cuttlefish intenta representar les icones exactament com es dibuixaran a l'aplicació. Permet filtrar segons la categoria i el nom. El Cuttlefish no és una eina de propòsit general, sinó destinada als casos d'ús d'artistes i desenvolupadors. El Cuttlefish també proporciona un connector pel Kate i el KDevelop per ser usat com a selector d'icones.
en-GB: >-Cuttlefish allows artists and developers to preview and pick icons. Cuttlefish attempts to render the icons exactly as they would look drawn in the application. It allows to filter based on category and name. Cuttlefish is not a general-purpose tool, but geared towards artists' and developers' use-cases. Cuttlefish also provides a plugin for Kate and KDevelop to be used as icon picker.
nl: >-Cuttlefish biedt artiesten en ontwikkelaars om pictogrammen te kiezen en te bekijken. Cuttlefish probeert de pictogrammen exact weer te geven zoals ze er uit zouden zien in de toepassing. Het biedt filtering gebaseerd op categorie en naam. Cuttlefish is geen hulpmiddel voor algemeen gebruik, maar is toegespitst op gebruik door artiesten en ontwikkelaars. Cuttlefish biedt ook een plug-in voor Kate en KDevelop om te worden gebruikt als kiezer voor pictogrammen.
zh-CN: >-Cuttlefish 允许艺术家和开发者预览和选择图标。 Cuttlefish 尝试精确按程序中的方式渲染图标。它允许按分类和名称过滤。 Cuttlefish 不是一个面向一般使用的工具,而是为艺术家和开发者使用设计 的工具。Cuttlefish 也提供了 Kate 和 KDevelop 的图标选择器插件。
ca-valencia: >-El Cuttlefish permet als artistes i als desenvolupadors previsualitzar i seleccionar icones. El Cuttlefish intenta representar les icones exactament com es dibuixaran a l'aplicació. Permet filtrar segons la categoria i el nom. El Cuttlefish no és una eina de propòsit general, sinó destinada als casos d'ús d'artistes i desenvolupadors. El Cuttlefish també proporciona un connector pel Kate i el KDevelop per ser usat com a selector d'icones.
pl: >-Cuttlefish daje artystom i programistom podgląd i możliwość wyboru ikon. Cuttlefish wyświetla ikony dokładnie tak jak będą one wyświetlane w aplikacji. Umożliwia filtrowanie na podstawie kategorii i nazwy. Cuttlefish nie jest narzędziem ogólnego przeznaczenia, lecz przystosowanym do pracy artystów i programistów. Cuttlefish dostarcza także wtyczki dla Kate oraz KDevelop.
sr-ijekavianlatin: >-Cuttlefish omogućava grafičarima i programerima da pregledaju i biraju ikonice. Namera je da ikonice budu renderovane tačno onako kako bi se videle u nekom programu. Moguće je filtriranje na osnovu kategorija i imena. Cuttlefish nije alatka opšte namene, već je namenjen potrebama grafičara i programera. Priložen je i priključak za Kate i KDevelop koji služi kao birač ikonica.
nn: >-Cuttlefish lèt kunstnarar og utviklarar sjå gjennom og velja ikon. Cuttlefish prøver å visa ikona akkurat slik dei vert viste i programma. Du kan òg filtrera på kategori eller namn. Cuttlefish er ikkje eit vanleg sluttbrukarprogram, men er retta mot kunstnarar og utviklarar. Det har òg Kate- og KDevelop-tillegg for veljing av ikon.
id: >-Cuttlefish membolehkan artis dan developer untuk mempratinjau dan menukil ikon-ikon. Cuttlefish mencoba untuk merender ikon dengan benar sebagaimana mereka terlihat di dalam aplikasi. Hal itu memungkinkan untuk memfilter berdasarkan pada kategori dan nama. Cuttlefish bukanlah sebuah alat pada umumnya, tetapi diarahkan untuk kegunaan oleh para artis dan developer. Cuttlefish juga menyediakan sebuah plugin untuk Kate dan KDevelop yang digunakan sebagai penukil ikon (icon picker).
pt: >-O Cuttlefish permite aos artistas e programadores fazerem uma antevisão e selecção de ícones. O Cuttlefish tenta desenhar os ícones exactamente como iriam aparecer na aplicação. Permite filtrar com base na categoria e no nome. O Cuttlefish não é uma ferramenta de uso geral, mas destinada aos casos de uso dos artistas e programadores. O Cuttlefish também oferece um 'plugin' para o Kate e KDevelop para ser usado como selector de ícones.
gl: >-Cuttlefish permite que artistas e desenvolvedores observen e seleccionen iconas. Cuttlefish intenta mostrar as iconas tal e como aparecerían nun aplicativo. Permite filtrar por nome e por categoría. Cuttlefish non é unha ferramentas de uso xeral, senón que está pensada especificamente para casos de uso de artistas e desenvolvedores. Cuttlefish tamén fornece un complemento para usalo como selector de iconas en Kate e KDevelop.
es: >-Cuttlefish permite a los artistas y a los desarrolladores obtener vistas previas de iconos y seleccionarlos. Cuttlefish trata de visualizar los iconos tal y como se verían en la aplicación. Permite filtrarlos por su categoría y por su nombre. Cuttlefish no es una herramienta de uso general, ya que está pensada para que la usen artistas y desarrolladores. Cuttlefish también proporciona un complemento para Kate y para KDevelop que se puede usar como selector de iconos.
et: >-Cuttlefish annab kunstnikele ja arendajatele võimaluse näha ikoonide eelvaatlust ja neid siis enda tarbeks välja valida. Cuttlefish püüab ikoone näidata täpselt sellisena, nagu need oleksid näha vastavas rakenduses. Ikoone on võimalik filtreerida kategooria ja nime järgi. Cuttlefish ei ole nii-öelda tavakasutajale mõeldud rakendus, vaid sihtrühmana nähakse eelkõige kunstnikke ja arendajaid. Samuti pakub Cuttlefish Katele ja KDevelopile pluginat, mida saab kasutada ikoonide valimiseks.
eu: >-Cuttlefish-ek artista eta garatzaileei ikonoak aurreikusi eta hautatzen uzten die. Cuttlefish saiatzen da ikonoak errendatzen aplikazioan marraztuta izango luketen itxura zehatzarekin. Kategoria eta izenetan oinarrituta iragazten uzten du. Cuttlefish ez da xede-orokorreko tresna bat, artisten eta garatzaileen erabilera-kasuetara bideratutakoa baizik. Cuttlefish-ek gainera Kate eta KDevelope-rentzako ikono hautatzaile gisa erabilia izateko plugin bat hornitzen du.
ru: >-Cuttlefish — инструмент просмотра и отбора значков для художников и разработчиков.Cuttlefish показывает значки именно так, как они будут выглядеть в приложении. В Cuttlefish реализован поиск и фильтрации списка значков по имени и категории. Кроме того, в программный пакет Cuttlefish входит расширение для текстового редактора Kate и в среды разработки KDevelop, добавляющее в эти редакторы функционал выбора значков.
tr: >-Cuttlefish, sanatçıların ve geliştiricilerin simgeleri önizlemelerini ve seçmelerini sağlar. Cuttlefish, simgeleri uygulamada çizilmiş gibi görünür hale getirmeye çalışır. Kategori ve isim temelinde filtrelemeye izin verir. Cuttlefish genel amaçlı bir araç değil, aynı zamanda sanatçıların ve geliştiricilerin kullanımına yöneliktir. Cuttlefish aynı zamanda Kate ve KDevelop için simge seçici olarak kullanılmak üzere bir eklenti de sunmaktadır.
zh-TW: >-Cuttlefish 讓藝術家與開發者可以預覽並挑選圖示。Cuttlefish 會盡量將圖示顯示為在應用程式裡時的樣子。它也可使用類別或名稱來過濾。Cuttlefish 並不是一個通用的工具,它是專為藝術家與開發者的需求設計。Cuttlefish 也提供一份給 Kate 與KDevelop 使用的外掛程式,讓它們也可以用於挑選圖示。
sr-Latn: >-Cuttlefish omogućava grafičarima i programerima da pregledaju i biraju ikonice. Namera je da ikonice budu renderovane tačno onako kako bi se videle u nekom programu. Moguće je filtriranje na osnovu kategorija i imena. Cuttlefish nije alatka opšte namene, već je namenjen potrebama grafičara i programera. Priložen je i priključak za Kate i KDevelop koji služi kao birač ikonica.
it: >-Cuttlefish permette agli artisti ed agli sviluppatori di visualizzare anteprime e scegliere icone. Cuttlefish tenta di mostrare l'icona esattamente per come apparirebbe all'interno dell'applicazione. Permette di filtrare in base alla categoria ed al nome. Cuttlefish non è uno strumento di uso generico, ma indirizzato ai casi d'uso di artisti e sviluppatori. Cuttlefish fornisce inoltre un'estensione per Kate e KDevelop che permette la selezione di icone.
ko: >-Cuttlefish에서는 아이콘을 미리 보고 선택할 수 있습니다. Cuttlefish는 아이콘을 최대한 프로그램에 표시되는 대로 그리며, 분류와 이름을 기준으로 필터링할 수 있습니다. Cuttlefish는 디자이너와 개발자의 사용 방식에 최적화되어 있으며, Kate와 KDevelop에서 아이콘 선택기로 사용할 수 있도록 플러그인을 제공합니다.
da: >-Cuttlefish lader kunstnere og udviklere forhåndsvise og vælge ikoner. Cuttlefish forsøger at rendere ikoner nøjagtig som de ville blive tegnet i programmet. Det muliggøre filtrering baseret på kategori og navn. Cuttlefish er ikke et generelt værktøj, men rettet imod kunstneres og udvikleres brugsmønstre. Cuttlefish leverer også et plugin til Kate og KDevelop til at blive brugt som ikonvælger.
de: >-Mit Cuttlefish können Designer und Entwickler eine Vorschau für Symbole anzeigen und Symbole auswählen. Die Symbole werden genauso gerendert wie sie in der Anwendung angezeigt werden. Symbole können nach Kategorie und Name gefiltert werden. Cuttlefish ist kein universelles Grafikprogramm. sondern für die Anwendungsfälle von Designer und Entwicklern gedacht. Cuttlefish stellt Module für Kate und KDevelop bereit, die zur Auswahl von Symbolen verwendet werden können.
fi: >-Cuttlefish sallii graafikoiden ja kehittäjien esikatsella ja valita kuvakkeita. Se yrittää hahmontaa kuvakkeet juuri niin kuin ne näkyisivät sovelluksessa. Kuvakkeita voi suodattaa luokan ja nimen perusteella. Cuttlefish ei ole yleistyökalu vaan suunnattu graafikoille ja kehittäjille. Se tarjoaa myös Kate- ja KDevelop-liitännäisten käytön kuvakkeiden valinnassa.
ProjectGroup: KDE ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Development - IDE Url: bugtracker: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided&product=Plasma%20SDK&component=cuttlefish Icon: cached: - name: plasma-sdk_cuttlefish.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: plasma-sdk_cuttlefish.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: plasma-sdk_cuttlefish.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: cuttlefish remote: - url: org/kde/cuttlefish.desktop/65A493AC3E79B491AA87E7EE3ED80802/icons/128x128/plasma-sdk_cuttlefish.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.kde.cuttlefish.desktop Provides: binaries: - cuttlefish Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/kde/cuttlefish.desktop/65A493AC3E79B491AA87E7EE3ED80802/screenshots/image-1_1248x707.png width: 1248 height: 707 - url: org/kde/cuttlefish.desktop/65A493AC3E79B491AA87E7EE3ED80802/screenshots/image-1_752x426.png width: 752 height: 426 - url: org/kde/cuttlefish.desktop/65A493AC3E79B491AA87E7EE3ED80802/screenshots/image-1_624x353.png width: 624 height: 353 - url: org/kde/cuttlefish.desktop/65A493AC3E79B491AA87E7EE3ED80802/screenshots/image-1_224x127.png width: 224 height: 127 source-image: url: org/kde/cuttlefish.desktop/65A493AC3E79B491AA87E7EE3ED80802/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1880 height: 1066 --- Type: desktop-application ID: mplayer.desktop Package: mplayer-gui Name: C: MPlayer Summary: es: Reproduce vídeos y música fr: Lit les films et musiques it: Riproduce filmati e musica C: Play movies and songs ca: Reproduïu vídeos i cançons de: Filme und Musik wiedergeben ja: 動画や音声のファイルを再生します Description: C: >-MPlayer plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, RealPlayer, and Win32 DLL codecs. It can also play VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, and DivX movies.
Another big feature of MPlayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but also SDL.
This package includes the GUI variant of MPlayer.
en: >-MPlayer plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, RealPlayer, and Win32 DLL codecs. It can also play VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia, and DivX movies.
Another big feature of MPlayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, but also SDL.
This package includes the GUI variant of MPlayer.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Video - Player - TV Keywords: C: - Player - Capture - Audio - Music - Song - Video - Movie - Film - Clip - DVD - VCD - CD - Disc - DVB - TV de: - Player - Wiedergabe - Capture - Mitschnitt - Audio - Musik - Lied - Video - Film - Clip - DVD - VCD - CD - Disc - Disk - DVB - TV Icon: cached: - name: mplayer-gui_mplayer.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: mplayer-gui_mplayer.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: mplayer-gui_mplayer.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: m/mp/mplayer.desktop/cc276124a31b0121ff39b506dca722a9/icons/128x128/mplayer-gui_mplayer.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: mplayer Launchable: desktop-id: - mplayer.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-cd-image - application/x-cue - application/x-mpegurl - application/mxf - application/x-netshow-channel - application/ogg - application/ram - application/vnd.adobe.flash.movie - application/vnd.apple.mpegurl - application/vnd.rn-realmedia - application/x-shockwave-flash - application/smil - audio/aac - audio/ac3 - audio/x-adpcm - audio/x-aiff - audio/AMR - audio/AMR-WB - audio/x-ape - audio/basic - audio/flac - audio/x-flac - audio/x-flac+ogg - audio/x-m4b - audio/x-matroska - audio/mp2 - audio/mp4 - audio/mpeg - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/x-ms-asx - audio/x-ms-wma - audio/x-musepack - audio/ogg - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio - audio/x-scpls - audio/x-voc - audio/x-vorbis+ogg - audio/x-wav - audio/x-wavpack - video/3gpp - video/3gpp2 - video/dv - video/x-flic - video/x-flv - video/x-matroska - video/mp2t - video/mp4 - video/mpeg - video/vnd.mpegurl - video/x-ms-asf - video/x-ms-wmv - video/x-msvideo - video/x-nsv - video/ogg - video/x-ogm+ogg - video/quicktime - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - video/x-theora+ogg - video/webm - x-content/audio-cdda - x-content/audio-dvd - x-content/video-dvd - x-content/video-svcd - x-content/video-vcd --- Type: desktop-application ID: sylpheed.desktop Package: sylpheed Name: C: Sylpheed ja: Sylpheed Summary: pl: Klient poczty elektronicznej de: E-Mail Programm ja: 電子メールクライアント C: E-Mail client uk: E-Mail клієнт ru: E-Mail клиент tr: E-Posta İstemcisi es: Cliente de correo electrónico fr: Client de messagerie électronique hu: Grafikus email kliens Description: de: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
pt_BR: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
sl: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
pt: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
uk: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
C: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
en: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
en_CA: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
ru: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
es: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
fr: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
ja: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
en_GB: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
it: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
da: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
en_AU: >-Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so. The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.
Categories: - Network - Email - News Keywords: C: - lightweight - user-friendly - keyboard-oriented - mh - imap - pop3 - nntp - japanese - plugins - gpg Icon: cached: - name: sylpheed_sylpheed.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: sylpheed_sylpheed.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - message/rfc822 - x-scheme-handler/mailto --- Type: desktop-application ID: lubuntu-nexus7-identica.desktop Package: lubuntu-nexus7-extra-files Name: de: identi.ca lt: identi.ca ms: identi.ca pl: identi.ca pt_BR: identi.ca zh_CN: identi.ca ar: identi.ca he: identi.ca C: identi.ca br: identi.ca cs: identi.ca gl: identi.ca ru: identi.ca el: identi.ca es: identi.ca et: identi.ca eu: identi.ca fr: identi.ca sr: иденти.ка ko: 아이덴티카 ca: identi.ca it: identi.ca be: identi.ca da: identi.ca Summary: de: identi.ca wird gestartet … lt: Paleidžiama identi.ca ms: Melancarkan identi.ca pl: Włączanie identi.ca pt_BR: Iniciando identi.ca zh_CN: 启动 identi.ca ar: إطلاق identi.ca he: שירות identi.ca מופעל C: Launching identi.ca br: Launching identi.ca cs: Spouštění identi.ca gl: Iniciando identi.ca ru: Запуск identi.ca el: Φόρτωση identi.ca es: Lanzando identi.ca fr: Lancement d'identi.ca eu: identi.ca abiarazten hr: Pokrećem identi.ca sr: Покрећем иденти.ку ko: 아이덴티카 실행 ca: Llançament d'identi.ca it: Sto lanciando identi.ca be: Запуск identi.ca da: Starter identi.ca Description: fr: >-Ce paquet contenu des fichiers supplémentaires pour la session Nexus7.
C: >-This package contents extra files for the nexus7 session.
en: >-This package contents extra files for the nexus7 session.
de: >-Dieses Paket enthält zusätzliche Dateien für die Nexus7-Sitzung.
Categories: - Network Icon: cached: - name: lubuntu-nexus7-extra-files_internet-web-browser.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lubuntu-nexus7-extra-files_internet-web-browser.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: internet-web-browser Launchable: desktop-id: - lubuntu-nexus7-identica.desktop --- Type: generic ID: org.kde.breezedark.desktop Package: plasma-look-and-feel-org-kde-breezedark-desktop Name: he: Breeze Dark ca@valencia: Brisa fosca zh_CN: 暗色微风 sk: Tmavý vánok sl: Sapica (temna) C: Breeze Dark fr: Brise sombre sr: Поветарац тамни uk: Breeze Dark nb: Breeze mørk ca: Brisa fosca sv: Breeze mörk hu: Breeze Dark nl: Breeze Dark zh_TW: Breeze Dark nn: Breeze mørk lt: Breeze tamsi ar: نسيم داكن pl: Ciemna bryza ia: Brisa obscure el: Σκοτεινό Breeze ast: Breeze Dark cs: Breeze Tmavé id: Breeze Dark pt: Brisa Escura gl: Breeze Dark es: Brisa oscuro et: Breeze Dark eu: Breeze Dark ro: Briză Întunecat ru: Breeze, тёмный вариант sr@ijekavianlatin: Povetarac tamni tr: Koyu Esinti da: Breeze Dark ko: 어두운 Breeze it: Brezza scuro sr@ijekavian: Поветарац тамни de: Breeze-Dunkel pt_BR: Breeze Dark en_GB: Breeze Dark sr@latin: Povetarac tamni fi: Breeze Dark bs: Breeze tamna Summary: he: שפת העיצוב Breeze Dark על ידי KDE VDG ca@valencia: Llenguatge de disseny d'escriptori Brisa fosca pel VDG del KDE zh_CN: KDE 视觉设计组设计的暗色微风桌面设计语言 sk: Breeze, tmavý dizajn pracovnej plochy od KDE VDG sl: Sapica (temna), oblikovalni jezik namizja avtorjev KDE VDG C: Breeze Dark Desktop Design Language by the KDE VDG fr: Thème sombre pour Brise, réalisé par KDE VDG sr: Језик дизајна површи Поветарац тамни од КДЕ‑ВДГ‑а uk: Мова розробки стільниці Breeze Dark, створена KDE VDG nb: Breeze Dark-språk for skrivebordsutforming fra KDE-gruppa for visuell design ca: Llenguatge de disseny d'escriptori Brisa fosca pel VDG del KDE sv: Breeze-konstruktionsspråk för mörkt skrivbord av KDE VDG hu: Breeze Dark asztali tervezőnyelv a KDE VDG-től nl: Breeze Dark ontwerptaal van het bureaublad door KDE VDG zh_TW: KDE VDG 設計的 Breeze Dark 桌面設計語言 nn: Breeze Dark-designspråk av KDE VDG ar: لغة تصميم سطح المكتب «نسيم داكن» من مجموعة تصاميم كدي المرئيّة pl: Język Projektowania Ciemnego Pulpitu Bryzy przez KDE VDG el: Γλώσσα σχεδιασμού επιφάνειας εργασίας Breeze Dark από το KDE VDG cs: Jazyk pro návrh pracovní plochy Breeze Dark od KDE VDG id: Bahasa Desain Desktop Breeze Dark oleh KDE VDG gl: Linguaxe de deseño do escritorio para Breeze Dark de KDE VDG pt: Linguagem de Desenho do Ecrã Brisa Escuro, da VDG do KDE es: Lenguaje de diseño del escritorio Breeze Dark, por el VDG de KDE et: Breeze Dark töölauakujunduse keel KDE VDG-lt eu: Breeze Dark mahaingain diseinurako lengoaia KDE VDG-k egina ru: Тёмный вариант оформления рабочей среды Breeze от KDE VDG sr@ijekavianlatin: Jezik dizajna površi Povetarac tamni od KDE VDG‑a tr: KDE VDG tarafından geliştirilen Breeze Koyu Masaüstü Tasarım Dili sr@ijekavian: Језик дизајна површи Поветарац тамни од КДЕ‑ВДГ‑а it: Breeze Dark Desktop Design Language a cura del VDG di KDE ko: KDE VDG에서 만든 어두운 Breeze 데스크톱 디자인 언어 da: Breeze Dark sprog til skrivebordsdesign af KDE VDG de: Breeze-Dunkel-Arbeitsflächendesign der KDE VDG pt_BR: Linguagem de desenho da área de trabalho Breeze Dark por KDE VDG en_GB: Breeze Dark Desktop Design Language by the KDE VDG sr@latin: Jezik dizajna površi Povetarac tamni od KDE VDG‑a fi: Työpöydän design-kieli Breeze Dark KDE VDG:ltä DeveloperName: C: KDE Visual Design GroupNiewielkie narzędzie do udzielenia szczegółowych informacji o konfiguracji sprzętowej komputera. Umożliwia tworzenie sprawozdania z dokładnej konfiguracji pamięci, wersji oprogramowania, konfiguracji płyty głównej, wersji procesora oraz jego szybkości, konfiguracji pamięci podręcznej, szybkości magistrali, itp. na systemach x86 zdolnych do współpracy z DMI, na niektórych komputerach PowerPC (znane jako PowerMac G4) oraz AMD64.
Pakiet dostarcza lshw-gtk (wersja GTK+).
de: >-Ein kleines Werkzeug, das detaillierte Informationen über die Hardwarekonfiguration des Rechners liefert. Es kann die exakte Speicherkonfiguration, Firmware-Version, Mainboardkonfiguration, CPU- Version und -Taktung, Cachekonfiguration, Busgeschwindigkeit, usw. auf DMI-fähigen x86-Systemen, einigen PowerPCs (PowerMac G4 funktioniert auch) und AMD64 anzeigen.
Dieses Paket enthält die GTK+-Version »lshw-gtk«.
zh_CN: >-一个提供关于本机硬件配置的详细信息的小工具。它可以确切报告内存配置、 固件版本、主板配置、CPU 版本和速度、缓存配置和总线速度等信息。适用 范围包括带有 DMI 功能的 x86 系统、某些 PowerPC 的机器(已知 PowerMac G4 可用)和 AMD64 的机器等。
这个软件包提供了基于 GTK+ 的图形界面支持。
pt_BR: >-Uma pequena ferramenta para fornecer informações detalhadas da configuração de hardware da máquina. Pode relatar a configuração exata de memória, versão de firmware, configuração de placa-mãe, versão e velocidade de CPU, configuração de cache, velocidade de barramento, etc. em sistemas x86 com suporte a DMI, em algumas máquinas PowerPC (sabe-se que funciona com o PowerMac G4) e em máquinas AMD64.
Este pacote fornece o lshw-gtk (a versão GTK+)
sl: >-Majhno orodje, ki zagotavlja podrobne podatke o nastavitvah strojne opreme za napravo. Poroča lahko natančno nastavitev pomnilnika, različico programske strojne opreme, nastavitev matične plošče, različico in hitrost CPE, nastavitev predpomnilnika, hitrost vodil, itd. na DMI-zmožnih sistemih x86, na nekaterih napravah PowerPC (PowerMac G4 deluje) in AMD64.
Ta paket vsebuje lshw-gtk (različica GTK+)
pt: >-Uma pequena ferramenta para fornecer informação detalhada da configuração de hardware da máquina. Pode indicar a configuração exacta da memória, versão de firmware, configuração da motherboard, versão e velocidade de CPU, configuração de cache, velocidade de bus, etc. em sistemas x86 capazes de DMI, em algumas máquinas PowerPC (sabe-se que funciona no PowerMac G4) e AMD64.
Este pacote fornece o lshw-gtk (a versão GTK+)
C: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
uk: >-Маленька утиліта, яка надає інформацію про апаратне забезпечення комп'ютера. Наприклад, про: оперативну пам'ять, версію мікропрограмного забезпечення, конфігурацію об'єднувальної плати, центральний процесор, частоту системної шини, тощо, на DMI-сумісних x86 системах, на деяких PowerPC машинах (PowerMac G4 точно підтримується) та AMD64
Цей пакунок надає lshw-gtk (версія GTK+).
en: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
ru: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
Этот пакет содержит lshw-gtk (версию для GTK+)
ja: >-マシンのハードウェア構成に関する詳細情報を提供する小さなツールです。DMI を 利用可能な x86 システム、いくつかの PowerPC マシン (PowerMac G4 は動作確認 済) や AMD64 マシン上で、正確なメモリの構成、ファームウェアバージョン、マ ザーボードの構成、CPU バージョンおよび動作速度、キャッシュの構成、バス速度 などを報告できます。
本パッケージは、(GTK+ 版の) lshw-gtk を提供します。
es: >-Una pequeña herramienta que proporciona información detallada de la configuración de hardware del equipo. Informa de la configuración exacta de la memoria, la versión de firmware, la configuración de la placa base, la versión y la velocidad del procesador, la configuración de la caché, la velocidad del bus, etc. en sistemas x86 con soporte DMI, en algunos equipos PowerPC (se sabe que con PowerMac G4 sí funciona) y en AMD64.
Este paquete provee lshw-gtk (la versión GTK+)
fr: >-Petit outil qui fournit des informations détaillées sur la configuration matérielle de la machine. Il peut rapporter la configuration exacte de la mémoire, la version du micrologiciel, la configuration de la carte-mère, la version et la vitesse du processeur, la configuration du cache, la vitesse du bus, etc, sur des systèmes x86 compatibles avec DMI, sur certaines machines PowerPC (le PowerMac G4 est connu pour fonctionner) et AMD64.
Ce paquet fournit lshw-gtk (la version GTK+).
en_CA: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
en_GB: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
it: >-Un piccolo strumento per fornire informazioni dettagliate sulla configurazione hardware della macchina. Può riportare l'esatta configurazione della memoria, la versione del firmware, la configurazione della scheda madre, la versione e la velocità della CPU, la configurazione della cache, la velocità del bus, ecc. su sistemi x86 con capacità DMI, su alcune macchine PowerPC (è noto che funziona per PowerMac) e su AMD64.
Questo pacchetto fornisce lshw-gtk (versione GTK+).
da: >-Et lille værktøj til at tilbyde detaljerede information om konfigurationen for maskinel på maskinen. Værktøjet kan rapporter præcis hukommelseskonfiguration, firmwareversion, bundkortkonfiguration, CPU- version og hastighed, konfiguration for mellemlager, bus-hastighed etc. på DMI-kapable x86-systemer, på nogle PowerPC-maskiner (PowerMac G4 vides at virke) og AMD64.
Denne pakke tilbyder lshw-gtk (GTK+-versionen).
en_AU: >-A small tool to provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration, firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems, on some PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work) and AMD64.
This package provides lshw-gtk (the GTK+ version)
Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: lshw-gtk_lshw-gtk.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lshw-gtk_lshw-gtk.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: addon ID: io.github.Hexchat.Plugin.Python2 Package: hexchat-python2 Extends: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Name: C: Python2 Plugin Summary: C: Provides a scripting interface in Python2 ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Url: homepage: https://hexchat.github.io/ --- Type: desktop-application ID: regina.desktop Package: regina-normal Name: C: Regina Summary: C: Software for low-dimensional topology Description: C: >-Regina is a software package for 3-manifold and 4-manifold topologists, with a focus on triangulations, normal surfaces and angle structures.
For 3-manifolds, it includes high-level tasks such as 3-sphere recognition, connected sum decomposition and Hakenness testing, comes with a rich database of census manifolds, and incorporates the SnapPea kernel for working with hyperbolic manifolds. For 4-manifolds, it offers a range of combinatorial and algebraic tools, plus support for normal hypersurfaces.
Regina comes with a full graphical user interface, as well as Python bindings and a low-level C++ programming interface.
This package includes the graphical user interface and the command-line Python interface. The users' handbook and the API documentation are in the separate package regina-normal-doc, and the MPI-enabled utilities for high-performance clusters are in the separate package regina-normal-mpi.
en: >-Regina is a software package for 3-manifold and 4-manifold topologists, with a focus on triangulations, normal surfaces and angle structures.
For 3-manifolds, it includes high-level tasks such as 3-sphere recognition, connected sum decomposition and Hakenness testing, comes with a rich database of census manifolds, and incorporates the SnapPea kernel for working with hyperbolic manifolds. For 4-manifolds, it offers a range of combinatorial and algebraic tools, plus support for normal hypersurfaces.
Regina comes with a full graphical user interface, as well as Python bindings and a low-level C++ programming interface.
This package includes the graphical user interface and the command-line Python interface. The users' handbook and the API documentation are in the separate package regina-normal-doc, and the MPI-enabled utilities for high-performance clusters are in the separate package regina-normal-mpi.
Categories: - Math - Education - Science Icon: cached: - name: regina-normal_regina.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: regina-normal_regina.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-regina --- Type: generic ID: de.linrunner.tlp Package: tlp Name: C: TLP Summary: C: Save battery power on laptops Description: C: >-TLP is an advanced power management tool for Linux. It comes with a default configuration already optimized for battery life. At the same time it is highly customizable to fulfil specific user requirements.
TLP supplies separate settings profiles for AC and battery power and can enable or disable bluetooth, WiFi and WWAN radio devices upon system startup.
For ThinkPads it provides a unified way to configure charging thresholds and recalibrate the battery for all models which support it (via tp-smapi or acpi-call).
TLP is a pure command line tool with automated background tasks, it does not contain a GUI.
DeveloperName: C: Thomas Koch ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - System Url: homepage: http://linrunner.de/tlp Provides: modaliases: - dmi:*:ct8:* - dmi:*:ct9:* - dmi:*:ct10:* - acpi:PNP0C0A:* --- Type: desktop-application ID: io.github.Hexchat.desktop Package: hexchat Name: cs: HexChat sv: HexChat lv: HexChat es: HexChat en_GB: HexChat pt: HexChat it: HexChat sq: HexChat fi: HexChat tr: HexChat lt: HexChat nb: HexChat fr: HexChat pl: HexChat sl: HexChat C: HexChat id: HexChat sr: ХексЧет el: HexChat de: HexChat et: HexChat ja_JP: HexChat zh_CN: HexChat pt_BR: HexChat eu: HexChat ko: 헥스채트 ca: HexChat da: HexChat ru: HexChat gl: HexChat Summary: eu: IRC bezeroa nb: IRC-klient zh_CN: IRC 客户端 pt_BR: Cliente IRC de: IRC-Client pt: Cliente IRC gl: Cliente de IRC ja_JP: IRCクライアント el: Πελάτης IRC fr: Client IRC C: IRC Client da: IRC Klient ru: IRC Клиент lt: IRC klientas sv: IRC klient ca: Client IRC sq: Klient IRC it: Client IRC es: Cliente de IRC ko: IRC 클라이언트 sl: IRC Client en_GB: IRC Client tr: IRC İstemcisi cs: IRC klient id: Klien IRC sr: ИРЦ клијент fi: IRC-asiakassovellus et: IRC klient lv: IRC klients pl: Klient IRC hu: IRC kliens Description: es: >-HexChat es un cliente de IRC fácil de usar. Le permite unirse a múltiples redes de manera segura y hablar con los usuarios en privado o en los canales usando una interfaz personalizable. Incluso puede enviar archivos.
HexChat soporta características como: DCC, SASL, proxies, autocorrector, alertas, registro automático, temas personalizados, y scripts en Python/Perl.
sv: >-HexChat är en lättanvänd men även utbyggbar IRC-klient. Den låter dig ansluta säkert till flera nätverk och prata med användare privat eller i kanaler med ett anpassningsbart utseende. Du kan till och med överföra filer.
HexChat stödjer funktioner som: DCC, SASL, proxytjänster, stavningskontroll, notifikationer, loggning, egna teman, och Python/Perl-skript.
en_GB: >-HexChat is an easy to use yet extensible IRC Client. It allows you to securely join multiple networks and talk to users privately or in channels using a customisable interface. You can even transfer files.
HexChat supports features such as: DCC, SASL, proxies, spellcheck, alerts, logging, custom themes, and Python/Perl scripts.
pt: >-O HexChat é um Cliente de IRC fácil de usar, mas também fácil de expandir. Ele permite que te juntes seguramente a várias redes e que fales com outros utilizadores em privado ou em canais através de uma interface personalizável. Se quiseres, podes até transferir ficheiros!
O HexChat suporta funcionalidades como: DCC, SASL, proxies, verificação de erros ortográficos, alertas, registos, temas personalizados, e scripts em Python/Perl.
it: >-HexChat è un client IRC semplice ed estensibile. Consente di accedere in modo sicuro a più reti e comunicare con altri utenti privatamente o nei canali usando una interfaccia personalizzabile. È inoltre possibile trasferire file.
HexChat supporta caratteristiche come: DCC, SASL, proxy, controllo ortografico, avvisi, registrazione delle conversazioni, temi personalizzati e script Python e Perl.
sq: >-HexChat-i është një klient IRC-je i lehtë për t’u përdorur, por prapëseprapë shumë i zgjerueshëm. Ju lejon të hyni në mënyrë të sigurt, në shumë rrjete njëherësh, dhe të bisedoni me përdoruesit privatisht ose në kanale, duke përdorur një ndërfaqe të personalizueshme. Mundeni madje edhe të shkëmbeni kartela.
HexChat-i mbulon veçori të tilla si: DCC, SASL, ndërmjetës, drejtshkrim, sinjalizime, regjistrim veprimtarie, tema të personalizueshme, dhe programthe Python/Perl.
fi: >-HexChat on helppokäyttäinen IRC-asiakassovellus, joka on helposti laajennettavissa. Sen avulla voit liittyä lukuisiin eri verkkoihin ja keskustella muiden kanssa kanavilla tai yksityiskeskusteluissa. Voit myös siirtää tiedostoja muiden käyttäjien kanssa.
HexChat tukee muun muassa seuraavia ominaisuuksia: DCC, SASL, välityspalvelimet, oikoluku, hälytykset, lokitus, mukautettavat teemat ja Python-/Perl-skriptit.
tr: >-HexChat kullanımı kolay ve işlevleri arttırılabilir bir IRC İstemcisidir. Kişiselleştirilebilir bir arayüz kullanarak birden fazla ağa güvenli şekilde bağlanmanızı ve kullanıcılarla özel olarak veya kanallar üzerinde sohbet etmenizi sağlar. Hatta dosya aktarımı da yapabilirsiniz.
HexChat şu özellikleri destekler: DCC, SASL, vekil sunucular, yazım denetimi, alarmlar, günlük kaydı, kişisel temalar ve Python/Perl betikleri.
lt: >-HexChat yra paprastas naudoti IRC klientas, leidžiantis jums saugiai prisijungti prie kelių tinklų, privačiai kalbėtis su atskirais naudotojais arba kanaluose, naudojant tinkinamą sąsają. Jūs netgi galite persiųsti failus.
HexChat palaiko tokias galimybes kaip: DCC, SASL, įgaliotuosius serverius, rašybos tikrinimą, signalizavimą, registravimą, tinkintas temas bei Phyton/Perl scenarijus.
nb: >-HexChat er en enkel og fleksibel IRC-klient. Den gir deg muligheten til å sikkert koble deg til nettverk, ha samtaler i kanaler eller privat med brukere, og dette med et tilpassbart grensesnitt. Du kan også utføre filoverføringer.
HexChat støtter funksjoner som: DCC, SASL, mellomtjenere, stavekontroll, varslinger, logging, tilpassbare temaer, samt Python-/Perl-skript.
et: >-HexChat on lihtne ja paljude võimalustega IRC klient. See võimaldab turvaliselt ühenduda mitme võrguda samaaegselt ja suhelda inimestega privaatselt või liituda vestluskanalitega, kasutades selleks kohandatavat rakendust. Samuti on võimalus failivahetuseks.
HexChat toetab kasutamiseks: DCC, SASL, hoiatusi, logide koguminst, kohandatud teemasid ja Python/Perl skripte.
pl: >-HexChat jest prostym, lecz dowolnie poszerzalnym klientem IRC. Pozwala na bezpieczne dołączenie do wielu sieci i rozmawianie z użytkownikami prywatnie bądź na kanałach. Można nawet przesyłać pliki.
HexChat wspiera takie funkcje, jak: DCC, SASL, serwery proxy, sprawdzanie pisowni, alerty, logi, własne motywy i skrypty w Pythonie/Perlu.
fr: >-HexChat est un client IRC facile à utiliser et extensible. Il vous permet de rejoindre en toute sécurité plusieurs réseaux et de parler à d'autres utilisateurs en privé ou dans des canaux grâce à une interface personnalisable. Vous pouvez même transférer des fichiers.
HexChat prend en charge des fonctionnalités telles que : DCC, SASL, serveurs mandataires, vérification orthographique, alertes, journalisation, thèmes personnalisés et scripts Python et Perl.
id: >-HexChat adalah klien IRC yang mudah digunakan tetapi bisa diperluas. Hal ini memungkinkan anda aman dalam bergabung ke beberapa jaringan dan berbicara ke pengguna secara pribadi atau dalam saluran dengan menggunakan antarmuka yang dapat disesuaikan. Anda bahkan dapat mentransfer berkas.
HexChat mendukung fitur seperti: DCC, SASL, proksi, periksa ejaan, peringatan, pencatatan, tema kustom, dan skrip Python/Perl.
C: >-HexChat is an easy to use yet extensible IRC Client. It allows you to securely join multiple networks and talk to users privately or in channels using a customizable interface. You can even transfer files.
HexChat supports features such as: DCC, SASL, proxies, spellcheck, alerts, logging, custom themes, and Python/Perl scripts.
cs: >-HexChat je snadno použitelný, ale rozšířitelný IRC klient. Umožňuje vám se bezpečně připojit k více sítím a psát si s lidmi soukromě nebo v kanálech pomocí přizpůsobitelného prostředí. Dokonce můžete přenášet soubory.
HexChat podporuje funkce jako DCC, SASL, brány proxy, kontrolu pravopisu, ukládání záznamů, vlastní motivy a skripty v jazycích Python nebo Perl.
de: >-HexChar ist ein einfach zu benutzender, aber dennoch erweiterbarer IRC-Client. Er erlaubt es, sicher mehreren Netzwerken beizutreten und sich mithilfe der anpassbaren Benutzerschnittstelle privat oder auch in Kanälen zu unterhalten. Sogar Dateiübertragungen sind möglich.
HexChat unterstützt Features wie: DCC, SASL, Proxies, Rechtschreibprüfung, Benachrichtigungen, Logging, Benutzerdesigns und Python/Perl-Skripte
ca: >-HexChat és un client IRC extensible i fàcil d'utilitzar. Et permet unir-te a múltiples xarxes amb seguretat i parlar amb altres usuaris en privat o en canals utilitzant una interfície personalitzable. Fins i tot pots transferir fitxers.
HexChat té suport per: DCC, SASL, proxis, correcció d'escriptura, notificacions, registre, temes personalitzats i scripts en Python o Perl.
ja_JP: >-HexChatは使いやすく、しかも拡張可能なIRCクライアントです。安全に複数のネットワークに参加でき、カスタマイズ可能なインターフェイスを使用してチャネルのユーザーと話すことが可能、さらにファイルを転送することができます。
HexChatは、次の機能をサポートしています: DCC, SASL, プロキシ, スペルチェック, アラート, カスタムテーマ, Python/Perl スクリプト
pt_BR: >-HexChat é um cliente IRC extensível e fácil de usar. Ele permite que, de forma segura, você acesse múltiplas redes e tenha conversas privadas com outros usuários ou ainda em canais públicos, tudo isso através de uma interface personalizável. Você poderá até mesmo transferir arquivos.
HexChat suporta recursos como: DCC, SASL, proxies, corretor ortográfico, alertas, registros, temas personalizados, e scripts em Python/Perl
zh_CN: >-HexChat 是一款易于使用的可扩展 IRC 客户端。它允许以安全的方式进入多个网络,与用户进行私密聊天,或者在频道中使用自定义界面,甚至还可以传送文件。
HexChat 支持以下特性: DCC、SASL、代理、拼写检查、消息提醒、聊天记录、自定义主题和 Python/Perl 脚本。
ko: >-헥스채트는 사용하기 쉽고 확장성이 뛰어난 IRC 클라이언트 입니다. 여러 네트워크에 안전하게 참여할 수 있으며, 여러분이 직접 유연하게 꾸밀 수 있는 인터페이스를 사용하여 다른 사람과 개인적으로 대화하거나 대화방에서 대화할 수 있습니다. 게다가 파일도 보낼 수 있습니다.
핵스채트는 DCC, SASL, 프록시 서버, 철자 검사, 경고, 기록, 사용자 정의 테마, 파이썬/펄 스크립트 같은 기능을 지원합니다.
da: >-HexChat er en IRC klient, der er nem at bruge, men som alligevel også kan udvides. Den tillader dig sikkert at forbinde til flere netværk og tale med brugere privat eller i kanaler ved brug af en tilpasselig grænseflade. Du kan endda overflytte filer.
HexChat understøtter funktioner som: DCC, SASL, proxyer, stavekontrol, underretninger, logning, tilpassede temaer og Python-/Perl-scripts.
ru: >-HexChat - это лёгкий в использовании, но расширяемый IRC Клиент. Он позволяет безопасно соединяться со множеством сетей и общаться с пользователями лично или на каналах, используя настраиваемый интерфейс. Вы даже можете передавать файлы.
HexChat поддерживает следующие функции: DCC, SASL, прокси, проверка орфографии, уведомления, ведение логов, настраиваемые темы и скрипты на Python/Perl.
DeveloperName: C: HexChat ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Network - IRCClient Keywords: es: - IM - Chat lv: - TZ - Tērzēšana sq: - IM - Fjalosje en_GB: - IM - Chat fi: - IM - Chat - pikaviestin - keskustelu ca: - MI - Xat it: - IM - Chat - Messaggistica Istantanea - IRC pt: - IM - Chat tr: - IM - Sohbet de: - IM - Chat fr: - IM - Chat nb: - IM - Chat pl: - IM - Chat sl: - IM - Klepet sv: - IM - Chatt el: - IM - Chat id: - IM - Obrolan sr: - ИМ - Ћаскање C: - IM - Chat lt: - IM - Pokalbiai eu: - IM - Chat - Txat pt_BR: - IM - Chat zh_CN: - IM - 聊天 ko: - IM - 인스턴트 메신저 - Chat - 대화 da: - IM - Chat ru: - IM - Чат Url: homepage: http://hexchat.github.io bugtracker: https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat translate: https://www.transifex.com/hexchat/hexchat help: https://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ donation: https://goo.gl/jESZvU Icon: cached: - name: hexchat_hexchat.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: hexchat_hexchat.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: hexchat_hexchat.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: io/github/Hexchat.desktop/02c805bb9ca29c54dee8c846360e8483/icons/128x128/hexchat_hexchat.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: hexchat Launchable: desktop-id: - io.github.Hexchat.desktop Provides: ids: - hexchat.desktop mediatypes: - x-scheme-handler/irc - x-scheme-handler/ircs Screenshots: - default: true caption: es: Ventana principal de conversación sv: Primärt chattfönster en_GB: Main Chat Window it: Finestra di chat principale sq: Dritarja Kryesore e Fjalosjeve tr: Ana Sohbet Penceresi pl: Główne okno czatu nb: Hovedsludrevinduet fr: Fenêtre de conversation principale lt: Pagrindinis pokalbių langas el: Κεντρικό Παράθυρο Συζήτησης C: Main Chat Window cs: Hlavní okno chatu de: Hauptchatfenster ca: Finestra de xat principal zh_CN: 主聊天窗口 pt_BR: Janela de Chat Principal ko: 주 대화 창 da: Primære chatvindue ru: Главное окно чата thumbnails: - url: io/github/Hexchat.desktop/02c805bb9ca29c54dee8c846360e8483/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: io/github/Hexchat.desktop/02c805bb9ca29c54dee8c846360e8483/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: io/github/Hexchat.desktop/02c805bb9ca29c54dee8c846360e8483/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: io/github/Hexchat.desktop/02c805bb9ca29c54dee8c846360e8483/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1024 height: 576 Languages: - locale: ast percentage: 63 - locale: az percentage: 38 - locale: be percentage: 59 - locale: bg percentage: 48 - locale: ca percentage: 85 - locale: cs percentage: 68 - locale: da percentage: 100 - locale: de percentage: 93 - locale: el percentage: 73 - locale: en_GB percentage: 100 - locale: es percentage: 97 - locale: et percentage: 61 - locale: eu percentage: 52 - locale: fi percentage: 71 - locale: fr percentage: 99 - locale: gl percentage: 65 - locale: gu percentage: 51 - locale: hi percentage: 50 - locale: hu percentage: 81 - locale: id percentage: 85 - locale: it percentage: 100 - locale: ja_JP percentage: 74 - locale: kn percentage: 62 - locale: ko percentage: 97 - locale: lt percentage: 75 - locale: lv percentage: 52 - locale: mk percentage: 60 - locale: ms percentage: 34 - locale: nb percentage: 100 - locale: nl percentage: 63 - locale: pa percentage: 57 - locale: pl percentage: 90 - locale: pt percentage: 90 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 93 - locale: ru percentage: 87 - locale: sk percentage: 50 - locale: sl percentage: 52 - locale: sq percentage: 99 - locale: sr percentage: 79 - locale: sr@latin percentage: 70 - locale: sv percentage: 95 - locale: th percentage: 67 - locale: tr percentage: 100 - locale: uk percentage: 62 - locale: vi percentage: 62 - locale: wa percentage: 26 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 93 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 58 Releases: - version: 2.14.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1520899200 description: C: >-This is a very minor bug-fix release:
This is largely a bug fix release though it has some large behind the scenes changes:
This is another bug fix release:
This is a minor bug fix release just cleaning up a few issues: